Chkdsk Run On All Drives Every Time Boot?

Mar 20, 2012

My Windows 7 PC is in "Hibernate" most of the time and I rarely restart it. I would like to do what most people are trying to avoid: I would LIKE TO have a chkdsk run on all drives every time I boot. Is there an easy way to do this? Further, might there be any way to distinguish between "this chkdsk is being run because you want it run every time" vs. "the chkdsk is being run because the dirty bit is set (you had a problem)"?

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Mapped Network Drives, Slower Boot Time

Jun 25, 2012

Long story short, I have shares on three PCs that are not always on. If I make a shortcut to the share and put it on my desktop, sometimes for some reason, the shortcut vanishes. I believe this is because I haven't connected the PC to the network in a while.

So, I went about and mapped those shares to drive letters. All is well, however, it adds another 45 seconds to my boot time.

Pretty sure this is because windows is trying to reconnect to them on boot, but they are disconnected. Is there any way to keep my drive mappings, but not have windows attempt to reconnect on boot?

I know that you will lose your mappings if you do not check "reconnect on login".. so, is there a way to keep the mappings without attempting to reconnect at login?

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Creating System Image Fails Every Time - Run CHKDSK /R?

May 1, 2012

I want to create a system image on my NTFS formatted portable WesternD HDD. Now It has about 250GB of space left(the portable HDD), and the Laptop PC that i want to create the image of, tells me I need about 199GB for the system image.Then first time I created the image, it gave me a failure message saying I should run a CHKDSK /R and ty again. I ran a CHKDSK /R on the external drive and tried making a system image again, where it got about halfway and gave me the same message. What is going wrong every time?

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Stop All External Drives From Being "found" Every-time Boot?

Nov 23, 2011

I have three external drives, and every time I boot now, they show up as "found," as if I'd just put in a USB drive.....meaning I have to close them all each and every time. Not a serious issue, just an annoyance I'd like to avoid. How can I set it so that they are not "found" each time?

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Laptop Won't Boot & Chkdsk Error?

Jan 15, 2012

Wanna start off by saying sorry if someone has already resolved this problem on another thread but I have read many and haven't found a problem that exactly matches mine.Ok here goes, I have a Dell Inspiron 1764 running on Windows 7 64 bit. I've had problems with this pc for months in that it suddenly lost masses of disk space and because of this I couldn't update any programs or even renew my McAfee which I gAfter some investigative work with help online I found that my 'My Music' and 'My Pictures' folders were located on the C drive and taking up a lot of space so I relocated these onto the D drive. This seemed to solve the problem, the C drive was clearer and everything was working fine, security checked for viruses and all seemed to be in order.

That lasted for about 4 days and then yesterday the laptop randomly crashed and then restarted and it appeared to be ok, I continued using with no problems and switched off as normal. I tried to boot on again last night only for it to hang on the Starting Windows screen, didn't even reach log in. It went to a black screen and then something else came up and asked if I wanted to Start Normally or in Safe Mode, I chose Safe Mode.Nothing happened for a while and then it went into CHKDSK but sat at 3% for about 2 hours saying loads of files were unreadable, it finally got to 30% after 6 hours but by then it was 1 in the morning I had to manually turn the pc off.I tried again this morning and had the same error but it automatically goes into CHKDSK, after about 5hrs it got to 55% and then went back to the Starting Windows screen, black screen and the CHKDSK again, this has happened 3 times now.

I've tried pressing F8 & F12 when first booting up and I've also inserted the Windows Installation Disk but this won't run. I gave up and switched off again, went through the same process but when it got to CHKDSK I pressed to cancel the check but it just sat there for 25mins and then asked me to choose Safe Mode etc, I choose SM again and it started to load files and has been sat at Loading Windows Files for the last 15 mins.

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Windows 7 Cannot Boot - Cannot Run Chkdsk Or Diskpart?

Jul 3, 2012

i attempted a dual boot of debian and windows 7 yesterday, on a HP laptop with a single HD. this is where ive come a cropper as i think ive installed grub into the windows partition - and thus now it cannot boot windows.i have a recovery disk, but cannot run chkdsk, scannow and diskpart does not let me select any volume other than the recovery disk itself.example output;chkdsk /fthe type of the file system is NTFS.cannot lock current cannot run .... because it is write [CODE]those commands are all i can find to fix the problem and none of them do. i DO NOT HAVE a installation disc as it's a HP with windows pre installed on it.

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Chkdsk Runs Everytime Computer Is Boot-up

May 17, 2012

My daughter's PC, Windows 7 32 bit, all of a sudden started running chkdsk everytime it is booted up. How do we stop this behavior?Her antivirus is up to date and very efficient so we don't know what the computer is checking for.

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Windows 7 On Two Hard Drives At Same Time

Jan 24, 2013

im going to install an ssd (and run windows 7 from it) and would like to be able to keep my old hard drive with (exsisting windows 7 installation) for a few days till i sort out what i want to copy.if i select the ssd as the boot drive then i should be able to look around in the old hard drive?? or am i wrong

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Dual Boot Windows 7 / Installing XP On Separate Partition - Chkdsk Error

Oct 17, 2012

My computer has windows 7. I created a separate partition on my hard drive to install windows xp, but now when I try to install it I get an chkdsk /f error.

