Today I uninstalled MS Office 2010. After doing this it informed me I had to restart Windows 8 for all changes to take affect which I did. Ever since I have not been able to get into Windows 8.
Essentially I turn on the PC, I see the HP logo, and then Windows 8 goes in an endless black flickering screen loop. I have closed the laptop and pulled the battery to see if that was the issue, but it was not. Considering it was running normally before hardware wise I believe something went wrong with Win 8.
I lack a Win 8 disc and lack a USB DVD drive regardless (laptop does not have an internal drive) and reinstalling Windows is out of the question as I have data I need on it.
I just updated my Windows 8.1 when I restarted my PC. When I was going to login, it was just a black screen. If you are in the login screen, the selected language in the right left corner and the internet connection in the left corner. Both of those two signs are flickering in the corners. And my cursor is also flickering.
I went to power up my PC today and after welcome screen the screen started flickering and no icons or anything was on the screen except start tray which only had start button, touch keyboard button and address bar, none of which were responding.
I managed to launch task manager through ctrl-alt-delete (that didn't flicker, but taskmgr did). I launched cmd through taskmgr and managed to stop the flickering by terminating endless stream of svchost.exe processes. Couple of seconds after I do this, BSoD appears giving 0xc000021a error. Msconfig can't configure the PC to boot in safe mode. What do I do?
My sister has a Satellite C55-A5281 with home premium 8.1 x64. She recently did a system restore now the screen just goes black after this BIOS screen.
I run Windows 8.1 and I have a problem that surfaced recently. When booting it shows the blue windows logo, showing that it's booting obviously, but after a few seconds it goes to a completely black screen that lasts for anywhere between 5 and 10 minutes before it goes to the lock screen. My system specs are pretty humble I admit, you can look at my specs, but it was never an issue as Windows 8 and 8.1 used to boot completely within 30 seconds max. I suspect it might be a problem with disk space as I have only a 250 GB hard drive with 4 GB free space.
I used to have two hard drives; a 1 TB and a 500 GB. Due to too many power failures in this pathetic country called South Africa, both of my hard drives died completely from too many write and read errors and corrupted partitions. I salvaged the 250 GB hard drive from an old PC of my aunt's as I could not and can still not afford a new hard drive. Having to wait 5 - 10 minutes to use my computer is just plain frustrating to say the least. I have already cleaned all of the junk and useless files on the hard drive, what's left on it is all stuff I can't afford to lose or delete.
I'm having WIndows 8 Pro N, I encountered some issue here that Windows will boot into black screen quite sometime.
The moment when I tried to perform a restart or switch on my laptop, I could see the Windows 8 logo and then the screen just turned black. CTRL ALT DEL doesn't work and what I have to do is perform forced shut down.
After I switched it on again, everything just worked fine. The frequency of having the problem is 50%.
When I boot or reboot my PC, it is a slow process, the time with the blue window and the spinning circle is only about 5 seconds, but then there is a pause of 30-35 seconds where absolutely nothing is going on. Black screen, no activity at the SSD or at the net. After this my USB mouse and keyboards wake up, and only a few seconds later my PC is running normally.
I have allways (in windows 8) had that black screen, but only for a few seconds. After Windows 8.1 this "dead screen" just getting longer and longer. I have had it for some times, but I used to use Intel Rapid Start, so I did not care. Now I got som faster ram, and Intel Rapid Start don't work with this ram, so now I have to boot every time, and now I'm not so happy with this long pause in boot.
What is Windows 8 doing in this time? How to eliminate it (or just get it reduced)?
My laptop has been acting really weird the last couple of weeks. It would crash randomly, and sometimes when I picked it up to put it somewhere else, it crashed too.
Now, I thought this was a problem with Windows 8.1, because it didn't behave like this before with normal Windows 8. So I Refreshed my laptop, and after that it worked again, without crashing.
I left it in sleep mode while I got some sleep too, and when I booted it up this morning, it crashed again.
After that the whole laptop wouldn't boot up, and now the only thing that shows is a cursor on a black screen, and it seems to be stuck in sleep mode, because I can't even turn it off completely manually. So I can't access the BIOS or make it boot up in Safe Mode.What the hell should I do?
Toshiba Sattelite L50-A-15U
Windows 8 64-bit
Intel i7 4th generation processor with Intel HD4600 graphics card
It seems Windows 8.1 doesn't like my old graphic card drivers like Windows 8 did. In many cases when turn on my machine it boots to desktop but it doesn't show it - it just shows my mouse cursor and pure black background. When i click the power button tho, the desktop pops up for a second then the shutting down screen appears. After few reboots i finally managed to get to the desktop and use my computer (chances are 1:5 reboots lol).
