Workgroup Computers Come And Go On Network

Nov 1, 2009

I could 'see' my shared XP machine and my MacBook from my Windows 7 computer over my wireless network last night be cannot see them now. I can 'see' the Windows 7 from the XP machine on Workgroup computers but I cannot 'see' any computers from my Windows 7 network now.

I have seen another post like this but the solution there was to buy another wireless router but I just bought a new Netgear 11n router and it is working fine for Internet access.

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Workgroup Computers

Nov 16, 2009

I have a Laptop that I just installed Windows 7 on, and an XP machine. All is working well, including the networking, but I have what might be a silly question.

From the XP machine, why does the 7 machine not show up when I "View Workgroup Computers". I can get to it when I look in "My Network Places", but when I View the Network Computers, only the XP machine shows up when I'm on the XP machine.

The XP machine shows up on the 7 machine when I "View Network Computers and Devices" FWIW.

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Unable To Access Computers In Workgroup

Nov 29, 2011

I've added a new laptop to my home network (now 3 computers, all of them with win 7 ultimate 64) . I didn't use home group because i don't like it, so i configured everything manually and everything worked great, file sharing. printer sharing, everything. And then I added a password to my user on the new laptop to protect it and the sharing between the laptop and the two other computers stopped working. when i try to access the laptop from another computer it reports i have no access, and when i try to access one of the computers from the laptop it asks for a user name and password.i uninstalled firewall - didn't help. reinstalled. i removed the password - problem solved. added password again - problem returns.

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Windows 7 Professional And It Is Not Easily Recognizing Other Workgroup Computers Or Stay Connected

May 24, 2012

My new laptop running Windows 7 Professional and it is not easily recognizing other workgroup computers. When, and if, it does, it does not staying connected to other computers and a wireless printer on my workgroup.I have a desktop that is running Windows XP Home. It is sharing its printer and external hard drive to all computers in the workgroup. When I got on the router, I was able to get the Windows 7 machine to see XP box long enough to map a drive and load the printer. After rebooting, Windows 7 did not recognize the drive map or the printer. I pinged the XP box and got Destination Host unreachable. The only thing I can ping is the router. Also, when I went to load the wireless printer (with Windows 7 drivers) it did not see the printer even though the printer�s connection light is on. I have two Vista Business machines and one Windows 7 Home computers in my workgroup. These are not having any problems. From those other machines, they can ping each other but they cannot ping the new box.It is acting like a setting in Business has it isolated itself and is not allowing traffic. I have searched this problem and it seems to be common but I have not seen a post addressing the Business question. I have tried everything that the help files and forums stated (setting discovery, disabling IPv6, disabling firewall on both, uninstalling virus protection, etc.) with no result. Is there a setting in Business that would prevent it from being visible?

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Workgroup / Network Sharing Mac OS X

Oct 10, 2009

I cannot get this to work for the life of me. I have searched this forum, and others.

-I have set the workgroup identically on my windows 7 machine and my 10.6 MBP.

-I CAN smb to my windows 7 machine successfully.

-Neither my windows 7 or mac os x recognize one another in their respective network "browsers"

-With iTunes open on both machines, it successfully recognizes the libraries.

I am not a networking genius, but I'm fairly literate if someone could help me out, please.

This could be a whole separate issue, but even when connected to my windows 7 machine through VPN, the machines don't show up on their respective network "browsers"

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Network Streamer Cant See Workgroup But Can Connect

May 1, 2009

I have one PC running 7100 and a Popcorn hour media streamer. Both connected to a router via cable.

Since i upgraded to 7100 from 7077 my PCH now cant see the workgroup in its network browser window but it connects to the shares i have set up on it from my PC.

All three devices have been rebooted many times over that past few days (the PC goes off at night, as does the PCH).

Ive not changed anything on the PCH and nothing on the PC although maybe something was reset when i upgraded. It wasn't a clean install but then it wasn't the previous time and i had no issues.

The PC can see and access the PCH without any problems.

Ive never had to mess with the windows firewall before to get this working but im now thinking maybe i need to.

