[BIOS] Booting Using GRUB?

Dec 11, 2011

I had windows 7 and i installed red hat linux by creating a partition.When ever i boot the linux is the default OS which will come up unless i dont select the windows 7 manually.Now i wanted to remove the Linux so i removed the partition from windows.After reboot i see GRUB.Can you let me know how to go ahead and boot the windows now.

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Booting Straight To BIOS

Apr 4, 2012

When I start turning on my phone, the computer goes straight to BIOS then I have to exit the BIOS than it goes back to normal boot.

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How To Get Back BIOS Booting Screen

Jun 27, 2011

Repair company ****ed up my PC, they changed booting sequence and switch off BIOS booting screen. Now when I want to reinstall my system (because of serious virus) my PC doesn't accept booting win DVD and I can't see any port messages. Can't acces BIOS. I tried taping 'delete' , 'F2' , 'TAB' , 'F8' non of it works. Maybe it works because when I tried taping them I couldn't see anything on screen 'no signal to monitor' and system didn't start at all. It takes 15 minutes to start system now without touching anything.It's new computer connected to plasma screen via HDMI. Whole spec is ni my profile.

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BIOS Screen Doesn't Display When Booting Up?

Sep 16, 2012

The first one is the BIOS boot up screen that usually leads me to Windows. A few months ago, this vanished. I don't know if it was due to a version of Windows 7 i installed or something but whenever I turned on the PC, the screen would appear blank for a few minutes then go straight to the Windows welcome screen. I thought it was weird, but I didn't see a problem since it went to Windows so I disregarded it, which looking back is kind of dumb but I didn't want to risk doing something to the computer in the process.So a few weeks ago I was trying to partition the hard drive so I can install the Windows 8 preview on it, rebooted the computer and...nothing. It wouldn't take me to Windows to there's clearly a problem with the hard drive. I could always get a new one, but there's still the problem of the vanishing BIOS screen.

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Startup Isn't Booting Properly After BIOS Update

Nov 14, 2011

i went to update my BIOS after one of my games(call of duty: Black ops) was lagging badly and i did everything to reduce lag even though my computer could run it on high settings. BTW the lag was gone after i upgraded BIOS for the game i mentioned above.So a friend suggested that i update the BIOS. i did and then after restart my computer would freeze but when i unplug a usb device from 2 ports grouped together it booted. Today i got the boot until i remove a USB device but now i get crashes in games. it also decided to install printer drivers...again even though the printer has been working fine since the day i installed windows 7 x64 months ago. My version is not a beta or a RC its a full version fully updated with some minor tweaks like UAC turned off but nothing major that would cause startup to fail.i know i dont have a virus or a rootkit. Thats the first thing i checked. This didnt happen till after i updated the BIOS. so here is what i have done so far:Startup repair twice(i chose the recommended option).....neither time it worked it just reverted it back two days.did a antivirus,rootkit, spyware,etc... scan found only small stuff that wouldnt cause this much problems. in other words small stuff that i got rid of easily that is fairly common such as data miners and tracking cookies.also ran combofix....didnt find anything.next did a scan using Advanced windos Care 2 didnt find anything wrong with the disk or anything else.also ran chkdsk also didnt find anything.i ran out of options of stuff to do. i dont mind re-installed windows 7 but kind of want to use that as a last resort.

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Booting Afer I Modified & Saved A BIOS Profile

May 11, 2011

when I turn on my computer after 6-8 plus hours of not using it, I get this message while the BIOS is booting but before Windows starts: Overclocking Failed! Please enter setup to re-configured your system. Press F1 to Run Setup.Press F2 to load default values and continue.Now I know how to simply fix this issue by resetting the BIOS and/or if necessary, temporary removing and replacing the jumper pin on the motherboard and/or if *really* necessary, temporary removal and replacement of the CMOS battery. For me, it works by simply resetting the BIOS.To let you know since this has been happening, I have increased my RAM to 8GB. I had to make some changes to my BIOS like slight voltages increases in DRAM and the motherboard's northbridge and the memory module timings modified. I saved these BIOS changes (as a BIOS profile) to stabilize my 8GB of RAM which seems to work great -- stability issues solved.What actually happens is that one the *very first* BIOS booting when powering up my computer, the BIOS does not boot and without the beep from the motherboard's POST BIOS test. My monitor is black while, yet the tower LED shows it is running. I can hear the fan in the tower running fine. I have to manually restart the computer from the reset button and then on the second BIOS boot, the BIOS loads fine, followed by this "Overclocking Failed!" issue just before Windows can load. After another computer reboot and my resetting of the BIOS, followed by yet another computer reboot, the BIOS and Windows operating system loads fine and I am on my way.

