Stream Media Over Network - Can't Access Workgroup

Sep 4, 2011

I have two pc's- one a Windows 7 the other is a xp. I have two streamers: Boxee Box and Pop Corn Hour. Through various trial/error I have determined I can't access the workgroup from both the Windows 7 and xp on either streamer. In other words, both streamers should be able to access workgroup on my network and neither can. I have tried resetting the router, both pc's, streamers etc. All files/folders set to share. I am not an expert but it seems since both streamers can't access my workgroup, the problem might be with windows.

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Setting Up Network To Stream Media From Desktop To Ps3?

Jan 13, 2010

Just needed some help in setting up my desktop to stream media to ps3 My desktop is not wireless so i need to geta wireless card for it.

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Adding Llive Stream To Media Ceter

Jan 29, 2012

How do i add a live stream to media center can i have it in the epg well, streams ike cnn espn nasa tv justin tv u stream etc

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File Sharing Disconnects When Trying To Stream Media

Nov 17, 2011

I have been having some trouble with File Sharing today. I have been working on setting up my media center with XBMC. All of the media and data is stored on a home server. A large percentage of the time when I try to start a movie or something, my computer will "disconnect" from the server. It will try for several seconds and then fail, or if I tell Samba (on the server) to terminate the connection. I have tried using another computer (a laptop) and it works fine, even when the trouble computer will not work. Because of this, I do not believe it is a server-sided issue. I can also browse the folders just fine until it "disconnects". The strange thing is that when this happens and until it fails, the Computer and Network folders won't load.

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Media Player 12 Not Sharing Stream / Homegroup Will Not Die?

Jan 13, 2012

Long story short I just want to connect my Windows Media Player/Center to my Xbox 360.I can't enable streaming from the Media Player. It wont show the button or option at all.I have also tried to open homegroup and turning on media sharing and it wont turn on. The button turns grey for a moment then it goes back to saying "Turn on media streaming".From the Windows Media Center I can get some kind of connectivity to the Xbox, but its very brief. Usually when I go to set up the extender it gets to building media library on the "Windows Media Center" then the "Xbox Windows Media Center" gives a failed to connect, retry or cancel.If I take a peek into the network from the explorer the media devices shows Xbox 360 Media Extender and it disappears within 3 seconds also another that says Xbox 360 which stays.I have tried going into services.msc and making sure UPnP, SSDP, Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service are enabled. I also disabled Windows Media Player/Center from the windows defaults to try and reinstall it.

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Cannot Access MacBook On W7 Workgroup

Dec 3, 2009

I have had a Windows workgroup for years, linking PCs and Macs as well as a Linkstation Network Drive through a Time Capsule Router/Hard Drive Combo. Immediately after upgrading from Vista Business to Windows 7 Professional on my Sony Vaio VGN-Z750D, I can see the Time Capsule and MacBook but can not access the MacBook Pro. I am able to access the Linkstation and the Time Capsule. However, the system does not ask me for a username and password when I try to access the MacBook Pro, and I get an error message that Windows cannot access the MacBook. The problem seems to be on the Windows 7 end, for I am able to access the Sony on the MacBook Pro.

The workgroup name is the same on all computers. I had to reset the workgroup name on the Sony, because for some reason the Windows 7 upgrade renamed the workgroup name to WORKGROUP without asking. I reset it to the name used on all our mchines. The only variable changed is the Windows 7 upgrade.

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XP In Windows 7 Workgroup Can't Access HP Printer

Oct 15, 2011

I have a WIN7 Home Prem and an XP in a network workgroup.I have an HP offricejet J6450 an an HP laserjet1320 directly attached to the WIN 7 machine. Printer sharing is ON for both. The XP can access shared files on WIN7 and can use the J6450 printer. But I cannot get access to the Laserjet 1320.

