Windows 7 Cannot Boot - Cannot Run Chkdsk Or Diskpart?

Jul 3, 2012

i attempted a dual boot of debian and windows 7 yesterday, on a HP laptop with a single HD. this is where ive come a cropper as i think ive installed grub into the windows partition - and thus now it cannot boot windows.i have a recovery disk, but cannot run chkdsk, scannow and diskpart does not let me select any volume other than the recovery disk itself.example output;chkdsk /fthe type of the file system is NTFS.cannot lock current cannot run .... because it is write [CODE]those commands are all i can find to fix the problem and none of them do. i DO NOT HAVE a installation disc as it's a HP with windows pre installed on it.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 / Installing XP On Separate Partition - Chkdsk Error

Oct 17, 2012

My computer has windows 7. I created a separate partition on my hard drive to install windows xp, but now when I try to install it I get an chkdsk /f error.

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Laptop Won't Boot & Chkdsk Error?

Jan 15, 2012

Wanna start off by saying sorry if someone has already resolved this problem on another thread but I have read many and haven't found a problem that exactly matches mine.Ok here goes, I have a Dell Inspiron 1764 running on Windows 7 64 bit. I've had problems with this pc for months in that it suddenly lost masses of disk space and because of this I couldn't update any programs or even renew my McAfee which I gAfter some investigative work with help online I found that my 'My Music' and 'My Pictures' folders were located on the C drive and taking up a lot of space so I relocated these onto the D drive. This seemed to solve the problem, the C drive was clearer and everything was working fine, security checked for viruses and all seemed to be in order.

That lasted for about 4 days and then yesterday the laptop randomly crashed and then restarted and it appeared to be ok, I continued using with no problems and switched off as normal. I tried to boot on again last night only for it to hang on the Starting Windows screen, didn't even reach log in. It went to a black screen and then something else came up and asked if I wanted to Start Normally or in Safe Mode, I chose Safe Mode.Nothing happened for a while and then it went into CHKDSK but sat at 3% for about 2 hours saying loads of files were unreadable, it finally got to 30% after 6 hours but by then it was 1 in the morning I had to manually turn the pc off.I tried again this morning and had the same error but it automatically goes into CHKDSK, after about 5hrs it got to 55% and then went back to the Starting Windows screen, black screen and the CHKDSK again, this has happened 3 times now.

I've tried pressing F8 & F12 when first booting up and I've also inserted the Windows Installation Disk but this won't run. I gave up and switched off again, went through the same process but when it got to CHKDSK I pressed to cancel the check but it just sat there for 25mins and then asked me to choose Safe Mode etc, I choose SM again and it started to load files and has been sat at Loading Windows Files for the last 15 mins.

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Chkdsk Run On All Drives Every Time Boot?

Mar 20, 2012

My Windows 7 PC is in "Hibernate" most of the time and I rarely restart it. I would like to do what most people are trying to avoid: I would LIKE TO have a chkdsk run on all drives every time I boot. Is there an easy way to do this? Further, might there be any way to distinguish between "this chkdsk is being run because you want it run every time" vs. "the chkdsk is being run because the dirty bit is set (you had a problem)"?

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Chkdsk Runs Everytime Computer Is Boot-up

May 17, 2012

My daughter's PC, Windows 7 32 bit, all of a sudden started running chkdsk everytime it is booted up. How do we stop this behavior?Her antivirus is up to date and very efficient so we don't know what the computer is checking for.

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Diskpart Lists No Volumes Other Than DVD-ROM Drive

Mar 18, 2012

I just put in a new second hard drive, but my machine won't start into windows anymore (win7 64-bit sp1). I just have a black screen after boot with a blinking cursor top left corner and the HD led on the pc is on permanently. So I decided to pop in the installation dvd and was able to get into recovery environment. Launched the command window and diskpart, but DP lists no drives or volumes.

