Trying To Access Bootsect.exe In Order To Remove Grub

Jan 15, 2013

I am running an ASUS U-47 laptop and am trying to access the system recovery options. However, when I try and access them, which I have done from both the recovery partition as well as a system repair disc, I am only directed to the restore to jfactory preset wizard, which offers me three options; restore windows to entire HD, just this partition, or 2 partitions. I am trying to access the bootsect.exe in order to remove grub, and as far as I can see, the only way to do that is through the command prompt in the system recovery environment.

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Remove Windows 7 From Dual Boot With The Bootsect Command

Dec 1, 2008

See the video tutorial on how to Remove Windows 7 From Dual Boot With The Bootsect Command.

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Remove GRUB With XP As Dual Boot

Jul 22, 2009

my problem is that now i have two operating systems:

1)XP Sp2

2)Linux Fedora

now my boot loader is GRUB and with that i select which of them start,the default is windows Xp, now i want to delete linux and just have windows xp and then install windows 7.

so i think i shoud first change bootloader and then install windows7,but i don't know how to do this this.can u plz help me?

another thing where can i see windows7 requirements,and the file system for installing it shoud be NTFS is it right?

at least how many GBs shoud i have for installing it?

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How To Remove Grub And Get Windows 7 Bootloader Back (Uninstalling Linux)

Jan 12, 2010

I originally had windows 7 professional 64 bit on my laptop. I had a 10 Gb partition, which I divided in SWAP and / mount to install Ubuntu Linux. My computer now loads into Grub loader. All is well, its just now I want to get rid of Linux. (I will install it on desktop and mess around with it there.) I wanted to know how to get rid of the Grub loader.

I googled it and found that you can restore the windows (didn't find anything for windows 7) bootloader using the installation disk and going into repair. The instructions however were all for windows xp and few for vista. I want to know if it will work for Windows 7. I don't have a windows 7 DVD. I have a Windows 7 professional upgrade disk 64 bit. My Vista came pre loaded on the laptop, and i have recovery disks for it. Will I be able to do it from the Windows 7 upgrade disk.

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Remove The PATA, Change The Boot Order From It To The SSD - NTLDR Missing?

Mar 11, 2012

Well, i ve had the XP for quite some time and got the trial win 7 version installed.The XP is on a PATA drive. The 7 is on a new SSD OCZ drive. Windows 7 boots everytime (after i manually select it) when the PATA is connected. Once i remove the PATA, change the boot order from it to the SSD - NTLDR Missing. I want to remove the PATA drive from my system but it wont load the 7 without the XP

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Can't Access Bios To Change Boot Order / TrueCrypt

Feb 27, 2012

I am currently unable to access my bios because of the TrueCrypt Boot Loader. This also means I can't change my boot order to boot into a cd. The boot order was messed up, and whenever the password is entered it just says "No available partition" and then shuts down, so I have to press [ESC] to avoid the boot loader. And this skips any chance to enter the bios.Is there any way to fixmbr/fixboot without booting into a USB or CD?The only other way would be to remove my hard drive and get a new one to install windows on.

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Order Windows 7 Explorer View To Order Files And Folders Alphabetically?

Aug 26, 2011

how can i order win 7 windows explorer view to order files and folders alphabetically like this[CODE]

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Bootsect.exe Problem

Jan 8, 2010

I am trying to do a usb upgrade of 64 bit windows7 on my 32bit vista computer. My laptops dvd drive is broken so I got a digital copy of windows7.

The problem I am having is that to prepare the usb drive and make it bootable I need to run a program called bootsect.exe. The problem however is that this is a 64 bit program and I cannot execute it from my 32 bit vista install.

Does anyone know a way around this? I need to complete the final step which is making my usb drive bootable.

I have the 32bit version of bootsect.exe will this work and then go on to install 64 bit ?

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Cannot Find Bootsect.exe On Windows 7 64-bit CD

Feb 22, 2011

Where can I get this file. I am trying to make a USB Boot drive, But I do not have Bootsect.exe on My windows 7 64-bit DVD. Home version. Is this only on Pro or Ultimate, or only on the 32 bit version ?

