WINdows 7 ERROR:BSOD Locale ID 1033 Error?

Apr 18, 2011

Just installed windows 7 about a month or so ago, running great, only every now and then if my system is idle and I wiggle the mouse to make it come back on , it just reboots automatically[CODE]

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BSOD Playing Minecraft And MW3, Locale ID 1033, BBCode 116?

Apr 29, 2012

While playing Minecraft and MW3 I often get BSOD's within a few minutes of starting to play. I've been looking for months now for a solution, [CODE]

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BSOD After ITunes Update (Locale ID 1033 / Bad Driver) No Safe Mode

Dec 3, 2011

BSOD and subsequent boot failure. Windows Startup Repair can't fix the computer automatically and I'm at a loss. The problem occurred after I updated to the latest version of Itunes a few days ago. Right now, I can't even boot into safe mode, so I don't know how to run the utilities.

Here is what I got from Startup Repair:
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: StartupRemairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 21200795
Problem Signature 05: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 06: 9
Problem Signature 07: BadDriver
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

Details about the computer:
Acer Aspire AS1830T-3730 laptop
Core i3 - 1.2GHz
WD Caviar Black 750GB
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 - (retail re-installed)

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Windows Blue Screen Error Code: 1033

Jul 27, 2011

I recently just received a Blue Screen with an error code while watching an episode of a TV show online. The error message came up with this:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.


I use windows 7 home premium, an XFX 750i nForce motherboard, intel q9550 processor and an EVGA GTX 460 GPU. I am also using 8Gb of wintec ampx DDR2 RAM. I am not sure what is causing this as I had just taken in my computer about a month ago for a diagnostics at tiger direct and they said everything was fine. I am going to try and run memtest tonight but am curious if anyone here knows what is causing this?

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Run Diagnostic, Problem Detected But No Error Message - Local ID 1033

Sep 24, 2009

I have problems when I play games, I get some BSOD about half an hour after I start playing. it says local ID 1033

I tought it might be a memory problem so I run the memoty test, it says it found a hardware problem and that I should contact the manufacturer. Then windows boot perfectly and no error message appear... I dont know what to do next.

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Bluescreen Error Locale ID:1057

Aug 27, 2011

i had trouble in OS win 7 always show blue screen

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1057


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BSOD Happening Randomly - Locale ID 2057

Feb 21, 2013

Randomly crashing PC. The BSOD and restart used to happen when watching videos online or attempting to play games, but now it happens often no matter what I am doing. I have done a format of my PC and a clean install of Windows 7 64 bit, but the same thing started happening almost instantly.
System Specs:
Processor: AMD FX-4100 Quad-Core, 3.60 Ghz
8.00 GB RAM
System Type: 64-bit Operating System
Hard drive: hitachi hd T721010SLA360 ATA 1TB (899 gigs free)

Bug check description: This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA). This is likely to be caused by a hardware problem. This problem might be caused by a thermal issue. The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

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BSOD While In Photoshop CS5,error 0x0000009c, Error 0x00000124

May 24, 2012

After a year of daily BSODs with errors 0x0000009c and 0x00000124.I am having them mainly while drawing in Photoshop Cs5 and on idling.

My System Spec:

cpu: i7 970 3.2Ghz
Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth X58
Ram: Corsair CMT12GX3M3A2000C9
Gpu:Asus EnGTX460 1GDDR5
HDD: Corsair SSD Force 60GB

ps: I have checked the RAM using MemTestx86 and everything was fine

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BSOD Error While Playing Games, Error 9f?

Jul 10, 2012

I get the BSOD when I'm playing games, and it says "driver power state failure". When i first saw this, i tried updating my drivers, and it did fix the problem for a while but then afterwords it occurs again. I do not know which specific driver is causing theI am using a Alien ware M17x-R3 Laptop, Pre-installed Windows 7 x64, Intel Core i7-2720QM 2.2 ghz processor, 8 GB ram installed

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BSOD After Changing System Locale Then "Insert Proper Boot Device"

Aug 21, 2012

Trying to play a game and since it's Jap, I had to change the system locale to Japan. After rebooting, because it requires a reboot, I got a BSOD in about a minute. I thought it was okay and wouldn't happen again because it ran out of memory or something. After I reboot, I got another BSOD and now it's saying "Reboot or insert proper boot device.

I went to the BIOS and my HD was the first boot priority. I'm a total noobie when it comes to computers.

I have an ASUS K52F-BBR5 Notebook. Could my HD be corrupted or is there a way to fix this? I'm currently finding my installation disk to see if I can do a startup repair.

