Booting Straight To BIOS

Apr 4, 2012

When I start turning on my phone, the computer goes straight to BIOS then I have to exit the BIOS than it goes back to normal boot.

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Cannot Boot With Restore CD - Setup Go Straight To BIOS

May 30, 2012

I have a real problem booting with my Restore CD. It doesn't let me go further then the bios. It tells me I can select ESC and it will give me the boot selection pop up, and when I do that it only says that boot selection has been selected but doesn't work. It also gives me an option to select F2 for setup but takes me straight to the bios. I set CD/DVD as first boot priority but it didn't work.

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PC Skips BIOS Splash Screen And Goes Straight To Login Screen

Mar 27, 2012

Okay so lately I've noticed that my PC isn't displaying the BIOS splash screen anymore and skips straight to the Windows login screen.It didn't really bother me until today when I wanted to boot into Ubuntu and I couldn't select which OS I wanted to use.I'm pretty sure the problem isn't the BIOS itself since I unplugged all the peripherals except the speakers, removed all the RAM and the BIOS did beep repeatedly. And given enough time, I can boot into windows (and only windows ).Apparently people have had this problem before and all the solutions I've read such as "Press 'del' to go into your BIOS!" really doesn't help since I can't see anything in my BIOS menu.The only solution that made sense to me was that my CMOS battery could be dying. I haven't changed my rig since I built it in 2009. The only significant event that happened recently might be that Windows updated itself.

-PC doesn't display BIOS splash screen
-Can't see messages displayed by system
-When windows does bootup, everything runs just fine
-Haven't changed rig for ~3 years

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[BIOS] Booting Using GRUB?

Dec 11, 2011

I had windows 7 and i installed red hat linux by creating a partition.When ever i boot the linux is the default OS which will come up unless i dont select the windows 7 manually.Now i wanted to remove the Linux so i removed the partition from windows.After reboot i see GRUB.Can you let me know how to go ahead and boot the windows now.

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How To Get Back BIOS Booting Screen

Jun 27, 2011

Repair company ****ed up my PC, they changed booting sequence and switch off BIOS booting screen. Now when I want to reinstall my system (because of serious virus) my PC doesn't accept booting win DVD and I can't see any port messages. Can't acces BIOS. I tried taping 'delete' , 'F2' , 'TAB' , 'F8' non of it works. Maybe it works because when I tried taping them I couldn't see anything on screen 'no signal to monitor' and system didn't start at all. It takes 15 minutes to start system now without touching anything.It's new computer connected to plasma screen via HDMI. Whole spec is ni my profile.

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BIOS Screen Doesn't Display When Booting Up?

Sep 16, 2012

The first one is the BIOS boot up screen that usually leads me to Windows. A few months ago, this vanished. I don't know if it was due to a version of Windows 7 i installed or something but whenever I turned on the PC, the screen would appear blank for a few minutes then go straight to the Windows welcome screen. I thought it was weird, but I didn't see a problem since it went to Windows so I disregarded it, which looking back is kind of dumb but I didn't want to risk doing something to the computer in the process.So a few weeks ago I was trying to partition the hard drive so I can install the Windows 8 preview on it, rebooted the computer and...nothing. It wouldn't take me to Windows to there's clearly a problem with the hard drive. I could always get a new one, but there's still the problem of the vanishing BIOS screen.

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Startup Isn't Booting Properly After BIOS Update

Nov 14, 2011

i went to update my BIOS after one of my games(call of duty: Black ops) was lagging badly and i did everything to reduce lag even though my computer could run it on high settings. BTW the lag was gone after i upgraded BIOS for the game i mentioned above.So a friend suggested that i update the BIOS. i did and then after restart my computer would freeze but when i unplug a usb device from 2 ports grouped together it booted. Today i got the boot until i remove a USB device but now i get crashes in games. it also decided to install printer drivers...again even though the printer has been working fine since the day i installed windows 7 x64 months ago. My version is not a beta or a RC its a full version fully updated with some minor tweaks like UAC turned off but nothing major that would cause startup to fail.i know i dont have a virus or a rootkit. Thats the first thing i checked. This didnt happen till after i updated the BIOS. so here is what i have done so far:Startup repair twice(i chose the recommended option).....neither time it worked it just reverted it back two days.did a antivirus,rootkit, spyware,etc... scan found only small stuff that wouldnt cause this much problems. in other words small stuff that i got rid of easily that is fairly common such as data miners and tracking cookies.also ran combofix....didnt find did a scan using Advanced windos Care 2 didnt find anything wrong with the disk or anything else.also ran chkdsk also didnt find anything.i ran out of options of stuff to do. i dont mind re-installed windows 7 but kind of want to use that as a last resort.