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Unable To Get Bootsect To Run When Using Windows 7 Usb/dvd Download Tool

Apr 3, 2012

I am trying to use my usb so i can install win 7 but after i use the win 7 usb/dvd download tool after it copies it it says was unable to get bootsect bootable

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How To Remove Windows 7 Access Restrictions

May 23, 2009

I had a few annoying problems with Windows 7 so I deleted the partition that it was on and went back to using vista HP64-bit the problem is that the directories that I was using for personal files seem to have taken some sort of security features from Windows 7 and now I am having problems with them in vista for example

Access to the path 'D:DocumentsMy GamesFar Cry 2BenchmarksResults5.23.2009 9.47.49 PM' is denied

I have the permissions in vista set correctly

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How To Remove Direct-frame - Access Denied

Dec 10, 2011

how to remove direct-frame....TBO access denied

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Remove AVG From Screen Unable To Access Mails

Jan 22, 2012

want to remove AVG from my laptop AVG is preventing me from accessing my emails what should I do I want easy access to my mails.

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Remove Limited Access To Administrator Account?

Dec 28, 2012

how to remove limited access broadband please answer send in my mail

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Ease Of Access Center - Add Or Remove From Logon Screen

Apr 12, 2010

How to Add or Remove Ease of Access Center from Windows 7 Log On Screen ?

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Can't Access Windows Files/how To Remove Standart Administrator Account?

Mar 12, 2011

i did'nt do anything specific to make it happen, but all of a sudden i can't acces all those "my" files in my documents anymore, you know "my picture" "my music", all of those files. the icon is a little faded and shows a lock on it. when i try to acces it it sais "acces denied" (in my language). i can still acces all files i created myself though. also, a few days later, i all of a sudden have a stndart administrator account.i know that it is standard because my account is removable but the account "administrator" is not. now i would like to know how i could regain acces to my files, or even better remove to administrator account and turn my account back to the standard administrator account.

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Grub Error 17

Jan 29, 2010

So I am having a problem and I am hoping that someone can help. On my desktop I recently installed Win7 on a 1TB internal drive. I installed it on separate drive then I had my original WinXP32 installed. So I could test out Win7 before fully transferring over. Well it worked just fine for that last 2 months and I finally decided to get ride on my older WinXP32 OS and run Ubuntu 9.10 on that drive.

After installing Ubuntu on my old WinXP drive (that was the original drive on my PC) I no longer can run Win7 I just get this Error (Grub Error 17) when I try to boot my system, but I can still run Ubuntu. If there is anyone out there that could give me some advice on how to get my Win7 OS to run again I would love some advice.

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[BIOS] Booting Using GRUB?

Dec 11, 2011

I had windows 7 and i installed red hat linux by creating a partition.When ever i boot the linux is the default OS which will come up unless i dont select the windows 7 manually.Now i wanted to remove the Linux so i removed the partition from windows.After reboot i see GRUB.Can you let me know how to go ahead and boot the windows now.

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GRUB Shows At Boot Up

May 23, 2009

When ever i try to turn my pc on it shows GRUB on a black screen

i have installed WUBI 9.04 ubantu linux now i cant log in to any os

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7 To Usb Or Partition Through Gparted/GRUB

Feb 1, 2009

I'm currently downloading it & spent the weekend creating a dual boot XP/Ubuntu. I don't want to mess up my system, so can I install 7 into a flash drive (usb)?

Other than that, if I created a new partition through gparted and booted from the 7 iso disk, would my GRUB notice this & respond?

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Stuck With The ' Grub ' Bootloader

Nov 8, 2009

i got a netbook recently with windows 7 installed, and found this free software "ubuntu" now am stuck with the "Grub" bootloader.

Does anyone know how i can remove this and return the netbook back to it's original state i've tried doing the Acer Recovery and it doesn't get rid of the Grub bootloader. Has anyone got any ideas??

I tried doing some things off the Linux website but i have no knowledge of linux at all it totally baffled me.

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Grub 1.5 Error Code 17

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to install windows 7 home premium on my hubbys laptop. He had Linux Ubuntu on it, which he wanted wiped. I tried just installing windows7 over the top of it but it wouldn't silly me thought I'd have a go at wiping it myself!

Now I can't do anything and all I get is the following error...

Grub loading stage 1.5
grub loading please wait...
Error 17

Nothing else comes up at all and I can't boot any disc at all

I've already installed windows7 ultimate on my own computer but I had my pc partitioned with ubuntu and windows and (with some help) was able to install over the top of everything with no problems. Don't know what on earth has gone wrong this time.