I followed some tutorials i found on the internetz , explaining how sometimes ATI and NET framework 3.5 doesn't work together - this is not the case 'cause i tried following this tutorial to uninstall , clean and reinstall the latest drivers available for my crappy videocard + NET framework. Didn't worked...
I noticed something interesting while booting to Windows. IF there will be black screen with cursor - the boot time takes 1-2 seconds, IF everything will be alright - the boot process will take about 25 seconds. (just thought i should tell you this as well)
And finally here's my configuration: Pentium 4 , 3.2GHz ATI Radeon X550 2GB DDR2 RAM
When booting, my windows 8.1 is slow to do load. After windows logo, it goes to a black screen for around 10 secs, then it finally logs into the Start menu. I know this is not normal because I have seen the system boot faster in the past, but I don't know why its doing it now.
I have done a fresh install of windows 8 and update to 8.1. I made to to have Fast Boot enabled.
I have haswell, so I made to update to the latest graphics drivers by Intel.
On a second note: I am triple booting: osx/linux/win with Chamelon boot loader. However, I doubt its an issue with triple boot because the black screen occurs AFTER windows logo, meaning windows has successfully loaded.
My windows 8 pc when booted, mostly freezes after i see my account picture with a circling dots. Then appears a black screen and just my cursors, but nothing else. I try to get task manager and run explorer.exe but it doesn't work. It has now been happening very much. I have installed the OS just a few days back and i got this issue. This also happens when i sign out/switch from my account to another account.
For a few days I have been having some problems with my computer. Whenever I shutdown properly and then start again, the Desktop loads fine and after a few seconds of coming to the desktop. I see a black screen in front of me, I try to press num lock on and off to see if the system froze, it indeed froze. I disabled fastboot, after that even if I start after shutdown, it boots fine.
If I restart, it boots fine. Not sure why as my system should be fully compatible with fast boot. Here is my system specs, everything is updated as of posting:
MSI Z87 - G43 Gaming Motherboard with latest BIOS Sapphire TriX R9 290 OC Samsung 250GB 840 EVO 8GB RAM
I have Windows 8.1 installed on my Toshiba Satellite C655D-S5531 Laptop.
I have had this issue for a while now, but never really thought about it.
Every time I log in on my account (and ONLY mine), as the screen is saying "Welcome" and the dot circle is spinning, I get a short screen flicker. It only happens once, and ONLY when I'm logging in.
There's this bugcheck that forces me to refresh install my Windows 8 installation. Everything was normal until I restarted my system and it takes longer time to boot. The screen stays black after boot logo disappearing, until I saw a BSOD.
Attached below is last and the only dump file generated while BSOD occured. I need to know what's the real cause so I can prevent it in the futures (this is like my third time to refresh install in less than a year...)
Note that I generated this diagnostic after refresh install so it might be irrelevant to crash dump attached...
I have black screen on boot , the boot logo doesn't appear , I can't access safe mode , black screen on recovery too , i tried to boot to reinstall the windows , the logo appears and start running , but black screen after that , I don't see the windows to install or to repair my laptop ! i tried Dium , which is a live session to repair laptops but can't access , black screen too i have a Hp Pavilion G6 , UEFI ...
I have a samsung laptop. I turn it on and I can see the bios screen. After that, the screen just goes black and stays that way and doesn't boot. I am able to get into BIOS and I can see all bootable options. I am not able to get into recovery settings or the advanced boot menu.
I burned my Windows 8 iso to my flash drive and plugged it into the computer. I tried automatic repair with it and that didn't fix it. I tried doing a system restore, but it failed saying "System Restore failed while copying the registry from the restore point. The registry in the restore point was damaged and could not be restored." The computer was working during that restore point that. I will try another one though.
It appears that something is corrupt within Windows, but I'm not sure exactly what. I can issue the command in command line, since I can boot to my flash drive, but I'm not sure what files I need to fix or if I'm correct.
I am using a Ideapad Z580 with Windows 8.1 64 bit. All was working fine. But I formatted the C drive and reinstalled my Windows 8.1 OS. Then I installed all my drivers. After a reboot the screen started to jump(flickering).The top part of the screen(small portion) is appearing and disappearing in the bottom area. I tried to change the refresh rate.But it is locked in 60,and no other options are available.
