Regularly Losing Connection To Workgroup Windows 7?

Nov 9, 2011

my computer is a dell laptop Vostro13 with preloaded Windows 7 32 bit. I regularly lose my connection to the workgroup while all 4 other computers do not. i have shortcuts direct to various machines that fail. i can sometimes restart the network by going into the my network places section and it can then connect to the other workgroup computers but sometimes a full reboot is required. this happens sometimes multiple times in a day. i have turned off the power save settings that shut down wifi, i am using built-in wifi connection like the other machines on my workgroup are.

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Internet Connection Regularly Cutting Out

Aug 17, 2012

Lately the computers in my house have been having an issue maintaining a stable Internet connection. Our setup is the typical cable modem -> wireless router -> computers. We can connect to the wireless network no problem (always with the "Internet Access" icon as well), but typically pages cut in and out. This will happen once or twice a day out of nowhere, and last for a while.

The cable modem lights indicate nothing unusual. Resetting the wireless router doesn't seem to make a difference. I've picked an optimal channel. I'll be trying plugging an ethernet cable into the router later today to see if that works.

I'm not sure if it's the router or the cable modem causing the issue, or sure how to determine which it is. I don't mind buying a new one of either, but I'd rather not buy both

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Cannot See Other PCs In Workgroup Over WiFi Connection

May 15, 2011

I am trying to set up a workgroup between two Windows 7 Pro computers over a wifi connection. I have set the workgroup name to be identical on both machines (Lastname-Home), but neither machine can see the other. Network discovery and sharing are turned on. From my googleing and forum searching (here and on other forums) all I can find is people saying that if the workgroup names match you should be able to see the PCs.

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Continually Losing Wireless Connection To Windows 7

Oct 22, 2011

I recently purchased a wireless router and we have three laptops and a desktop using it. All other stay connected except my notebook which has windows 7. I also recently downloaded skype to talk to family overseas. Almost every time I am having a conversation, I suddenly lose the connection. However, I lose a connection at other times also. Skype doesn't have to be running for it to lose the connection. There seems to be no ryhme or reason for this. I ran a scan on my virus protection, but it reveals no threats. I am not so computer savvy either, only the basics.

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Acer Laptop Running Windows 7 Losing Wireless Connection And Freezing

Sep 13, 2012

Acer aspire 5750 laptop ( about 9 months old )
Wireless Internet with 'excellent' signal strength on internet
Windows 7 Home Premium

The problem I'm getting is that constantly now the laptop losing its internet connection (goes to limited connectivity) or cannot connect then when i try troubleshooting/diagnosing/open the network center as soon as i run the troubleshooting etc the laptop freezes then the only way it will work again is to turn it off and back on, I would then get an internet connection again, sometimes for half an hour but often no more than five minutes.

I'm pretty sure the wireless Internet is not the issue as the fault occurs exactly the same at
- My house
- Girlfriends house
- and has also happened when using a friends wireless at his place
So the same internet connection fault occurs at three separate connections which leads me to believe its the laptop playing up.

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Keeps Losing Inernet Connection?

Feb 24, 2011

os is windows 7. PC working great until lately, when I try to read news or e-mail, I keep losing connection, however the modem is working and the indicator still tells me that I am connected to the inernet.

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Randomly Losing Internet Connection

Oct 19, 2011

I have a problem that has been puzzling and annoying me very much for the past week or so. I have no problem connecting to the network but at random times I lose connection to the internet for a few seconds or a few minuites. I never lose connection to the network though. My playstation 3 has a wired connection directly to the modem as does the computer in the living room, and those units never lose connection. How ever my computer in my room along with my xbox 360, which is also in my room, loses connection wirelessly. My xbox and this computer DO NOT have this problem at other people houses so I'm thinking it must be my router (Linksys E1000). The wireless adapter I have on my computer is a Linksys WMP600N Dual Band. Both the router and my wireless card have the lastest firmware and I have also tried giving my computer a static IP along with the Xbox and forwarding the ports for it. Still does not work for me. I am able to connect to my neighbors internet which has no problems with connection other than the fact that its laggy since i am far from their router. I really dont want to go out and buy a new router so any help anyone could give me would be awesome!