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Booting Afer I Modified & Saved A BIOS Profile

May 11, 2011

when I turn on my computer after 6-8 plus hours of not using it, I get this message while the BIOS is booting but before Windows starts: Overclocking Failed! Please enter setup to re-configured your system. Press F1 to Run Setup.Press F2 to load default values and continue.Now I know how to simply fix this issue by resetting the BIOS and/or if necessary, temporary removing and replacing the jumper pin on the motherboard and/or if *really* necessary, temporary removal and replacement of the CMOS battery. For me, it works by simply resetting the BIOS.To let you know since this has been happening, I have increased my RAM to 8GB. I had to make some changes to my BIOS like slight voltages increases in DRAM and the motherboard's northbridge and the memory module timings modified. I saved these BIOS changes (as a BIOS profile) to stabilize my 8GB of RAM which seems to work great -- stability issues solved.What actually happens is that one the *very first* BIOS booting when powering up my computer, the BIOS does not boot and without the beep from the motherboard's POST BIOS test. My monitor is black while, yet the tower LED shows it is running. I can hear the fan in the tower running fine. I have to manually restart the computer from the reset button and then on the second BIOS boot, the BIOS loads fine, followed by this "Overclocking Failed!" issue just before Windows can load. After another computer reboot and my resetting of the BIOS, followed by yet another computer reboot, the BIOS and Windows operating system loads fine and I am on my way.

Now *this is a pain in the butt* each morning after the system has been off for awhile or when my computer has not been running for 6-8 hours!!! The computer SHOULD NOT have to go through this!!! This whole sequence of events (4 computer boots) in the last paragraph does not happen if the time duration since my computer was not running is short since I last used my computer -- the computer boots and runs completely fine.Any ideas so I can keep the modified BIOS profile so my computer runs stable and not have this whole sequence of events happen -- so BIOS can load without any issues?Some basic general stats of my system:

- Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit.
- Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 -- Yorkfield 2.83 GHz 1333 MHz processor.
- ASUS P5Q desktop motherboard.
- 8 GB of Corsair XMS2 4x2 GB DDR2 RAM.
- XFX Radeon HD5670 Graphics Card.

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Software To Download Straight To DVD

Aug 18, 2012

Is there any software out there that allows you to download video's and/or music straight from the internet to a DVD or CD without said file saving on your PC/ laptop ?

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Resume Windows Straight To Desktop?

Nov 3, 2011

I just bought a new ultrabook and I love its SSD and instant-resume. What I don't love, is that it instantly resumes to the login screen. I have only a single user account, with no password associated with it, and yet I'm still unable to find a way for my computer to skip the login screen when I lift the lid of my notebook after the machine has suspended. Other posts say how to do it to skip the login on first booting the system (netplwiz), or how avoid entering sleep / hibernate modes, but neither of those options are quite what I'm looking for

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Get Windows 7 To Boot Straight To Desktop?

Aug 15, 2010

I have set up my netbook to hibernate on pressing the power button.

It is my wireless music server & ideally I want it to just boot straight to desktop after turning on (so the SqueezeServer software is running). However it still boots to the login screen (even though I've removed the password).

How can I avoid this & boot straight to the hibernated desktop? This netbook has just been repaired & I'm sure I managed to the previous working incarnation to by pass this login page, but can't remember how !

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New RTM Install, Drivers Were Installed Straight Away

Aug 9, 2009

This weekend - I installed Windows 7 Pro RTM Final onto a basic "office" workstation and was stunned to see that ALL of my drivers were installed straight away as part of the OS install.

In the past - XP and Vista always pulled me down a path of having to install at least a half dozen specific driver for all hardware pieces - but with 7 - I was good to go.

So what's the thinking? Do I really need the latest Intel chipset software? Is the 185.xx nVidia driver installed by 7 any worse than running the latest bloated pointless installer from the nVidia site? How about DirectX - in the past - I would pull down the latest End User Runtime and install that before my video drivers. Can't even find a Direct X installer for 7 right now...