When I take the new disk out, the system boots up normally. I can see where this is going, so is there anyway to use the recovery environment to scan the drive for errors? Chkdsk doesn't work cos no drives are present, supposedly. Can I manually mount a drive? Unfortunately I don't have an external hdd dock to stick the drive in.

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Can "diskpart Clean All" Be Performed After A "diskpart Clean"

Aug 17, 2012

I have an external 2Tb hard disk that's gone bad. It is under warranty so I can return it back. I was trying to wipe it clean and erroneously ran "diskpart clean" instead of "diskpart clean all". Now that all partitions are all gone, my laptop won't recognize it anymore. It shows up as "unknown", "not initiated" & "unallocated" on disk management. Trying to initialize the disk gives the error "the device cannot find the sector requested". There's no drive letter. Diskpart doesn't list its volume but lists the disk. It is listed under disk drives on device manager and device status says "This device is working properly". Is there anyway to run "diskpart clean all" now? I guess a disk's volume needs to be selected before diskpart clean all" is executed.

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Diskpart Failing To Format Drive

Mar 8, 2012

I have an HP xw8600 on which I am trying to install and format raid 0. My boot drive and OS use the on board controller. This raid is on a 3rd party card (3 Ware 9550SXU-12). I am using this board for its supposed speed over my on board LSI controller, which is capable of raid with only 2 ports. I have used the Bios level utility from 3 Ware to set up the array of 2 Samsung 103F3 1 TB drives in raid 0. The 3 Ware utility says these are now 'exportable' meaning available to Win for formatting.I go to Diskpart, making sure I am an administrator, and can view, select and partition the drives. When I go to format however I get and error message that the format has failed. I checked the system event log and it says: ChipStatus=16807000 (PCI parity error) The event log mentions that it was the 3 Ware that generated it. The drivers for this board are loaded and under device manager it functions normally. I have seen some posts that say this might be a driver error. I have the latest 64 bit driver for this board.

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Bootmgr Missing / Start Up Repair / Diskpart Won't Fix

Sep 15, 2012

I tried to add a new HDD to my computer which ended up making my computer unbootable.At first I had the "Restart and select proper boot device" problem, which was fixed.After that the Bootmgr is missing. I searched all over and still have not been able to fix the problem, here's the things I tried: [code] Having it the only HDD in the computer no change.The harddrive only worked with my laptop's HDD inside.

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Diskpart Clean All Function Taking Too Long

Oct 1, 2011

I'm trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate x86 on an HP 430 laptop. The Windows installer can't find the laptop's hard drive so (as a solution I found while googling) I tried Diskpart's clean and clean all functions. The clean function finished quickly but the clean all has been going on for more than 24 hours now. Is it supposed to take this long? The laptop has a ~500gb hard drive and an i3 processor.

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BSOD On Command Diskpart, Rescan, Error 0xfffff880009a97e8

Jan 25, 2013

i was trying to read on how to create the BSOD dump file, but how i'm supposed to do that if i can't get into windows 7 to install that software or change anything? My system is complete unacessible. I was trying to recover one harddrive using a case and usb when i found a tutorial saying i should open prompt DOS and type commands: diskpart and rescan but of course im not able to find that tutorial again it's sticky with my windows 7, i'm using dual boot windows xp x64 here now, and the windows 7 crashed after that rescan command, i tried the recovery options and chkdsk it did not fix the problem, i'm thinking as last option to create a triple boot shrink the windows 7 to install another and copy all to there 0x0000007B 0xfffff880009a97e8

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Diskpart Not In English, Displaying Chinese Or Japanese Characters?

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to do a Windows 7 reinstall from my Samsung Recovery disk, as I have a Samsung laptop. I have received the infamous "windows could not format a partition on disk 0...Error code: 0x80070057" error. Through researching this forum it seems the diskpart program is used to troubleshoot. However, the program only displays English from the command lines or numbers (i.e. - 465 GB).Everything else is displayed as Chinese or Japanese characters. Is there a way to change the language to all English?

