System Windows 7 Getting Hang While Work And Resolution Also Goes Off?

Sep 15, 2010

I am using desktop system windows 7 OS and it was working properly till last Friday when I was working on that day my monitor became fully white and system hang up so I restarted my system, that time on wards some time its restarts and sometimes its showing resolution issue line fully doted or lines etc.. so I thought it may be some RAM issue so I checked the RAM it is working properly and i checked the BIOS also but no use I face the same problem, what should I do to sort this problem,

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Hang Up On "Please Wait", System Restored, Now Black Screen?

May 31, 2012

So a couple of days ago, my PC started hanging up on a "Please Wait" loading screen in between the "Starting Windows" screen (where the Windows logo forms from coloured orbs) and the user account selection screen. Sometimes I'd leave it half an hour and it still wouldn't load.To start with, I simply gave my PC a hard reboot, and the problem would go away. When this stopped working, I system restored, and then the problem disappeared. This morning however, I performed a system restore from safe mode, and now when I boot my PC, in whatever mode, I get the "Starting Windows" screen, then the PC hangs up on a black screen with only the mouse pointer active.

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"Loading Operating System..." Hang After Shutdown/restart

Oct 4, 2012

This is my first post and wasn't sure which exact board to post to so I thought installation might be one. I have a windows 7 64bit machine installed on a 250gb hdd. Here is the exact sequence of events. Shutdown computer last night (it had been on for 2 days straight). Turned it on this morning, bios screen loads fine then it jumps to a black screen with the text "Loading Operating System..." and it hangs there. I tried multiple configurations to detect the problem. I feared for the life of my hdd. I unplugged my other 2 hdd and the dvd drive from power and sata and rebooted. Now I get "Loading Operating System..." BOOT DRIVE FAILED INSERT CD AND PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE. Re-install any other drive combo and get the standard hang screen. I made no major changes to my setup in the last 2 days, no software, no windows update, no hardware changes whatsoever.

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Dell XPS Crashes .System Repair,system Restore ,safe Mode Don't Work

Mar 8, 2012

I am having the following system configuration

XPS L401X Base
Genuine Windows(R) 7 Home Premium 64bit (English)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-740QM Processor
6GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM (1 x 2GB + 1 x 4GB)
640GB 7200RPM Hard Drive

Lately whenever i try to start my computer it pass the Dell Bios and then directly goes to the screen which states
Repair your system or Start windows normally When i chose repair system , it start downloading windows files and then launch the windows , but hung up at the sky blue login window with only movable cusor . When i choose to start windows normally it gives me BSOD momentarly ( hard to see the message) and then restarts again . i tried with the advanced boot up options like
repair my computer , all safe modes , restore to last good configuration but it does the same and hangs at windows loging sky blue window .I Tried to run the Dell PSA+ Diagnostic and it returns with 2000-0146 error . As per the Dell online solutions for this type of error ,I tried to reinstall the Hard disk but the problem still exist.

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Will A: Vs. C: Work As The Windows-7 System Drive?

Jan 5, 2013

I would like to begin using an SSD in my older Tower. I use Windows 7-Pro-64 with 4GB's of Ram. I would like to know if I were to install 7 on an SSD and assign the Systems Drive Letter to A:, if I would have any trouble with 7? Additionally, would Applications like Office, BoostSpeed, Picasa, etc. install on C: as they did before or would they install on A?

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In Game Resolution Error - Displaying Resolution Way Less Than 1080p?

Jan 25, 2012

banging my head with this issue...i have an ati radeon hd 5850 and samsung syncmaster 2233SW the games the resolution being displayed is very low, somewhere in the 1280 x 1024 type of regions...though in the game settings its showing 1920 x 1080 .rivers are latest...11.12 amd vision engine control centerbtw my desktop resolution iv put at 1280 x 800 ...wen i put it at 1920 x 1080 in the desktop d sides of the screen get cut...evn my monitors auto adjustment function doesn

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Windows 7 HP 64b System Restore Doesn't Work

Aug 9, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. When I try to do a System Restore, it seems to run to completion, reboots the system and then issues the following message:

"System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed."

Same result in Safe mode. Same result with AV disabled. (Kaspersky Internet Security 12)

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RAC Task Running In Windows 7 - System Will Not Work For 5 To 20 Minutes

May 14, 2010

Every morning, after computer has been idle for some time, it will not work for 5-20 minutes. I found that a program called "RAC Task" was running just before the computer started up again. Can this program be disabled or rescheduled to a better time?