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[BSOD] Random BSOD - Kernel Data Inpage Error

Dec 15, 2012

This started happening last night while i was playing Borderlands 2, it has happened at idle, playing just about any game in my library, during downloads and just browsing the web. I changed all of my accessible drivers, and it continued to happen, so i moved all of my personal files onto my external HDD. I re installed windows on my SSD (did not reformat) and reformatted my HDD. I re installed my drivers, re-enabled SLI and it ran fine for about an hour, just downloading WoW, and then happened again twice.

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BSoD Error 0x00000050 In Windows 7

Apr 30, 2012

After recently installing a new RAM DIMM to my PC, once in a while Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit crashes.
I'm not certain, but I think the only error I've received on BSoD is "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" (last time the parameters were 0x00000050 (0x80eac2dd, 0x00000000, 0x9e306c99, 0x00000002)). I'll attach the mini-dump files. I'm pretty sure is related to my RAM, because it's mixed. I sure hope my new DIMM isn't faulty. I'm also attaching a report from Everest about my PC.

P.S.: I've also recently played a bit with my BIOS to OC my CPU a bit. CPU voltage is at 1.45V, memory is set to 1.85V, DDR-2 667, 5-5-5-18-2T.

P.P.S.: Forgot to mention... I've run memtest86+ overnight (about 8 hours) - no errors... Also ran Windows' memory test - no errors.

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BSOD Error While Trying To Install Windows 7

Nov 22, 2011

i start the Windows 7 installation from Bios and it goes thru 1st step and when is starts to decompress files i get the BSOD it says:
"Bad memory management error" or "IRQL_DRIVER_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" please help me i ve never had an error like that before i boguht ati hd 5570 Sapphire i was with an onboard nvidia geforce 7050PV 3GB of DDR2 ram 320gb of hdd amd athlon X2 5000+ running at 2.6Ghz 400W PSU SuperWriteMaster IDE DVD i downloaded the Windows 7 image file burned it to a DVD+RW on 2X Speed with nero6 the DVD Disk is brand new it's not even scratched....

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Random BSOD On New Windows 7 X64 PC - Error 1e

Mar 22, 2012

I've recently built a new PC of which I've had to replace the motherboard already due to it being faulty. Since installing the new motherboard, re-installing all components and re-installing Win 7 on my SSD, I've been getting random BSOD's 1-2 times per day, bug check code 1e. My computer will not go in to sleep mode either without a BSOD - albeit a different bug check code: 0a. I had no such problems on my old board leading me to believe it is a motherboard issue, albeit I'm trying to verify this in order to be able to RMA it if needed.

PC Specs: All running at stock settings
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Intel i7 2600k 3.4Ghz (1155)
Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H-B3 (F10)
Corsair Sport 4x4GB (16GB) DDR3 RAM
ZOTAC nVidia GeForce 560 GTX
On board sound
OS hard drive: Crucial M4 256GB
2nd, 3rd drives: WD 500GB WD5000AAKS-00YGA0
4th drive: SAMSUNG HD204UI 2TB

The BSOD just happens randomly for no apparent reason. There is nothing in event viewer indicating what the problem could be.

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Bsod Then Windows Error Recovery?

Jan 4, 2013

So it all started when I was playing swtor. I walked away from my computer to have a smoke. When I got back swtor had closed. I tried launching it again with no success. I used the fixlauncher.exe, again with no success. My computer then bsod's and restarts to windows error recovery. Attempted to launch startup repair, it restarts. Try to start windows normally,get a glint of hope from windows loading then got bsod flash then restarts. I've tried to start in safe mode, last good config, etc. no matter what I tried it didnt start. So I put th hdd in a different pc put a fresh windows 7 on it and still the same problem.

Psu:cooler master gx-750w rs-750-acaa
Cpu: amd athlon II 651k
Ram: corsair vengeance 2x8gb 240 pin 1600mhz
Vid card: nvidia geforce 550ti 2gb
Mobo:asus f1a75-m

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BSOD After Run Windows XP Mode, Error 0xd1

Feb 7, 2012

After run any virtual computer (Windows XP mode) Windows Virtual PC crashes to BSOD 0x000000d1. In safe mode I can't run virtul PC (can't run virtualpc server), after diagnostic startup (msconfig) system crashes too. I tried almost everything.

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Random Windows 7 BSOD Error 0x00000050?

Feb 12, 2012

New to these forums.


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BSOD During Windows Update, Error 0x0000000a?