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Dual Boot How To Get Grub 2

Sep 25, 2011

I have Mint 10 one this system which will have win7 replacing xp, how can I get Grub2 back frim with in windowsafter win7 takes over the mbr?

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Error: No Such Partition Grub Rescue

Feb 9, 2011

I just uninstalled ubuntu 10.10 and it worked fine but now when i rebooted I get an error saying:error: no such partition grub rescue>
I know that you can fix this by using a windows 7 disk and booting from that but i don't have my windows 7 disk because it came on my computer.Is there any way I can fix this error without a windows 7 disk?

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GRUB Loading Stage 1.5 Error 17?

Oct 29, 2011

I had Backtrack and Windows 7 in separate partitions, i just deleted the partion of Backtrack in Windows 7 using diskmgmt. When i restarted the computer it is showing GRUB loading stage 1.5 error 17

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Linux Grub Loader Problem

Jan 5, 2010

i just got windows 7 so i wanted to get rid of linux ubuntu. after alot of trying i only got to this point. i installed windows 7 over linux to delete linux and the reformated my other hard drive so that nothing was left. but the linux grub loader is still there, windows 7 should have over written it but it didn't.

now when i start i get this message.

GRUB loading.

error: no such disk

grub rescue>

but if i leave my Windows 7 install disk in i can boot my Windows 7, but thats the only way.

does anyone know how i can get rid of that stupid grub loader and replace it with the windows 7 loader?

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Merged Extended Partitions Into One - Grub Error

May 20, 2012

I have 4 partitions as c,d,e,f. I have merged d,e,f using disk management tool from windows 7. Everything went fine till I merged three extended partitions to one. Now I can't delete the free space now. When I right click I can see New shrink volume and delete partition options but I can't delete my freespace. When I do so I got a message like can't delete partition an error occurs stating that not enough space available on disk to complete this operation". And I am not able to see my partition in my computer. Now I shutdown my system and started now it showing no partition found Grub error. I have linux in this but I didn't touch that partition. My model is sony viao VPCEB15FM. I tried with internal backup but no use.

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Grub Boot Error 15, File Not Found

Jul 23, 2012

I just recently returned from a trip out of town and found when I tried to boot my computer I had a Grub boot error 15, file not found. I've never heard of grub4dos before I began trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer and found that it is used for dual booting. I run windows 7 ultimate x64 and have never dual booted my machine. While my laptop itself is not password protected, I do require a password to get into windows.

get around the required password to install grub4dos, install linux, then copy my hard-drive, leaving it useless when they're done? If not, is there some other way, a virus or trojan, that could cause windows to fail and revert to grub? I did remove my hard-drive, put it into an external case and try to look at it on another computer. In the disk manager it shows that it's healthy, has 465gb avail and the format is RAW.

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Dual Boot: Ubuntu And W7 Grub Issue

Jul 30, 2009

Ok so I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu desktop installed on my HDD. I used gparted and deleted my ubuntu partition and set it NTFS. But I forgot about the GRUB loader. Now when I boot up, I get the "error 22".

Anyways, how do I set it so I can just boot Windows 7?

Also! I'm on a netbook so it has to be a USB method.

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Grub Crash Caused Missing Partitions And HDD Memory?

Jul 25, 2012

This is a copy and paste of my problem.I haven't messed with ubuntu in a long while, because of this problem. what happened was i had ubuntu dual installed alongside my windows 7. I had grub as its main boot loader. I can't remember if i did the partitioning myself that time or not, pretty sure I did. However, for whatever reason, my grub loader failed once and it caused me to have to reset the mbr via a windows 7 disk. after I did this and ever since, the partitions I had set for ubuntu (a whopping 50gb) have been invisible to me. I KNOW they are there because my windows 7 says that my HDD says it is only like 418 in size. Clearly the memory is gone SOMEWHERE, but the partitions are not visible in either windows' partitioning tool, or when I load up a boot disk and use something like gparted.


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Removing Linux And Grub/Installing Windows 7 On Netbook?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a Samsung N120 Netbook that came with Windows XP. I tried to run Linux Mint as a 2nd operating system, but I kept getting errors and I became frustrated with it. Ever since then I have only used XP, but every time the computer starts up it goes into Grub and I have to choose to enter XP. Basically what I am looking to do is remove all traces of Mint and Grub and I suppose XP for that matter and upgrade to Windows 7. What is the best way to do that considering I have a netbook which does not have a CD/DVD drive?

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