How To Get Back BIOS Booting Screen

Jun 27, 2011

Repair company ****ed up my PC, they changed booting sequence and switch off BIOS booting screen. Now when I want to reinstall my system (because of serious virus) my PC doesn't accept booting win DVD and I can't see any port messages. Can't acces BIOS. I tried taping 'delete' , 'F2' , 'TAB' , 'F8' non of it works. Maybe it works because when I tried taping them I couldn't see anything on screen 'no signal to monitor' and system didn't start at all. It takes 15 minutes to start system now without touching anything.It's new computer connected to plasma screen via HDMI. Whole spec is ni my profile.

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BIOS Screen Doesn't Display When Booting Up?

Sep 16, 2012

The first one is the BIOS boot up screen that usually leads me to Windows. A few months ago, this vanished. I don't know if it was due to a version of Windows 7 i installed or something but whenever I turned on the PC, the screen would appear blank for a few minutes then go straight to the Windows welcome screen. I thought it was weird, but I didn't see a problem since it went to Windows so I disregarded it, which looking back is kind of dumb but I didn't want to risk doing something to the computer in the process.So a few weeks ago I was trying to partition the hard drive so I can install the Windows 8 preview on it, rebooted the computer and...nothing. It wouldn't take me to Windows to there's clearly a problem with the hard drive. I could always get a new one, but there's still the problem of the vanishing BIOS screen.

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[BIOS] Booting Using GRUB?

Dec 11, 2011

I had windows 7 and i installed red hat linux by creating a partition.When ever i boot the linux is the default OS which will come up unless i dont select the windows 7 manually.Now i wanted to remove the Linux so i removed the partition from windows.After reboot i see GRUB.Can you let me know how to go ahead and boot the windows now.

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Booting Straight To BIOS

Apr 4, 2012

When I start turning on my phone, the computer goes straight to BIOS then I have to exit the BIOS than it goes back to normal boot.

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Way To Roll Back BIOS?

Dec 9, 2012

On some foolish whim I (yes, I know) made the mistake of trying to update the BIOS for my Windows 7-bearing Compaq laptop. The update failed and now whenever I simply let it boot it goes to a black screen and makes a loud beeping sound. I can operate Windows normally if I tap escape once and boot from that menu.

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How To Get Back Bios Password

Sep 27, 2012

i have dell vostro 1015 and iam not able to use my my laptop as i forgot my password boot menu is also not working.

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Startup Isn't Booting Properly After BIOS Update

Nov 14, 2011

i went to update my BIOS after one of my games(call of duty: Black ops) was lagging badly and i did everything to reduce lag even though my computer could run it on high settings. BTW the lag was gone after i upgraded BIOS for the game i mentioned above.So a friend suggested that i update the BIOS. i did and then after restart my computer would freeze but when i unplug a usb device from 2 ports grouped together it booted. Today i got the boot until i remove a USB device but now i get crashes in games. it also decided to install printer drivers...again even though the printer has been working fine since the day i installed windows 7 x64 months ago. My version is not a beta or a RC its a full version fully updated with some minor tweaks like UAC turned off but nothing major that would cause startup to fail.i know i dont have a virus or a rootkit. Thats the first thing i checked. This didnt happen till after i updated the BIOS. so here is what i have done so far:Startup repair twice(i chose the recommended option).....neither time it worked it just reverted it back two days.did a antivirus,rootkit, spyware,etc... scan found only small stuff that wouldnt cause this much problems. in other words small stuff that i got rid of easily that is fairly common such as data miners and tracking cookies.also ran combofix....didnt find did a scan using Advanced windos Care 2 didnt find anything wrong with the disk or anything else.also ran chkdsk also didnt find anything.i ran out of options of stuff to do. i dont mind re-installed windows 7 but kind of want to use that as a last resort.