Any ideas what can have happened. I know i should have done a clean install but as both devices are seeing each other (sort of) starting again is a last resort.

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Windows 7 Network Sharing - Connecting To Other PC Through WorkGroup

May 5, 2011

How to connect to my other PC through Workgroup? I've done turning on the network discovery, file and printer sharing, sharing so anyone with network access can read and write..., & password protect.
Here's a zip file.

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Stream Media Over Network - Can't Access Workgroup

Sep 4, 2011

I have two pc's- one a Windows 7 the other is a xp. I have two streamers: Boxee Box and Pop Corn Hour. Through various trial/error I have determined I can't access the workgroup from both the Windows 7 and xp on either streamer. In other words, both streamers should be able to access workgroup on my network and neither can. I have tried resetting the router, both pc's, streamers etc. All files/folders set to share. I am not an expert but it seems since both streamers can't access my workgroup, the problem might be with windows.

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WinXP Pro Workgroup Network & Windows 7 Home Premium: School Dilema?

Mar 25, 2011

I am working as the all-purpose tech at a small school for kids with learning disabilities (no operating budget for IT) and we are in the process of upgrading parts of the network[Disclaimer: I did not setup this network, but I am heavily considering getting rid of everything and rebuilding it from scratch.]Setup:Right now we have an XP Pro Workgroup network with 4 Workgroups (Admin, Classroom, CompLab, Workgroup). We have about 50 computers (40 of them are Dell Optiplex GX 270s running XP Pro SP3, close to identical Hardware configs; the remainders are teacher's laptops and such).

We have 3 new machines (ADMIN workgroup) for the 2 school administrators and the administrative assistant. They are ASUS Essentio Desktops Model CM5570s Running Win 7 Home Premium. (You might start to guess where I'm going with the issues I'm having.)We are running a xerox WorkCentre 7346 w/ accounting, and have a few other printers scattered throughout the network.[Edit]The only machines not running XP Pro SP2/SP3 are the 3 ADMIN machines, my laptop (Dell Inspiron 1545), one laptop running Vista, 3 Macs, and 3 other laptops running Windows 7 [/Edit]Problem:The crux of the problem is with the 3 new machines working with the pre-existing XP Network.One of the new machines replaced our Administrative Assistant's old XP machine which hosted some files that the teachers needed to access (report cards, test results, etc.) When we put in the new machine, the teachers were no longer able to access these files across the network.

Most of the teachers are accessing the new machine (ADMIN1) on the ADMIN Workgroup from the other workgroups (CLASSROOM, COMPLAB, and WORKGROUP) are having issues. When attempting to access the new machine (ADMIN1), the pop-up error comes up:\ADMIN1SharedDocs is not available. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. <br><br>The network path was not found."I believe this to be a permissions and policy issue due to the limitations of Windows 7 Home Premium. We aren't able to fully integrate into the network from the Windows 7 side (tell me if I am off on this)Alternatively, we are getting the error when trying to access the CLASSROOM workgroup from a machine on the CLASSROOM workgroup of:"CLASSROOM is not accessible. [yada yada yada] . <br><br> Not enough storage is available to process this command."

This error pops up on a number of machines on the various workgroups trying to access their own and other workgroups and/or machines. This is most likely due to the 10 connection limit of XP Workgroups which I really want to solve by installing a server w/ SBS 2003 (we have the machine, not the OS, and not installed. . . yet.)Granted there are quite a few problems with the network and the way it is setup, I still have to make things work.We don't have a domain controller and I haven't been able to figure out how they set up the network in the first place, although I have managed to restructure some of the network. I have also begun to create a drawn out network map of infrastructure and after that I'm going to work on the arduous task of mapping out user permissions (which if you don't already know is one of the most time consuming things to do manually)

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Unable To See Home Network Computers In Windows Explorer Network Screen

May 14, 2012

Unable to see home network computers in Windows Explorer Network screen.