I tried updating to Windows 8.1 Update 1 and in didn't go through properly (it hard froze and crashed) and now won't boot past the BIOS. I cannot get into Windows and I cannot get into the Recovery Menu.
I tried recovery USB's and any I create either from a 3rd party or Windows itself results in loading to a black screen with a mouse cursor. Only one worked, Acronis (probably because its Linux) and it showed all the drives ruling out a hardware issue but sadly it cannot repair Windows.
So it seems I might be a victim of the black screen issue some had when moving to Update 1.... BUT the difference is I cannot boot into the recovery menu at all and any recovery media boots to a black screen.
How to get out of this screen and actually boot into anything which will allow me to try to fix the MBR or go back to a restore point.
I thought the point of recovery software was that it loads no matter how corrupted Windows is... obviously not! Something is stopping all of them booting properly.
Just had this new laptop running windows 8 and its an Acer.When I select the photos tile on the screen it goes to another screen which is black with a blue square icon and underneath it tells me that there are no files or folders in this view.There are photos in my picture folder as I just put then in.But if I go to the other method and select the My picture folder the photos are there.
I have recently installed windows updates and after restart the black screen occurred after I typed my password. About five days before that I have reinstalled my Mobile Intel 4 series driver and now in Device manager it shows 3 grayed out monitors which were installed when I have reinstalled the Video driver. The monitor driver that Is currently loaded was installed when I installed the OS itself.
I've having an issue that I think some ppl had, windows 8 crashing going to blue screen of death or blank black screen and then it restarts by itself, also I have noticed that it says repairing disk in D:/
I have one SSD 120gb in the C:/ which it host the operating system and some minnor programs, in a HDD which is my D:/ drive there I have my games.
ASRock 990FX Extreme 9 AMD FX 8350 Kingston Hyper X 120GB SSD WD black 500GB HDGB HDD Corsair Vengeance 8gb Ram 2133Hz Windows 8
When I turn on or restart my computer after the teal windows logo with the spinning wheel the screen will flash off quickly then come back on black and then 10 seconds later show the lock screen.
I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8 Pro. Everytime or almost everytime I click on an app or go to the desktop and try to get on IE 10 (desktop version), my screen flashes and goes black for a few seconds then returns me to the screen with the space needle, then I click on it and it signs me back in. When I try to use Google Chrome, the websites freeze up on me. I don't want to have to reinstall/reformat as I paid $40 for this for one, and secondly, I don't want to have to repurchase Office 2010 as my licenses ran out. I ran every update that comes up and restart, but this doesn't change this issue. . why it does this and any way to fix it without reformatting?
I have the Thinkpad X230t and normally run Windows 8 x64 with touch just fine. I installed the preview version of Windows 8.1 x64 today. The installation completed quite OK.
At the end of the installation, the installer tries to "set up my account" but then says that it cannot do it at this time, and that I can do it later. I said OK, then log on with my usual Microsoft username and password. Once I'm in the desktop, a message popped up saying Windows cannot find my profile in c:windowssystem32 ... a place like that. This message repeats when I tried to open Desktop, Downloads, or Documents.
I then tried to do a few things in Windows 8.1, but responses were super slow. I then restarted the computer but it froze in the blue restart screen. I then forced a manual restart.
Now I get a black screen right after Bios screen ("Press Enter to interrupt Normal startup"). No flashing cursor, just a plain black screen. None of the keys are responsive, except Ctrl-Alt-Del which will restart the computer, and the same thing happens.
Since I don't have a DVD drive, I cannot boost using the Windows DVD.
I've recently installed a dual boot, Windows 7 and Windows 8. The installation went fine but then after a very short time my Windows 8 Screen goes black. I had to press the power button to exit. When again rebooting into Windows 8 the "blue window" shows and the spinner goes around for about 20 seconds, then all goes black.
I've checked the Power settings and ensured the "Turn off display" was "never". I also updated my Video drivers thinking that might be the problem. Both to no avail. I've done a "Refresh" and a "Reset (which took 3 hrs). Again, all was fine for a short time, but while exploring the OS, again the black screen. What else I could try to fix this Windows 8 problem.
I've recently installed a dual boot, Windows 7 and Windows 8. The installation went fine but then after a very short time my Windows 8 Screen goes black. I had to press the power button to exit.
