Keep Certain Things Running While Computer Asleep?

Feb 2, 2011

I just reformatted my computer because it was having problems. I want the computer to stay at a balanced power level, so I selected the 'balanced plan' where it shuts the monitor off after 10 minuted and puts the computer to sleep after 30. When the computer is put to sleep, the wifi goes out, which is a problem for me. I was wondering if I could keep certain things running while it sleeps such as the wifi and other programs that normally stay on during the day.

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Running Things As Admin?

Mar 3, 2011

I was wondering is there a way to stop that, on my pc i dont have to do that i click to install things but on a friends computer i have to right click for instance mozilla installer and run as admin how do i stop that?

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Computer Will Not Stay Asleep

Aug 18, 2012

have a new Dell Inspiron 570 PC with Windows 7, and whenever I set it to sleep mode it will not stay asleep, i tried all settings, but still no luck.. In Task manager dell data back up is running even though I did not enable that.. Could that be waking it up?

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Screen Goes Blank But All The Things Are Running

Jul 25, 2011

My screen goes blank every now and again but all the lights on my pc, mouse and keyboard stay on but i can't make it do anything. I have to power off and on again and sometimes when i power up i get a message of system boot failure

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Computer Has Fallen Asleep And It Won't Wake Up?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a perplexing situation with my three-year-old Toshiba laptop. If I resume working after allowing the computer to hibernate, a bit after that (maybe 10 minutes) the screen goes blank--no mouse--no background. Hitting Ctrl+Alt+Delete does not bring up the Task Manager. Nothing I do seems to work except physically shutting the on/off switch, waiting a bit, and rebooting. I get a message upon reboot that the machine was not shut down properly. The machine has an AMD 64 X2 Athlon processor 1.7Gb. I have 2 GB of RAM installed and Windows 7 Home premium.The drivers seem to be all up to date. I have an active antivirus/firewall running.What would cause such a problem? Any suggestions in solving the issue? This is driving me nuts. If I don't allow the computer to hibernateHere are some member answers to get you started, butplease read all the advice and suggestions that ourmembers have contributed to this question

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Windows 7 Shuts Down While Computer Is Asleep?

Sep 22, 2012

most of the time I can sleep my computer and wake it up normally. Sometimes, though, when I come back it is actually shut down. When I restart, Windows 7 informs me that it has recovered from a serious error.A few days ago I watched this happen. I had slept my computer, and through no prompting of my own it started to wake up. The screen blinked on, and just as fast it went away. The computer shut itself down in a not-very-normal fashion.I did a bit of research here, but didn't find anything helpful. I did see how to attach log files and such, though, so here they are.

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Charging An MP3 Player While Computer Is Asleep

Mar 16, 2012

Where do I go to change the setting so I can charge a USB device through a USB port while my computer is sleeping or off? I have a gateway DX4860 with Windows 7. My Toshiba laptop had a popup that came up and asked if I wanted to change the setting to allow charging when asleep. I haven't gotten that on the PC and can't find it in the control panel.

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Do It Need To Install Sata Drivers If Things Are Running

Oct 15, 2011

I had to do a fresh reinstall today and I wanted to know if I should download and install any of the drivers (other than Ethernet LAN to get me online) for my comp'?In particular, the SATA drivers for a 64-bit install [...] l=1#driver,I do have to install the audio and video, but otherwise, not sure about the SATA.

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New PC Won't Stay Asleep

Feb 15, 2012

I have a new HP which is jumping back out of sleep every time. It doen't matter how it goes to slepp, on timer, start menu, power button... 30sec - 1min later it wakes up again.

Event viewer says that the wake up source is unknown. I have run an energy report but don't know how to fix the errors it is coming up with. I have pasted the report below.

System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
System Product Name p7-1010a
BIOS Date 05/17/2011


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Laptop Doesn't Stay Asleep?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio laptop, obviously with Windows 7, service pack 1. It's a little over a year old I believe. It's 64-bit with 4 gb of ram.A few months ago I would say, the laptop stopped "staying" asleep. It's set to go to sleep when I shut the lid, and it does, however the slightest movement, even with the lid closed, causes it to turn back on. This happens if I move it into the case, or even carry it from one room to the next. I don't know if this is supposed to happen, but I just tried manually putting it to sleep, and before I could close the lid, it moved slightly and turned back on.Currently my only solution is to manually set it to hibernate

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Why Far Cry 2 Is Not Running In Computer

Jan 4, 2013

i have installed farcry2 but when opening the exe. file it shows an error that dunidil is not found in your computer please try to re install the program and un again?but not happening any thing? my system configuration is--32bit,2.5ram,intel r pentium r dual cpue2180@2.00ghz please help me to run the game

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Computer Is Running Very Slow Lately?