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Booting Afer I Modified & Saved A BIOS Profile

May 11, 2011

when I turn on my computer after 6-8 plus hours of not using it, I get this message while the BIOS is booting but before Windows starts: Overclocking Failed! Please enter setup to re-configured your system. Press F1 to Run Setup.Press F2 to load default values and continue.Now I know how to simply fix this issue by resetting the BIOS and/or if necessary, temporary removing and replacing the jumper pin on the motherboard and/or if *really* necessary, temporary removal and replacement of the CMOS battery. For me, it works by simply resetting the BIOS.To let you know since this has been happening, I have increased my RAM to 8GB. I had to make some changes to my BIOS like slight voltages increases in DRAM and the motherboard's northbridge and the memory module timings modified. I saved these BIOS changes (as a BIOS profile) to stabilize my 8GB of RAM which seems to work great -- stability issues solved.What actually happens is that one the *very first* BIOS booting when powering up my computer, the BIOS does not boot and without the beep from the motherboard's POST BIOS test. My monitor is black while, yet the tower LED shows it is running. I can hear the fan in the tower running fine. I have to manually restart the computer from the reset button and then on the second BIOS boot, the BIOS loads fine, followed by this "Overclocking Failed!" issue just before Windows can load. After another computer reboot and my resetting of the BIOS, followed by yet another computer reboot, the BIOS and Windows operating system loads fine and I am on my way.

Now *this is a pain in the butt* each morning after the system has been off for awhile or when my computer has not been running for 6-8 hours!!! The computer SHOULD NOT have to go through this!!! This whole sequence of events (4 computer boots) in the last paragraph does not happen if the time duration since my computer was not running is short since I last used my computer -- the computer boots and runs completely fine.Any ideas so I can keep the modified BIOS profile so my computer runs stable and not have this whole sequence of events happen -- so BIOS can load without any issues?Some basic general stats of my system:

- Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit.
- Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 -- Yorkfield 2.83 GHz 1333 MHz processor.
- ASUS P5Q desktop motherboard.
- 8 GB of Corsair XMS2 4x2 GB DDR2 RAM.
- XFX Radeon HD5670 Graphics Card.

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Laptop Shut Off During BIOS Loading Now Won't Come Back On

Jan 24, 2013

It's a dell insprinon wife's and was doing a download...BIO's when it shut itself off and now won't even come back on when I press the power button. I called Dell and they say...since my warranty expired 4 days earlier it was of couse, not covered and am wondering if it's the motherboard or something else?

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PC Skips BIOS Splash Screen And Goes Straight To Login Screen

Mar 27, 2012

Okay so lately I've noticed that my PC isn't displaying the BIOS splash screen anymore and skips straight to the Windows login screen.It didn't really bother me until today when I wanted to boot into Ubuntu and I couldn't select which OS I wanted to use.I'm pretty sure the problem isn't the BIOS itself since I unplugged all the peripherals except the speakers, removed all the RAM and the BIOS did beep repeatedly. And given enough time, I can boot into windows (and only windows ).Apparently people have had this problem before and all the solutions I've read such as "Press 'del' to go into your BIOS!" really doesn't help since I can't see anything in my BIOS menu.The only solution that made sense to me was that my CMOS battery could be dying. I haven't changed my rig since I built it in 2009. The only significant event that happened recently might be that Windows updated itself.

-PC doesn't display BIOS splash screen
-Can't see messages displayed by system
-When windows does bootup, everything runs just fine
-Haven't changed rig for ~3 years

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Screen Resolution Can't Get It To Change Back To Full Screen

Dec 9, 2008

i'm having some trouble with my screen resolution . i set it at (800x600) cause i'm using a 51 inch big screen hd tv. it go's full screen but then for no reason it puts the bars back on the sides of the screen. i checked and it still reads (800x600) and i can't get it to change back to full screen until i reboot. works fine in vista . i'm not seeing anything about drivers failing so i'm not sure what's happening.

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Black Screen After Booting Up?

Jul 2, 2011

I just got a new HDD (a solid state drive). I went through the first part of the install and then after it rebooted, it load up to the "starting wondows", stays like that for a few minutes and then it disappears and I just have a black screen. Nothing happens after that. I haven't even completed the rest of the install.

I have my 2 extra HDD's disconnected. I've unplugged the extra monitors from the back.

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Blue Screen After Booting Up?

Aug 14, 2012

I've recently built my own computer, but I've come across a problem..Whenever i boot up my computer I get the blue screen and it would restart. At first it wouldn't really bother me since it would only happen once a day, but then i realized that after the blue screen only half of my overall RAM would be usable.

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Black Screen When Booting Up?