I've checked the Power settings and ensured the "Turn off display" was "never". I also updated my Video drivers thinking that might be the problem. Both to no avail. I've done a "Refresh" and a "Reset (which took 3 hrs). Again, all was fine for a short time, but while exploring the OS, again the black screen.
I followed... re-formatting the hard drive during the new installation, trying generic video drivers and doing Resets and Refreshes. None of that worked and still doesn't. The installations do complete as before, but I don't have enough time to download new updates to perhaps correct whatever problem(s) there are before all goes black after a few minutes. As I stated before I have to hold down the power button to exit.
If this is a clue, once the screen goes black and I revert back to Window7, before loading, the File System on ALL drives, including C and the Windows 8 partition has to check for consistency before Windows 7 boots up.
I've been quite busy and haven't had a chance to try re-installing again until now. Thinking the problem might have been the actual drive I used for previous attempts (it was a SATA external drive which by the way I previously used for a dual boot Vista/with Win7), I then created new partitions on 2 different USB connected external drives and attempted to install. It wouldn't do the install on either one. I received messages "Setup does not support disks connected through USB or Firewire,.... my USB drives are connected directly to computer not a hub. So I'm forced to use the SATA created partitions for the installations. (Disk 1)
If it makes a difference, through Disk Management, I've deleted the Windows 8 installs from those partitions then re-created a "New Simple Volume" before trying again. I even tried creating another partition on C but it wouldn't allow an installation saying it was a dynamic drive. Prior to me creating that additional C partition all were Primary but now they're all Simple Volumes as per the color codes.
I have two OEM Windows 8 installation disks, I've tried both.
I installed Windows 8 over the weekend. I didn't want to but my parents have it and they keep harassing me to "fix" their computer so that it acts like Windows Vista, so I needed to know more about Windows 8. When Windows 8 was installed I updated to 8.1 and installed Office 2010. Office asked for a reboot so I rebooted and haven't been able to get into Windows since.
The computer boots to a black screen that flickers once in a while. I can see my mouse pointer on the screen when I move the mouse. I'm having trouble accessing Safe Mode. I did get a diagnostic tool to come up before Windows booted and I ran a full diagnostics on my computer. When the diagnostics were completed it dumped me into the boot options menu. I tried to let Windows refresh itself which did not work. I also did a System Restore which did not work.
I have unplugged all usb and serial cables from the computer to make sure that it wasn't an external hard drive or printer causing my problem.
I downloaded Windows 8 so I don't have a CD to boot from. My computer doesn't have a CD drive. My plan is to keep trying to boot into Safe Mode but once I am back in I don't know what I am going to do. I already did a system restore. I could try to uninstall Office but it is more likely that the 8.1 update is my biggest problem. I'm sure that there is a way to undo the 8.1 update.
I was just wondering if there is any new information out there. It would be nice if Microsoft had a fix for this problem but I can't find it on their website.
Recently my laptop is giving me a problem. I was cleaning it up by uninstalling unused programs and deleting documents and files no longer needed. After doing all this and running CCleaner, I restarted by laptop. I noticed that it took an unusually long time to start up and log in. When it finally logged in, I was a at a blank purple screen... my Start screen. I was able to open the task manager and get to the desktop where my background is just black, but i have the taskbar. The taskbar only has the start button, which I cannot press, and the battery, internet, sound icons on the lower right.
I am unable to click any of these icons though. I cannot access the charms bar or anything Windows 8 Start menu related. No icons or programs are there for me to click, so the only way to access anything is by beginning a new task from the task manager. I tried to restore my laptop, but it did not fix the problem. So then I decided to do a factory reset (I saved all important files to a flash stick), but Windows 8 requires a media or installation disc, which I do not have because I downloaded the Windows 8 update. I do not think accidentally deleted any important files originally, because I was mainly just deleting from My Documents. How can I reset the laptop without the installation disc, or how can I obtain an installation disc without having to rebuy Windows 8?
The only problem I am having is the top and bottom edge of my screen flickers like crazy! I didn't have this issue on Windows 7. Some apps don't do it, and some do it only at certain times. For instance, as I type this my Desktop top and bottom edges are flickering but when I exit it stops. Windows 8 native apps do it almost all the time.
I have updated my graphics driver and... well... I'm not sure what else I can do to make this stop! I can provide video on youtube of what it looks like if needed...
When I hold down a key for the "repeat" function the screen flickers with the repeat rate. In other apps it flickers randomly.
If I pull this hard drive and go back to Windows 7 I have no problems.