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Losing LAN Connection When Computer Goes To Sleep

Mar 3, 2012

On my laptop which uses wired LAN, I am finding that when it goes to sleep and then I wake it up, the network/internet connection is lost. This began a few days ago when decided to give Windows 8 Consumer Preview a try. I had other issues with Win 8, so I decided to revert back to Win 7, as it used to be, and did a clean install of Win 7 SP1 32-bit, updated all the drivers, installed all the essential windows update. In short, I have a pristine system, running Windows 7 32-bit. But, this LAN disconnect problem, which I only began to notice with the switch to Win 8, came back. The only way for me to get the LAN back is to reboot the laptop. I made sure that in the LAN Adapter setting I have the "Allow computer to turn off this device to save power" is unchecked.

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Voice Chat Programs, Losing Connection?

Dec 17, 2011

I got a new laptop and using any voice chat program keeps making it lose net connection, finally narrowed that down after trying multiple things. Skype is running but if I use it to talk to someone, connection drops after a few minutes then comes back on after anywhere from a few seconds to longer, does the same thing when using Msn Messenger voice chat.

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Losing Connection To Internet At Random Times

Mar 30, 2011

I have a Marvel Yukon ethernet controller, which is a wired connection only a few feet from socket. For some reason I lose connection at random times? I need to reboot to fix this. In event viewer there is the following:

"Yukonw7 Event 101 Driver status 1".

I am running the latest Marvel drivers by the way.

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Laptop Keeps Losing Connection With New Dlink Router?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a customer that has just installed a new Dlink N300 router and cable modem internet. He has both a desk top which is hardwired to the router and a laptop which is using the wireless. The desk top does not have any problem with a connection but when he buts the laptop in hibernation it can not find the wireless connection. The odd thing about it is that even though he can not find his own network he can see other networks around him. Any ideas out there on how to solve this issue. This is the second router that we have installed so I am guessing it is not defective equipment.

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Router Keeps Losing Internet Connection And Needs Resetting?

May 12, 2012

For the last few days of an evening after downloading large amounts of data using Bit-torrent i.e. 70GB, I keep losing my internet connection. I need to turn my super-hub on and off again, but it will keep losing the connection. I have noticed that if I exit Bit-torrent then I don't lose my connection, but I am not sure whether this is just a coincidence. Is this because of the amount of data I am downloading using Bit-torrent and my super-hub is turning off the connection on purpose or is this something else?

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Toshiba Laptop Losing Wireless Connection

Nov 26, 2012

I have had this same trouble with my Toshiba, but only at home. When I travel and am at other people's homes, I never have this problem. I wonder if it could be a router or modem issue.

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Windows 7 Freezing Regularly

Feb 4, 2013

As of yesterday I am getting windows 7 freezes about every hour or two. Freeze as in windows appears locked, can't open programs, change open window etc. No BSODs. I built the system over a year ago and it has been fine until yesterday, no new programs or updates that I am aware of to start causing these issues. I ran Avast full scan and boot scan with no threats and MalwayreBytes as well with no detected issues. After rebooting the system multiple times a couple boots said to insert a boot device, as if it did not recognize the SSD drive but after rebooting again it showed up. So I ran chkdsk which didn't find anything serious as well as Seatools long read test which showed no problems either. Ran memtest through one pass with no errors, haven't tried testing it for a longer period than that though. I've been running performance monitor to see if anything is going on right before crashing but all activity just drops as if flat-lining and I haven't noticed any kind of spike of activity right before. Weird thing was that my system had frozen but it appeared to still be streaming video to the downstairs ps3 (although it may have already completed the transcode before freezing).When frozen CAPS lock has no effect and occasionally the system will move a bit as if it has unfrozen and my mouse clicks show up but nothing happens until I power off and reboot.

