Wipe HDD With "diskpart >> Clean All"?

Oct 29, 2011

I was triying to wipe my HDD with diskpart >> clean all to overcome "Windows could not configure one or more system components" issue which I post to technet forum afew days ago.But I have some concerns about wiping process. Most of the notebooks are being sold with hidden partition which contains OEM Windows 7 and required driver files for a clean systems recovery. That partition made hidden by the manufacturers as factory defaults. I was wondering if diskpart can handle with this hidden partition?If not, that won't be a actual wiping the HDD that may reason of the issue mentioned in the link.

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Disk - Clean And Clean All With Diskpart Command

Jan 3, 2010

How to Clean or Clean All a Disk with the Diskpart Command ?

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Can "diskpart Clean All" Be Performed After A "diskpart Clean"

Aug 17, 2012

I have an external 2Tb hard disk that's gone bad. It is under warranty so I can return it back. I was trying to wipe it clean and erroneously ran "diskpart clean" instead of "diskpart clean all". Now that all partitions are all gone, my laptop won't recognize it anymore. It shows up as "unknown", "not initiated" & "unallocated" on disk management. Trying to initialize the disk gives the error "the device cannot find the sector requested". There's no drive letter. Diskpart doesn't list its volume but lists the disk. It is listed under disk drives on device manager and device status says "This device is working properly". Is there anyway to run "diskpart clean all" now? I guess a disk's volume needs to be selected before diskpart clean all" is executed.

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Diskpart Clean All Function Taking Too Long

Oct 1, 2011

I'm trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate x86 on an HP 430 laptop. The Windows installer can't find the laptop's hard drive so (as a solution I found while googling) I tried Diskpart's clean and clean all functions. The clean function finished quickly but the clean all has been going on for more than 24 hours now. Is it supposed to take this long? The laptop has a ~500gb hard drive and an i3 processor.

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Will A Clean Install Wipe Partitions

Mar 11, 2012

I have a drive with 2 partitions 450GB each and a 100GB partition which I use for files shared on a SVN. Currently I am using windows 7 home premium but I just got Ultimate from a friend who gave it to me as a gift. Can I install ultimate on one of the partitions and leave the rest untouched? I have important files like documents/spreadsheets for work and family photos on my primary hard drive that currently has home premium, I use the other partition for easy organization of all my games. So my question is that is there a way for me to install ultimate on that second 450GB partition and then delete windows boot files and everything from the other one to make ultimate the only bootable partition? If not then are there any cheap external drives, preferably eSATA, that I can use because I am on a budget?

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Complete Wipe And Clean Reinstall Of Windows 7?

Oct 31, 2012

wipe my hard drive clean of everything (including my current installation of windows 7)I currently have a dell inspiron 1545 running windows 7. I bought it new and I think with Windows pre-installed. That hard drive crashed, so I got a replacement one and that one did not come with any CDs or DVDs.First question:I've read that nowadays that most manufacturers don't ship disc's, but rather deposit recovery partition on the hard drive.If I create a DVD with this recovery partition will it be exactly the same as if I buy a new windows installation disc?

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How To Wipe Clean Laptop And Re-install Windows 7

Jun 8, 2011

My laptop completely crashed. I took it to my cousin and he completely wiped it clean and put a dell recovery disk into it (its an acer aspire 3000). Well he couldn't find the license key to 'activate' windows. Then the laptop screen broke and started working the other day. Anyways, I want to put windows 7 maybe on a dvd-r. I read somewhere that you have to get a license key hence expire like what happened before. I do have a dvd burner in this computer. So:

1. Where do I download windows 7 iso.
2. How do I put it on a dvd-r.
3. How do I completely wipe the laptop clean without logging into it because as I said windows expired and I cant use it.
4. How long will it take.
5. How can I make sure it wont expire and everything will work fine on it.