I have a home network with 2 laptops and 1 desktop. The desktop I use as a "file server" in that all work done on the laptops is stored to the desktop. The desktop computer name is HAL. One laptop is fine and sees the network. The other just stopped seeing it; rebooted the laptop; rebooted HAL; did a number of refreshes without any luck. I opened EXCEL and found a worksheet that was listed that I knew was saved on HAL. Was able to open the file and when I tried the SAVE AS I could navigate through all of HAL just as normal. Went to Windows Explorer and still no HAL listed as a COMPUTER on the NETWORK. I have a internet connection so I know I am making it to the router at least. And when I check NETWORK AND SHARING CENTER it shows an active home network. The laptop is running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 Build 7601.

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Set Up Two Computers On The Same Network To RDC?

Jan 7, 2012

I recently came to own a new computer, I've been using it for a while and set up Remote Desktop connection on it with Now i'm going back to my old machine to try and set it up as a media server. Its not going to have a monitor connected to it so i need some way to connect and see whats going on.Both machines are Win 7, although my old one is running 32bit.I have a linksys e1200 router and both are wired to the network so i can remote into it. I've set it up as best i could but it still wont allow me to connect

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Trying To Network, Both Computers Have Same Name?

Feb 2, 2012

I just need to rename the laptop!Woo, that's all fine and dandy, except when I renamed my laptop from Ken-PC (the name shared by both laptop and desktop) to KenLaptop and rebooted, there was a whole slew of problems caused by the namechange. Very long story somewhat shortened, it looked like I was booting up win 95.Multiple error screens, very retro GUI, all fixed by renaming my laptop Ken-PC again.I'm just trying to be able to share my files between the two computers!

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Cannot See Other Computers On The Network

Nov 17, 2009

Suddenly, Windows 7 will only see one of the 4 other machines on my network. It was working fine a few days ago. I have tried uninstalling Comodo and everything else I can think of - same result. All other machines show all 4 other machines on the network.

My Windows 7 machine only shows one other machine, which is a Vista notebook. The other 3 machines that don't show up are another Vista notebook and 2 XP desktops. All machines can see the Windows 7 box and even print through it. What is going on? Why would one machine show up but not others??

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Can't See Other Computers In Network (7057)

Apr 8, 2009

I know that the Windows 7 Homegroups only work with other PC with homegroup.But I'm trying to find my other computers running XP with my windows 7 laptop.

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Linking Two Computers Through Network?

May 6, 2011

I have two computers Computer A runs Windows 7 and Computer B runs Vista.I have gone through the set up of trying to link them. I have no trouble when I'm on Computer B seeing A.Problem lies in Computer A seeing B...When I'm on Computer A it does see the folders that I've set up on B but when I try to access them I get the message " YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ACCESS FILE //RALPH-PC// CONTACT YOUR NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR TO REQUEST ACCESS" Now does this mean I have to do something on my B Computer(Vista) or on the A Computer(window 7)

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How To List All Computers In Network Through CMD

Jun 22, 2011

I have used the cmd command "net view" to attempt to list all computers in the network.However, net view appears to list only the computers that lie in the current domain.What command could I use to list all the computers that appear on the network, in any domain?I was even thinking of running "dir" on something like My Network Places or something like that but I don't really know how to do that.Is there a command I can use to list all computers and not just current domain?

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Cant View Other Computers On Network?

Nov 21, 2011

i have windows 7 on both machines, where i am so far away from my router i have an alfa wirless adapter hooked in to it and i bridged the conections with my lan and hooked up a new router, everything works fine like the internet but when i try and view files on the network i cant see the computers hooked on the new network and they cant see me eather.

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No Longer Seeing XP Computers On Network

Nov 26, 2011

So, I know this topic has been covered many many times, but this is slightly different.

I had all the computers on the network, a mix of XP SP3, vista and 7 pro of the 32 and b4bit flavors networked and working fine. All of a sudden, i can no longer see the xp computers from the Windows 7, and vice versa. So i thought maybe there was an update that changed the node type (it's happened before on a Windows 7 home comp in the network). All the nodes are hybrid, all still have file sharing and network discovery enabled and my LAN manager is still set to send lm&ntlm.

What's strange is that I can type in the computer name into the address bar and access it fine. But they won't show up on the network map. So, while for a techies like us, who runs IT knows how the users like to have everything the way it to get all the computers back on the network map.

