Computer Has Fallen Asleep And It Won't Wake Up?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a perplexing situation with my three-year-old Toshiba laptop. If I resume working after allowing the computer to hibernate, a bit after that (maybe 10 minutes) the screen goes blank--no mouse--no background. Hitting Ctrl+Alt+Delete does not bring up the Task Manager. Nothing I do seems to work except physically shutting the on/off switch, waiting a bit, and rebooting. I get a message upon reboot that the machine was not shut down properly. The machine has an AMD 64 X2 Athlon processor 1.7Gb. I have 2 GB of RAM installed and Windows 7 Home premium.The drivers seem to be all up to date. I have an active antivirus/firewall running.What would cause such a problem? Any suggestions in solving the issue? This is driving me nuts. If I don't allow the computer to hibernateHere are some member answers to get you started, butplease read all the advice and suggestions that ourmembers have contributed to this question

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Computer Will Not Stay Asleep

Aug 18, 2012

have a new Dell Inspiron 570 PC with Windows 7, and whenever I set it to sleep mode it will not stay asleep, i tried all settings, but still no luck.. In Task manager dell data back up is running even though I did not enable that.. Could that be waking it up?

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Keep Certain Things Running While Computer Asleep?

Feb 2, 2011

I just reformatted my computer because it was having problems. I want the computer to stay at a balanced power level, so I selected the 'balanced plan' where it shuts the monitor off after 10 minuted and puts the computer to sleep after 30. When the computer is put to sleep, the wifi goes out, which is a problem for me. I was wondering if I could keep certain things running while it sleeps such as the wifi and other programs that normally stay on during the day.

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Windows 7 Shuts Down While Computer Is Asleep?

Sep 22, 2012

most of the time I can sleep my computer and wake it up normally. Sometimes, though, when I come back it is actually shut down. When I restart, Windows 7 informs me that it has recovered from a serious error.A few days ago I watched this happen. I had slept my computer, and through no prompting of my own it started to wake up. The screen blinked on, and just as fast it went away. The computer shut itself down in a not-very-normal fashion.I did a bit of research here, but didn't find anything helpful. I did see how to attach log files and such, though, so here they are.

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Charging An MP3 Player While Computer Is Asleep

Mar 16, 2012

Where do I go to change the setting so I can charge a USB device through a USB port while my computer is sleeping or off? I have a gateway DX4860 with Windows 7. My Toshiba laptop had a popup that came up and asked if I wanted to change the setting to allow charging when asleep. I haven't gotten that on the PC and can't find it in the control panel.

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Game Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

Oct 10, 2009

i just bought the new Transformers game, but i am too lazy to complete it I just wanna use it in free-roam. So i was wondering if any of you guys got a 100% save (or close to) that i could get? or can i play free-roam without completing the game?

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Computer Will Not Wake From Sleep

Nov 28, 2012

Recently, my computer will not wake up from sleep mode. Once it enters sleep mode, the only way to get it functioning again is to hold the power button, completely shut it off, and then boot my system back up. It appears as if everything starts back up once I open the lid or press the power button to wake it up, but the screen never turns back on. The fan starts up, the backlit keyboard lights up, the leds all blink, but nothing I try will turn the screen back on forcing me to press and hold the power button for a complete shut down.I have reinstalled the latest Intel HD Graphics driver as well as the latest NVIDIA graphics driver (both the stable and beta release).I do not get a blue screen or any sort of error. Upon the restart, I am not prompted with any error from windows or any signs of the forced shut down.

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Wake Computer Up From Another Location?

Jun 1, 2012

I have heard of WOL. If I am located at a different location then my computer (different subnet,network) then how can I wake my computer up ?

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Computer Won't Wake From Sleep

Oct 27, 2010

my computer sometimes wont resume from sleep when i hit a button on the keyboard, if i do it fires up then just dies out completely. its like someone hit the power switch on the it just does this randomely, not all the time but its extremely annoying because i have to boot from scratch everytime. my specs are gigabyte ma790xt-ud4p, Amd x4 955 phenom 2 G-skill ripjaws 4gb ddr3(2x2gb) Seasonic 700w P.S CM v8 cooler and so running windows 7 Ultimate 64

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Computer Won't Wake From Sleep?

Mar 8, 2012

Computer has been working perfectly and decided to try the sleep mode last evening as opposed to turning it off. Bad move, now the keyboard, mouse and monitor are unresponsive. No way to communicate with the computer whatsoever. Tried re-booting but can tell from the sound of it, is only powering back on in sleep mode.

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New PC Won't Stay Asleep

Feb 15, 2012

I have a new HP which is jumping back out of sleep every time. It doen't matter how it goes to slepp, on timer, start menu, power button... 30sec - 1min later it wakes up again.