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Windows 7 Blue Screen - Crashing / Restarting Regularly

Oct 21, 2012

i've been running windows 7 on my computer ever since i found out i need a higher bit os to run my movie editing programs. as i filled up my c drive and d drive with clips and photos and what not, my computer started doing weird things. the crashes are never consistent, sometimes the screen goes black, sometimes it freezes, sometimes i get a blue screen, and sometimes i can't even start the thing. i tried freeing up some space on my computer but no luck. now i can't even watch a Internet video without it crashing. so:

a) if i have no memory left on the computer, does this affect how it runs? when it was extremely full i wouldn't even be able to view pictures and stuff, but i have 2.5 gb left on c right now so i can view pictures but i can't even watch a Internet video or run 2 or 3 tabs at once
b) i downloaded my os off the internet, but it's never given me any problems. could this be buggy?
c) my old os is on the d drive and it takes up a lot of space, can i delete it to free up space? is it a good idea to?
d) do i need a ram upgrade? i really don't even know how much i have, it says 2 gb ddr2 memory if that means anything. at idle it runs at about 57%

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Regularly Occurring BSOD On Windows 7-HP-64 Core 2 Mesh PC, No Obvious Pattern?

Nov 24, 2011

He has a mesh pc (so no help poss from manufacturer!)Kept getting a bsod. He had a faulty HD, so that was replaced with windows 7 Pro 64 installed (retail) from scratch and still the fault occurs. Am attaching files as requested. Has a core 2, 2gb ram, no problems occurred during windows installation.

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Computer Freezes For A Few Seconds Regularly

Jan 15, 2012

My computer freezes for a few seconds every now and then and I clearly have no idea why causes it.

System Details:
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5


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Can't Login Some Websites Access Regularly?

Sep 12, 2011

I can access my mail so I'm sure its not a user / pass issue but I haven't been able to login my ym for 3 days already. The problem isn't only with my desktop, but on my iPod as well. As it turns out, other people in the house couldn't access it on their gadgets eitherThen I tried to look up ways to fix it but apparently, I can't access any of yahoo's sites related to the messenger ( make things worse, just today, I couldn't access and all sites that uses its domain.s affecting my work.Here are some things I already tried:Uninstall / reinstall ymClear cache and cookies on ALL BROWSERSFix LAN settings (i unchecked everything, tried different combos even)Flush DNSClean RegistryReset routerTweak MTUDirectly connected to modem

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BSOD Regularly But Randomly, Even When Computer Was Idle?

May 9, 2012

Purchased the computer late Oct 2011, only 2 month old when system would randomly blue screen and restart at regular interval (about couple times within few hours of each other every 9-10 days). Current OS came OEM with the system, I have not re-installed OS but is considering it.More on the Window 7 installed here:64 bitWindows 7 Enterprise, SP1, came pre-installed with the computer.I have followed the steps to zip Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 folder & the PERFMON HTML file.

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Windows 7 RDP In A Workgroup?

Aug 13, 2011

I have two machines running Windows 7 pro in a workgroup. PC A RDP's to PC B over port 3398 and has been working for months. As of this week the connection has failed access denied over port 3398. Nothing has changed as far as I know.

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XP In Windows 7 Workgroup Can't Access HP Printer

Oct 15, 2011

I have a WIN7 Home Prem and an XP in a network workgroup.I have an HP offricejet J6450 an an HP laserjet1320 directly attached to the WIN 7 machine. Printer sharing is ON for both. The XP can access shared files on WIN7 and can use the J6450 printer. But I cannot get access to the Laserjet 1320.

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Windows 7 Network Sharing - Connecting To Other PC Through WorkGroup

May 5, 2011

How to connect to my other PC through Workgroup? I've done turning on the network discovery, file and printer sharing, sharing so anyone with network access can read and write..., & password protect.
Here's a zip file.

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Windows 7 Workgroup Not Accessible From Local Machine

Sep 18, 2012

I have 2 PC's, both running Windows 7 Enterprise x86. The main PC has an internal drive and an external USB drive, both of which have shares a plenty. Until yesterday they worked fine. If I type \main-pc (from the main-pc) I can see all the shares but when I try and access them I get the message 'check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network'. The network diagnostic wizard doesn't find a problem. If I type \192.168.72 , which is the main-pc ip, into the run line, it cannot access the workgroup browse list and comes back with the same message about checking the spelling. The second PC can access the main PC shares without any problem at all, including via Ip address. When I ping the netbios name I am returned a valid IP.