Now *this is a pain in the butt* each morning after the system has been off for awhile or when my computer has not been running for 6-8 hours!!! The computer SHOULD NOT have to go through this!!! This whole sequence of events (4 computer boots) in the last paragraph does not happen if the time duration since my computer was not running is short since I last used my computer -- the computer boots and runs completely fine.Any ideas so I can keep the modified BIOS profile so my computer runs stable and not have this whole sequence of events happen -- so BIOS can load without any issues?Some basic general stats of my system:

- Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit.
- Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 -- Yorkfield 2.83 GHz 1333 MHz processor.
- ASUS P5Q desktop motherboard.
- 8 GB of Corsair XMS2 4x2 GB DDR2 RAM.
- XFX Radeon HD5670 Graphics Card.

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Grub Error 17

Jan 29, 2010

So I am having a problem and I am hoping that someone can help. On my desktop I recently installed Win7 on a 1TB internal drive. I installed it on separate drive then I had my original WinXP32 installed. So I could test out Win7 before fully transferring over. Well it worked just fine for that last 2 months and I finally decided to get ride on my older WinXP32 OS and run Ubuntu 9.10 on that drive.

After installing Ubuntu on my old WinXP drive (that was the original drive on my PC) I no longer can run Win7 I just get this Error (Grub Error 17) when I try to boot my system, but I can still run Ubuntu. If there is anyone out there that could give me some advice on how to get my Win7 OS to run again I would love some advice.

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GRUB Shows At Boot Up

May 23, 2009

When ever i try to turn my pc on it shows GRUB on a black screen

i have installed WUBI 9.04 ubantu linux now i cant log in to any os

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7 To Usb Or Partition Through Gparted/GRUB

Feb 1, 2009

I'm currently downloading it & spent the weekend creating a dual boot XP/Ubuntu. I don't want to mess up my system, so can I install 7 into a flash drive (usb)?

Other than that, if I created a new partition through gparted and booted from the 7 iso disk, would my GRUB notice this & respond?

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Stuck With The ' Grub ' Bootloader

Nov 8, 2009

i got a netbook recently with windows 7 installed, and found this free software "ubuntu" now am stuck with the "Grub" bootloader.

Does anyone know how i can remove this and return the netbook back to it's original state i've tried doing the Acer Recovery and it doesn't get rid of the Grub bootloader. Has anyone got any ideas??

I tried doing some things off the Linux website but i have no knowledge of linux at all it totally baffled me.

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Grub 1.5 Error Code 17

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to install windows 7 home premium on my hubbys laptop. He had Linux Ubuntu on it, which he wanted wiped. I tried just installing windows7 over the top of it but it wouldn't work...so silly me thought I'd have a go at wiping it myself!

Now I can't do anything and all I get is the following error...

Grub loading stage 1.5
grub loading please wait...
Error 17

Nothing else comes up at all and I can't boot any disc at all

I've already installed windows7 ultimate on my own computer but I had my pc partitioned with ubuntu and windows and (with some help) was able to install over the top of everything with no problems. Don't know what on earth has gone wrong this time.

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Dual Boot How To Get Grub 2

Sep 25, 2011

I have Mint 10 one this system which will have win7 replacing xp, how can I get Grub2 back frim with in windowsafter win7 takes over the mbr?

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Error: No Such Partition Grub Rescue

Feb 9, 2011

I just uninstalled ubuntu 10.10 and it worked fine but now when i rebooted I get an error saying:error: no such partition grub rescue>
I know that you can fix this by using a windows 7 disk and booting from that but i don't have my windows 7 disk because it came on my computer.Is there any way I can fix this error without a windows 7 disk?

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Remove GRUB With XP As Dual Boot

Jul 22, 2009

my problem is that now i have two operating systems:

1)XP Sp2

2)Linux Fedora

now my boot loader is GRUB and with that i select which of them start,the default is windows Xp, now i want to delete linux and just have windows xp and then install windows 7.

so i think i shoud first change bootloader and then install windows7,but i don't know how to do this this.can u plz help me?

another thing where can i see windows7 requirements,and the file system for installing it shoud be NTFS is it right?

at least how many GBs shoud i have for installing it?