Apr 13, 2012

Computer is still under warranty (purchased in January) but after a couple months, the customer support hasn't been able to hone in on the problem(s), so I'm just attempting some research myself on the blue screen codes I'm getting. Yesterday the motherboard and both RAM sticks were swapped out and I ran the recovery disks, so the operating system is fresh as well. (Hard drive has also been replaced and one RAM stick was replaced previously too.) Didn't see the blue screen happen, just came back and the computer was off and when I turned it back on it went to the windows recovery screen. When I booted to Windows normally it gave me the error, then finished installing the updates.After the motherboard switchout, it automatically boots from the front USB ports first, despite the fact that I've gone into the BIOS and excluded everything from the boot order other than the hd and cd/dvd. (So it'll boot from my jump drive and say 'missing operating system' and I have to restart.) Not sure if it's relevant information, but figured I'd include it.

Windows 7 Home Premium x64
OEM, reinstalled
intel i3 2120, intel hd graphics 2000

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BSOD Error 0x000000F4, When Starting Up Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2012

My friend has a virus on his laptop, which deleted his winnet.dll files. After trying everything he could he decided to do a restore. When he tried to restore he said it was taking way to long and decided to just to turn off the laptop. Leading to more problems, now every time he tries to boot the laptop it shows the loading files followed by the Windows loading screen. After that it shows a blank screen with the mouse. Anyway to fix this.I tried booting from safe mode but that didn't work, it would just crash with a BSOD

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Complex Windows 7 Error Install And BSOD

Mar 27, 2011

I'm end up with my problem because it started from bad o worse.So the error exisits that.First I Downloaded a IP Change programm.Later my PC just restarted and from then on it's just shuting down his self after Windows 7 Startup with a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Bsod,So I tried so much thinks to fix it and were breaking my brain but at last didn't anything work.

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BSOD Error And Red Lines During Windows 7 Boot

Oct 30, 2011

[URL]i have bought a new rig 2 days ago...

i5 2500k
forsa geforce 430 2gb
2x2 gb kingston ddr3
intel dh67cl

i have had the exact same problem as OwlMan.. For the 1st day everything ran just fine... But on the 2nd day....

I was playing fifa 11 and had minimised it to check the time when this happened..
I don't know if this happened to owlman but the system does not seem to have the graphics drivers installed after the incident , and every time i try to install the drivers , at first everything goes fine but during reboot , at the time when you can see the cursor but the rest of the screen is black , the computer reboots again...

Also , during the countless reboots, i once mistakenly left the nvidia driver cd in the optical drive....when the boot screen passed the windows logo, the red lines reappeared and the system rebooted again .

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[BSOD] Blue-screen Error :PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA In Windows 7

Feb 2, 2012

[BSOD] Blue screen error :PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA in windows 7

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Windows 7 64 : Random BSOD's With Multiple Error Messages?

Mar 26, 2012

Over the past few weeks I have been getting intermittent BSOD's and pc freezes. When the pc has frozen (does not respond to any keyboard commands etc) it sort of powers up, but I get no signal to the monitors and no 'beep' as when the pc boots up properly.If I leave it for 10-15mins it will boot up again fine, but then I get BSOD's. I have had multiple errors such as SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION , BAD_POOL_CALLER, and the BSOD not giving an error as before but listing a .sys file, such as FLTMGR.SYS, TCPIP.SYS, ATAPORT.SYS, NFTS.SYS.I haven't recently installed any new hardware apart from a new 4gb of ram (2x2gb sticks) which I have had for 3 months + now. The only other hardware/software I installed recently was a Logitech webcam, and oddly the crashes did start occuring after this.I have ran memtest for multiple sweeps on each stick of ram and no issue, I have also ran chkdsk and it found no errors.The pc this morning has really been BSOD'ing like mad, so I now have it in safe mode replicating what I was doing and no BSOD as of yet.I have a minidump of the most recent BSOD (as they dont always report a BSOD when they freeze).My pc is around 3.5yrs old, is running Windows 7 64bit, has an Intel Pentium CPU E2220 2.4 ghz processor, and 8gb of DDR2 ram.

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Windows 7 Ultimate / Possible Graphics Card Error With BSOD?