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Accessing Drives In Explorer Takes A Long Time

Feb 9, 2009

I'm not sure why this is happening, but if I attempt to open a drive in Windows Explorer, it takes a really long time (sometimes several minutes). It takes that long for the progress bar on the address bar to fill up. Does anyone know why this would be?

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External Hard Drives Take A Long Time To Load?

Aug 18, 2011

I plug quite a few different hard drives into my PC running windows 7 VIA a usb 3.0 Nexstar SATA adapter, normally just bare hard drives that need data backed up or moved, and as time goes on it seems to get slower and slower to find and bring up a new drive when i bring it in. My assumption is that it caches all the drivers for each drive and searches them to see if a matching driver is already installed for that specific device, or something of the nature. I had thought the 2-5 minute wait when plugging in a hard drive was just how W7 operates but apparently this is not the case according to some other tech savvy people i've talked to. Other USB devices such as flash drives don't take nearly as long to come up as a SATA I could clean out so as to get the process back onto a fresh leg.

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Make Backup / System Image For Internal And External Hard Drives At The Same Time?

May 11, 2012

how can i make a backup/ system image for my internal and external hard drives at the same time?

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Backup Data (or An System Image) To An Internal And External Hard Drives At Same Time?

Jun 29, 2012

can u backup your data (or an system image)to an internal and external hard drives at the same time?

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Does Boot Time Improve After Time

Oct 21, 2011

Does boot time improve on a new pc after a few days?

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Can't Connect All Drives On Boot

Dec 3, 2011

I've got Win7 home premium x64. When I boot it says near the clock can't reconnect or can't connect to all network drives. I don't have any nor have I ever.

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32-bit And 64-bit On Different Drives, Without Dual Boot?

Aug 28, 2010

Here's my situation: I use 32-bit Windows 7, however, once per month I need to use 64-bit Windows 7. So I would like to install 64-bit Windows 7 to another drive. However, I don't want to see the dual boot menu on every restart. I only want to temporarily switch to 64-bit by pressing F8 (or whatever) to change booting device at bootup.

What's the proper way to do this?

Many years ago I used to have a situation where I had WinXP on one drive and WinXP on other drive. I could switch my C: (with WinXP) at bootup. It worked, except there was a problem: In some situations C:Windows and D:Windows or Programs Files were getting mixed up, automatically Start Menu pointed suddenly to D:Program Filessomething without asking me. I had used a clone software to clone the drive so that might be the reason why they mixed up together. Eventually removing the other drive might've crippled the system even my intention was to have two separate operating systems, just in one computer.

Basically I would like to have two C: drives with Windows 7-32bit and Windows 7-64bit. So in case one drive breaks, I'll have a very quick backup system ready.

Is it a stupid idea to disconnect the current C: drive and then install the new Windows to C: and then put the first drive in as well? Then I wouldn't have the dual boot menu, which might be what I want.

Is it possible to hide the dual boot menu, have it load 32-bit as default but still have a possibility to bring up the dual boot menu by pressing some key at bootup? In that case, is it possible to remove either drive and still boot up without problems?

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Dual Boot On Two Drives

Jul 14, 2009

hp providian has two 512meg hdd's I have vista 32bit installed on one hdd

Would like to install windows 7 64 bit on the other hdd as a dual boot.

Never done dual boot before. there are some programs on the second hdd it

only has one partition. Can I just install it on that drive as is and still have the

programs remain,or do I have to split the drive into 2 partitions?

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Boot From Drives And Format

Aug 20, 2009

i want to boot windows7 from my harddisk which i am using .

i mean to say that not from external hard disk drive.

i will try to explain again, actually i have a pc on which i am working at this time (internal or primary harddisk drive of it ). i want to reboot my system and when its bootsup then it should be stating setup of Windows 7 from one of my harddisk drive. for example from d: drive (D:/Windows 7)

and also want to fromat my c drive.

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Drives Boot Order - SSD / HDD And DVD

Jul 18, 2012

SSD, HDD and DVD DRIVE. What should be the boot order for these three? Someone told me it was DVD>HDD>SDD and on a guide I read it was HDD>DVD>SDD. Is there actually a specific boot order or is it based more on what you're using it for or something like that? Not too sure which category to post this thread in since im building a new PC and I think that goes under 'Installation'... Or maybe it should have been in 'Hardware'...?

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How To Switch Boot Drives

May 13, 2011

I have a 30GB SSD that is my default drive, with windows 7 on it. It's just too small and I need to switch to a larger one. I also have a 2TB HD with most of my games and other various programs on it. My question is, Can I just buy another SSD, install windows 7, and stick it in like nothing happened? Will I come across any errors because my 2TB is used to the old C: drive? OR, can I just do a full backup of the 30GB SSD and stick it on another drive and pretend nothing happened?

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Better Making Boot With SSD Or Another Drives In RAID?

May 9, 2012

in my PC there are some drives with RAID0 arrays and from little time I have bought a SSD for Operative System (Windows 7).in your opinion (on the BIOS) is it better making the Boot with SSD or with another drive with RAID0?