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Unable To Access Computers In Workgroup

Nov 29, 2011

I've added a new laptop to my home network (now 3 computers, all of them with win 7 ultimate 64) . I didn't use home group because i don't like it, so i configured everything manually and everything worked great, file sharing. printer sharing, everything. And then I added a password to my user on the new laptop to protect it and the sharing between the laptop and the two other computers stopped working. when i try to access the laptop from another computer it reports i have no access, and when i try to access one of the computers from the laptop it asks for a user name and password.i uninstalled firewall - didn't help. reinstalled. i removed the password - problem solved. added password again - problem returns.

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Can't Access Shared Folder On Server On The Same Workgroup As Virtual?

Oct 14, 2011

From virtual xp guest I can't access a shared folder on server 2003 machine.I can access it from windows 7 host.The Host, virtual xp, and server are all on the same workgroup.

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Workgroup / Network Sharing Mac OS X

Oct 10, 2009

I cannot get this to work for the life of me. I have searched this forum, and others.

-I have set the workgroup identically on my windows 7 machine and my 10.6 MBP.

-I CAN smb to my windows 7 machine successfully.

-Neither my windows 7 or mac os x recognize one another in their respective network "browsers"

-With iTunes open on both machines, it successfully recognizes the libraries.

I am not a networking genius, but I'm fairly literate if someone could help me out, please.

This could be a whole separate issue, but even when connected to my windows 7 machine through VPN, the machines don't show up on their respective network "browsers"

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Workgroup Computers Come And Go On Network

Nov 1, 2009

I could 'see' my shared XP machine and my MacBook from my Windows 7 computer over my wireless network last night be cannot see them now. I can 'see' the Windows 7 from the XP machine on Workgroup computers but I cannot 'see' any computers from my Windows 7 network now.

I have seen another post like this but the solution there was to buy another wireless router but I just bought a new Netgear 11n router and it is working fine for Internet access.

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Network Streamer Cant See Workgroup But Can Connect

May 1, 2009

I have one PC running 7100 and a Popcorn hour media streamer. Both connected to a router via cable.

Since i upgraded to 7100 from 7077 my PCH now cant see the workgroup in its network browser window but it connects to the shares i have set up on it from my PC.

All three devices have been rebooted many times over that past few days (the PC goes off at night, as does the PCH).

Ive not changed anything on the PCH and nothing on the PC although maybe something was reset when i upgraded. It wasn't a clean install but then it wasn't the previous time and i had no issues.

The PC can see and access the PCH without any problems.

Ive never had to mess with the windows firewall before to get this working but im now thinking maybe i need to.

Any ideas what can have happened. I know i should have done a clean install but as both devices are seeing each other (sort of) starting again is a last resort.

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Windows 7 Network Sharing - Connecting To Other PC Through WorkGroup

May 5, 2011

How to connect to my other PC through Workgroup? I've done turning on the network discovery, file and printer sharing, sharing so anyone with network access can read and write..., & password protect.
Here's a zip file.

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WinXP Pro Workgroup Network & Windows 7 Home Premium: School Dilema?

Mar 25, 2011

I am working as the all-purpose tech at a small school for kids with learning disabilities (no operating budget for IT) and we are in the process of upgrading parts of the network[Disclaimer: I did not setup this network, but I am heavily considering getting rid of everything and rebuilding it from scratch.]Setup:Right now we have an XP Pro Workgroup network with 4 Workgroups (Admin, Classroom, CompLab, Workgroup). We have about 50 computers (40 of them are Dell Optiplex GX 270s running XP Pro SP3, close to identical Hardware configs; the remainders are teacher's laptops and such).

We have 3 new machines (ADMIN workgroup) for the 2 school administrators and the administrative assistant. They are ASUS Essentio Desktops Model CM5570s Running Win 7 Home Premium. (You might start to guess where I'm going with the issues I'm having.)We are running a xerox WorkCentre 7346 w/ accounting, and have a few other printers scattered throughout the network.[Edit]The only machines not running XP Pro SP2/SP3 are the 3 ADMIN machines, my laptop (Dell Inspiron 1545), one laptop running Vista, 3 Macs, and 3 other laptops running Windows 7 [/Edit]Problem:The crux of the problem is with the 3 new machines working with the pre-existing XP Network.One of the new machines replaced our Administrative Assistant's old XP machine which hosted some files that the teachers needed to access (report cards, test results, etc.) When we put in the new machine, the teachers were no longer able to access these files across the network.