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Run Chkdsk Periodically On Windows 7?

Dec 25, 2011

I am using Windows 7 64 bit Home Edition. Is it appropriate to use chkdsk periodically to check the health of my C: & D: file systems? Can running chkdsk cause any harm to the file system?

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Remove Chkdsk From Windows 7?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm sick of chkdsk running at start up!!!!How do i remove this sh*t from my computer!?!?

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After Chkdsk /f Windows Will Not Start

Aug 16, 2011

Ran chkdsk /f and typed "Y" not windows will not start

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Windows 7 Crashes During CHkdsk?

Apr 15, 2012

I own an older Win 7 X64 PC. The thing runs fine without problems except when I try to schedule it for a disk error check (Chkdsk) upon restart? When I schedule that the PC is able to reboot, start up and go into error checking and finish part 1, but when it gets to part two it crashes about 25% of the way through it? When I say crashes, what happens is the monitor light goes from blue to amber and the thing just sits there like it went to sleep. No matter what I do it won't come out of this? If I hit the restart button it starts with three beeps and just sits there. I have to completely shut the PC off, let it sit there for a few seconds then restart it.

Once I restart the PC I have to cancel out of the disk check or else it will go through the same thing again. Once I cancel out fo the disk check it boots up and runs fine without any problems that I'm aware of?

How do I get this PC to run a disk check (chkdsk) all the way through to completion without it crashing? Should I just put the thing back to a version that was working (from backup)

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Windows Backup And Chkdsk Don't Work

Jun 1, 2012

I just replaced the internal hard drive in my laptop, and now I'm trying to set up Windows Backup to backup to an external hard drive. It always fails, giving an I/O device error. I looked for a fix to this, and everyone says to run chkdsk on both hard drives. I ran it on the internal (running Windows 7), and it was really slow (it ran all day, and I went to bed and the computer had restarted by the time I got up). Running it on the external from within Windows, it gets stuck very early in the process and won't proceed.

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Windows 7 Won't Let Me Run Chkdsk From Command Prompt

Dec 16, 2009

I ran one of the performance reports today, which claims I have a disk with the dirty bit set. Recommended running chkdsk.Fired up a command prompt and typed chkdsk v: /f/r/x..Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges.You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode.SO, I right-clicked and ran the command prompt as an Administrator. EVEN THOUGH I'M ALREADY AN ADMINISTRATOR.Got exactly the same result. Went into the command properties and SET the thing to "Run as Administrator".UAC is turned OFF.There are days with Windows 7 where I feel like everything is 2 steps forward and 1 step back. How do I make it let me do a simple chkdsk - no I DON'T want to set something to have it run at boot, or go find some 3rd party program to do the same thing. I just want to run chkdsk from this box from a command windows.

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Wipe HDD With "diskpart >> Clean All"?

Oct 29, 2011

I was triying to wipe my HDD with diskpart >> clean all to overcome "Windows could not configure one or more system components" issue which I post to technet forum afew days ago.But I have some concerns about wiping process. Most of the notebooks are being sold with hidden partition which contains OEM Windows 7 and required driver files for a clean systems recovery. That partition made hidden by the manufacturers as factory defaults. I was wondering if diskpart can handle with this hidden partition?If not, that won't be a actual wiping the HDD that may reason of the issue mentioned in the link.

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Disk - Clean And Clean All With Diskpart Command

Jan 3, 2010

How to Clean or Clean All a Disk with the Diskpart Command ?

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Chkdsk On Startup Terminates Abnormally On Windows 7

Mar 31, 2011

I'm facing some problems with my C drive. Errors were said to be found in C drive during Error checking. However, I could not auto fix system errors when C drive is in use. Thus I've assigned a chkdsk upon start up. Here's the catch, the Chkdsk appeared for a sec and was automatically terminated abnormally by the system itself. I've tried to system restore, but was prompted that there's error, so I can't restore the system. I didn't have much knowledge regarding the backing up of the system, thus i did not create any backup entries. I'm using Lenovo Win7 Laptop, 64 bit.

