BSOD Error And Red Lines During Windows 7 Boot

Oct 30, 2011

[URL]i have bought a new rig 2 days ago...

i5 2500k
forsa geforce 430 2gb
2x2 gb kingston ddr3
intel dh67cl

i have had the exact same problem as OwlMan.. For the 1st day everything ran just fine... But on the 2nd day....

I was playing fifa 11 and had minimised it to check the time when this happened..
I don't know if this happened to owlman but the system does not seem to have the graphics drivers installed after the incident , and every time i try to install the drivers , at first everything goes fine but during reboot , at the time when you can see the cursor but the rest of the screen is black , the computer reboots again...

Also , during the countless reboots, i once mistakenly left the nvidia driver cd in the optical drive....when the boot screen passed the windows logo, the red lines reappeared and the system rebooted again .

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PC Will Not Boot, Has White Lines On Screen?

Sep 30, 2011

Alienware PC will not boot up has white lines accross the screen. Running windows 7

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On Boot, Horizontal Blue Lines No Startup?

Oct 23, 2012

I start up my computer, the bios runs as normal detecting drives etc. then it gets to "loading operating system..", from here it either stays that way or changes to a screen with horizontal blue lines and if you wait a little longer still, other colored lines appear aside these blue lines. This all happens at the top of the monitor.I have tried to restart my PC several times and the same thing happens with these lines. I have also tried changing monitors, unplugging all inputs. Nothing.

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BSOD Error On Boot In Widows 7?

Jul 21, 2012

The laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1420 running Windows Vista Home.When I turn on the laptop, the computer boots up and then goes to a menu where I can either choose to Start Windows Normally, or Begin Start Up Repair.Both of these options cause the computer to load for a few moments, and then it BSODs, with the error unmountable_Boot_Volume.I then tried to boot the computer off the Windows Vista install disk. It goes through Loading Windows Files, and then it begins loading Windows, and then it BSODs with the error Page_Fault_In_Nonpaged_Area. I am now stuck with what to do.Also loading the computer in safe mode also reults in a BSOD.

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White Lines/bars On Screen, Can't Boot In Normal Mode

Oct 20, 2012

I turned on my PC earlier on today and there was a white bars/lines on the screen throughout the bootup process. I'm unable to boot into windows as it hangs and goes into black screen after loading past the windows logo, however I'm able to boot into safe mode but still having the screen filled with white lines. I've tried system restore to no avail. I'm thinking its either the graphics card or the monitor.

AMD FX-8120
Windows 7 32Bit
4GB Ram
AMD HD6870

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BSOD Error - Unmountable Boot Volume

Feb 6, 2012

find a way to repair the hard drive for my wife�s <one-year-old HP Pavilion dm1 laptop so we can recover her data� at this point in time the partition on the drive is inaccessible (to me at least).Here�s a brief rundown of the scenario. On Saturday morning my wife woke me up to tell me her laptop had blue-screened while she was working on an online document, and would no longer boot into Windows.When the system is powered-up it seems to be going through a normal start-up process� displaying the Windows 7 pulsing logo for a minute or so. Then is switches to a notice asking if the user wants to run start-up repair (recommended) or start Windows normally. If start-up repair is selected the system will eventually display the default Windows 7 desktop wallpaper, and the hard drive light will indicate activity for a couple of minutes�. There�s even a mouse pointer that can be moved around� but no dialogs, controls, or anything else will ever appear. We left it in this state for more than 30 minutes to make sure.

If �start Windows normally� is chosen the system will eventually blue-screen , with the error reported as �Unmountable Boot Volume�.I tried pulling the drive and dropping it into an external drive bay, but when I attempted to go into the main partition I received a notice that the drive needed to be formatted first (which I obviously didn�t do).I�ve also tried booting into a Windows 7 installation disk via an external USB drive (the laptop doesn�t have a built in optical drive), as well as booting into the same from a thumb drive. In each case I selected �Repair your computer� from the menu, only to get to the same scenario as before� with the default Windows 7 wallpaper displayed, but no sign of the System Recover Options tool/dialog� so I can�t even begin to try and repair the install.On the plus side, she finally seems to understand what I�ve been telling her for years� that she needs to regularly back-up her system. Unfortunately all her research and papers from her current studies at college are stuck on the drive� and we really need to get them back.

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BSOD Every Time Trying To Boot Error 0x0000004A

Jul 10, 2012

Every time I try and start my laptop I get the BSOD. I tried going to Last Known Good Configuration and it seemed to work as it did not crash immediately, but when I opened the internet the BSOD came back.I attached the dump files and health report and my specs are as follows.