Here's what I have done so far:
- Reinstalled the network card, tried another network card.
- Reinstalled client for ms networks and file and printer sharing.
- Completely disabled IPV6 using the DisabledComponents reg fix.
- Ran NETSH resets on winsock and ip stack.
- Reerun the network wizard, renamed the workgroup, changed the PC name, fiddled with homegroup (enabling/disabling), removed security software, disabled the firewall, disabled firewall through policy, uninstalled all windows updates in the last week.

I've used the net view command and can confirm all workgroup services are running. If I type net view I can see my PC..but the problem isn't just accessing my PC, I get exactly the same problem now when I try and access the second PC, which works fine if your on it locally. It could be the server service which the browser service requires, I've paused it and my results don't change but not sure how to troubleshoot that. I've had a go at some reg fixes and modified some security polices but have since put it all back the way it was. Might be worth mentioning I have had a network bridge active between 2 network cards but has never been an issue. I've removed the bridge and tried in both cards separately as well.

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Windows Forum For Workgroup Password Sharing?

Oct 13, 2011

I am trying to join multiple pc's to the same workgroup and would like to know if its possible to set up to have one master pc control that can change all passwords in workgroup to mirror its changes without making it a domain?

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Can't Log In Windows 7 Computer After Removing It From Domain To Workgroup

Dec 13, 2011

Cant log in my windows 7 computer after removing it from domain to workgroup

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Windows 7 Professional And It Is Not Easily Recognizing Other Workgroup Computers Or Stay Connected

May 24, 2012

My new laptop running Windows 7 Professional and it is not easily recognizing other workgroup computers. When, and if, it does, it does not staying connected to other computers and a wireless printer on my workgroup.I have a desktop that is running Windows XP Home. It is sharing its printer and external hard drive to all computers in the workgroup. When I got on the router, I was able to get the Windows 7 machine to see XP box long enough to map a drive and load the printer. After rebooting, Windows 7 did not recognize the drive map or the printer. I pinged the XP box and got Destination Host unreachable. The only thing I can ping is the router. Also, when I went to load the wireless printer (with Windows 7 drivers) it did not see the printer even though the printer�s connection light is on. I have two Vista Business machines and one Windows 7 Home computers in my workgroup. These are not having any problems. From those other machines, they can ping each other but they cannot ping the new box.It is acting like a setting in Business has it isolated itself and is not allowing traffic. I have searched this problem and it seems to be common but I have not seen a post addressing the Business question. I have tried everything that the help files and forums stated (setting discovery, disabling IPv6, disabling firewall on both, uninstalling virus protection, etc.) with no result. Is there a setting in Business that would prevent it from being visible?

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WinXP Pro Workgroup Network & Windows 7 Home Premium: School Dilema?

Mar 25, 2011

I am working as the all-purpose tech at a small school for kids with learning disabilities (no operating budget for IT) and we are in the process of upgrading parts of the network[Disclaimer: I did not setup this network, but I am heavily considering getting rid of everything and rebuilding it from scratch.]Setup:Right now we have an XP Pro Workgroup network with 4 Workgroups (Admin, Classroom, CompLab, Workgroup). We have about 50 computers (40 of them are Dell Optiplex GX 270s running XP Pro SP3, close to identical Hardware configs; the remainders are teacher's laptops and such).

We have 3 new machines (ADMIN workgroup) for the 2 school administrators and the administrative assistant. They are ASUS Essentio Desktops Model CM5570s Running Win 7 Home Premium. (You might start to guess where I'm going with the issues I'm having.)We are running a xerox WorkCentre 7346 w/ accounting, and have a few other printers scattered throughout the network.[Edit]The only machines not running XP Pro SP2/SP3 are the 3 ADMIN machines, my laptop (Dell Inspiron 1545), one laptop running Vista, 3 Macs, and 3 other laptops running Windows 7 [/Edit]Problem:The crux of the problem is with the 3 new machines working with the pre-existing XP Network.One of the new machines replaced our Administrative Assistant's old XP machine which hosted some files that the teachers needed to access (report cards, test results, etc.) When we put in the new machine, the teachers were no longer able to access these files across the network.