Nov 2, 2012

I present a dilemma and acquire some assistance with anyone who is tech savvy in computers. Before I describe my problem, I just want to let you know that I have searched for this error and received no solution. But, I believe I have narrowed down what the problem is and I have a strong feeling it has something to do with or revolving around my graphics card(?). I have a report that I saved in my notepad here after the BSOD and it states that it will help describe my problem but I cannot locate it within my computer files(?) (Doesn't show up.)Any game I try to run will crash randomly, even with the settings on low, so I figured it's graphics related(?) I hope anyone can decipher this, it's very confusing and certainly frustrating. I have tried anti-virus scans, registry cleaners, even cleaning out my computer, everything seems to be in place and running fine, the whole nine yards. [code]

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BSOD Memory Parity Error Running Windows 7

Mar 22, 2012

I own a Dell XPS M1710 running Windows7 (5 years old). The graphics card has already been replaced once (after 1 year) due to a well know heating problem (made tolerable by cooling pad). I get Blue screen and Memory Parity Error some of the times I start up but mostly it freezes at the black screen point. Memory check gives all clear and I have tried swapping out all of the RAM with (working) modules but still get the same error message. Tried updating the graphics driver, no change. Tried disabling the Graphics device in Device manager and this had a slightly different blue screen but the same basic result.I suspect the graphics card Nvidia Go 7950 GTX because the fault first happened while playing an MP4 file.

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BSOD - Streaming Video Error On Windows 7 Computer

Apr 4, 2012

when my girlfriend was trying to watch a Internet video, the computer would freeze and go to a blank screen. this also happened when she tried to sign into myspace? when i was putting 7 on, there was no problem. i updated flash, java, etc. is windows 7 . . . - x86 (32-bit) - the original installed os on the system? no, vista was - an oem or full retail version? full retail - what is the age of system (hardware)? 4-5 years old? - what is the age of os installation (have you re-installed the os?) 1 month, no.

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BSOD Frequently After Starting Windows 7 X64 Error 0x00000050

Apr 22, 2012

Currently I am experiencing a major issue with my computer. I will start my computer up and I get a BSOD within about 10 minutes. It has happened 10 times already and I have no idea how to fix it. I have read numerous forums, tried updating graphics card drivers, hard drive drivers. I have performed disk check and run a memory test with no errors. I am not sure if it is a hardware fault or other. The BSOD also occurred while I was in safe mode with netowrking turned on. I have tried doing clean boots and even tried disabling my graphics cards, network adapters and audio drivers. I will post the dump file which is always the same every time the BSOD happens.

Dump File : 042212-9937-01.dmp
Crash Time : 22/04/2012 4:13:52 PM


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Unexpected BSOD Error Message On Windows 7 Startup

Jul 3, 2012

I am not computer savvy when it comes to these sorts of things. The heading states it all and am wanting a bit more of an insight at any problems that may be occurring etc.. Also, as of late I have noticed that my DVD player refuses at times to read a DVD movie or game title, and only after a few open / closes it seems to work. - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit - the original installed OS on the system? As Above - an OEM or full retail version? Retail Version

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BSOD After Windows Automatic Updates Error 0x000000d1

Nov 17, 2012

I am getting BSOD everytime I boot up the computer. It will say configuring windows then crash to BSOD and say dumping physical memory. Code error is 0x000000d1. It says that Ndis.sys is involved. Top of the BSOD it says Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or something. it just continues this cycle of trying to boot up followed by crashing.

I can boot up in safe mode, but not safe mode with networking. So I'm not sure how to download the latest drivers without an internet connection.

I am running Windows 7 service pack 1 on a Dell inspiron 546. I have tried booting in safe mode and running msconfig to only boot up microsoft programs, and i've disabled Mcafee security and firewall.

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Random BSOD With Error 0X00000050 And 0X00000109, Windows 7 X64

Jan 17, 2013

Have recently completed a clean install of Windows 7 Home Premium x64 on a customers laptop, installed Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 x32 and put all his data back on there.Since then hes been getting BSOD's. Have downloaded and installed Blue Screen viewer and have found that im getting 2 different error codes.

1, Stop Error 000000050 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA

2, Stop Error 000000109

I have tested the RAM using memtest overnight and has 15 passes. The problem is i cant reproduce this issue, it seems to be completely random in falling over. I have had it on a test bench for 48 hours running PCMARK 7 and it hasnt fallen over once and then when i have given it back to the customer he says within the hour it was doing it again. I have asked him if there is something specific he is doing when it crashes and he says no its just general use.

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BSOD When Halfway Through The Windows 7 Splash Screen Error 0x0000007B

Nov 30, 2011

I cloned a hard drive that had an image all set up with all kinds of programs and settings. Now that I put that cloned hard drive in a new computer (any) even the same exact harddware of an older computer, it gets BSOD and auto restarts. Tried startup recovery and no fixes found or worked.

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