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Need To Copy System Reserved Partition To New Drive Too For Windows 7 To Work

Sep 11, 2010

I have bought a new hard drive to use as my main one, and am planning to use my current, larger one as backup, as i found i was not filling it. So i need to completely duplicate my current drive, a 1tb one, with 180gb of stuff, to my new 320gb drive. i have made a full disc image with driveimage xml, which comes to 180gb, but when i try to restore it to the 320gb one, it says it it too big. How do i gp about setting this up? do i need to copy the system reserved partition to the new drive too for windows 7 to work, or can it not be copied? should i install windows 7 to the new drive from my install disc? if so, how to i get my settings, programs and data back without too mcuh hassle?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot / System Repair / Restore / Safe Mode Won't Work

Jan 1, 2013

I have recently installed windows ultimate x64 on my computer.i have an asus p6t deluxe v2 mobo, i7-960 cpu and a wd velociraptor hdd. The install went ok, I even managed to restart my computer a few times after but after windows updates installed it won't boot. I tried to boot into safe mode, restore from the installer, and repair, none worked. After startup repair it says: "a patch is preventing the system from starting" and I get a 0x1f error code.(Preventing windows from downloading any updates didn't work either)

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Laptop Crashed After Windows Update - System Restore Disk Did Not Work

Jan 12, 2013

My laptop crashed the other day after a Windows update. To make a long story short it would not boot up. I tried several things to no avail. System restore disc did not work. At this point I thought the hard drive was fried. Finally I stuck the the Windows 7 companion disk and got the system to boot I can tell all my files are there somewhere due to amount of memory taking up on the hard drive. Anyways my main problem it is now asking for the product key although I have 29 days which unfortunately I cannot find. Laptop in question is a Lenovo G550. Where do I go from here? Do I have to purchase a new key? I've been using the laptop since and it seems to be working properly as far as i can tell.

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Another Hang On Welcome Screen Windows 7

Mar 18, 2012

Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, builder version, SP 1 part of install disk.Just upgraded my case, transferred all equipment (on static mat with grounding strap to me attached to case), plugged everything back in. When I booted up, posted fine, got to login screen fine, then when it got to "Welcome" screen, it seemed to just sit with the "loading" circle constantly spinning.I can get into safe mode with no problem. Running repair with disk returned with no errors.The only thing I changed internally was -1 front usb connection, and I now have my HDD and Optical drive hooked into SATA 6 ports, before Optical was SATA 6 port and HDD was SATA 3 port. BIOS is seeing HDD and Optical at correct locations.when I loaded up safe mode, I got a message saying the computer had to be restarted for changes to take effect. All updates to Windows must be approved by me before downloading and installing.

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Windows Hang At Start Up

Aug 9, 2012

windows 7 hang at start screen. I removed all memory and put some old memory in did not work , unplued all usb did not work unpluged every thing from psu and put is all back did not work ,so this time when i started the comp it came upto start normal or start up repair i did repair first time it just restarted to the same screen so I did it agen and finaly it started repairing and started up. I did 3 restarts .so it seems ok for now. sorry it 12;22 am I did notice my comp was getting slower to start up for a few days untill it hung today on the starting windows screen.

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Windows 7 Hang During Install

Sep 17, 2010

I have been running a very stable build of Windows 7 x64 for about a year now and I decided to update my MOBO and purchase an SSD to be my new OS drive.I've booted the DVD (2 copies) and formated both my SAMSUNG and my KINGSTON drive's and created my PRIMARY partition on the SSD. I have tried installing it 4 different times with 2 seperate disk and each time it finishes "Expanding Files" the "Installing Features" finishes instantly (a second passes and the checkbox appears next to it).

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Windows 7 Hang On Startup?

Jul 23, 2011

my Windows 7 hanged today after I moved my SoundCard on the PCI slot, and got Bluescreen hardware error, I tried restarting the computer, now it just hangs on Windows 7 is Loading screen.

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Windows 7 Boot Hang?

Jan 8, 2013

I am having an issue booting my Windows 7 image on some custom built hardware. The issue is, we'll say 1/10 times booting, the boot freezes when Windows says "Starting Windows, and the first red pixel of the animation comes into view. After this, as per forums here, I enabled boot logging. The boot log does not seem to log anything when the freeze occurs. This makes me think there is an issue with the BIOS. This is a custom BIOS, and I am working with the manufacturer to try and see if they will send me an update, or at least do more research on this. Here are my ntbtlog.txt file results. They seem to be consistent. Should I be concerned with any of the drivers that did not load?

Service Pack 1 1 4 2013 15:06:30.109
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32halmacpi.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32kd1394.dll


I also enabled diagnostic startup, and still was able to reproduce my boot freeze/hang issue.

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Resolution Is Not Giving High Resolution

Sep 10, 2011

I have Dell Optiplex GX260 system. I intalled Windows 7 Ultimate on that. The resolution of screen is fine but it is not supporting 1280 x 1024 resolution and videos are not playing properly. It was not taking audio drivers as well but when I ran the SoundMax drivers for XP in compatibility mode they were installed. But display drivers are not getting installed. I even tried the various driver from Nvidia for XP/Vista/Win 7, but none of them works.

