Laptop Keeps Losing Connection With New Dlink Router?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a customer that has just installed a new Dlink N300 router and cable modem internet. He has both a desk top which is hardwired to the router and a laptop which is using the wireless. The desk top does not have any problem with a connection but when he buts the laptop in hibernation it can not find the wireless connection. The odd thing about it is that even though he can not find his own network he can see other networks around him. Any ideas out there on how to solve this issue. This is the second router that we have installed so I am guessing it is not defective equipment.

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The Connection To The Dlink Router Is Not Strong

Oct 31, 2011

im trying to connect another pc to wireless router but keeps on disconnecting

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Router Keeps Losing Internet Connection And Needs Resetting?

May 12, 2012

For the last few days of an evening after downloading large amounts of data using Bit-torrent i.e. 70GB, I keep losing my internet connection. I need to turn my super-hub on and off again, but it will keep losing the connection. I have noticed that if I exit Bit-torrent then I don't lose my connection, but I am not sure whether this is just a coincidence. Is this because of the amount of data I am downloading using Bit-torrent and my super-hub is turning off the connection on purpose or is this something else?

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Toshiba Laptop Losing Wireless Connection

Nov 26, 2012

I have had this same trouble with my Toshiba, but only at home. When I travel and am at other people's homes, I never have this problem. I wonder if it could be a router or modem issue.

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Acer Laptop Running Windows 7 Losing Wireless Connection And Freezing

Sep 13, 2012

Acer aspire 5750 laptop ( about 9 months old )
Wireless Internet with 'excellent' signal strength on internet
Windows 7 Home Premium

The problem I'm getting is that constantly now the laptop losing its internet connection (goes to limited connectivity) or cannot connect then when i try troubleshooting/diagnosing/open the network center as soon as i run the troubleshooting etc the laptop freezes then the only way it will work again is to turn it off and back on, I would then get an internet connection again, sometimes for half an hour but often no more than five minutes.

I'm pretty sure the wireless Internet is not the issue as the fault occurs exactly the same at
- My house
- Girlfriends house
- and has also happened when using a friends wireless at his place
So the same internet connection fault occurs at three separate connections which leads me to believe its the laptop playing up.

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Forget Password For DLink DIR-615 Router

Jan 4, 2013

I believed I've had set up the Admin password and security code for this router (DIR-615) when I first installed this router @ 2 years ago. But somehow security code seems didn't register. I want to reset the security passcode, but I forgot the Admin's password so I cannot get access to the Dlink router to set up. Is there anyway that I can reset new PW or retrieve it.

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DLink Wired Router Firewall Sufficient?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a Dlink wired router. Should I use a software driven firewall or is the Dlink firewall sufficient?

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Status Code 13 Connecting To A DI-524 Dlink Router

Feb 9, 2009

I'm having a strange issue with my Windows 7 Lenovo S10 netbook and a friends WEP enabled router. I am able to connect to my home network wr54g linksys on WPA and at the office there's a guest network running (oddly) a 104bit WEP that I can use. However at my friends house I was trying to connect to his DI-524 Dlink router and recevied some very strange (to me) messages.

I'm wondering if Windows 7 has some kind of issue with older versions of WEP and possibly lower encryption? Potentially could it be simply that if we kick up the encryption it will work? I'm fairly confident that if I convince him to kick it to WPA it will work - but where's the fun in that.

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Hook Up Printer To Dlink Router Usb Port?

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to connect a Samsung 320 to the usb port of a Dlink router model number DIR-655 extreme

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Magic Jack And Dlink Router Installation?

Jan 19, 2012

i have a big house and needed a router which i got last night..the dlink my magic jack does not opens, then abruptly tells me to shut down..what now

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DLINK Router And Adapter Networking Driver

Nov 11, 2009

I will be buying a new computer (64 bit). I currently run a 3.5 year old Dell (32 bit) with XP Pro and connect wirelessly with a DLINK router and adapter (DLINK DWA 130 Rev C) which is an N router, which replaced a G level router about 4 months ago. Would it be possible to download a driver that will work on the new machine now, or should I bite the bullet and add an adapter to the new computer? I emailed DLINK and have had no response.


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Unable To Connect To Dlink Modem Router Using Windows 7 Pc

Dec 3, 2010

I had an existing pc with windows xp home. I just purchased a new pc with windows 7 home. Why I connected the windows 7 pc to the internet using dlink router I was able to access the internet. On the next day though, when I tried to connect again, I was not able to access the internet. Here are the tasks that I have already carried out to check the connectivity.

1. The windows 7 computer has a valid IP address, which means that ARP is working fine and my router is dispensing the addresses correctly.

2. When I try to ping the modem-router, there is no reply. So I am not able to access router using ICMP.

3. My old windows xp pc is able to connect and browse the internet. The problem is only with my new windows 7 pc.

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Keeps Losing Inernet Connection?