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Windows 7 Breaks Then Hangs / Now Stuck On CHKDSK

Jan 5, 2011

when I registered and put all the information about my computer in you all can see that which should save me some time. I've been running my Windows 7 x64 machine for about 3 weeks without problem. All of my programs are installed on the SSD and the HDD is for data files. Simple. Easy.I run dual display with no problem, 1920x1080 on the 24" LED (DVI), and extended to a 19" LCD (VGA).My dad was kind enough to buy me a 32" 1080p Insignia TV for christmas. I bought a cheap HDMI cable online, and when it came in the mail i decided I would set my computer up to have 3 monitors. (I didn't know that my graphics card only supports 2 at a time, I know this now.)So I plugged in the HDMI Cable to the TV and to the Computer. The 24" LED screen (my main one) Twitches for a moment then returns to normal, the TV comes on, and the 19" LCD goes blank. All is good except Aero magically shut off. After fiddling with the display settings and realizing i can only have two monitors at a time. I decide on the 24" and the 32" for now, but leave all three plugged in. I restart the computer in hopes of returning Aero. THe computer takes a VERY long time to start up and when it does, i'm presented with a dialog telling me that a page file has been created for me.
My page file SHOULD have been on my HDD (to keep room on my SSD, with 8GB of RAM i didnt think page file was THAT important).

I click the dialog and the page file settings open up. i go to check and make sure they are correct, but when i select the HDD from the listbox, everything stops working right. Page file dialogs go not responding. I open task manager and all looks good in processes. Start bar won't open. It looks like the computer is thrashing, but it never gets around to catching up with itself, so i shut it off and try again with the same results.Then i unplug everything but the DVI monitor, the mouse and the keyboard, and try again... same results. Tried safe mode... same i shut it off and let it be for a day (i was pretty frustrated)I come back today, turn it on and it hangs forever on the 'Starting Windows' boot screen.I shut it off and figure.. I didnt have that much on there, I might as well wipe the drive and start from scratch, thats the easiest solution, so i pop in the Windows 7 x64 DVD, reboot the machine, all looks good, and i go for install, and it Hangs forever on the 'Setup is starting' screen with a spinning wheel cursor.One more time i restarted the computer without the disc booted 'normally' and it hung on the 'Starting Windows' screen for a little while, then entered CHKDSK. I let that run, and for the last 20 minutes, it's been sitting saying 'CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...'

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CHKDSK - Windows Stuck In Loop When Booting

Jan 25, 2012

When I tried to boot Windows 7 yesterday, I got a prompt saying that a disk check had been scheduled. I initially thought this got stuck because it seemed to freeze on 10% and the numbers alongside that figure didn't go up. I rebooted my computer and let it start again, after a few hours(!) the disk check finished and started on another of my drives. Again, I let this complete and it eventually rebooted itself. Upon rebooting it however, it did the exact same thing and appears to be in a loop just doing the disk check over and over.

I Googled this and opened the command prompt and checked all my drives (it disk checked f and c) but none are marked as dirty. I ran the command to stop the disk check on all drives anyway but still the problem persists.

Right at the start it says I can cancel the check by pressing any key on the keyboard but for some reason, it doesn't work - not sure if it's not recognising the keyboard or not.

I've also tried to boot into safe mode to see if that bypasses it but that hangs at classpnp.sys so that's a no go right now as well. I tried renaming the file to classpnp.old as a forum suggested but it blue screens and restarts if I do that. I'm currently trying a linux boot cd to replace to file to see if that works.