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Trying To Wipe HD Clean And Reinstall Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OEM

Apr 30, 2012

Would like to know what the proper way to go about formating hard drive and reinstalling windows 7 all I have is the repair disk, data back up disk & the Image disk i got the dell laptop from bestbuy and geeksquad did the set up well actually 3 weeks ago my motherboard and processor took a crap and it was replaced but i dont have a windows disk and actually had to get a program to track down the cd key but i dont have any dell software installed in here and its missing to many system files to run down. so i fifgured i would just "start over".

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Diskpart Lists No Volumes Other Than DVD-ROM Drive

Mar 18, 2012

I just put in a new second hard drive, but my machine won't start into windows anymore (win7 64-bit sp1). I just have a black screen after boot with a blinking cursor top left corner and the HD led on the pc is on permanently. So I decided to pop in the installation dvd and was able to get into recovery environment. Launched the command window and diskpart, but DP lists no drives or volumes.

When I take the new disk out, the system boots up normally. I can see where this is going, so is there anyway to use the recovery environment to scan the drive for errors? Chkdsk doesn't work cos no drives are present, supposedly. Can I manually mount a drive? Unfortunately I don't have an external hdd dock to stick the drive in.

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Diskpart Failing To Format Drive

Mar 8, 2012

I have an HP xw8600 on which I am trying to install and format raid 0. My boot drive and OS use the on board controller. This raid is on a 3rd party card (3 Ware 9550SXU-12). I am using this board for its supposed speed over my on board LSI controller, which is capable of raid with only 2 ports. I have used the Bios level utility from 3 Ware to set up the array of 2 Samsung 103F3 1 TB drives in raid 0. The 3 Ware utility says these are now 'exportable' meaning available to Win for formatting.I go to Diskpart, making sure I am an administrator, and can view, select and partition the drives. When I go to format however I get and error message that the format has failed. I checked the system event log and it says: ChipStatus=16807000 (PCI parity error) The event log mentions that it was the 3 Ware that generated it. The drivers for this board are loaded and under device manager it functions normally. I have seen some posts that say this might be a driver error. I have the latest 64 bit driver for this board.

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Windows 7 Cannot Boot - Cannot Run Chkdsk Or Diskpart?

Jul 3, 2012

i attempted a dual boot of debian and windows 7 yesterday, on a HP laptop with a single HD. this is where ive come a cropper as i think ive installed grub into the windows partition - and thus now it cannot boot windows.i have a recovery disk, but cannot run chkdsk, scannow and diskpart does not let me select any volume other than the recovery disk itself.example output;chkdsk /fthe type of the file system is NTFS.cannot lock current drive.windows cannot run .... because it is write [CODE]those commands are all i can find to fix the problem and none of them do. i DO NOT HAVE a installation disc as it's a HP with windows pre installed on it.

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Bootmgr Missing / Start Up Repair / Diskpart Won't Fix

Sep 15, 2012

I tried to add a new HDD to my computer which ended up making my computer unbootable.At first I had the "Restart and select proper boot device" problem, which was fixed.After that the Bootmgr is missing. I searched all over and still have not been able to fix the problem, here's the things I tried: [code] Having it the only HDD in the computer no change.The harddrive only worked with my laptop's HDD inside.

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BSOD On Command Diskpart, Rescan, Error 0xfffff880009a97e8

Jan 25, 2013

i was trying to read on how to create the BSOD dump file, but how i'm supposed to do that if i can't get into windows 7 to install that software or change anything? My system is complete unacessible. I was trying to recover one harddrive using a case and usb when i found a tutorial saying i should open prompt DOS and type commands: diskpart and rescan but of course im not able to find that tutorial again it's sticky with my windows 7, i'm using dual boot windows xp x64 here now, and the windows 7 crashed after that rescan command, i tried the recovery options and chkdsk it did not fix the problem, i'm thinking as last option to create a triple boot shrink the windows 7 to install another and copy all to there 0x0000007B 0xfffff880009a97e8

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Diskpart Not In English, Displaying Chinese Or Japanese Characters?