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BSOD On Boot Every-time After Shutdown, Error 0x00000024

Mar 25, 2012

I've had this problem for a while and it drives me nuts. Every time I shut down my computer it will crash the next time I power up and try to boot windows 7. I can go in and out of sleep or hibernate without issue but if I ever shut down my system it will BSOD during the next power on. After this initial BSOD there are usually a series of BSOD (usually they report different error codes) in subsequent restarts. Eventually the system does seem to stabilize and stop crashing. Once things are working it will run for literally months without another BSOD.

Win 7 Ultimate x64 (retail)
8gb DDR3 ram
i5 750 @ 2.67ghz
RadeonHD 5770 1gb

system is less than 2 years old and OS was last installed ~18 months ago (c: partition reformat and clean install)

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BSOD Error Message When Installing XP For Dual Boot

Nov 20, 2009

i was wondering if i could get any tips or advice, i keep getting bsod error message when trying to install xp, it looks like i have to install the sata drivers, i think i have to slipstream the driver with xp as from my post here, but i cant find the sata driver for my toshiba hard drive anywhere. My sony vgn-aw120j does not have drivers for xp on the sony website and toshiba does not have drivers on theirs. my hard drive is a mk-3252gsx from toshiba,

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Got An Error Along The Lines Of: "Windows 7 Cannot Be Installed On Disc 0 Partition 1"?

Jan 4, 2012

I have Ubuntu installed on my laptop, but I wanted to install Windows 7 alongside Ubuntu.While trying to install Windows 7 from a CD, I got an error along the lines of: "Windows 7 cannot be installed on disc 0 partition 1".

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BSOD At Startup, Error 0x000000ED Unmountable Boot Volume

Oct 3, 2012

Had this error yesterday after starting the computer. Did a startup repair but it didnt fix it. Can't boot into safe mode. Right now doing startup repair again.

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WINdows 7 ERROR:BSOD Locale ID 1033 Error?

Apr 18, 2011

Just installed windows 7 about a month or so ago, running great, only every now and then if my system is idle and I wiggle the mouse to make it come back on , it just reboots automatically[CODE]

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[BSOD] Windows 7 Cant Boot After Bsod?

Apr 10, 2011

im having a strange error i got after modificating DEP and after that got BsoD's and the windows cant boot now.full story in that thread

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Cannot Boot Into Windows 7 / File /boot/BCD Is Missing With An Error Code Of 0x0000007

Mar 26, 2011

I cannot boot into Windows because it says that the file /boot/BCD is missing with an error code of 0x0000007. If I run Repair from my installation disk and in System Recovery Options, it says that it has detected problems and asks if I want to repair it. The items it wants to repair are: " The following startup option will be repaired:Name: {bootmgr}Identifier: {9DEA862C-5CDD-4E70-ACC1-F32B344D4795}

The following startup options will be added:

Name: Windows 7 Ultimate (recovered)
Path: Windows
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)
Name: Windows Recovery Environment (recovered)
Path: Recovery9426aa67-30ff-11e0-a348-506313b5e718Winre.wim
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)

A copy of the current boot configuration data will be saved as C:BootBCD.Backup.0002"If I click yes, it says that it cannot save the current settings for the BCD and refuses to continue. When I choose Startup Repair, it attempts to fix the problem but fails.

The problem details are:

Root cause found:
No OS files found on disk.
Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Failed. Error code: 0x3bc3

I think that this is because Startup Repair is trying to fix the thumbdrive that I keep my Windows 7 install files in. I am overseas now and as my computer does not have an internal optical disk drive and my external drive is back home, thus using my thumbdrive is the only way to access the repair console.

I tried running a few commands, namely:

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbcd

Fixmbr and fixboot work, but when I run RebuildBCD, it detects C:Windows as having a Windows installation, but if I type Y(yes) or A(all), it says that the requested system device cannot be found.

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[BSOD] Random BSOD - Kernel Data Inpage Error

Dec 15, 2012

This started happening last night while i was playing Borderlands 2, it has happened at idle, playing just about any game in my library, during downloads and just browsing the web. I changed all of my accessible drivers, and it continued to happen, so i moved all of my personal files onto my external HDD. I re installed windows on my SSD (did not reformat) and reformatted my HDD. I re installed my drivers, re-enabled SLI and it ran fine for about an hour, just downloading WoW, and then happened again twice.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Vista Boot Error Winload.exe

Oct 14, 2009

I installed Windows 7 on a partitioned harddrive with vista on the other half. After the installation i have my boot menu with:Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows vista still works but when i try and load windows 7 i get a boot error message

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Windows 7 Boot Mgr Error 0xc00000e9: Unexpected I/O Error?