Most of the teachers are accessing the new machine (ADMIN1) on the ADMIN Workgroup from the other workgroups (CLASSROOM, COMPLAB, and WORKGROUP) are having issues. When attempting to access the new machine (ADMIN1), the pop-up error comes up:\ADMIN1SharedDocs is not available. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. <br><br>The network path was not found."I believe this to be a permissions and policy issue due to the limitations of Windows 7 Home Premium. We aren't able to fully integrate into the network from the Windows 7 side (tell me if I am off on this)Alternatively, we are getting the error when trying to access the CLASSROOM workgroup from a machine on the CLASSROOM workgroup of:"CLASSROOM is not accessible. [yada yada yada] . <br><br> Not enough storage is available to process this command."

This error pops up on a number of machines on the various workgroups trying to access their own and other workgroups and/or machines. This is most likely due to the 10 connection limit of XP Workgroups which I really want to solve by installing a server w/ SBS 2003 (we have the machine, not the OS, and not installed. . . yet.)Granted there are quite a few problems with the network and the way it is setup, I still have to make things work.We don't have a domain controller and I haven't been able to figure out how they set up the network in the first place, although I have managed to restructure some of the network. I have also begun to create a drawn out network map of infrastructure and after that I'm going to work on the arduous task of mapping out user permissions (which if you don't already know is one of the most time consuming things to do manually)

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Windows 7 Machine Cannot Access Win2003 Machine In A Workgroup?

Jan 4, 2012

i have Lan, all computers are windows 7 proffisional and one machine is windows 2003 , workgroup . i made shared folder in windows2003 , some computers can access the shared folder and others can not.when i open network , i see the 2003 computer, when i try to access it , it asked for user name and password. the user is administrator for all , when i enter the user and password from many computers in the lan it is work correctly but in one machine with the same settings its says , you have no permession to access this computer.

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Unidentified Network, No Network Access, Limited Access

Dec 29, 2009

I have a brand new acer aspire notebook and I'm trying to connect to my airport extreme card built into my iMac desktop. The laptop sees the signal just fine, but it will not connect to the Internet and I get "limited access". What can I do to connect?

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Unable To Connect To Wifi - No Network Access/limited Access

Nov 10, 2011

Last night I was on the internet at home absolutely fine and my laptop automatically downloaded an update, since then I have been unable to connect to my wi-fi. I deleted the updates and was still unable to connect, so I tried to used a system recovery restore point and every one I use starts but fails to complete.So, I did a factory reset after around 8 hours of trying to sort it out today and I STILL have the same problem. I can plug in the cable to connect and my housemate is having absolutely no issues connecting and neither is my phone so now I am at a total loss what I should do to resolve this. Prior to the factory reset I was able to connect to the wi-fi but it was stating no network access/limited access and now it simply won't connect to my internet at all. It finds my full strength signal but will not connect.My drivers for the Broadcom 4313 802.11b/g/n card are the most up to date and the laptop (HP G62) says it is working fine.

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Unidentified Network; No Network Access - Powerline Adapters

Dec 1, 2011

Today, I managed to redecorate my bedroom; where my computer sat on top of a shaky, wooden desk. That desk is now gone, caput, and replaced by a much bigger, sturdier and prettier glass replacement.Before I dissasembled the computer to re-decorate, I was able to browse the internet at ease. There were no problems at all...However, after the new desk was setup - and all wires replaced in their correct slots, I find that I am unable to connect to the internet, or even the house's network! For the past year, I have been wired to the router using a RTL8168C(P)/8111C(P) Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC. It was plugged into an extension cord, in my room, into the Ethernet port in the back of my computer. Downstairs, it's twin was situated no less than 2 feet away from the router - plugged into the first port.Now, when I boot up the computer, the network notification presents the following message: "Unidentified Network. No network access", and sometimes presents a yellow ! next to it. So, I am reduced to typing on my mother's laptop - which has no problems connecting to the network.I am able to use the ipconfig /release command, but unable to use the /renew - it hangs in the command prompt, then tells me that the DHCP server cannot be located. The IP, beforehand, was reverted to - before all of this, I was

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Valid License Key With No Access To Media

Oct 25, 2009

My company just purchased a new Compaq tower yesterday that came with Windows 7 Home Premium, but the network is still XP pro and so IT used their volume license to format/reinstall the system.