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Outlook 2003 Hang Ups In Windows 7

May 28, 2011

Outlook 2003 works fine on my computer with Windows 7 - except for one annoyance. When I first open Outlook, it loads immediately. However, when I exit (using the red X), and then try to reopen Outlook, it hangs up. When I use CTRL-SHIFT-ESC, I find two instances of Outlook running! If I end the process on the one using the most memory, Outlook then opens immediately. I am having a similar problem with Windows Media Player. Again, it's not a majopr problem but a real nuisance.

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Windows 7 Check Disk Hang?

Apr 18, 2011

I have been having some weird problems on my laptop. I first did a memtest using memtest86 4.0 and that came up clean. I am now doing a disk check and it was progressing fine till now. the screen says stage 5 of 5 97% (82135612 of 84678825 free clusters processed) for over and hour and the HDD light is no longer on. any advice as to what I should do? I have heard that forcing the system to reboot during a disk check can ruin your system so I don't want to do that.

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Several Windows 7 Applications Hang And Never Start

Jan 16, 2013

I've searched around the internet but to no avail. Numerous Windows applications that come with the OS, such as Uninstall a Program, View Network Status, and so on will not start when I try to run them. For example, if I go into the Control Panel and select one of them, the Control Panel window freezes for a minute or two, nothing happens, and then it's back to normal again. The selected program does not start. I'm running a fresh install of Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. The only new things I've installed are drivers for the hardware, and Skype, and Chrome. The hardware itself is presumably not causing the problem, and it's a nice system so it's not some sort of lack of processing power that's causing it. I've already tried reinstalling the entire operating system. The user account I'm on is an administrator account. Some applications such as Device Manager work just fine.

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Harddisk Causing Windows 7 To Hang?

Aug 15, 2011

I noticed strange things about my HDD. (I have Windows 7 installed on my SDD, and not on the HDD). Says a weird sound and then sounds like it's charging up somehow, during this Windows lags. It usually happens when I Shutdown my machine. After the process, Windows will shut down immediately. Says "Not Responding" sometimes. And it says it at very silly places, like changing the wallpaper. During this, I can see the HDD activity constant lights on. Maybe I should get a new one.

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Windows 7 Hang While Waiting For 2nd HD To Power Up?

Sep 12, 2011

I've got two hard drives on my Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit system.They are drives C: (a solid-state drive) and drive D: (a 500GB WD standard drive).After 30 minutes, drive D: powers down to save energy. I've only got a few video files on it - I use it as a media drive. I'll be using the system just fine. When I open up Windows Explorer, and RIGHT-CLICK on any file on drive C: (the solid-state drive), there is a pause while I have to wait for drive D: to power up, and get up to speed (about 8 seconds). Then, the system responds again.My question: Why is this? I'm not looking at any files on D:, why does Windows need to power it back up at all when I am dealing with drive C:?

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Hang On Press Any Key Installing Windows

Nov 17, 2012

Tried installing using flash drive and Dvd but same error both times. Used the image last week and all went fine. I have created a new partition on an existing 500gb seagate hardrive which I would like to install windows on. This partition E: is 100GB and the other partition G: has all my media and software etc. Do I have to change the partition I want Windows on to C:?

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Windows 7 Explorer Hang For 1 Hour

Aug 2, 2011

this might seem weird. my dell inspiron 15R (win 7) just started hanging one day for explorer.exe. i searched on net n found that most probably it was the hdd. it was corrupted so explorer would hang when searching the drive. this problem occured only for some parts on the drive, i.e. only some folders. i restarted system n run various diagnostics-all of which were hanging up too. then after exactly an hour i accidently opened a 'damaged' folder and it opened up well. now i hv it up and running well. i still dont know what happend

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Windows 7 Hang Up During Browsing Internet?

Nov 13, 2012

dell inspiron w 7, 64 bits hang up often. How to correct.

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System Corrupt SFC Won't Work?

May 27, 2011

I'm looking into a relative's PC running Windows 7 Home Premium and it's giving me quite a lot of errors.I can't say exactly what the problem is, but several messages/errors led me to believe that a system repair of corrupt/missing files was in order:- Example 1: Control Panel >> Programs >> Turn Windows features on or off: The system could not find the environment option that was entered. Same error comes up when I try to run CMD as Administrator. - Example 2: Opening pictures with Windows' default picture viewer produced an error. This led me to believe that maybe just the picture viewer was corrupt, but then I saw WMP wouldn't run either, and different system options wouldn't work (as in Ex. 1).