So - what's everyone else doing?

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Way To Tell Windows 7 To Use 'straight' Connection Over Router One

Apr 17, 2012

At this moment my PC is wired straight into my modem for internet access. I am however considering plugging it into the router as well in order to access my NAS, enable network printing and what not.The problem that might be is that the router is also providing internet connectivity and thus I will face the problem of having 2 internet connections open.Is there some way for me to tell windows 7 to use the "straight" connection over the router one?. Meaning it will use the straight one to connect to the internet and this not pass that traffic through the router etc.?

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Uncontrollable Hardware Error / Straight After Building

Sep 24, 2012

since my computer just blue screened again I'm posting this on my phone. As the title says I'm getting hardware errors after litterally finishing the build and installing windows.

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Windows 7 Will Not Start, Goes Straight To Startup Repair?

Aug 4, 2011

I changed explorer.dll in Windows 7. Then explorer wouldn't start when I tried to do so from task manager. So I tried to reboot. After also being unable to make headway in safe mode (using msconfig), as that also requires explorer, I launched startup repair using my windows 7 CD. Then after it said that it would reboot and fix any additional problems, it has kept rebooting and failing. I can't get to safe mode using f8 either, it just comes up with boot options 'Boot from CD' and 'Boot from HDD'.f I can get out of startup repair, that would be tremendous. At least then I can activate word from task manager and save my coursework!'m going to try using Ubuntu's explorer to change the files back. I'll post back any progress! I'll be checking this wall at least 5 times a day until a solution is found.

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Install Service Packs Straight Away After Windows 7?

May 12, 2012

Is it possible to just install a service pack as soon as you install Windows 7, or do you have to install a bunch of smaller updates first?

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Dell Inspiron 537 Goes Straight To Black Screen When Turned On

Jul 3, 2012

When I turn my computer on it goes straight to a black screen and says dell and freezes.

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Dual Monitor Screens Wont Be Placed In A Straight Line

Nov 27, 2009

I've just installed windows 7 and I'm expiriencing the following problem. I'm using a dual monitor setup with a philips 170B running at 1280x1024 and a LG W2253 wide running at 1920x1080. The problem is whatever I try to do, the screens wont be placed in a straight line, fitting exactly on the same size. Some small portion of the LG will be outsite of the other screens limits, making windows uneven, etc. Back in Windows xp I never had this problem. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Outlook 2010 Won't Send - Emails Go Straight To Outbox Folder

Feb 23, 2012

When I'm at work outlook 2010 will send e-mails without any problems. When I go home after work and try to send an e-mail, they go straight to the outbox folder. They won't send until I'm back at work the following day.

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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Bios Clock Time Changes After Every Restart Even After Replacing Bios

Aug 23, 2011

I've got an Acer Model As5742 Laptop with an i5 480M processor and 8 GB of good Ram. I'm running Win 7 Pro 64 Bit. It's only about 5 months old and this started about a month ago. I have no other problems. IE: Blue Screens or Lockups or anything, just the Bios clock changes to a random date and time after every restart. I replaced the Bios battery twice and it only effects the chore of having to reset the time in Windows every time I boot.

I'm going to send it to Acer to be repaired within a week or two, but maybe it's not a bad timing mechanism in the motherboard and one of you people have a correct solution to it. Which will save me the trouble of sending it in for a motherboard replacement.

I do have all the drivers and bios updates installed. Oh yes I've ran about 15 different virus Etc. Malware scans with several different products and they all come back clean. I ran System File Checker SFC /scannow from the command prompt several times that also comes back OK.

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[BIOS] Really Bad , Wont Boot After Bios Update?

Aug 25, 2012

so i did a bios update, and it wont boot after the update.its a asus m4a79xtd evo (rev 1.01g)i dont have a backup of the bios

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HP BIOS Update Stuck At "Verifying New Bios Image 100%"

Jan 19, 2011

I have a five-month old HP Compaq Presario Laptop, which has been working fairly decently (I've had a few virus scares, and my Norton quarrentined something a twenty days ago). On HP's advice, I just updated the BIOS on my laptop. It's currently stuck at Verifying New Bios Image, and it's at 100% - It's been stuck that way for a half-hour plus.