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Dual Boot With XP And Windows 7 - OS Drives?

Jul 31, 2010

I've already done with Dual Boot Windows XP and Windows 7. Initially i created 75GB of Raw partition when XP was installed.

1. When I goto XP my OS folder location is C:Windows and Windows 7 folder location I:Windows
2. When I go to Windows 7 my OS drive is C:Windows and Windows XP drive is D:Windows....

Currently, I'm not facing any problems, But wanted to know how & why its happening like that...??

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Boot.ini Issue With Win7 - XP On Two Drives

Jun 12, 2009

My Abit IP35 Pro motherboard's BIOS allows me to select which hard drive is the primary upon boot. If I have three separate OS on each drive, I can select which one I wish to run from bios.

Up till now I have installed a new OS on a separate drive by disconnecting the other connected drives and all has gone fine. When I installed Win 7 on a blank drive, I forgot to disconnect the other two. One drive has XP the other Ubuntu Linux.

During the Win 7 setup I selected the new blank drive and installed WIN 7 on it. All went well but when I rebooted, I had a dual boot: Win 7 made a dual boot with the XP but not the Linux. I didn't want Windows to offer me the dual boot, I wanted to select that in the bios.

So after all is said & done, booting into Linux via the bios switching start up drives goes fine & as before.

Booting into the XP drive via the bios I now get the dual boot option and selecting XP or Win 7 works fine. Booting into the Windows 7 drive, NTLDR is missing and it will not boot yet this is the drive containing the Windows 7 operating drive.

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Don't Want To Have Two Boot Drives Of Windows 7 On The Same Computer?

Jun 24, 2012

Need to do Win 7 install on 50 gb partition and keep my 200+ win 7 install intact but don't want to use it as a boot and dont want to delete it just to get rid of Windows and boot. I want to use it just as a data drive. Dont want to have to activate the new small drive.

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Dual Boot On Separate Drives

Dec 6, 2009

Is there an easy way to dual boot on separate drives, i have installed windows 7 on 1 drive & vista on another. This was done independenly on the same machine as to say put vista on last year the got another hard drive took the vista drive out put new hard drive in & installed windows 7.I connected both. they see each other.I have read lots about reinstall one OS but nothing on if its already installed. IS THERE AWAY?

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Dual Boot Drives Windows 7?

Dec 21, 2010

I'd like to set up two separate Windows 7 installations on my computer. I don't know whether this is possible, I know I can set up a dual-boot environment with an older version of Windows or Ubuntu. I have an OEM version of Windows 7 - is it possible to have the computer prompt me for which drive to boot?

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Windows 7 On Two Drives Specify One To Always Boot Up Automatically?

Mar 14, 2011

I've got 2 separate hard drives, both with Windows 7 (let's call them "Drive A" and "Drive B" ). Drive A is my primary drive that I always want to boot up automatically upon restart, cold boot, etc. Now, if I want to use Drive B, I know how to go into the BIOS and re-assign the Boot Priority so that Drive B will start up. However, if I restart the computer (while working in Drive B), I want the computer to go back to booting up Drive A. In other words, I want the system to only boot up Drive B for only those times I manually specify it. I always want Drive A to remain as my primary boot up drive. Is there any way to set this in the BIOS? (The BIOS always seems to go by the last setting.)

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Dual Boot Windows 7 On Two Drives?

Jul 26, 2012

dual boot windows 7 on two drives. how can i uninstall one

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Dual Boot Windows 7 On Two Drives?

Jul 26, 2012

dual boot windows 7 on two drives. how can i uninstall one

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Dual Boot With Windows 7 On Both Drives?

Oct 10, 2012

My hard drive crashed. Bought a new one. Cloned another hard drive onto it. Old computer won't recognize the cloned drive but does in BIOS. I think the CPU was destroyed while cleaning the dust because it has prongs that clamped down and I couldn't see exactly where the gold pins were going to set in. Was very careful, but either the CPU is bad or the mother board is bad. Tested all other components in the working computer. Battery is fine. New cloned hard drive is fine. So I installed the cloned drive as a second OS drive in the working computer.I now have to share the computer with my husband until I get a new CPU or MB for my better, more expensive computer.Is it possible for him to log into "his" computer using "his" 1TB Sata HD, and then for me to come along and log into the cloned drive in his computer (2TB Sata HD) and do all of my work from that drive, so that when my own computer gets fixed, I'll have all the files I've worked on and programs installed that only I need on it and ready for use in my own computer, taking it out of my husband's computer after mine is fixed?

I'm sure I can go into BIOS and change the boot order whenever either one of us sits down to use the computer, but he's not going to want to do that each time, being pretty much computer illiterate as he is. Is there some other way to do a user switch easily during any time of the day when we need to share his computer?.

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Win 7 Boot Time

Jan 13, 2009

I thought it would be interesting to see how quickly our PCs can boot into Windows 7 by having a poll. It starts so much quicker than Vista for me!

It takes 24 seconds from the OS selection screen to the logon screen for me (Q6600 @ 3Ghz, 2GB ram, 250GB Sata).

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