I looked around and found that the appropriate files actually did exists, but still wouldn't run for some reason (e.g. WMP, Picture Viewer, etc.)So I decided to run "sfc /scannow" which, at first, just popped up and then immediately closed. Then I tried running it from the Windows 7 installation DVD, via Safe Mode, and via other accounts. In most cases, it said it was starting and that "This will take some time", and a few seconds later "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation".I also tried "sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c: /offwindir=c:windows" and the same via the installation DVD, in which case I used "sfc /scannow /offbootdir=d: /offwindir=d:windows" instead.I Googled a lot and nothing seems to work. I'd really like to restore this system back into working condition without losing any personal data. Yes, I've already backed it up.

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Can't Get System Restore To Work All Way

Jul 28, 2011

I can't get system restore to work all the way.I keep getting error messages. The first error message said this:"System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.System Restore failed while mounting the registry from the restore point. An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0x800703f1)".A different error message was saying that Restore didn't work because it failed to extract this file: C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe Premiere Elements 7.0x0407.ini So, I booted into safe mode and I deleted every single Adobe Premiere Elements file on my pc. Then I tried to do system restore again, this time from safe mode - but restore still didn't work. I keep getting the same error message. I have tried all the other restore points, with no success.Also, if this info helps - last week I installed a new internal 2TB Hard Drive onto my computer - it's the "K:" drive. A few days later I was getting ready to create a regular Restore Point, like I do every few weeks. But that's when I noticed that "System Restore" now shows two drives "C:" and "K:", and "K:" was greyed-out. So, I clicked the "Configure" button to configure the "K:" drive.

So, I wasn't sure that if the act of configuring the "K:" drive might have caused this whole - not being able to Restore issue. For example, by adding a new hard drive and then "Configuring" the drive, so that System Restore can work/talk with the new drive - did that somehow give System Restore a split-personality disorder? [code]

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Brightness System Does Not Work

Jul 13, 2012

after setup windows 7 my brightness system is not working.

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External Hard Drive Causes Windows 7 To Hang On Shutdown

Jan 27, 2013

Anytime I have my external hard drive (2 TB Seagate Expansion) plugged into my computer (any USB port) and I try to shut down, it comes alive from sleep after being unused and spins up while Windows is in the blue backgrounded screen that says "Shutting down" and it just completely stops the process of shutting down, leaving it there for minutes and possibly more (can't remember how long at the longest, been so long since I left it plugged before shutting down and I usually just unpower the drive if it hangs).
What causes Windows to randomly start accessing the drive? It only has my movies and music and images and manual backups, so no program actually needs those files and at that phase with the shutting down screen, no other program should be running but the OS itself. (somewhere else it was suggested that any programs still running would cause the drive to spin up when trying to close)Here's my basic system info from the TSG info tool Quote:

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 4
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 12279 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 114370 MB, Free - 46618 MB; E: Total - 194558 MB, Free - 42107 MB; F: Total - 759306 MB, Free - 37164 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., SABERTOOTH X58
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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EMachine EL 1850 Hang On Start Windows 7 Ultimate

Jul 4, 2012

I have zero history of this box. I aquired it from a friend. eMachine EL 1850 Win 7 First power on, asks to start in repair or normal Starting with repair, hangs on Starting Windows screen. Screen does not full load, 'Starting Windows' is very light in the back ground. No colors over this text. Power off/Power on same message Starting with normal startup, it hangs at almost the exact spot, except 'Starting Windows' text is fully visible, and you can see two color dots from the rest of the logo starting to appear.

I've never seen a computer freeze at this point ever. So starts the battery of tests. Physically, the computer looks OK on the inside. No burn marks, etc. Delete key takes me to CMOS. Settings are correct. Attempt restarts with USB settings disabled yields same result as before. F8 takes me to start options. Every single option yields same result:

Safe Mode
Safe Mode w/Networking
Safe Mode w/Command Prompt

Like eight different options, no success. Alt + F10 takes me to a screen with a command line (no prompt) and nothing else Will not boot from Windows 7 CD. All attempts to do so yield same results as above. Safe Mode stops loading after Classpnp.sys I am utterly stumped. We have tried everything we can think of and it all takes us to the same half loaded loading screen. We tried a DOS boot disk, but were unable to see it completely thro as the disk seemed to be made incorrectly.

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit - PC Will Randomly Hang For A Second Or Two

Nov 19, 2012

Alright, here are my pc specs first: I5-2310, 8gb Ram, geforce 560 gtx, 450 watt psu. 1.5 tb hdd. I am having an issue where my pc will randomly hang for a second or too, sometimes when something loads sometimes it just does it randomly, its really starting to worry me, I've scanned for viruses, and defragged my hard drive and this has not fixed it. Does it every 30-60 mins on average.

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