Feb 24, 2011

os is windows 7. PC working great until lately, when I try to read news or e-mail, I keep losing connection, however the modem is working and the indicator still tells me that I am connected to the inernet.

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Randomly Losing Internet Connection

Oct 19, 2011

I have a problem that has been puzzling and annoying me very much for the past week or so. I have no problem connecting to the network but at random times I lose connection to the internet for a few seconds or a few minuites. I never lose connection to the network though. My playstation 3 has a wired connection directly to the modem as does the computer in the living room, and those units never lose connection. How ever my computer in my room along with my xbox 360, which is also in my room, loses connection wirelessly. My xbox and this computer DO NOT have this problem at other people houses so I'm thinking it must be my router (Linksys E1000). The wireless adapter I have on my computer is a Linksys WMP600N Dual Band. Both the router and my wireless card have the lastest firmware and I have also tried giving my computer a static IP along with the Xbox and forwarding the ports for it. Still does not work for me. I am able to connect to my neighbors internet which has no problems with connection other than the fact that its laggy since i am far from their router. I really dont want to go out and buy a new router so any help anyone could give me would be awesome!

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Losing LAN Connection When Computer Goes To Sleep

Mar 3, 2012

On my laptop which uses wired LAN, I am finding that when it goes to sleep and then I wake it up, the network/internet connection is lost. This began a few days ago when decided to give Windows 8 Consumer Preview a try. I had other issues with Win 8, so I decided to revert back to Win 7, as it used to be, and did a clean install of Win 7 SP1 32-bit, updated all the drivers, installed all the essential windows update. In short, I have a pristine system, running Windows 7 32-bit. But, this LAN disconnect problem, which I only began to notice with the switch to Win 8, came back. The only way for me to get the LAN back is to reboot the laptop. I made sure that in the LAN Adapter setting I have the "Allow computer to turn off this device to save power" is unchecked.

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Continually Losing Wireless Connection To Windows 7

Oct 22, 2011

I recently purchased a wireless router and we have three laptops and a desktop using it. All other stay connected except my notebook which has windows 7. I also recently downloaded skype to talk to family overseas. Almost every time I am having a conversation, I suddenly lose the connection. However, I lose a connection at other times also. Skype doesn't have to be running for it to lose the connection. There seems to be no ryhme or reason for this. I ran a scan on my virus protection, but it reveals no threats. I am not so computer savvy either, only the basics.

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Voice Chat Programs, Losing Connection?

Dec 17, 2011

I got a new laptop and using any voice chat program keeps making it lose net connection, finally narrowed that down after trying multiple things. Skype is running but if I use it to talk to someone, connection drops after a few minutes then comes back on after anywhere from a few seconds to longer, does the same thing when using Msn Messenger voice chat.

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Losing Connection To Internet At Random Times

Mar 30, 2011

I have a Marvel Yukon ethernet controller, which is a wired connection only a few feet from socket. For some reason I lose connection at random times? I need to reboot to fix this. In event viewer there is the following:

"Yukonw7 Event 101 Driver status 1".

I am running the latest Marvel drivers by the way.

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Regularly Losing Connection To Workgroup Windows 7?

Nov 9, 2011

my computer is a dell laptop Vostro13 with preloaded Windows 7 32 bit. I regularly lose my connection to the workgroup while all 4 other computers do not. i have shortcuts direct to various machines that fail. i can sometimes restart the network by going into the my network places section and it can then connect to the other workgroup computers but sometimes a full reboot is required. this happens sometimes multiple times in a day. i have turned off the power save settings that shut down wifi, i am using built-in wifi connection like the other machines on my workgroup are.

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Router Connection Not Working On Windows 7?

Oct 5, 2012

I have an Acer laptop running Windows 7 SP1 64bit. Worked fine until last week. Now will not connect to router.Network centre says ;no internet connection' and 'unidentified network , public network This happens both via wifi and cable connection.I have another router on another line. Same failure messages when I connect the laptop ( wifi and cable)I also have a PC running Windows 7.Connects perfectly to both routers via either method.I an running 'Bullguard' have disabled - no affect.

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Dave-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

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?connecting To Dial Up Connection Via Router

May 20, 2011

I do a lot of tech support for my family, however I'm a bit stumped a family member presented me with a problem on her hp netbook. She has verizon internet which is dial up and has a belkin router broadcasting the signal. Today however she was unable to connect. Usualy a box would pop up when she would connect to the network or a notification window would come up saying it is connecting to the dial connection. The window did have a box to check or un check asking to do it automaticaly, My question is how would i go about checking the box again and connecting the dial up connection?

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WPA Connection To Netgear Router Does Not Appear As An Option

Mar 7, 2012

I am trying to set up WPA security on my new Dell Inspiron Laptop,When I go to "Help and Support" for instructions it says:"The Set Up a Network wizard will guide you through setting up a security key.Click to open Set Up a Network."My problem is when I "Click to open Set up a Network" it only shows my neighbor's router [A Linksys WRT110]. My Netgear WGR614v6 does not show up as an option to connect to.