Sep 8, 2012

My computer is running very slow lately.

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Running Program On Another Computer?

Jan 8, 2013

I have two windows 7 computers networked and would like to run a program, which is installed on computer 2, on computer 1 but don't really want to install it on computer 1. Is there a way of doing this through the network?

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Computer Running Slow?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a issue with my computer running very slow at times. Don't know if I have a virus but something has slowed things down. What can I do?

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Computer Has Been Running Slow Lately?

Sep 21, 2011

My computer has been running slow lately. It is maintained. I checked start up programs, deleted programs. I did the things I know how to do. I have a Hijack This report.

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Computer Running Really Slow?

Jan 2, 2011

I can type like a whole sentance before it shows how come...?

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Computer Running, But Screen Does Not

Jan 15, 2013

I got this issue about a month or two ago, when my HP Pavilion 2000 suddenly started working. I can see the lights on, but the screen is just blank. I know there are battery issues, but when the screen started being blank, I doubted it.Should I just open it and replace the motherboard or check the wires being connected to the screen?

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Computer Running Slower?

Jul 2, 2011

My 1 month old comp is beginning to get very slow. I ran a virus and spyware/malware sweep and it came up clean.

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BSOD While Doing Certain Things

May 22, 2012

Things like compressing a 4 gig or above file using winrar, Trying to convert a 15 gig MKV movie to MP4 format using Avs Video Converter, playing avengers in facebook while listening to MP3 using Winamp. This are the ones I noticed that is guaranteed to cause a BSOD after quite a while. checking event viewer, everything seems in order except for this error, which always occurs at the exact time to the second when the BSOD happens.

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Click Start And Sleep Computer / Monitor Will Go To Sleep But Computer Is Still Running

May 20, 2012

Sometimes when I click start and sleep on my computer (windows 7) the monitor will go to sleep but the computer is still running. I cannot wake my monitor up so there is nothing I can do to wake it up besides manually turning it off using the button on the computer case.

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Installing Windows 7 64 Bit On Computer Running Xp 32 Bit

Feb 27, 2012

My question is about drivers. I am installing a new hard drive. Do I install the software then update drivers or drivers first? I ran upgrade advisor and my hardware is current enough to work.

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Computer Start Up Running Slow?

Jul 24, 2011

i am trying to fix my moms netbook it is running very stow at start up and in general, i have done defrag and desk clean up , also ran anti virus.

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Running .bat Each Time Computer Starts?

Jun 26, 2011

i would like to if its possible on windows 7 to run a bat each time computer starts from HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun for example of from startup or its just not possible because of the uac ? i dont want to use task scheduler

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Computer Suddenly Running Slowly?

Mar 17, 2011

I recently started having trouble with my laptop running very slowly. I ran avg and also Spybot and they came back with no viruses or spyware. I opened the task manager and noticed that it is running at 100% CPU, and assume that is the reason for the lag. I noticed teatimer associated with Spybot S&D was taking up a lot of memory, so I uninstalled S&D and reinstalled it without the teatimer. That seemed to speed it up slightly, but it is still running slow, particularly when trying to play videos or opening programs needing java. I also ran PC tools registry mechanic to scan the registry, clean up the disks and registry, and defrag the registry, but not getting any faster. Looking at the processes in the task manager, the two that are using up the most CPU seem to be connected to my Belkin Router (which I have been using without this problem for several months)kbackupscheduler.exe and Connect.exe go back and forth between 47% CPU and 50% CPU each.consequences of stopping (or removing) them would be

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Restore To Get Computer Back Up And Running

Mar 30, 2011

I have tried to uninstall McAfee 5 times each time I have had to restore to get the computer back up and running.First I uninstalled with windows then I uninstalled with McAfee tool then I right clicked it to run as admin then I found a setting in McAfee that said do not delete McAfee system files changed that then I tried in safe mode still no luck called McAfee then did remote tech support they uninstalled it and it blues creened.Now they are saying it is not their fault since McAfee is uninstalled!!

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Computer Running Extremely Slow?