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to do a Windows 7 reinstall from my Samsung Recovery disk, as I have a Samsung laptop. I have received the infamous "windows could not format a partition on disk 0...Error code: 0x80070057" error. Through researching this forum it seems the diskpart program is used to troubleshoot. However, the program only displays English from the command lines or numbers (i.e. - 465 GB).Everything else is displayed as Chinese or Japanese characters. Is there a way to change the language to all English?

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How Do I Wipe My Whole Pc Files

Apr 9, 2012

Can i wipe my Pc to a non Stable form, where you have no files at all and wont show windows. without a cd i need help (really bad and fast)

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How To Reset/wipe/install The OS

Nov 18, 2011

Lately i got myself a new computer. I use the wrong OS to install and installed Window XP and Got a BlueScreen mid way. Later i realize there was a Disc containing Windows 7. when i Put the CD in it does nothing. My Pc load all the way up to a black screen with a blinking underscore and stay there. I cant type and can only restart the PC.

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Protected Partition Wipe Out Too?

Nov 29, 2012

If I were to reformat my computer will the protected partition be wipe clean too even thought I wasnt ask to do or delete any partition during or after factory restore

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Can't Wipe BIOS Password

May 2, 2012

hey someone put a password on my bios a while ago and I don't know what it is, I've full powered it down, taken out battery for 1min+, used the CMOS jumpers but it's still on there. How can it be this persistent?

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Installing Windows 7 On SSD Wipe HDD

Jan 20, 2012

About three months ago I built a new PC but with trying to keep in budget I opted to use my dads windows 7 CD and bought a code online. Recentley though it failed and after googling I found that this was probably a trial version. I have now bought a retail copy and thought I would get an SSD as I did want to get one origanlly but again couldnt get it into my budget.Basically I have alot of stuff I dont want to keep on there ( I will transfer all of my music, steam games etc onto an external hdd) so would like to do a fresh install of windows onto the SSD and completley wipe the HDD so it can just be used for storage.

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Wipe Windows 7 From Laptop?

Feb 20, 2012

I had encountered problems with my laptop and wanted to start a fresh so I tried to install windows seven again and got all the way through the installation up until the completing installation phase then after about fourty minutesi received an error of what I beleive said windows has encountered a problem restart the computer and restart the installation and when i tried to boot I got an error after the setup is starting services screen that says the computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error windows installation cannot proceed, and when I restart I get stuck in this loop, I have my bios set to boot from cd drive but if I do not press any buttons it shows four different windows 7 listed, I am completely stuck in what to do, i have a dell Inspiron N5030.

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How To Re-install Windows After Wipe

Nov 17, 2012

I want to wipe my hard drive becuase over a couple of years it has become a lot slower and i want to try wiping it before i start upgrading it. How can i compeletely wipe a disk but and then re-install windows on it without having to buy a new one. i don't have the original windows disk on it. Do i use the recovery disk, or do i only wipe the non-os partition.

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Pre Full HDD Wipe Checklist?

Feb 2, 2013

Model: Toshiba Satellite P755-S5198 . I might get chewed for this but, I am tried of all the 'fluff' that comes with my Toshiba so I am sure I am dooming my self here.Ive had this Toshiba for a good two years now and it has more than paid for its investment for what Ive put it through, and I want to squeeze more out of it, but the fluff is the cause of so much stress for me. Now I know to be in a Administrator account to uninstall stuff, yada yada. But I know that doesn't get rid of it though cause of the Recovery partition.After alot of deciding I decide to put my Hirens to personal use and make all things on my Hard Drive Zeros!!! Well will soon after I get info I need.I will be using double driver to back up all this then restore it once I wipe the hard drive if that is feasible.ANyone who has a p755-S5198 know what key drivers are needed for basic operability?I am assuming the NIC, the Realtek LAN/Enet port controller, the GPU and Integrated Graphics driver, and the HM65 Chipset controller? Oh and Generic USB for mouse use.The rest I will use other tools in the Hirens to get Driver info and stuff..