Jun 6, 2012

When i boot up my PC, i see my asus screen, it loads up, and the screen is black, except for my mouse, which i can still see and move. After about 5 seconds, my desktop appears, and nothing is wrong (that i notice). This happens every time i fully shutdown my computer.

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Booting Screen - Colourful Logo

Jan 23, 2009

I remember reading about the new 7 booting screen, the colours that seemed to whirl around. Did this make it into the beta?

Only my boot just shows the same as all previous builds and Vista, just the bar on it's own...

If other people have the colourful logo, did you have to activate it in some way?

Just wondering if it's something to do with only running 512Mb RAM...

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Booting Into A Never Ending Black Screen.

Jun 1, 2009

Well I've installed Windows 7 over my previous Windows XP.

The installation went smooth and without a hitch.

I've completed out the user accounts setup etc, but the problem is booting into Windows 7.

Basically, I turn my laptop on, it goes though it's boot diagnostics etc, then to the Windows 7 boot logo with the 4 atom things :b

It eventually finishes loading and then it takes me to a black screen where nothing happens. I can't see my cursor or anything. Then I hard restart.

However, I avoid this by booting into Safe Mode, or specifically Safe Mode with Networking (I'm typing this currently in Safe Mode).

I've checked my dxdiag and theres currently no data for my Intel GMA965 graphics chip.

I honestly have no idea, and a mate of mine who has the exact same laptop has Windows 7 installed and functioning perfectly.

Also, is it possible to force the application Windows Update to run when in Safe Mode?

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Booting Time, On Loading Screen

Nov 4, 2009

on first install of windows 7 (and XP when I was using it) the comp ran fine booted in less than 30secs, but over the couple of weeks it just keeps getting slower and slower now it can take anywhere between 3-5min.

once it has booted to windows log on screen it takes all of a secound to load.

I built my and my brothers comps, there both using the same Mobo/CPU I have 4GB (he has 2GB) but his computer boots faster than mine.

no problems once the comp has started apart from certain settings wont save like where I leave my Icons on DT, and screens staying maximized.

would give boot log but cant remember how to get it...

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Windows 7 Not Booting Only Screen Lights Up

Jul 16, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop running Win 7. When I power on, the lights to show ac power light up. The back light on screen is visible but No boot. Laptop does nothing. Fan works. Battery works, ac cord works. Where do I begin to troubleshoot?

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Bios Screen Slow

Aug 16, 2009

So, I am now successfully dual booting vista and windows 7. No problems whatsoever with the installs or dual boot process.

However, randomly one day after just shutting my computer down and starting it back up again everything about the bios and subsequent loading of the bios and the windows loader screen (where you choose your OS to boot) is PAINFULLY chuggy and slow in response. I have never seen anything like it in all my years of computer experience.

The weird thing is, once it boots into an OS, be it vista or windows 7...I notice absolutely zero slowdown or chuggy issues within the OS. I have ran benchmarks and they are all equal to any other time I've ran them. Indicating that whatever this issue is, it's not affecting the OS itself.

I have hard reset the cmos and completely wiped the bios settings and this chuggy and slow issue still plagues me. I went in and was resetting all my bios settings and every single keytroke took 2 seconds + to activate anything.

Any idea as to what is causing this? Or has anyone even HEARD of this kind of thing happening before? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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Black Screen No Available On BIOS?

Aug 21, 2011

Windows 7 is installed, however, I woke up this morning, turned on the laptop to find nothing but a black screen. No F keys will work nor escape key. Computer does not recognize a bootable disk. Can any one tell me what the problem is and how it can be resolved? I don't know if it is the hard drive or the motherboard. I don't know where to start looking since I have never encountered this problem.

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Black Screen After Bios?

Apr 16, 2012

After Bios screen windows7 dose not show it's Original Booting screen("starting windows" ) . It bacome a black screen & then show it's logOn screen.There are no problem in Desktop.So i Format & reinstall windows but after 1 day this problem returned!

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Screen Won't Turn Back On

Feb 3, 2009

When the screen shuts off due to time or the lid being closed, it doesn't seem to want to turn back on. I can put into standby and bring it back out and it works just fine. But, I'd rather not have to do that all the time.

It's a Dell Inspiron E1505 with a ATI Radeon X1400 video card if that helps at all.

If you need more info, let me know.