Feb 9, 2012

I have an Acer Inspire 5736Z laptop which I mostly use for browsing the internet and playing some games. It still has 100gb free on the hard drive, and 3gb of ram. I have had it about 10 months. Yesterday a game I was playing crashed, and around the same time a Spybot pop-up appeared which said:

Category: Session manager
Change: Value deleted
Entry: BootExecute
Old data: autocheck autochk *
New data: [greyed out]

I was unable to click Allow Change or Deny Change because the laptop had frozen. I waited several minutes and tried to shut the game down using Task Manager processes, but nothing worked. In the end I shut it down by holding down the power button.When I restarted the laptop was going extremely slowly. I'm talking 5-10 minutes to open a blank Notepad. I don't know if it's to do with the Spybot message or if I damaged something by restarting in that way.This is what I have done so far. It is all guesswork on my part so I don't know if it was pointless:

- Started in safe mode. Everything runs very quickly. I started up my usual background programs one by one: Avast, Spybot, ZoneAlarm, iTunes, Audible download manager and OpenOffice. It still ran quickly.

- Ran CCleaner and deleted unncessary files, but it only amounted to about 400mb.

- Performed an Avast scan. Came up clean.

- Performed a Spybot scan. It reached the end and then froze before showing the results.

- Tried to use Spyboy's recovery but I think the CCleaner deleted those files because there was no recovery data :/

- Uninstalled the game that crashed, and other programs that I no longer use.

- Started again in normal mode, still going painfully slow there.

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Running Computer As Someone Without Admin Privileges?

Oct 7, 2012

Sony Vaio laptop/Windows 7
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64 NTFS
Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421
Firefox 15.0.1
avast! free antivirus; Spyware Blaster free.

Also for non-real time protection but for a 2nd opinion, sometimes do a scan with MBAM or Super AntiSpyware.And after learning about it thru this site, currently doing a free online ESET scan, which the one other time I used it found junk that none of the other programs did.I saw an article stating that most problems involving keyloggers, trojans, scareware, etc., could be prevented by my running my computer as someone without Administrative privileges - that this would prevent most programs from being able to take control, even if I unknowingly clicked on a downloader for a trojan/keylogger.I am in the USA and interested in some non-USA sports, so use free streaming sites a lot which sometimes contain various types of malware.I try to be careful, but occasionally, as tonight, I have to do a System Restore when scareware gets a program into my computer.

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Shutdown Computer AFTER IT WAS RUNNING FOR A WHILE Having A Bluescreen As Well?

Jan 11, 2013

i got myself this new one half a year ago, but im having (different) crashes again... the only components i took from my old computer are 2 1GB-harddrives (windows is on a new ssd)so i dont believe it's got something to do with those 2 computer is having bluescreens randomly while im AFK, or when im working or playing a java game or somethingalso, whenever i try to shutdown my computer AFTER IT WAS RUNNING FOR A WHILE, im having a bluescreen as well. when im restarting the PC right after booting, i dont have the bluescreen.what i have tried so far:- i installed avira and did a virus check: negative- i ran the windows memory diagnosis, which also didn't find any problem with the RAMthe 2 most common errors the bluescreen shows are:"SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION"and"MEMORY MANAGEMENT".i downloaded BlueScreenView, i am adding the screenshot of what it shows:oh the files seem to be too big, i will upload it externally:so, i dont really know what to do.i even suspected an unstable power supply since a test with an oscilloscope showed some irregularities, but im not so sure if thats the reason.edit: the entry from the bluescreen dumps says at "caused by driver:" --> ntoskrnl.exe most of the time

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Setup Two Different And Running Desktop In One Computer?

Dec 17, 2011

is there anyway to run 2 desktop in one computer like, have one desktop with my work and other with everything else and when i need to check bout my work or anything else i just switch between there a way to do this in without having two monitors.

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Computer Is Running Normally But Without Welcome Screen At Startup

May 1, 2011

My computer is running normally but without the Welcome screen at startupAfter the Windows7 logo the screen goes black and does not show anything (the blue Welcome screen) until it auto login to my desktop.If I create 2 account, I will have to blindly press enter to choose an account to login. But after log off I can see both of them.Normally its fine but if there is some updates, the computer will install the updates under black screen.

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Your Computer Is Running On Battery Power?

Feb 13, 2012

When trying to install my Windows 7 Service Pack1 updates I keep getting this message "Your Computer is Running on Battery Power". I get the message even when the computer is plugged in. What could be causing this?

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