1. Will I need to Flash the Bios if I completely wipe the harddrrive, recovery partition and all? Or will my Bios remain the same even if I wipe the HD?

2. Is there a way to make a recovery Partition on the HDD after installing windows and getting the computer perfectly set up like you want ((Aka Programs installed, modifications made and what not).? Assuming it will use the Windows Recovery stuffs? I dont want to just make a Partition on the Hardrive, I want it to be a actual partition that is strictly for recovery purposes, since I do a Factory restore 1 time every month, the principle is the same for making a New recovery partition if I wipe the computer.

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How To Safely Wipe Drive For OS Upgrade

Jul 11, 2011

I am upgrading my OS from XP to Windows 7, but I am having problems cleaning my hard drive so I have 16GB of free space. My D drive is not NFTS formatted so I can not install on it. How can I safely wipe the C drive so I can complete my upgrade.

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Wipe XP Partition That Has Windows 7 Loader

May 5, 2011

Can I do this? Isn't the W7 loader on the XP partition?,XP is on partition 1, and W7 is on partition 2.

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Reactivate Windows 7 After Drive Wipe?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a Dell XPS 13 that came with Vista home. I later upgraded to Windows 7 home. The computer began to have intermittent lock up and video failures so I decided to wipe the drive and do a clean install of Windows 7. Now I can't activate windows 7. Since I upgraded this legitimently I should be able to reactivate my system.

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Can I Wipe 7 In Dual Boot And Start Over ?

Jan 20, 2009

I've been attempting a dual boot Vista 64 with Windows 7 on a 30GB partition on my c: drive.

This has not been successful as I can't get online, 7 can't see my router.

See dual boot thread in this forum if you're interested.

Anyway, in frustration I just tried a reinstall/ recovery with my original iso disk and I think I've bollixed the whole thing.

I realized what I was doing, another install, and ejected the disk in a panic and now find I have to 7 installs on that partition neither of which is booting properly.

So can I somehow wipe this partition and start afresh?

Also I'm thinking that my original download/iso disk might have been corrupt or something and that could be what's caused me these problems. I could download another one and burn a fresh disk.

Could I just format the drive or is there another way required.

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Way To Wipe A Virus Ridden Netbook?

Jul 11, 2012

I've heard that diskpart / clean all is very thorough, but I don't know how to do this on my netbook since the main drive of the computer in use can't be the one selected for clean all. Is there another way to do this, or an alternative that would be just as thorough? Any suggestions / instructions would be much appreciated. I have Windows 7 starter (32 bit).

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How To Reinstall Windows 7 On A Toshiba After HDD Wipe

Sep 22, 2011

I'm considering installing FreeNAS on my laptop, but I was wondering, would it be possible to reinstall Win 7 if I didn't like FreeNAS, or would I have to buy an OEM disc?

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Disk Boot Failure After HDD Wipe?

Dec 3, 2011

So starting last week, my computer started getting a blue screen. So yesterday it was so bad to the point where it wouldn't load windows at all. So I ran Ultimate Boot CD and it diagnosed the HDD was messed up. So I wiped it clean using Dban and now I'm trying to reinstall Windows 7 Professional but whenever I put the disc in and restart the rig I get a "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"

Oh and if it helps, the rig is only like 6 months old. I did some reading and the only lead I have is to format the HDD and try again. I am also just realizing that I'm a dumbass and should have done system recovery, but too late now.

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Wipe A Previous Boot Disc?

Oct 15, 2012

I have recently reinstalled 7 on a new disk so i can keep the boot free of clutter. Now i want to wipe the old disc so i can fill it with said clutter. Problem is Disk manager seems to recognise it as system and will not give me the option to format.

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Wipe Out A Password Out Of Dell Laptop?

Dec 29, 2012

I ve got a dell laptop that has a password on it and is the ex adminstrator and i need to know how to either remove them or reset back to factory

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