Grub Crash Caused Missing Partitions And HDD Memory?

Jul 25, 2012

This is a copy and paste of my problem.I haven't messed with ubuntu in a long while, because of this problem. what happened was i had ubuntu dual installed alongside my windows 7. I had grub as its main boot loader. I can't remember if i did the partitioning myself that time or not, pretty sure I did. However, for whatever reason, my grub loader failed once and it caused me to have to reset the mbr via a windows 7 disk. after I did this and ever since, the partitions I had set for ubuntu (a whopping 50gb) have been invisible to me. I KNOW they are there because my windows 7 says that my HDD says it is only like 418 in size. Clearly the memory is gone SOMEWHERE, but the partitions are not visible in either windows' partitioning tool, or when I load up a boot disk and use something like gparted.


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Merged Extended Partitions Into One - Grub Error

May 20, 2012

I have 4 partitions as c,d,e,f. I have merged d,e,f using disk management tool from windows 7. Everything went fine till I merged three extended partitions to one. Now I can't delete the free space now. When I right click I can see New shrink volume and delete partition options but I can't delete my freespace. When I do so I got a message like can't delete partition an error occurs stating that not enough space available on disk to complete this operation". And I am not able to see my partition in my computer. Now I shutdown my system and started now it showing no partition found Grub error. I have linux in this but I didn't touch that partition. My model is sony viao VPCEB15FM. I tried with internal backup but no use.

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Potential Crash Caused By Windows Updates On Nuked Sony Vaio?

Feb 19, 2012

I recently used DBAN to nuke my girlfriends laptop (a Sony Vaio) after it was rendered near-useless by a virus. I reinstalled Windows 7 and all was well until it came to updating. There was 100+ security updates etc and they were all downloaded and installed automatically. After this the laptop's performance became increasingly worse until a couple of days later it died on us again. I re-nuked it and reinstalled Windows 7. I haven't downloaded any updates and it's working fine now, so my somewhat inevitable question is this: is it possible that one of these updates causing the laptop to freak out? If so, how do I identify it?

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Random BSOD's Caused By Memory Management?

Aug 9, 2012

So I've been having random BSOD's for 10 day's now - They appear at complete random and I can't tell why, Each time they display 'Memory Management' - I can normally diagnose them and narrow it down, However I cannot seem to do so. Can an expert have a look at the dumps and see if they can work it out?

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Extracting File Failed It Is Most Likely Caused By Low Memory?

Sep 16, 2012

I have Window 7 Professional and when I am trying to update my Internet Explorer from 8 to 9 and I am getting the above error?

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【Explorer Crash】netcfgx.dll Caused Explorer.exe Crash

Oct 22, 2012

When I opened the local connection properties, or saved the settings, explorer.exe crashed.I found the fault module is netcfgx.dll, how to fix it?

Below is the application log info:

Log Name: C:UsersAdminAppDataLocalTemp
Source: Application Error
Date: 2012/10/20 22:55:47
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: None


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2 Partitions Missing

Apr 2, 2009

One of my HD's is only half-seen by 7- two partitions are absent. Oh, they're on Computer management, but no letter and not listed.

Any way I can get 7 to see the missing partitions ? When I go back to Vista, they're all present and correct !

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BOOTMGR Is Missing After Altering Partitions?

Nov 28, 2012

I have a Dell Inspiron 620 with windows 7. When I first got the machine I copied some stuff from an old hard drive on to the new one. I created a partition for the old stuff called "old disk". Recently I realised I was hardly using the the second partition so I decided to merge the two. I couldn't do it though. First I shrank the old disk, then I was trying to extend the c drive but it didn't work. I used the windows disc manager and also a third party program. Anyway, long story short when I turned on my computer this morning I saw BOOTMGR is missing, press control+alt+delete to restart. I'm not sure what to do. It looks like that file got misplaced or the partitions got messed up. Windows won't boot. I have no Windows 7 boot disc, there is no repair your computer option in advanced boot options. I have a laptop running Win 7, maybe I could get the right files off it or create a system recovery disc. The trouble is the laptop has no dvd drive.

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Memory Diagnostic Tool Crash?

Oct 13, 2012

I own a Gateway/Windows 7 pc,64 bit operating system, about 5 yrs old. When I try to run the memory diagnostic tool, system shuts down completely. I have to restart pc. Is there a hidden virus in my system, and, if not, what diagnostic tool can I use to check memory diagnostic program.

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OEM Office 2010 Crash Missing File

Nov 4, 2012

I am trying to fix OEM Genuine MS Office Starter 2010, running on Win 7 x64 on Asus N55S i5-2430M since 2011, It crashes and won't allow use bcos specific file missing.