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GRUB Loading Stage 1.5 Error 17?

Oct 29, 2011

I had Backtrack and Windows 7 in separate partitions, i just deleted the partion of Backtrack in Windows 7 using diskmgmt. When i restarted the computer it is showing GRUB loading stage 1.5 error 17

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Linux Grub Loader Problem

Jan 5, 2010

i just got windows 7 so i wanted to get rid of linux ubuntu. after alot of trying i only got to this point. i installed windows 7 over linux to delete linux and the reformated my other hard drive so that nothing was left. but the linux grub loader is still there, windows 7 should have over written it but it didn't.

now when i start i get this message.

GRUB loading.

error: no such disk

grub rescue>

but if i leave my Windows 7 install disk in i can boot my Windows 7, but thats the only way.

does anyone know how i can get rid of that stupid grub loader and replace it with the windows 7 loader?

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Merged Extended Partitions Into One - Grub Error

May 20, 2012

I have 4 partitions as c,d,e,f. I have merged d,e,f using disk management tool from windows 7. Everything went fine till I merged three extended partitions to one. Now I can't delete the free space now. When I right click I can see New shrink volume and delete partition options but I can't delete my freespace. When I do so I got a message like can't delete partition an error occurs stating that not enough space available on disk to complete this operation". And I am not able to see my partition in my computer. Now I shutdown my system and started now it showing no partition found Grub error. I have linux in this but I didn't touch that partition. My model is sony viao VPCEB15FM. I tried with internal backup but no use.

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Grub Boot Error 15, File Not Found

Jul 23, 2012

I just recently returned from a trip out of town and found when I tried to boot my computer I had a Grub boot error 15, file not found. I've never heard of grub4dos before I began trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer and found that it is used for dual booting. I run windows 7 ultimate x64 and have never dual booted my machine. While my laptop itself is not password protected, I do require a password to get into windows.

get around the required password to install grub4dos, install linux, then copy my hard-drive, leaving it useless when they're done? If not, is there some other way, a virus or trojan, that could cause windows to fail and revert to grub? I did remove my hard-drive, put it into an external case and try to look at it on another computer. In the disk manager it shows that it's healthy, has 465gb avail and the format is RAW.

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Dual Boot: Ubuntu And W7 Grub Issue

Jul 30, 2009

Ok so I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu desktop installed on my HDD. I used gparted and deleted my ubuntu partition and set it NTFS. But I forgot about the GRUB loader. Now when I boot up, I get the "error 22".

Anyways, how do I set it so I can just boot Windows 7?

Also! I'm on a netbook so it has to be a USB method.

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Trying To Access Bootsect.exe In Order To Remove Grub

Jan 15, 2013

I am running an ASUS U-47 laptop and am trying to access the system recovery options. However, when I try and access them, which I have done from both the recovery partition as well as a system repair disc, I am only directed to the restore to jfactory preset wizard, which offers me three options; restore windows to entire HD, just this partition, or 2 partitions. I am trying to access the bootsect.exe in order to remove grub, and as far as I can see, the only way to do that is through the command prompt in the system recovery environment.

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Grub Crash Caused Missing Partitions And HDD Memory?

Jul 25, 2012

This is a copy and paste of my problem.I haven't messed with ubuntu in a long while, because of this problem. what happened was i had ubuntu dual installed alongside my windows 7. I had grub as its main boot loader. I can't remember if i did the partitioning myself that time or not, pretty sure I did. However, for whatever reason, my grub loader failed once and it caused me to have to reset the mbr via a windows 7 disk. after I did this and ever since, the partitions I had set for ubuntu (a whopping 50gb) have been invisible to me. I KNOW they are there because my windows 7 says that my HDD says it is only like 418 in size. Clearly the memory is gone SOMEWHERE, but the partitions are not visible in either windows' partitioning tool, or when I load up a boot disk and use something like gparted.


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Removing Linux And Grub/Installing Windows 7 On Netbook?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a Samsung N120 Netbook that came with Windows XP. I tried to run Linux Mint as a 2nd operating system, but I kept getting errors and I became frustrated with it. Ever since then I have only used XP, but every time the computer starts up it goes into Grub and I have to choose to enter XP. Basically what I am looking to do is remove all traces of Mint and Grub and I suppose XP for that matter and upgrade to Windows 7. What is the best way to do that considering I have a netbook which does not have a CD/DVD drive?

