BSOD On Command Diskpart, Rescan, Error 0xfffff880009a97e8

Jan 25, 2013

i was trying to read on how to create the BSOD dump file, but how i'm supposed to do that if i can't get into windows 7 to install that software or change anything? My system is complete unacessible. I was trying to recover one harddrive using a case and usb when i found a tutorial saying i should open prompt DOS and type commands: diskpart and rescan but of course im not able to find that tutorial again it's sticky with my windows 7, i'm using dual boot windows xp x64 here now, and the windows 7 crashed after that rescan command, i tried the recovery options and chkdsk it did not fix the problem, i'm thinking as last option to create a triple boot shrink the windows 7 to install another and copy all to there 0x0000007B 0xfffff880009a97e8

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Disk - Clean And Clean All With Diskpart Command

Jan 3, 2010

How to Clean or Clean All a Disk with the Diskpart Command ?

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Diskpart Lists No Volumes Other Than DVD-ROM Drive

Mar 18, 2012

I just put in a new second hard drive, but my machine won't start into windows anymore (win7 64-bit sp1). I just have a black screen after boot with a blinking cursor top left corner and the HD led on the pc is on permanently. So I decided to pop in the installation dvd and was able to get into recovery environment. Launched the command window and diskpart, but DP lists no drives or volumes.

When I take the new disk out, the system boots up normally. I can see where this is going, so is there anyway to use the recovery environment to scan the drive for errors? Chkdsk doesn't work cos no drives are present, supposedly. Can I manually mount a drive? Unfortunately I don't have an external hdd dock to stick the drive in.

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Can "diskpart Clean All" Be Performed After A "diskpart Clean"

Aug 17, 2012

I have an external 2Tb hard disk that's gone bad. It is under warranty so I can return it back. I was trying to wipe it clean and erroneously ran "diskpart clean" instead of "diskpart clean all". Now that all partitions are all gone, my laptop won't recognize it anymore. It shows up as "unknown", "not initiated" & "unallocated" on disk management. Trying to initialize the disk gives the error "the device cannot find the sector requested". There's no drive letter. Diskpart doesn't list its volume but lists the disk. It is listed under disk drives on device manager and device status says "This device is working properly". Is there anyway to run "diskpart clean all" now? I guess a disk's volume needs to be selected before diskpart clean all" is executed.

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Diskpart Failing To Format Drive

Mar 8, 2012

I have an HP xw8600 on which I am trying to install and format raid 0. My boot drive and OS use the on board controller. This raid is on a 3rd party card (3 Ware 9550SXU-12). I am using this board for its supposed speed over my on board LSI controller, which is capable of raid with only 2 ports. I have used the Bios level utility from 3 Ware to set up the array of 2 Samsung 103F3 1 TB drives in raid 0. The 3 Ware utility says these are now 'exportable' meaning available to Win for formatting.I go to Diskpart, making sure I am an administrator, and can view, select and partition the drives. When I go to format however I get and error message that the format has failed. I checked the system event log and it says: ChipStatus=16807000 (PCI parity error) The event log mentions that it was the 3 Ware that generated it. The drivers for this board are loaded and under device manager it functions normally. I have seen some posts that say this might be a driver error. I have the latest 64 bit driver for this board.

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Windows 7 Cannot Boot - Cannot Run Chkdsk Or Diskpart?

Jul 3, 2012

i attempted a dual boot of debian and windows 7 yesterday, on a HP laptop with a single HD. this is where ive come a cropper as i think ive installed grub into the windows partition - and thus now it cannot boot windows.i have a recovery disk, but cannot run chkdsk, scannow and diskpart does not let me select any volume other than the recovery disk itself.example output;chkdsk /fthe type of the file system is NTFS.cannot lock current cannot run .... because it is write [CODE]those commands are all i can find to fix the problem and none of them do. i DO NOT HAVE a installation disc as it's a HP with windows pre installed on it.

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Bootmgr Missing / Start Up Repair / Diskpart Won't Fix

Sep 15, 2012

I tried to add a new HDD to my computer which ended up making my computer unbootable.At first I had the "Restart and select proper boot device" problem, which was fixed.After that the Bootmgr is missing. I searched all over and still have not been able to fix the problem, here's the things I tried: [code] Having it the only HDD in the computer no change.The harddrive only worked with my laptop's HDD inside.

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Diskpart Clean All Function Taking Too Long

Oct 1, 2011

I'm trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate x86 on an HP 430 laptop. The Windows installer can't find the laptop's hard drive so (as a solution I found while googling) I tried Diskpart's clean and clean all functions. The clean function finished quickly but the clean all has been going on for more than 24 hours now. Is it supposed to take this long? The laptop has a ~500gb hard drive and an i3 processor.