Event viewer says that the wake up source is unknown. I have run an energy report but don't know how to fix the errors it is coming up with. I have pasted the report below.

System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
System Product Name p7-1010a
BIOS Date 05/17/2011


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Computer Won't Wake Up After Sleep Mode

Nov 11, 2012

I built this computer in March of this year and everything worked great. I had my power options set up so I could switch between high performance and power saver for when I'm not using it. Power saver was set up to turn off display and put the computer to sleep after 1 minute. I don't recall changing any of the advanced settings but maybe I forgot something.

I used to wake it up simply by hitting the space bar and everything would come back on. I just did a clean install of Windows 7 two days ago and since then when I choose power saver and it goes to sleep after whatever time I set it to, it no longer wakes up. Well, this is where I'm lost because it still makes the same noises like the fans spinning harder and all that but nothing appears on my monitor. At first I thought it had something to do with my monitor but I just realized that the lights on my mouse don't come on either. Which they used to before when I'd hit the space bar.

My build:
Windows 7 Home Premium
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
(RAM) 8.00GB
System type: 64- bit

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Task Scheduler Won't Wake Computer?

Dec 5, 2011

I'm trying to use WIN7 task scheduler to wake the computer and run a program. I have checked "Wake computer to run task", but the task doesn't run until I manually wake the computer---then it runs correctly. Are there any other setting I need to adjust to allow task schedule to wake the computer

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Computer Does Not Wake Up From Sleep Mode

Mar 30, 2012

Should I tweak anything? I just tried "powercfg -energy" today and it shows about 15 warnings in my Energy Report. The reason I did this is because my computer does not wake up from sleep mode sometimes.

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Computer Won't Wake Up From Sleep Or Hibernate

Jan 23, 2012

I have an inspiron 1545 running windows 7 (x64) and I am having problems waking up my computer from sleep . Usually, when I put my computer to sleep, I have problems waking up my computer. The screen stays relatively dark when I move my mouse although I can see some light coming from the bottom part of the screen (so the screen seems to be on, just not showing anything sueful). When I try to press the space bar multiple times, my computer gives me a warning ding and it plays a sound when I insert or remove my usb mouse.

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Computer Won't Wake From Standby / Hibernate

Dec 6, 2011

My computer is several years old, and just a few weeks ago started having a problem waking from standby. Up until now, it had no issues going into and coming out of sleep.Now, whenever it goes to sleep (whether due to inactivity or putting it to sleep manually), it won't wake up. The lights come on, the fans come on, but the monitor stays in standby. I've looked around online and found that many people get a black screen when booting up, i.e. the monitor comes alive and they may get a mouse cursor, but that's not what's happening to me. I don't get a black screen--my screen is never getting a signal from the computer. I have to do a hard reset, after which I get the 'Start Windows Normally' screen.I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the graphics drivers, changing hybrid sleep settings, using hibernate instead of standby, uninstalling random programs, etc, to no effect. I don't think I had any major windows or driver updates that caused it.

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Computer Won't Wake From Sleep Mode?

Aug 26, 2011

It does this every once in a while. It happened twice in the past 2 days. I'm not sure if it's something I left open before going into sleep mode or something else.So the computer's been in sleep mode, usually for at least an hour. I do the usual thing to wake it up, move the mouse. After a simple movement fails, I try again, moving vigorously and clicking all the mouse buttons. I have also tried pressing all the keys on my keyboard.

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Why Can't Wake Computer Up Via Mouse Movement

Sep 17, 2012

my mouse and keyboard are frozen. I've rebooted. I get the message that 'the system closed down unexpectedly and a choice for starting in the safe mode, etc., comes up yet the keyboard and mouse still do no work

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Computer Fail To Wake Up Correctly After Hibernation?

Nov 28, 2011

Here's my problem:I have a netbook (HP mini 311) that came with Windows XP, and then I've installed windows 7 on it.When the computer goes to hibernation either because the battery is getting too low or that I close the lid (as I choosed these in the power options) , the computer won't successfully boot up to the "Resuming windows" screen. And what I should do is to turn it on and off 3 times, and so it starts normally (to resume windMore notes: at first boot screen (where the hp logo is) , at the bottom right of it, there's usually a "Press esc for startup options" text, that doesn't appear by the 3 first boot ups tries.

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Wake Computer From Hibernation To Stream (xBox 360)?

Mar 26, 2011

Is it possible to wake my computer from hibernation to stream content to, lets say, an Xbox 360? Then after its done streaming put the computer back to sleep?

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Wake A Computer On The Network To Use A Shared Printer?