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Delete Auto-Super Grub From Showing Up On Boot?

Jul 6, 2010

I once used Auto Super Grub to try to fix a boot problem of mine. But it didn't work, so I just reformatted my computer. however, Auto Super Grub still shows up on my boot screen, so I have to choose between Windows 7 and Auto Super Grub even though Auto Super Grub was uninstalled a long time ago.Here are some pics of what I see.Through msconfig, I see one OSHowever, 7's default OS menu shows me bothThen bsdedit shows me 7 as a option, but also shows Auto Super Grub

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Unknown Filesystem / Grub Rescue - Added Partition

Mar 26, 2012

I dual boot ubuntu/BTU bistro and win 7. They are all on different partitions. I had an extra partition for storage that I changed the file system so it could be read. Doing this I believe changed the order of my drives. Now on boot I get "unknown filesystem" grub rescue. I cannot load the bios or boot from cd.

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How To Remove Grub And Get Windows 7 Bootloader Back (Uninstalling Linux)

Jan 12, 2010

I originally had windows 7 professional 64 bit on my laptop. I had a 10 Gb partition, which I divided in SWAP and / mount to install Ubuntu Linux. My computer now loads into Grub loader. All is well, its just now I want to get rid of Linux. (I will install it on desktop and mess around with it there.) I wanted to know how to get rid of the Grub loader.

I googled it and found that you can restore the windows (didn't find anything for windows 7) bootloader using the installation disk and going into repair. The instructions however were all for windows xp and few for vista. I want to know if it will work for Windows 7. I don't have a windows 7 DVD. I have a Windows 7 professional upgrade disk 64 bit. My Vista came pre loaded on the laptop, and i have recovery disks for it. Will I be able to do it from the Windows 7 upgrade disk.

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Grub Loading Error:no Sush Partion In Dell Computer?

Oct 21, 2012

my dell computer write GRUB LOADING, then error: no such partition

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Deleted Linux Partition Using Windows 7 Disk Manager - GRUB Loading Error 22

Jun 6, 2012

I have a Dell XPS 430 that came with Windows Vista and a Windows 7 upgrade disk. I set up my main hard drive with Windows 7 on one partition, Linux on another partition, and a third partition for storage. I recently needed more space for Windows, and no longer needed Linux, so using the Windows 7 disk manager I deleted the Linux partition and extended the Win partition using the newly unallocated space.

Upon restarting my machine, I am no longer able to boot into windows but instead am presented with the message:
GRUB Loading, please wait...
Error 22

I have a Windows 7 disk that I am using to access the repair utility, which I have run countless times. I have tried severel of the tutorials to rebuild BCD and FixMBR, etc etc. Frankly I am getting lost in all the commands and not even sure what does what anymore!

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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Bios Clock Time Changes After Every Restart Even After Replacing Bios

Aug 23, 2011

I've got an Acer Model As5742 Laptop with an i5 480M processor and 8 GB of good Ram. I'm running Win 7 Pro 64 Bit. It's only about 5 months old and this started about a month ago. I have no other problems. IE: Blue Screens or Lockups or anything, just the Bios clock changes to a random date and time after every restart. I replaced the Bios battery twice and it only effects the chore of having to reset the time in Windows every time I boot.

I'm going to send it to Acer to be repaired within a week or two, but maybe it's not a bad timing mechanism in the motherboard and one of you people have a correct solution to it. Which will save me the trouble of sending it in for a motherboard replacement.

I do have all the drivers and bios updates installed. Oh yes I've ran about 15 different virus Etc. Malware scans with several different products and they all come back clean. I ran System File Checker SFC /scannow from the command prompt several times that also comes back OK.

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[BIOS] Really Bad , Wont Boot After Bios Update?

Aug 25, 2012

so i did a bios update, and it wont boot after the update.its a asus m4a79xtd evo (rev 1.01g)i dont have a backup of the bios

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Installed Ubuntu, Windows 8 Now If Select Windows 8 In Grub It Won't Start

May 10, 2012

I installed Windows 8. Then created a new partition ad installed Ubuntu on it.But now if I want to select Windows 8 in Grub, it waits a couple of seconds and then restarts Grub. [URL]how to get Win8(Consumer Preview) working again?

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