Feb 19, 2010

It's running Windows 7 Pro x64. When I attempt to start it up, it starts up the Windows Error Recovery program, suggesting that I launch Startup Repair, and allowing me to start Windows normally. In both scenarios, I get the same error.When I start normally, I get the Starting Windows text, then I get a solid white bar with Windows is loading files... above it. It fills up halfway, then I get Windows Boot Manager error 0xc00000e9: An unexpected I/o Error has occurred.This computer is a stock Dell Inspiron 530s, with no new hardware devices added or removed in recent memory (other than starting from a USB stick once or twice, but not since I installed Windows 7 Pro x64 on here).How should I proceed?hould I plug in a USB stick I have Xubuntu 9.04 on and backup all his files before I do anything?

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MBR Error 1 On Boot - Windows 7 (32-bit)/XP SP3 Dual Boot

Nov 9, 2012

I have a laptop I bought a year ago on which a created a dual boot Win 7 (32bit)/Win XP SP3 install, each on a separate partition. It was my first Win 7/XP dual boot install, and my first personal system that I allowed to have a Win 7 install on it at all, so although I have plenty of experience working on pretty much every previous version of Windows, I have very little experience with Win 7 and dual boot configs.

Today about 2 hours ago my audio spontaneously stopped worked for no good reason, so after shutting down each program to see if that cured it (which it didn't), I restarted the system. Out of the blue, for the first time I've ever experienced it, I received the msg "MBR Error 1" - Press any key to boot from floppy. I don't have a floppy of course on my laptop, and if I press any key I simply get the same msg. I turned the system off for a few minutes to make sure it was a good cold boot, but every time I still get the same msg. I tried switching the BIOS setting from IDE to AHCI (IDE is required for XP to boot, AHCI required for Win 7), but I still get the same error msg before I'm even prompted with the OS boot selection, so it made no difference of course.

I looked up this issue and found various suggestions, but none of the ones I found took into consideration a dual boot config., they were all Win 7 specific solutions. I don't what to try and repair the MBR only to have it screw up my dual boot config and be unable to access XP, which is what I use almost exclusively, nor do i want to lose access to Win 7 if at all possible.

I had a backup HD of my complete system that I saved several months ago when I upgraded my HD, and I periodically refresh the most important files on it, so I'm currently running on the laptop in question using my old HD, and it's working just fine. Worst case I can just clone my old HD to my newer HD that's screwed up, but I'll still lose a lot of changes I've made to the OS since I upgraded the HD and have to reinstall and config a number of programs, so that's my last option. I'll also have to back up about 200GB of data from the newer HD which is much larger than my old HD, and then restore it back after the clone, something that will take a lot of time and unncessary effort if I can just fix the MBR.

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White Lines On Windows 7?

Dec 4, 2012

it shows some weird streching lines from the icons.theres morenes in the right of my windows 7 dekstop and in my start menu,how can i fix it.i could see good with the lines but the lines are annoying

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Odd Lines When Loading Windows 7?

Dec 3, 2012

my rig is working fine however I have noticed something strange that occurs whenever I boot my rig, when I got to the part where Windows 7 is loading instead of getting the windows logo on the screen and "starting windows" I get 8 blue lines along the top left of my screen. I was wondering if anybody else has ran into this problem or may have heard of it before[CODE]

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Windows Animation - Lines And Flickering?

Mar 31, 2011

I seem to get all sorts of lines on any animation and the animation flickers.

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BSOD While In Photoshop CS5,error 0x0000009c, Error 0x00000124

May 24, 2012

After a year of daily BSODs with errors 0x0000009c and 0x00000124.I am having them mainly while drawing in Photoshop Cs5 and on idling.

My System Spec:

cpu: i7 970 3.2Ghz
Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth X58
Ram: Corsair CMT12GX3M3A2000C9
Gpu:Asus EnGTX460 1GDDR5
HDD: Corsair SSD Force 60GB

ps: I have checked the RAM using MemTestx86 and everything was fine

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BSOD System Won't Boot / Cannot Boot To Safemode

Jul 10, 2012

My Windows 7 64 bit machine will not boot. It keeps going into Windows System recovery mode. I have tried that multiple times and rebooted each time but no luck.System specs - Windows 7 64 bit, 16gb ram. Core i7-920 with 12 gb ram. This is an OEM disc that I bought from comp store, all parts and OS are less than three years old. C: drive - windows install a few apps, Drive 1 - games and music,