I spoke with my boss and he approved me to take the 7 Home Premium license key for my home Compaq laptop because by the time they upgrade to 7 they would use volume licensing for pro anyway, but then when I spoke with IT he said that the system didn't come with any media.

Is there any way to get Windows 7 Home Premium Media, or to use the system recovery partition from the desktop to create media that I could then use to perform a fresh install of Windows 7 on my home computer? And is it even legal to do so?

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Can't Access Windows 7 Shared Folders From Media Box

Oct 20, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit and it's on a network with a Techgear MB902 PVR. I used to be able to watch movies in my Windows 7 shared folders on my TV via the MB902 but after I bought a new PC and installed Windows 7 I've had problems accessing the Windows 7 shared folders.

When I connect to my PC it asks for a login and password, and none of my pc or network passwords work. Strangely enough, when I restart Windows 7 the problem goes away and I can login successfully without a password, but then later the same day or the next day the login/password problem has returned.

I've trawled the internet looking for solutions, and tried all of the plausible looking ones, editing the registry, unsharing and then resharing. They all seem to work but then I realise that it's the reboot that works and not the fixes because the problem returns.

The MB902 has a hard drive and I can access the files on that from my PC with no issues it's just going the other way that I have problems.

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Cannot Access The Modem (no Default Dns, Media Disconnected)

Apr 15, 2012

I have a problem with connecting to my modem. When I plug it in to computer I've got "Unidentified network" and no network access, when troubleshoot: "Local Area Connection doesn't have valid ip configuration", then when ipconfig /all: there is no default dns, and when trying to /renew cant do anything cause "media disconnected". Modem type is Netopia 3341-ENT...

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Media Center Streaming/library Access?

Jun 11, 2012

I just got an emacines 1360g to use on a 2nd tv. I want to stream from my main htpc with win 7 media center to it through media center. I had hoped that this machine would be good enough. Added a wireless n USB adapter other than that it is stock with only 2 gb of ram. I have the tv Hooked up via hdmi with 720p resolution.When I look at network drives through windows explorer, it seems to react fairly quickly. When I try to access movies list from media center, it takes forever (>10 mins) and doesn't bing all of them up. same with recorded tv or music or pictures.Is my problem that emachines pc needs more ram or do you think it could be wireless network connection or a setting. I have another laptop that streams great from my main htpc so I don't think it is network,especially since win explorer seems to work fairly quickly. Is it possible t get this system to do media center streaming?

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Unidentified Network No Network Access

Jul 18, 2012

I have 2 different laptops. both running Windows7 and connecting to the internet wirelessly. within a few days of each other they both began to display "Currently connected to: Unidentified network No network access" and they will not let me get on the internet. It is not my router becuase It shows the same thing no matter where I try to connect. I have tried my gym and a local restaurant that I have always had success connecting to before. Furthermore my WindowsXP desktop is directly connected and is connecting to the internet without any problems. My laptops are both running AVG for antivirus.

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Unidentified Network - No Network Access

Apr 8, 2011

my laptop doesn't connect to my wireless network, neither by cable (wired).

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Unidentified Network - No Network Access

Dec 31, 2011

Yesterday it worked and when I booted today it didn't I have absolutely no idea what the problem is and I have checked everything I know with no use.

- I am using d-Lan (PowerLan) and have had no problems with it until today.

- My router, modem and the d-lan devices are functioning properly which I have tested multiple times so I'm sure the problem lies with my computer.