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2 Computers On Network Only 1 Can Utilize

Mar 8, 2012

I have 2 computers, 1 a old desktop running on-board lan using a wired connection to my router. my laptop using wireless connection to my router. Router is a linksys wrt110. Ive had the problem for years and it wasn't much of a issue. The desktop orginally ran Vista x64 and my other computer ran XP so i just figured it was a problem between the two OS, But now both systems run 7 and now i still have the same problem.

The problem is initally this: My desktop can access my laptop but my laptop cannot access my desktop. Ive triple checked all network setting,made sure all sharing options are checked, made sure im in the same workgroup. But when I try to access my desktop via my laptop i get "Windows cannot access \0320-pc" "You do not have permission to access \0320-PC. Contact my network administrator."

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DNS Errors All Computers On Network

Nov 20, 2012

Ok so there are 3 laptops, 1 desktop, 1 tablet, and one Cellphone connected to our home internet at any given time. However there has recently been a network error on all of them. The phone cannot connect to the iTunes app store and connecting to any page on the internet results in webpage not found error or dns error. same error on the computers. Have Scanned with anti virus malwayre bytes and anti spyware nothing comes up

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Printer And Network Not Seen By Other Computers

May 10, 2009

We use a HP932c printer as our network printer but no other computers on our network can see it. Everything is set for sharing on Windows 7 and on the other computers which are running XP and Vista. Anyone have a clue why I cannot get the other computers to see the network printer. Also Windows 7's network map doesn't see any of the other computers on our network. When our dual boot computer(Vista/Windows 7) is in Vista mode all is fine but when I boot into Windows 7 it doen't see the other computers and visa versa..

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XP Computers In The Windows 7 Network Map

Mar 1, 2010

Getting PC's running XP to show up in the Windows 7 (And Vista) Network Map.

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2 Computers In Sync With Same Network?

Jul 9, 2012

I was just wondering; if i get a laptop that uses the same network as my pc , would they be in sync.

For example lets say at work i created files, edited some , created new images ext. when i go to home the new stuff on the laptop will be on pc automatically?

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[WiFi] Laptop Can't See Other Computers In Network?

Aug 13, 2011

I have a home network that has been set up on a modem with internal router for ethernet ports and wifi. When computers connected to the modem via ethernet cables, they can easily discover each other through the 'network' icon. But when I connect my laptop to the network's wifi, only the desktop computer can see the laptop in 'network' and not the other way. The laptop can't see any computers. When I tried to connect/open the laptop through the computer, error code 0x80070035 network path not found came up.I tried pinging the computers (both with ip address and name), and heres what happened:-when I ping desktop to laptop, it didn't work-when I ping laptop to desktop, there was response. Then the desktop showed up on the laptop's 'network', and I can view/transfer shared files. desktop can also connect/open the laptop's shared files. Pinging from desktop to laptop also works.I've checked things like firewall, make computer discoverable in network, services. They all make no difference to the situation. Where unless if I ping the desktop from my laptop, the desktop won't show up and file sharing won't work.

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Restrict Network Access To Certain Computers?

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying to allow only certain computers on my HomeNetwork to access a network drive. My router is a BT HomeHub 3 and thecomputers are all connected by ethernet cables, the computer I don't want tohave access is wireless. The network drive is connected to the network using aUSB on the HomeHub. I can access the network drive OK on all the computers, butI don't want the wireless computer to have access. I have tried and tried towork it out, nut the more I look the more confused I get. I'm sure there mustbe an easy way to this problem. Any help will stop me having sleepless nightsthinking of how to do it.

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2 Computers On Same Network - 1 With Very Slow Internet

Feb 2, 2011

I am connected to the internet fine and I have another second computer wired up to the router and I can access the files over the network fine, its been working fine now for about 8 months but just recently on the second computer I have noticed that the internet speeds have dropped right of to useless and it even constantly disconnects too. The main computer does not disconnect and it does not slow down, working perfect in fact.