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[CRASH] Missing OS Boot Loader And The Computer Name Was Changed

Jun 6, 2011

All I did was open a video strored locally with no connection to the internet. Shut down computer properly. I go to start it up and start up repair kick in. I have let the thing run on startup repair over night and a total of 12 straight hours. It reboots once, maybe even twice. Then it just sit a says attempting repairs. I just did a hard shut done. I was able to pull the data off using Uburba (not sure of the spelling). The USB 2.0 is not recognized in start up repair command prompt. I had a image saved to a CD. I can't get past the username password. The one I had wrote down does not work. System restore fails because I can't it doesn't have a .DDL file or it says something. If I could get the USB 2.0 to work I have an external that has a couple of images that would be better than re-installing. I tried moving the image into the computer then using the image restore, but I learned that doesn't work because it somehow tracks were it wrote the image to. This is way I need the usb 2.0 to pull the image from my external HD.What is the default password of HomeGroupUser$?

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Caused By Driver - Ntoskrnl.exe, Caused By Address - Ntoskrnl.exe+71f00

Jul 21, 2012

Im getting blue screen every 35min here is full report..from bluescreen view

Caused By Driver - ntoskrnl.exe, Caused By Address - ntoskrnl.exe+71f00

File Description - NT Kernel & System, File Version 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)

Full Path C:WindowsMinidump�20112-5850-01.dmp
Crash Address - ntoskrnl.exe+71f00

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Windows 7 WD ESATA Hard Drive Crash NTLDR Is Missing

Jan 13, 2012

Had a dual-boot system (Win 7 on drive 1, XP on drive 2) installed. Got an NTLDR is missing error on the primary WD drive on which Win 7 was installed. XP wouldn't boot either because the MBR is on the primary drive. So, I had to reinstall XP and all the software on the 2nd drive and test in original and another computer. Worked fine. When plugged into the motherboard, the Win 7 eSATA drive is not recognized by either of the 2 computers in the BIOS. It won't boot and I can't even look at the drive to see the contents - it's a non-entity as far as Windows is concerned. I plugged it into a Mac with an external eSATA to USB adapter and the Mac saw the drive but said that it was unreadable and asked if I wanted to format the drive. Since I thought I might want to try to recover files, I didn't. Anyway to see the contents of this drive with Windows and recover them or does it seem to be dead from the description?

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Missing Memory In Win 7

Jan 29, 2010

I need a little help trying to diagnose my daughters computer problem while I'm deployed to Afghanistan. She just recently has windows 7 home premium 64 bit installed. It's been working great for over a month now, but yesterday she said she tried to install a game and she got an error saying she doesn't have enough memory.

I had her bring up the system box in control panel, and it showed her score of 5.2 but next to memory installed it was empty. now we know memory is installed because she's able to use the computer. I know for a fact there's 2 GB of memory. I'm sure it's just a windows thing, but I'm unfamiliar with windows 7.

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Restoring Missing 2G Memory?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a 6G Ram, but windows tells 4G.I allocated 2G ram to ram disk, but I could not find this ram disk program at your uninstaller.

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Photoshop Cs4 Win 7 Memory Missing

Feb 10, 2010

I have 4G ram but photoshop cs4 sees less than 2G with WIN7. What needs to be done to access the other 2 Gs?

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Memory Missing From Hard Drive?

Aug 14, 2012

i have a new samsung laptop running windows 7 64bit.when i first set it up the 1tb hard drive partitioned. that was ok, everything worked fine. a couple of days later i couldn't start windows, no idea why. as it was new and not a lot of files on it yet i reset it to when i first recieved it. now the hard drive shows 2 partitions ,one of 360gb and one of 54mb.

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Memtest And Missing Memory Addresses

Apr 26, 2012

If I place a single 4GB stick in my machine and run memtest, I see it's testing only 3.7GB. I assume this is the PCI memory map taking 0.3GB. Does this mean I'm not actually testing all the memory or am I missing something?

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Drive Icon Missing For Partitions On Hard Drive?

Mar 14, 2011

I just started having an issue on a clean install of Windows 7 SP1 build 7601.The icons for the W & Z partitions is suddenly showing as a broken link.I have tried right clicking on each partition > properties > customize > restore default folder picture and there is no change for either to update the icon.

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Create Home Partitions And Partitions For The OS With Programs?

Dec 9, 2012

One of my friends has a windows 7 computer with an account for himself, his mother and his 2 sisters. All the home directorys are stored in drive C. Partition D is shared. The question is, how to get a partition layout like this?