1) tried looking up this error with instructions. online instructions have had me go into the command prompt to perform edits on the c: windowsSystem32 folder. These do not come up in my prompt on my c: drive - where windows in installed. See program files etc, but no Windows32 folder.
2) already have run the c: chkdsk /r to try and fix the disc. It went through everything and comes back saying there are no problems. Still cannot boot to windows either get BSOD mentioned above or recovery mode.
3) Cannot go to previous restored state (one of the choices ) as it states that I have no restore points although I know that I have established at least 2 in the last 2-3 months
4) Tried inserting the Windows 7 disc and running repair from there but it just takes me to the same Windows system recovery mode which still does not work.
5) I tried hitting F8 during boot to go into safe mode but no good. it only takes me to a screen which gives me the option for boot order.
6) run the memory test from recovery console - no problems.

I have read the BSOD thread but everything there seems to assume that you can already boot into Windows at sometime and download the exe to run. (I cannot get into windows at all)Does anyone have any suggestions? I built this one myself (4th build) and have never in the 10 years of using Windows had a problem which I could not get into at least safe mode.I can go to maybe until this weekend but need to use my computer by Saturday cob.If I have had no luck at that point i will have to reinstall windows (it is on its own harddrive with most all of my applications on separate drives. So that may be a small blessing.I have had no strange occurrences while using the computer which is on pretty much 24/7.Is this what happens when a harddrive crashes? This one is about 2.5 years old and there have been no warning signs that something was amiss (no clicking etc)

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Lines Of Colors After Entering Password In Windows 7 PW Field?

Dec 12, 2010

This has happened mabe 2-3 times. Boot up computer, get the windows password field, put in pw, next screen is a cross-hatch (vertical and horizontal lines) of various colors. Cursor doesn't work, nothing works, manually shut the computer down. On rebooting, everything is OK??? Nothing appears to be wrong with my monitor (Samsung 193P), or any other functions of computer.

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BSOD Error While Playing Games, Error 9f?

Jul 10, 2012

I get the BSOD when I'm playing games, and it says "driver power state failure". When i first saw this, i tried updating my drivers, and it did fix the problem for a while but then afterwords it occurs again. I do not know which specific driver is causing theI am using a Alien ware M17x-R3 Laptop, Pre-installed Windows 7 x64, Intel Core i7-2720QM 2.2 ghz processor, 8 GB ram installed

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Can't Boot Windows 7 After BSOD?

May 21, 2012

today i got a BSOD that said:Windows has shut down to prevent damage to computer.I couldn't get the dump file because i cannot boot it.All i did before was plugged in a new headset before even booting it.The biggest issue comes that i can't boot windows 7 from cd/dvd.It stops at windows boot screen.Same happens when booting from CD / DVD.( I am not overclocking )I just had 2 more blue screens i didn't had enough time to read it but it says BAD_HEADER (while booting in safe mode)and IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL ( booting in normal mode)

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Bsod Cannot Boot Windows At All

Jul 24, 2012

So I'm not sure where to start. I can't get into windows to attach a log on here. I swapped out almost every piece of hardware. Sometimes the windows loading screen freezes and I need to shut it down myself and sometimes it doesn't but that's where I end up with the blue screens or it reboots itself right as it tries to load windows. I've been getting mainly 124 and x09c errors. It crashed in the middle of playing battlefield3. I was able to log onto windows maybe 3-4 times before it wouldn't even let me get close

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Windows Won't Boot BSOD?

Oct 21, 2011

I'm having problems with my brothers PC, a few months ago everything was fine, the we added 2 Gb RAM and suddenly it was frozen, ok restarted and once in a while he got that kind of problems, sudden freezes or reboots, then one day it won't boot showing a BSOD regarding win32k.sys and another with MEMORY_MANAGEMENT and finally evolved to BAD_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INFO. it just won't start, did the chkdsk as suggested by a live ubuntu CD and it was a 4 day chkdsk, at least after that I was able to see my files in ubuntu. Tried everything with the recovery options and none worked.

Well that's the background, I reisntalled Win7 in a new HDD and after a few days this time tested the system for a week with the original 2 RAM sticks, after that a one of the new stick was installed and everything went fine for another 2 week till it had boot problems, after trying to do things with the repair options again I was able to get in the disk so I could backup with Ubuntu, saved info but win still wont start, and then it appeared as if it wasn't formatted, so I installed XP in another disk and tried to open the disk, it wasnt formatted so I run chkdsk and the disk was fine again, restart and this time there was no Bootmgr (dont know what happened, I installed XP with the other disk unplugged) so I copied it from the installation disk and it loaded windows (with the vista animation... repaired with a line code from a win blog) and again everything was running again nicely.