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Error 'there Was A Problem Sending The Command To The Program'

Feb 11, 2012

I have the following problem when I double click on a word 2007 doc I get an error message 'there was a problem sending the command to the program'.

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Diskpart Not In English, Displaying Chinese Or Japanese Characters?

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to do a Windows 7 reinstall from my Samsung Recovery disk, as I have a Samsung laptop. I have received the infamous "windows could not format a partition on disk 0...Error code: 0x80070057" error. Through researching this forum it seems the diskpart program is used to troubleshoot. However, the program only displays English from the command lines or numbers (i.e. - 465 GB).Everything else is displayed as Chinese or Japanese characters. Is there a way to change the language to all English?

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Error Message,"There Was A Problem Sending The Command To The Program?

Aug 7, 2011

Straight to the point of my issue,I opened :"Control Panel > Action Center > Maintenance tab > Right click at Privacy Policy".Then I received this error message,"There was a problem sending the command to the program.I'm not sure if I deleted something in the past that make this error occur.

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Create A Batch File For Windows 7 To Run A Command (elevated ) In Command Prompt?

Apr 27, 2011

Trying to create a batch file for Windows 7 to run a command (elevated ) in command prompt?User: is an administrator or in administrator group ( but actual administrator account may be disabled )essentially need to be able to double click the *****.bat filehave it open up cmd in elevated ( run as administrator ) , run the command in the dos window and reboot the computer.

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Command To Change The Path Using Environment Variable From Command Prompt?

Jun 9, 2012

In UNIX, for changing the directory path, there is "cd" command. .This works fine in windows 7 too.. But the problem comes when we are trying to change the path using environment variables. .

In UNIX, cd $JAVA_HOME changes the path to the value set for JAVA_HOME,

Similarly is there any command in Windows which does the trick from command prompt for changing path using Environment variables. .

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Msconfig From Command Prompt / Or Commands For Command Promt?

Jan 9, 2012

Does any one know how to get the win.ini missing fixed when opening bootcfg/msconfig not found. Also How to change "forcing changes in msconifg" to "not forcing changes" in msconfig from command prompt, as well as opening msconfig from command prompt w/ dos command(s) / paramteters.

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[BSOD] Random BSOD - Kernel Data Inpage Error

Dec 15, 2012

This started happening last night while i was playing Borderlands 2, it has happened at idle, playing just about any game in my library, during downloads and just browsing the web. I changed all of my accessible drivers, and it continued to happen, so i moved all of my personal files onto my external HDD. I re installed windows on my SSD (did not reformat) and reformatted my HDD. I re installed my drivers, re-enabled SLI and it ran fine for about an hour, just downloading WoW, and then happened again twice.

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WINdows 7 ERROR:BSOD Locale ID 1033 Error?

Apr 18, 2011

Just installed windows 7 about a month or so ago, running great, only every now and then if my system is idle and I wiggle the mouse to make it come back on , it just reboots automatically[CODE]

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BSOD While In Photoshop CS5,error 0x0000009c, Error 0x00000124

May 24, 2012

After a year of daily BSODs with errors 0x0000009c and 0x00000124.I am having them mainly while drawing in Photoshop Cs5 and on idling.

My System Spec:

cpu: i7 970 3.2Ghz
Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth X58
Ram: Corsair CMT12GX3M3A2000C9
Gpu:Asus EnGTX460 1GDDR5
HDD: Corsair SSD Force 60GB

ps: I have checked the RAM using MemTestx86 and everything was fine

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Wipe HDD With "diskpart >> Clean All"?

Oct 29, 2011

I was triying to wipe my HDD with diskpart >> clean all to overcome "Windows could not configure one or more system components" issue which I post to technet forum afew days ago.But I have some concerns about wiping process. Most of the notebooks are being sold with hidden partition which contains OEM Windows 7 and required driver files for a clean systems recovery. That partition made hidden by the manufacturers as factory defaults. I was wondering if diskpart can handle with this hidden partition?If not, that won't be a actual wiping the HDD that may reason of the issue mentioned in the link.

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BSOD Error While Playing Games, Error 9f?

Jul 10, 2012

I get the BSOD when I'm playing games, and it says "driver power state failure". When i first saw this, i tried updating my drivers, and it did fix the problem for a while but then afterwords it occurs again. I do not know which specific driver is causing theI am using a Alien ware M17x-R3 Laptop, Pre-installed Windows 7 x64, Intel Core i7-2720QM 2.2 ghz processor, 8 GB ram installed

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0x0000003B BSOD Error?