Partition 1: OS + programs
Partition 2: home partition for himself
Partition 3: home partition for his mother
Partition 4: home partition for his sister
Partition 5: home partition for his other sister
Partition 6: shared partition for some photos.

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Memory Missing (6.09GB) From Flash Drive - Only 1.91GB Capacity

Oct 19, 2009

My 8GB Kingston Data Traveler is missing 6.09 GB! I used HDD regenerator to make a regenerating flash to repair an external drive, and I hadn't used it since. Now it tell me its only 1.91 GB in capacity , I formatted it with device defaults and nothing it still remains the same.

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Windows 7 64bit Memory Missing - Usage Rise Past 50 Percent?

Jun 28, 2012

I have 6GB of ram installed on windows 7 64-bit ultimate. For some reason I'm noticing that the usage will rise past 50%, but I am unable to find all of the used resources. From what I found, I'm using roughly 3.2GB of RAM when I add up all the memory usage under the processes tab.

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Grub Error 17

Jan 29, 2010

So I am having a problem and I am hoping that someone can help. On my desktop I recently installed Win7 on a 1TB internal drive. I installed it on separate drive then I had my original WinXP32 installed. So I could test out Win7 before fully transferring over. Well it worked just fine for that last 2 months and I finally decided to get ride on my older WinXP32 OS and run Ubuntu 9.10 on that drive.

After installing Ubuntu on my old WinXP drive (that was the original drive on my PC) I no longer can run Win7 I just get this Error (Grub Error 17) when I try to boot my system, but I can still run Ubuntu. If there is anyone out there that could give me some advice on how to get my Win7 OS to run again I would love some advice.

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[BIOS] Booting Using GRUB?

Dec 11, 2011

I had windows 7 and i installed red hat linux by creating a partition.When ever i boot the linux is the default OS which will come up unless i dont select the windows 7 manually.Now i wanted to remove the Linux so i removed the partition from windows.After reboot i see GRUB.Can you let me know how to go ahead and boot the windows now.

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GRUB Shows At Boot Up

May 23, 2009

When ever i try to turn my pc on it shows GRUB on a black screen

i have installed WUBI 9.04 ubantu linux now i cant log in to any os

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7 To Usb Or Partition Through Gparted/GRUB

Feb 1, 2009

I'm currently downloading it & spent the weekend creating a dual boot XP/Ubuntu. I don't want to mess up my system, so can I install 7 into a flash drive (usb)?

Other than that, if I created a new partition through gparted and booted from the 7 iso disk, would my GRUB notice this & respond?

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Stuck With The ' Grub ' Bootloader

Nov 8, 2009

i got a netbook recently with windows 7 installed, and found this free software "ubuntu" now am stuck with the "Grub" bootloader.

Does anyone know how i can remove this and return the netbook back to it's original state i've tried doing the Acer Recovery and it doesn't get rid of the Grub bootloader. Has anyone got any ideas??

I tried doing some things off the Linux website but i have no knowledge of linux at all it totally baffled me.

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Grub 1.5 Error Code 17

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to install windows 7 home premium on my hubbys laptop. He had Linux Ubuntu on it, which he wanted wiped. I tried just installing windows7 over the top of it but it wouldn't silly me thought I'd have a go at wiping it myself!

Now I can't do anything and all I get is the following error...

Grub loading stage 1.5
grub loading please wait...
Error 17

Nothing else comes up at all and I can't boot any disc at all

I've already installed windows7 ultimate on my own computer but I had my pc partitioned with ubuntu and windows and (with some help) was able to install over the top of everything with no problems. Don't know what on earth has gone wrong this time.

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Dual Boot How To Get Grub 2

Sep 25, 2011

I have Mint 10 one this system which will have win7 replacing xp, how can I get Grub2 back frim with in windowsafter win7 takes over the mbr?

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Error: No Such Partition Grub Rescue

Feb 9, 2011

I just uninstalled ubuntu 10.10 and it worked fine but now when i rebooted I get an error saying:error: no such partition grub rescue>
I know that you can fix this by using a windows 7 disk and booting from that but i don't have my windows 7 disk because it came on my computer.Is there any way I can fix this error without a windows 7 disk?

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Remove GRUB With XP As Dual Boot

Jul 22, 2009

my problem is that now i have two operating systems:

1)XP Sp2

2)Linux Fedora

now my boot loader is GRUB and with that i select which of them start,the default is windows Xp, now i want to delete linux and just have windows xp and then install windows 7.

so i think i shoud first change bootloader and then install windows7,but i don't know how to do this this.can u plz help me?

another thing where can i see windows7 requirements,and the file system for installing it shoud be NTFS is it right?

at least how many GBs shoud i have for installing it?

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