Jun 19, 2012

I currently have a printer connected to a computer in my room (Canon Pixma iP4300 [USB]). I also have a computer in the office which is connected to the network via a wireless extender. I am a little short of space in my room and am looking at which peripherals I can move away without too much hassle - the printer is one such thing which has a relatively large footprint and would ideally be located in the office.I am fairly confident that with a little research I could set up the printer to be shared from the office PC (Vista Home Premium x32) to other computers on the network, which would be a more suitable location for it.However, one thing that occurs to me is that it would require the office PC to be on in oder for other machines to print. Currently the office PC is set to go to sleep after a period of inactivity [20~30 minutes]. My question is, would it be possible for other computers on the network to wake this machine in order to use the printer connected to it?

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Task Scheduler Doesn't Wake Up Computer

Nov 16, 2011

I noticed somehow my username is logged off if the computer sleeps too long (like during night). If I test the task behind my computer and let the computer sleep for a short while, it automatically awakes.

If I allow the computer sleep automatically and for long periods of time, then it somehow doesn't awake the computer anymore. In Task Scheduler I got the error message like: Task has not been executed cause user isn't logged on (this is translated).

So somehow the user is logged off after the computer goes in sleep mode automatically.

For now, I checked in Tab General for the specific Task:

* Highest Privelages, and

* also I changed "configuring for Windows 7 (I used setting for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)

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Computer Wake Up Every Night At 12 For No Apparent Reason

Jan 28, 2012

Using Windows 7 x64. For some reason every night at 12am the computer wakes up for no apparent reason. I've checked the task scheduler quite extensively and can't find anything that is set to go at 12am exactly. I only have three items in my library and 2 of those are disabled. I looked pretty good in the microsoft section but couldn't find anything. How to locate this bugger?

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How To Wake Up Computer With Mouse Click In Windows 7

Dec 29, 2012

I was just wondering if there's a way I can wake my computer with a mouse click. Its just that in windows 8 cp I can wake the system with a click from the mouse but not in windows 7. I'm using a generic mouse attached to the front panel usb.

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Cannot Wake Up Windows 7 Computer Via Mouse Movement?

Mar 31, 2010

I have both a wireless usb mouse/keyboard. Windows 7 home 64 bit.

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Computer In Sleep Mode And Wont Wake Up?

Jan 8, 2013

pressed sleep button on keyboard by mistake and now im getting nothing apart from normal sound from tower i/e fans running etc,i am unable to do anything seeings how my keyboard mouse and monitor are all non responsive,,,,does anyone no away around this please,my computer a custom build mother boards an ASUS P8Z68-V LX if thats ofi read a post where i may have to reset the cmos on motherboard by pressing a reset button which i have not been able to locate yet or removing the battery from motherboard for 5 secs as you can see i havent got a clue when comes to computers so dont want to start reset or removing battery as i dont no if thats the only option i have seeings how im getting nothing and am unable to enter bios

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Laptop Doesn't Stay Asleep?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio laptop, obviously with Windows 7, service pack 1. It's a little over a year old I believe. It's 64-bit with 4 gb of ram.A few months ago I would say, the laptop stopped "staying" asleep. It's set to go to sleep when I shut the lid, and it does, however the slightest movement, even with the lid closed, causes it to turn back on. This happens if I move it into the case, or even carry it from one room to the next. I don't know if this is supposed to happen, but I just tried manually putting it to sleep, and before I could close the lid, it moved slightly and turned back on.Currently my only solution is to manually set it to hibernate

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Setting Wireless Keyboard To Wake Windows 7 Computer?

Jan 26, 2012

On my Vista computer, my wireless keyboard/mouse wakes the computer. But on my Windows 7 computer, it doesn't. Is there some setting somewhere?

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Wake Computer Without Waking External Hard Drives

Jul 25, 2011

I am running windows 7 64 bit, and have 4 external hard drives attached (not the best way, but until I can afford a server, the only way). I am using my computer as a media center only. When I wake my computer it can take a while (30 seconds to a minute), before I can use it, due to it starting up my external hard drives, but I have noticed a couple of times, my computer will wake without starting up my external hard drives (able to use media center within 2 seconds). Does anyone know if there is a way to get my computer to wake up without starting up the external hard drives every time?

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Long Beep Sound In Computer On Wake Up From Sleep?

Sep 11, 2011

Just recently, on waking up from Sleep by moving mouse, a three-second beep in the computer sounds, as the computer wakes correctly. How do I remove that sound; how might it have begun so unexpectedly?I recently did a repair from the Windows back-up.

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Popping Noise When Computer Wake Up From Sleep Mode?

Nov 1, 2011

I installed external speakers on windows 7, now when I wake up computer from sleep mode I get one loud pop, I never heard it before I installed speakers.

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