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After Turning The Router Off And On, No Network Connection?

Mar 25, 2012

I have two Windows 7, two win xp (4 in total) connected as file sharing network.1. hen I turn the router off and then on, the win xp computers see all the rest, but Windows 7 computers see no one, they still have the internet ability.2. If I turn on the Windows 7 computers first: the 1st sees nobody, the second sees the first but not the consecutive computers. No home group.

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Way To Tell Windows 7 To Use 'straight' Connection Over Router One

Apr 17, 2012

At this moment my PC is wired straight into my modem for internet access. I am however considering plugging it into the router as well in order to access my NAS, enable network printing and what not.The problem that might be is that the router is also providing internet connectivity and thus I will face the problem of having 2 internet connections open.Is there some way for me to tell windows 7 to use the "straight" connection over the router one?. Meaning it will use the straight one to connect to the internet and this not pass that traffic through the router etc.?

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Network Usb Adapter Connection To Router?

Aug 16, 2012

I have a Verizon router and I purchased a NetGear N900 wireless dual band usb adapter for my son's computer. I was going to test the N900. It is for college.The N900 will not connect. I do have three other laptops that do connect and work ok. The N900 has WPS but the Verizon router does not.So I have to use the SSID, 'wep' option, and the wep key. The N900 tries to connect and stops trying after about 20 seconds or so. The N900 varies from 4 to 5 green bars. N900 installation was followed and went smoothly and the new software version was used. We are using Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit on my son's computer.I also purchased the Western Digital My Net N750 router for college. I have no way to test everything at home. It does have WPS so at the college I hope everything works.

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Can Use Two Wirless Router Internet Connection In Same Pc

May 17, 2012

can i use two wireless router internet connection in same pc

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How To Connect To Router To Get WiFi Connection

Jan 2, 2013

I have both of these things and my recent internet still come up on my laptop, how can i connect or use my router to get wifi, need this for work asap.

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No Internet Connection After Changing To New Modem Router

Mar 15, 2012

I've just bought a new router-modem (lynksys x2000) to replace my old modem.After going through the setup(by using quick install guide CD-ROM provide with router-modem), i've got no internet connection. My laptop can connect to the router-modem but not the internet.Do my new modem have its own firewall?(I know my laptop firewall is running). Do i need to disable the firewall? If yes, which one should i disable, my laptop of modem.

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Desktop Connects To Router But No Internet Connection

Sep 1, 2012

I have been having a problem with my Desktop for about a week now. It is running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. No built in wireless adapter, but using a USB TP-Link TL-WN722N wireless adapter. The computer can connect to the network, but the internet connection just stopped working. My cell phone, xBox, and Wii can all connect just fine and have internet connectivity. I have already tried:

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Make A New Connection To Test Internet Without Router

Jun 17, 2011

I tried to make a new connection to test my internet without my router and all the time the error 117 appears and I cannot make a new connection.

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Windows 7 Freezing Or Dropping Router Connection?

Nov 14, 2011

I have been struggling with my pc dropping internet connection and not seeing the router as well as it freezing at random times, from 5mins use to several hours, but lately its alot more. Its a cyberpower system machine I bought in oct 2008, its had ALOT of use. See below for system specs below please if needed.It will freeze at all sorts of times, does not matter which application I have open. I have to hard reboot. It will also freeze on shutdown sometimes. I get all sorts of errors on connection loss, it will say the default gatway not available, it will ask me to reset my router too. It resets Local Area Connection adapter all the time, when I try to resolve the issue. It also says "Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration, and resets all my settings back to Obtain IP addresses automatically, as well as Obtain DNS server address automatically in the Internet Protocol Version 4 settings. If I put all the IP addresses and default gateway stuff back in without resetting the router, it then says Troubleshooting couldn't find the problem. Resetting the router usually does work. But not always, sometimes I need a restart. It Sometimes it works if I restart, sometimes it still won't see the router.

I tried putting the IP address in as static, put in the subnet mask, and default gateway.I use the Preffered DNS server IP in there as it helps use network gaming and platforms better like SecondLife.I've tested the router network with same cable I use on another laptop so the cable is fine.Changed ASDL filters twice.Bought new router.I've replaced my harddrive.I've tried two different driver versions for my network card which is a Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller I've resit my memory.Tried restoring system to a few days before it started freezing again.I've reinstalled windows a few times now, usually it works for a while (week or two) after a fresh new install. Its a fresh new windows 7 I bought as the machine came with vista.I've manually tried to put in all the drivers I need myself as I don't have the disk that came with my machine. (I have no idea if I've done that right)Sent it in for a service clean and checkup.Turned off the option that windows shuts my network driver down to save on power.


(Left out actual IP address numbers from communication, I have no idea if that is safe to forum lol*)
Operating System new - server roles
Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Install Language: English (United States)
System Locale: English (United Kingdom)
Installed: 04/11/2011 00:49:01


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