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Changing The Windows 7 Boot Screen Back To Vista's Boot Screen?

Nov 18, 2011

I find that the Windows 7 boot screen slows down the boot process on my machine. Is there a way to restore the old Vista scrolling loading bar? I know it's there as my netbook uses it.

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Black Screen After Booting Up Both My Laptop And Desktop

Feb 14, 2012

For the past few weeks I have noticed my laptop becoming slower and slower. As of a few days ago it has been ridiculously slow and is sometimes unresponsive to commands or keyboard. It used to go straight to a black screen with only the cursor after start up but now sometimes starts up, although very slow. Now my desktop started doing it too. I don't know what's going on with them. I had not had any virus protection for a while and recently installed webroot complete 2012 on both of them and scanned, finding nothing. My desktop sometimes loads into safe mode when I tell it to, however it still is extremely slow, SAme with he laptop. And if I try to start up the desktop on normal is stays on black screen. I have noticed that sometimes I will get the "Microsoft windows isn't responding" pop up. My control alt delete doesn't work on either of them either, it pos up suing something like " the control alt delete function could not be started blah blah blah".

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Get Black Screen After Booting Windows 7 Before Login?

Jan 11, 2012

I upgraded my system with intel DG41 board and 8GB of ram, and it works fine...only somtimes when I boot into windows, after the booting screen, just I see a blank black screen, no task manager and explorer too, I tried different drivers for my nvidia 9500gt, and still same problem, and when i shutdown (holding the power button), and restart, then it works, it log in to windows normally?

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Change Windows Name At Selection Screen Before Booting?

Jan 21, 2012

so i have 2 windows installed on my laptop both are for different purposes and i wanna distenguish between the both of them

is there anyway i can change thier names at selection screen?

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Windows Not Booting When Restart Getting Blank Screen

Sep 15, 2012

I am using windows 7 ultimate on my samsung laptop. today I tried to install ubuntu in dual boot mode with my windows 7. I installed ubuntu 12.04 on e drive( mounted as ext 4) and 1.5 gb of swap partition..the installation went smooth but when I restart I get a blank screen with crusor blinking?

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Booting To A Blank Screen With A Mouse Pointer

Jan 6, 2010

I recently purchased Windows 7 and was trying to boot from the disc to do a clean installation, but every time I do this a blank Windows 7 screen appears with a mouse pointer. There are no options or anywhere to click. It just stays on the Windows 7 screen.

I've tried multiple discs (32bit, 64bit and even my friend's copy)

Has anyone had a similar problem? Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Windows 7 Not Booting, Freeze At Loading Screen?

Jul 2, 2011

2x2gb ram
Intel Core i430M
ATI Radeon 5850
Seagate 500 GB

When I try to boot it gets stuck at the windows 7 loading screen with the Windows logo blinking like usual loading. Tried leaving it on for 30 minutes, nothing happened. Safe mode gets to the loading windows files part and freezes there.First I attempted to use the System Recovery CD it kept on till the loading screen then freezed just like the OS boot. Same thing with installation disk.I don't know how they work, if one or them are the primary stick or whatever. I tried swapping them, still same problem.Hard disk works just fine connected to my other computer as slave.

Got some of the boot cd programs to work --
Windows Memory Diagnostics
Seagate SeaTools
All passed.

So nothing is wrong with my RAM or hard drive?Today, Saturday, I transferred the stuff worth keeping on this disk, and reformatted it. Still same problem when I boot the installation CD!

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Windows 7 Booting It Get Stuck On Splash Screen

Oct 8, 2011

im having a problem with win 7 booting it get stuck on splash screen and when im trying to repair in the recovery mode it tells me that not all problems could be fixed and gives me these details: [code] i can boot with safe mode most of the times, some times it gives me blue screen and restart ,but if i unplug and then plug the power cable it works in safe mode.

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Unexpected BIOS Setup Screen

Oct 3, 2012

I was working in Outlook 2010 this morning.I clicked on an e-mail and the mouse was disabled.I was unable to do anything and then the BIOS setup screen came up.I escaped and did a normal startup from the Windows screen that came up and was able to work normally and shut down normally. How should I diagnose and address the problem? I was using a Pentium 5 Toshiba laptop running Windows 7 Home Professional.

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