A few days ago it happended again, this time while windows has loading (orbs) the tablet started blinking and nothing happended, reboot, safe mode, reboot and everything ok.

Today, it stopped right after the orbs animation, just right before the login, 1 minute and nothing happened, so reboot and asked for chkdsk, once it was complete, it tool about 30 min to load the desktop and it was unusable I let it load for an hour it loaded gadgets but still unusable tried to click something and it gave me a terminate process window, so again reboot and now every partition needed chkdsk, if cancelled the BAD_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INFO prompted, I wasn't able to even start from XP it displayed disk error at bios, then again tried with win 7 and this time the and let it finish chkdsk in the installation unit, it finally started but I cant access 3 of 4 partitions in the other disk, only the one with XP installed.

Right now I'm trying to recover the other partitions with the chkdsk in the cmd, but I don't have a clue of what is happening.

What I know is:

- The two RAM sticks installed right now are fine, worked fine before the new ones.
- The slow windows loading could be caused due some driver, in this case I've read quicktime uses the same path as the wacom tablet and add a semicolon everytime it updates but don't know exactly what that means. My brother installed quicktime through a download manager from softonic the day before the problem happened again (the repaired installation). Deactivated QT update and worked for a few days till now.

Right now I was able to recover 3 of 4 partitions, the one I couldn't recover was the one with the previous installation (before the new HDD), it says the MFT is damaged and chkdsk can't continue, how can I fix that?

I don't know what might cause the problem, might be the old HDD? Some driver? What can be the cause for those chkdsks? I tried a lot of things, right now even powering off the PSU with the back switch (after shutting down win of course) looks suspicious.

The PC specs are:

AMD Phenom II 965BE
MoBo Gigabyte GA-MA78G-DS3H
2 1Gb Kingston RAM
Gigabyte ATI Radeon 5770
1 WD SATA 2 500 Gb (old installation broken MFT in one partition)
2 WD SATA 3 500 Gb (new one with current installation)
CM Silent Pro 600W PSU

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Installed Windows 7 Ultimate Edition - Colored Lines On Screen

Feb 12, 2011

I just installed my windows 7 ultimate edition and noticed that something was going wrong. Look at the picture below. Look at the color lines.

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Windows 7 Crashes / Freezes With Artifacts (Wavy Colored Lines)

Jan 24, 2012

I've been using my PC fine for the last 3 years. A month or so ago I updated to Windows 7 Ultimate x64. That too has been running fine, then today, after about 3-4 hours of use, in the middle of a game, my PC screen suddenly got weird wavy lines and colours all over it and crashed. Long story short this has now happened about 10 times. Interestingly, I thought it was a graphics card problem, so I tried it on my HD TV (both TV and monitor connected via HDMI) and it did it on the TV too. I then uninstalled the nvidia (8800gt) drivers and restarted my PC. It works fine in safe mode, and in normal mode, but I can't change my resolution to 1680x1050, (it's native resolution) without installing the nvidia drivers.

I don't know if the problem is the drivers, (but never had an issue before?) or with resolution, (monitor problem?) Every time I do install the nvidia drivers the PC restarts normally, screen looks fine, and the PC seems to run, until I click on anything with the mouse and then the wavy lines and weird colours appear again and I can't CTL-ALT-DEL, I have to hard reset it every time. Once I left it for 5 mins. and moved the mouse a little every min. or so and that was OK, but as soon as I click on anything, it freezes and artifacts again. Also, my antivirus flashed red a few times and so did the windows clock in the bottom right corner of the screen, (very odd!) when the PC first starts windows.

That made me think it could be a virus, (even though I'm very careful about what I DL), but I had Avast run through a deep clean check and it found nothing. I also tried to get Win 7 to repair itself, which did nothing either! I've tried reinstalling the drivers, using newer and older nvidia drivers and I've tried to install my HG216 monitor driver, but since it's a few years old there is no official Win 7 support and all I have is an inf. file I can't install on Win 7. I haven't included a dump file, I know a fair amount about computers but I haven't worked out how to do that yet. Also, since I have to hard reboot everytime, in my event view the only errors listed seem to be about 'power failure', so I don't know if the bug or whatever would show up in the dump file?

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Show Navigation Pane Folders Tree Lines In Windows 7?

Jul 28, 2010

How to do in Windows 7? No option in Windows 7, by Registry? How to do?

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