Most of the teachers are accessing the new machine (ADMIN1) on the ADMIN Workgroup from the other workgroups (CLASSROOM, COMPLAB, and WORKGROUP) are having issues. When attempting to access the new machine (ADMIN1), the pop-up error comes up:\ADMIN1SharedDocs is not available. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. <br><br>The network path was not found."I believe this to be a permissions and policy issue due to the limitations of Windows 7 Home Premium. We aren't able to fully integrate into the network from the Windows 7 side (tell me if I am off on this)Alternatively, we are getting the error when trying to access the CLASSROOM workgroup from a machine on the CLASSROOM workgroup of:"CLASSROOM is not accessible. [yada yada yada] . <br><br> Not enough storage is available to process this command."

This error pops up on a number of machines on the various workgroups trying to access their own and other workgroups and/or machines. This is most likely due to the 10 connection limit of XP Workgroups which I really want to solve by installing a server w/ SBS 2003 (we have the machine, not the OS, and not installed. . . yet.)Granted there are quite a few problems with the network and the way it is setup, I still have to make things work.We don't have a domain controller and I haven't been able to figure out how they set up the network in the first place, although I have managed to restructure some of the network. I have also begun to create a drawn out network map of infrastructure and after that I'm going to work on the arduous task of mapping out user permissions (which if you don't already know is one of the most time consuming things to do manually)

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Workgroup Computers

Nov 16, 2009

I have a Laptop that I just installed Windows 7 on, and an XP machine. All is working well, including the networking, but I have what might be a silly question.

From the XP machine, why does the 7 machine not show up when I "View Workgroup Computers". I can get to it when I look in "My Network Places", but when I View the Network Computers, only the XP machine shows up when I'm on the XP machine.

The XP machine shows up on the 7 machine when I "View Network Computers and Devices" FWIW.

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Windows 7 Professional Desktop Can't View Windows 7 Laptop On Workgroup

Feb 22, 2011

I have a Windows 7 Desktop mainly used as a server to store files and I have a Windows 7 Laptop used to mainly access and store files to the desktop. I do not use home groups because I find that work groups work better for what I am doing. I have researched hours and hours on forums and goggling troubleshooting tips but I can not find one thing that will fix my problem. So here it is.My laptop can see, view and access my desktop no problem. It shows up on the network and also sees the media devices on it. I can ping and view and alsp remote to desktop. So this is working as expected.My desktop however cannot see my laptop on the network. I can ping and view laptop by ip address though. I can also see the laptop as a media device. I just cannot see the laptop as a computer on the network.I have renamed work-group, reconfigured windows firewall, disabled windows firewall, and pretty much done everything basic and also some minor registry changed but converted back because problem did not fix.

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How To Move From Domain To Workgroup

Jul 26, 2012

I'm helping someone with there Windows 7 Professional.They can't update it or get certain features to work. I know it is because they are on an old Work Domain.They no longer work for that company. But the Laptop is there's.I went to System and "changed settings" under "Computer Name Domain and Workgroup settings".I changed from "Work Network" to "Home Network".After restarting, ALL of there configurations and settings were gone. Outlook, ACT!, etc needed to be setup again. But the computer was able to access the features that they needed.Apparently the user account that we were using to log in into, was no longer available.I did a system restore to right before I changed to Home Network.How do I change to "Home Network" from "Work Domain" while still keeping ALL user settings, but getting rid of the lockdown that the Domain Policies Enforced?

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Workgroup Name Cannot Match Username?

Jan 18, 2012

Does anyone have experience with windows 7 (32) not allowing the network workgroup name to match a username? Do to some existing procedures we would like the username & workgroup to be the same. This works fine on XP machines but not on the Windows 7 machine.

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