Jun 17, 2012

My BSOD happened while i was browsing the internet.ere is a bad picture of it from my phoneAnd here is the dump file:061712-20514-01.rar

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[BSOD] Error 0x000000F4?

Nov 21, 2012

I got the BSOD when trying to copy files.

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BSOD Dxgmms1.sys Error

Dec 18, 2011

I get BSOD a lot. Usually I solve it by restoring to last state in safe mode. But this time I made the minidump file and wondering.I've tried updating my drivers(specially display adapters) at device manager but windows says they are up to date.

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BSOD System_Service_Exception Error 3b

Dec 23, 2011

I've been BSODing for about 2 month now. It happens at least once a day. Here is a log of the errors: [URL]

My system specs are:
Windows 7 Pro x64 Full
Age of system hardware: ~5 months
Age of Windows Installation: ~1 year

I have run memtest and it passed 7 times straight In addition I have followed the BSOD posting instructions and attached the zipped file.

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BSOD Error BCCode D1?

Jan 24, 2012

Well my computer blue screened again. I've attached the dump reports. I don't know why it's still doing this; is it really still my wireless USB adapter? If it still is then I'll invest in a PCI wireless adapter instead.I forgot to copy and paste the error report when Windows started.Here's my specs:i5-2500K Sandy Bridge stock @ 3.3GHz16GB (4GBx4) DDR3 1600MHz Corsair VengeanceNVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 HD 2.5GB [EDIT: the card is an EVGA branded card]GigaByte GA-Z68MA850W Corsair CMPSU-850TXV22TB (2TBx1) SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 64MB Cache 7200RPM HDD

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BSOD Error In Ntoskrnle.exe?

Feb 10, 2012

Windows 7 Home Premium x64 the original installed OS on the systemFull Retail All hardware is only a year old minus the hard drive which is 3 years oldOS was reinstalled a month ago due to random blue screens flashing up during Windows start up.I was having some BSOD earlier and found out it was the Nvidia Updater that was causing the problem. I do the perfmon /report and nothing shows up in the report. I keep getting the errors but can not put my finger on it.

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BSOD Error 0x0000001e?

Apr 3, 2012

I have been getting a new BSOD error message, it was happened every 15 minutes or so while trying to play BF3 last night.I also ran a Memtest overnight, 8 passes and 0 errors.-x64-OEM-Asus mobo, i5, PSU, 8GB Ram, are all 3 months old when I did a fresh Windows 7 install.

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BSOD Error 0x00000050?

Jul 22, 2012

with BSOD. Its happening random.[CODE]

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BSOD With Kernel Error 41?

Aug 5, 2012

I have had multiple crashs on my hp 6710b running Windows 7 64 bit..Event log shows warnings with kernel error 41 AND 37 respectively;

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BSOD Error-code 101

Aug 18, 2012

A while ago I had some bluescreens with the error-code F4 which I could fix by updating the SSD firmware (from 1.3.0 to 1.3.3). But since then, I sometimes have a bluescreen with the errorcode 101. The bluescreens only appear while I'm playing Battlefield 3 or sometimes when I currently play nothing; in other situations my pc just freezes and I have to use the power button. With Google I found out, that this bluescreen is caused by an error with the processor, so I ran Prime95 and watched the temperatures with SpeedFan. The temperature of the second core was 98�C so I started logging the temperature. After another bluescreen I looked in the logfile but the temperature was only around 40�C. So it seems that nothing overheats (which is also proved by the fact that the bluescreens appears while nothing runs that stresses the hardware alot).

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BSOD Error 0x0000006B?

Oct 22, 2012

i keep getting this BSOD well i just play Fly For Fun thats about it that is what i use my computer for most of the time and Facebook. i checked for over 2 days on Google so i found this forums today and hope i canI Try to run on Safe mode but it wont by pass BSOD[CODE]

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Stop Error 116 BSOD

Nov 5, 2009

The OS is crashing when viewing a flick in TVU Player. So far, this is the only time this occurs, I can watch a variety of other video apps without any problem (knock on wood). What I did find searching seemed to point to a general concensus that the root of the problem was the Nvidia driver, but those posts were over a year old, and I would hope that Nvidia would have gotten it straight by now.

The process mentioned in the BSODs is nvlddlkm.sys, which obviously is part of the nvidia drivers. I'm currently using the latest Nvidia driver, and it didn't sound like going back to an older driver was likely a solution.

Since this appears to only effect TVU Player, one might think that it is the culprit, but I have tried several different versions of it without an improvement. Bottom line is whether anyone has any relevant suggestions, other than just stabbing in the dark?

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