- I have tried Troubleshooting with no effect

- It isn't an IP conflict

- It isn't a 3rd party program (I started it in safe mode, same problem)

- Internet still works over my W-Lan but is incredibly slow and unstable

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Unidentified Network - No Network Access

Dec 26, 2009

For boxing day, I bought myself a new Computer case, a Cooler Master HAF 932. After setting it up and booting my computer, without any problems, my Internet would not work.

I attached the Network & Sharing Centre screen to show you what it says. I've tried many things, switching cables, direct input from modem (I use a router), and all sorts of guides that have similar problems.

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Media Center In RC Network Issue

May 14, 2009

I have 2 computers with windos 7 RC...

On my main computer I have added my folders of music and movies to the libaray ....

In the HTCP remote computer I set the home group etc ... I open Media Center .. I can scroll to shared and see my main computer but non of the files appear.

I have gone to the main computer and checked share this folder etc ... Still cant view the files.

What am I doing wrong ?

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Media Streaming Over The Local Network?

Mar 25, 2012

I have few computers at home and i created one computer as home theater pc and second pc as file sharing and nas

PC 1: Home theater pc
PC 2: Home files and NAS server and more

PC 1:
AMD 3 Tri core 4GB ram Graphic card , TV Tuner with remote and ssd drive

PC 2: AMD Atlon Quad Core AM3 , 16 GB ram , Gforce 210 graphic card , ausu sat 3.0 control and all AM 3+ features 970 chip set and 1 160 GB Hard drive for OS windows 7 enterprise and 5 ( 2TB Hard drives ) and 1 1TB Hard drive all between 32 MB and 64 MB ... NO SSD

Asus Routor 1GB all across
CAT 6 and CAT 7 eithernet cables
1GB Switch
1GB nics on all computers
Docs 3.0 Cable Modem

Issue: when i try to stream media files ... WMV , DVI , DVIX , MKV H264 , and other format files all in HD 1080p and 720P and HD Sound ... i get hicups or latency in playback or windows media player will not respond ... i have k-lit codecs 32bit and 64bit installed and supporting Blu-ray i have power dvd and win DVD 11 and Windows media center properly setup with tv tuner and remote control all pc are wired connected , firewall off on all pc , windows files and printer shirring is on and Home Network is setup so i am able to see all my pc and devices and able to transfer files between computers with no problems sometime i am able to transfer files at 85 MB/s to 120 MB/s but still media streaming is not working properly ... i tried for test to use media player classic and other software like VLC same results I have tried this setup before but it failed because i did not have proper setup but now i have all networking gears , Hardware , and software and nice home setup Meida streaming on the routor is on ... and firewall is off on the routor for local connection GUP Power need to be in Media center pc has been fix with brad new DDr5 1GB 775 chip graphic card with HDMI connections and sound is via HDMI to Samsung 120 hrz HDTV LCD and for extra gpu i added gforce 210 on files server but results are all negitive on Media streaming and watching movies from one center place like my PC 2 which has 11TB + 160 GB 32MB Hard drive ..Both computer are supper fast and have Windows 7 ultmate and enterprise and my other pc are file server and second media center pc which i am building for my bed room?

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Media Player Shows On Network

Nov 2, 2009

I am wondering if I am missing something here, I have to my knowledge turned off all media streaming capability but yet when I am listening to tunes in the office I have noticed that there is an icon for my office pc's media player on the network. I have turned off the functionality in advanced sharing and it is not turned on in wmp. Is this just the way it is now? Seems like this should be able to be overridden, virtually every guest in my house has access to my htpc and I don't necessarily want them to have access to my office pc's media.

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Media Devices As Shown On Network

May 6, 2009

In the right pane for Network on Windows Explorer there shows Media Devices. How can I get rid of these icons?

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Windows 7 - Unidentified Network / Media Disconnected

Apr 11, 2012

I am having a problem connecting using an Ethernet cord to the internet. It was working fine a couple days ago, then all the sudden stopped. I don't think I did anything different. Ran ipconfig, which is below. Have uninstalled/installed the network driver, looked up other fixes (reset the TCP/IP stack) but nothing has worked.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows IP Configuration .........

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