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Windows 7 Preinstalled On Laptop - Can't Recover / Chkdsk Or Format HDD

Feb 17, 2012

New laptop with Win7 pre-installed. No Win7 CD. Laptop HDD came with separate recovery partition. Burnt recovery CD and backed up HDD to seperate USB HDD. Then laptop was dropped. Laptop won't boot past blank win7 desktop(with curser). Tried running HP recovery program from recovery CD but program says no recovery partition found and once again, will not boot past blank Win7 desktop. Can't get to chkdsk to run HDD fix.

With the Win7 stuff that I have, I can't get to any point where I can even determine if this laptop HDD is fixable? Is there a Win7 iso file that I can download to boot into Win7 so I can then run chkdsk and then access my backup original installation on my USB external HDD? If not, can I use one of my old original Win XP CDs to boot the laptop, run chkdsk or maybe even reformat the drive NTFS, and then install my backup Win7 setup from the external USB HDD over the now XP installed HDD?

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Chkdsk In Start-up Repair Versus In Windows Command Prompt

Feb 21, 2012

I recently had a laptop crash (Windows 7 Home Premium x64) during a windows update, had to go through lengthy process which ultimately resulted in need to do system recovery from protected partition on an Acer laptop.

One of the interim steps i had tried was to run chkdsk from a command prompt after having been able to reach "repair your computer". I originally had to create a repair disk to get there, but eventually was able to access it from the computer's hard drive.

Run from the command prompt under start-up repair, the chkdsk was PAINFULLY slow, running for more than 12 hours and without getting through the first step. Granted, it did seem to be trying to fix errors.

I came across something about it being slow based on allocation of system resources in the start-up repair. I wanted to see if anyone could elaborate on that. Now that I've gotten the system recovery working, I'd like to run chkdsk again, and I don't want that to take days. My thought is to run it from an elevated command prompt (run as administrator). I'm also thinking that the /x switch will be needed to run this on the c:drive.

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How To Run Chkdsk F

Mar 22, 2012

When I try and Disk defrag a message comes up..."Disk degramenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume Cf. (C. Please run Chkdsk /f. " What is this and where and how do I run this? I have trying everything. But I am pretty Computer dumb.

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How To Disable Chkdsk

Apr 29, 2011

Chkdsk is becoming extremely annoyingOne day it does chkdsk for no reason at alThen some day it does it againHow do you disable chkdsk?

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CHKDSK Does Not Work

Jul 18, 2011

Im trying to run CHKDSK. Upon restarting my notebook, its just a blackscreen and windows does not start up. After 30-40 mins it goes into sleep mode and when I go out of it, everything runs fine, but I dont think CHKDSK has run.

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How To Know When Chkdsk / R Is Done From A Restart

Feb 16, 2012

I ran the chkdsk /r upon next reboot.The DOS screen was displayed and running.I stopped watching the screen, and hours later upon checking, the screen is not displaying anything.The machine is a laptop hooked up to a docking station.I checked the monitor connections, they keep going to powersave, I undocked the laptop and the display there will not show anything either.The battery and wifi lights are steadily flashing.Windows 7 Pro x64..What is going on? is the chkdsk done? should i hard reboot the machine?

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Can't Run CHKDSK On External HDD

Feb 19, 2012

I am trying to run CHKDSK on an external drive that appears to have some bad sectors. I get the standard "Access denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode." error. Elsewhere in this forum are similar complaints that tell me I must run the CHKDSK command as Administrator and get a command prompt that reads "C:Windowssystem32>" instead of "C:UsersAdministration>". Well by running the cmd.exe command as Administrator I finally got the recommended command prompt (the "elevated" command prompt some are calling it).

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Chkdsk /v 8kb In Bad Sectors?

Feb 23, 2012

I made a chkdsk and found errors which were repaired by not allowing the bad fragments to be written on. When I use chkdsk /v it continually shows 8kb in bad sectors. Does anyone know if these are the bad sectors that were sent into limbo or the total bad kb on the hard drive? I have made back ups of my documents and the OS. I think that these bad sectors were caused by a recent freeze which required a bad shutdown. If so I may not be required to replace the harddrive.

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