The only updates/software that has been installed on the second computer are windows updates. I've even purchased a new router/modem thinking that was the issue but alas it is not. My wife also has a wireless laptop and that works just perfect too, so the problem seems to lie with the second computer and I don't know what to do to resolve it. It will connect to the internet but its dam slow and majority of the time is useless, its a wired connection via ethernet straight into the router.

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Can't Get Any Other Computers To Connect To Network But Desktop

Feb 24, 2011

Here's my setup:

* I am using a Blackberry to USB tether to my desktop (internet works on pc)

*Ethernet to WAN (from PC that has internet to wifi router)

*I get DNS is not responding now from any other computer connected to the network either wired or wifi

* Set up my network as following: Tether has internet sharing turned on and connected to Local Area Connection

* Local Area Connection has IP4 configured as:

IP address:
Default: blank

Preferred DNS Server: (my ethernet connection so the internet connection is sent to wifi router)I have tried everything...I mean days of effort and searching. IP6 is disabled. Microsoft Virtual is disabled.This SAME exact setup was working perfectly a week ago with an older Linksys Wifi router. Then I bought a new Linksys E2000 and because I wanted something new (Bad move). That setup no longer worked on the new it no longer works on the old router.

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Main Pc Drives Are Seen On Network By All Computers?

Sep 30, 2011

A while back I shared all my main pc drives on my newtork by right clicking on the drive in my computer then clicking the share tab. I then later un-shared them by unclicking the tab but all the computers could see the drives that had been previously shared from my main computer. They could even access them even though they had been unshared. I then later reinstalled windows7 on my main computer but the drives are still visible and accessable from computers on my network.

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Missing Network Devices/Computers

Sep 6, 2009

Irritating problem: When I fire up my systems, about 30% of the time one or more of the computers or the Network drive will be missing from the list of devices on the LAN and be inaccessable except from some programs. I have to power down all three computers then power them back up to get everything to show up and be accessable.

Configuration: Linksys router, WD Worldbook 1T drive connected via Ethernet, Toshiba laptop connected via wireless, two desktop systems connected via Ethernet. One desktop running Win 7 MSDN distro, other two running RC 7100. Computers use WD network drive for backup and Outlook 2007 mail. Computers and WD have fixed IPs. It appears that the cause was too tight settings on the COMODO firewall running on the desktop and the laptop, and possibly a delay in the wireless connection being established with the router and other systems.

I had restricted "system" and "taskhost" from accessing the Internet. When I changed the settings to allow all input and output from any IP, and delayed looking at the network devices for a minute or so, the problem went away. (So far - fingers crossed it stays away.)

Bottom line - if you're running COMODO, let it make the access decisions initially, then check the Network Security Policy rules after a few days to see if any of the system programs need a more relaxed setting. If you have a wireless system in the mix, it may help to wait a bit, until the router lights stop flashing at least, before checking on the Network.

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Connection Impacting Other Computers On Network?

May 13, 2009

Computer 1: Windows 2000 Pro. Drivers are all updated. Connection to router is normal (as in web pages load, for example).

Computer 2: Just updated to Windows 7 RC x86. Drivers are all updated. connection to router is normal (as in web pages load, for example).

Router is Linksys and DSL is pretty generic SBC/AT&T with filter on phone line.

Running an MMO (World of Warcraft) on both computers. This has never been an issue before. Since the update, computer 2 when attempting to log in is getting most of the way then failing and disconnecting. Trying to debug that on the MMO end, but the odd part is that it is killing the connection computer 1 has at the same time. This never happened when Computer 2 had Windows 2000 Pro or Windows XP installed - only since upgrading to Windows 7 this morning.

I'm about to try giving Computer 2 a static IP - something it has never had - but is there anything else specific to Windows 7 that I might want to check?

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Windows 7 Network Booting Off Other Computers

Mar 21, 2011

I am having some issues with my computer booting off the other computers here. I have a computer with windows 7 and it is booting the other two computers from our wireless connection, both of the other computers run Windows XP, and belong to others here, and when I use my computer it keeps booting the others offline and they have to reconnect and my computer ends up slowing their connection. Does anyone know why my computer keeps booting the other two computers off our connection.

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