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Samsung Bios Software Update For Bios / Update Fails

Dec 1, 2012

My Samsung series 3 laptop has been sending out popup messages telling me I need a bios update, I go to the Samsung software update site and this bios update has been failing, I have made several calls and chats to techs at Samsung who tell me to do what I have already done, they tell to ask for tier 2 tech, who can go in my computer and fix it , When I finally got a tier 2 tech, they told me the same thing, I told him what I had been told about him and what he could do, He said, is it working , I said yes, but settings on computer change on their own,like wifi turns itself on and that concerns me. Anyway, He said that it didn't need a bios update,even the Samsung website said this computer needed a bios update. I posted this on hardware,firmware concerns, and they told me to post here, I was going to go to a site ,that had a download that checked drivers,

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What Are Types Of BIOS Over Years Up To Present BIOS Types

May 26, 2012

What are the types of BIOS over years up to present BIOS types ? What make each BIOS unique and better then the previous ?

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Booting From SSD?

Jan 6, 2013

I have four physical drives in this system. Until last month, I was booting from a drive with three partitions, C:, D:, X:, where C:contains Windows 7 Pro; the others are data. The other physical drives are also data (not bootable). I added an SSD and cloned C: onto that drive with Acronis Trueimage. In order to get it to boot, I had to add an entry to the BCD on what should now be the old c: and keep that as the boot drive in my BIOS. I'd really like to NOT be reliant on that spinning drive to boot, so I found EasyBCD. Booted from the SSD, I told EasyBCD to designate c: as the boot drive.When I tell the BIOS to boot from the SSD, I get a Disk Read Error. So I go back to booting from the spinning drive.

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Booting From USB Instead Of DVD?

Jan 15, 2013

Booting from USB instead of DVD, I wanted to boot from the USB instead of doing this from the DVD knowing that the DVD contains the Windows 7 Operating system. All what I did is copying the DVD to the USB.

I managed to give the USB the first option for booting, nevertheless, the machine doesnt respond to boot from the USB

What might be the issue? What should the USB contain to be bootable?

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W7 Only Booting With DVD

Oct 27, 2009

I guess the problem is related to the setup and installation process I'll leave it here, feel free to move the thread though.

I downloaded Windows 7 from DigitalRiver, made a bootable .iso, burned it and started the setup. I then formatted C: where Vista was located and had Windows 7 installed onto C:.

It works perfectly with the DVD inserted, but whenever I try to boot without the DVD the Bios says something like:


status: 0xc0000428

Info: windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file

What I did now was to go to the setup and open up a command line and then I did chdsk /R which said the partition was NTFS, could not be locked and that it was read only.

Then I did ScanOs which gave me 0 installations found. Afterwards FixMbr and FixBoot which were "completed successfully" and last but not least RebuildBCD which said 0 was fixed but it was again completed successfully.

Long story short, nothing has changed. Still the same error.

Plus: After that message in the bios I can press either esc or enter. Enter will then get me another screen where I can choose the OS I'd like to boot and it only says Windows Vista there but that selection takes me back to the initial "digital signature blabla" screen.

So, is there still a little part of Vista left somewhere that messes up the boot process or what's up?

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Booting From Usb How To Do It

Jan 7, 2010

I have an acer laptop that i upgraded from vista to 32bit windows 7 which was installed a few months ago through my USB because my cd drive doesnt work. Now I am getting the unmountable boot volume blue screen error so I am trying to boot the installation from my USB. It gets past "windows is loading files", then it goes to starting Windows with the logo... but after that I get a black screen with just the mouse arrow.

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Booting Xp VHD On XPM

Oct 15, 2009

Ok so i have created a VHD of my system (dual boot of xp and Windows 7) using Disk2vhd. It's now sitting on my USB HDD which i am able to create a new VM in XPM using that as a HDD. Turned on the VM and everything looks fantastic. Selected windows 7 boot and it booted fine. But when i go to boot Xp it just load and then goes black.

I think this is a restrictions on XPM not allowing to boot to a Xp VHD, Y/N?

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OS Not Booting?

Apr 22, 2012

Computer will not boot up bios check seems fine It shows a black screen can not get into F8. Im running win 7 home premium 64bit on an hp pavilion a1220n. I have tried a system restore from win boot disk will not restore. I tried start up repair and it cannot detect any problems

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