Computer Running Slow?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a issue with my computer running very slow at times. Don't know if I have a virus but something has slowed things down. What can I do?

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Computer Is Running Very Slow Lately?

Sep 8, 2012

My computer is running very slow lately.

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Computer Has Been Running Slow Lately?

Sep 21, 2011

My computer has been running slow lately. It is maintained. I checked start up programs, deleted programs. I did the things I know how to do. I have a Hijack This report.

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Computer Running Really Slow?

Jan 2, 2011

I can type like a whole sentance before it shows how come...?

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Computer Start Up Running Slow?

Jul 24, 2011

i am trying to fix my moms netbook it is running very stow at start up and in general, i have done defrag and desk clean up , also ran anti virus.

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Computer Running Extremely Slow?

Feb 9, 2012

I have an Acer Inspire 5736Z laptop which I mostly use for browsing the internet and playing some games. It still has 100gb free on the hard drive, and 3gb of ram. I have had it about 10 months. Yesterday a game I was playing crashed, and around the same time a Spybot pop-up appeared which said:

Category: Session manager
Change: Value deleted
Entry: BootExecute
Old data: autocheck autochk *
New data: [greyed out]

I was unable to click Allow Change or Deny Change because the laptop had frozen. I waited several minutes and tried to shut the game down using Task Manager processes, but nothing worked. In the end I shut it down by holding down the power button.When I restarted the laptop was going extremely slowly. I'm talking 5-10 minutes to open a blank Notepad. I don't know if it's to do with the Spybot message or if I damaged something by restarting in that way.This is what I have done so far. It is all guesswork on my part so I don't know if it was pointless:

- Started in safe mode. Everything runs very quickly. I started up my usual background programs one by one: Avast, Spybot, ZoneAlarm, iTunes, Audible download manager and OpenOffice. It still ran quickly.

- Ran CCleaner and deleted unncessary files, but it only amounted to about 400mb.

- Performed an Avast scan. Came up clean.

- Performed a Spybot scan. It reached the end and then froze before showing the results.

- Tried to use Spyboy's recovery but I think the CCleaner deleted those files because there was no recovery data :/

- Uninstalled the game that crashed, and other programs that I no longer use.

- Started again in normal mode, still going painfully slow there.

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Computer Starts Running Slow?

Oct 15, 2011

I've had my desktop PC in for repairs 5 times for dropping into a slow running state. It was HPs top of the line 2 years ago and has plenty of horsepower. It runs fine for a few howers. Then, it starts taking 20 to 30 minutes just to open a folder. Boot up takes 30+ minutes. The Geek Squad seems to think mother board. They've run all the diagnostics and cleaning programs. They eliminated the hard drive, too,

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Cpu Usage Is Very High And Computer Is Running Very Slow

Dec 18, 2012

As the title suggests, my cpu usage is high and the computer is running slow and lagging, ex. itunes skipping, etc. I have deleted programs, ran spyware and antivirus programs, and ended services and applications in msconfig.

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Slow Running Computer Mostly Online Items?

Feb 2, 2011

I am running windows 7 and my computer has been loading online games and pages slower than usual, my online games wont load content or graphics at all but a few of them and thats it, Its frustrating because i play them everyday all day and can't now. Please help me see why my computer runs fine one week and slow next week. We checked the cpu because it was running at 100% at times. but we did all we can in the malware, spyware log section.

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Computer Is Running Very Slow While Playing Games

Sep 9, 2011

My computer started running really slow and sticking while running videos and playing games. I looked at the processes on the task bar and I have 13 svchost running that normal? What do I really need to have running? I have so many things on there like something called toaster.exe32. I've cleared the cache and cookies..and used CCleaner. I thought maybe stopping some of the processes would help.

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Computer Running Very Slow Over Past Few Months?

Feb 18, 2012

I have Windows 7, 6 memory 650 HD, quad core -2 year old hd computer. ISP CABLE 12 m speed - On net speed tests , i get 10 to 20 download speeds. I am using 335 g with, with 249g showing as still available for a total 584COMPUTER is running very very slow on net and non- net, with occasional hang ups that last sometimes last as much as a minute. The Hang ups are more frequent on non- net and I sometimes get the no responding.We checked everything that could be using extra resources and it made very little differences We discovered one potential problem and I seek your advice on this matter-- In the info drive properties , The box that says says " COMPRESS THIS DRIVE TO SAVE DISC SPACE " was CHECKED.A friend said that if the g's are uncompressed , my 335g could possibly be double and the drive is overloaded causing the computer to run slow everywhere- He suggests that I just go buy a new 2 tb hd and move all my stuff over and keep the existing hd as a partial back up.I am extremely hesitant to remove the check box for fear of what could happen.I do happen to have everything backed up via external hd including the Operating system , but putting that in motion is something that I would like to avoid.

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Rebooted Computer As It Was Running Slow And Got A Bluescreen?

Aug 18, 2012

Rebooted my computer as it was running slow and got a bluescreen,won't let me reboot mt computer at all.

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Computer Running Slow, Cpu 100% Usage During Basic Tasks?

Jul 27, 2012

During the last week or so my computer has slown down considerably. Simple tasks make my cpu spike up to 80% and browsing the net and play video's keeps it at a solid 100%. I saw the TSG SySinfo msg well making this thread but wasn't sure if it was an advert trying to trick me. Sorry for the paranoia but you know how it is on the net these days.Specs:AMD Phenom 2 x4 810 processor 2.61 GHz 4GB ram windows 7 32bit ATI RADEON HD

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Computer Running Slow And Locking - Upgraded To Windows 7

Jan 28, 2012

Computer has been running really slow lately. I did all the maintenance I knew how to do and removed programs they weren't using. It's better, but still slow. Their computer originally came with Windows Vista and I upgraded it to Windows 7 a year ago.

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Computer Running Slow Even Though 15 Percent Of Memory Remaining

Apr 21, 2012

Sometime I do somewhat intensive processing that causes 85% of my 6GB ram to be used. But when 85% is being used, my machine completely slows down for all other tasks including very basic tasks like opening Windows Explorer. Surely the remaining 15% should be more than enough to open Windows Explorer without any latency. I'm using 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate. Also, I should state that the CPU usage is very low at these times.

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Computer Is Running Really Slow / CPU Usage Is At 100% And Physical Memory Is At 82%

Aug 14, 2011

my computer is running real slowy cpu usage is at 100% and phycail memory is at 82% can someone help me plz? it is a compaq windows 7 intel cerlon updates all up for windows and computer

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Some Applications Running Slow On High Performance Computer?

Aug 28, 2011

I recently built a great system. It has the following specs:

Core i5 2500k 3.3GHz
Radeon HD 6790 1GB
8 GB of Corsair C9 kit of memory
PH67S-C43 (B3) motherboard from MSI.
Caviar Black 750gb
Greenpower 1TB

The only problem is, it runs very slowly in some applications such as Firefox and Minecraft. I've installed all drivers listed on the MSI website as well as my GPU drivers. Still no luck. I've installed Steam, microTorrent, Microsoft Security Essentials, Java (x64), Adobe Flash, and Adobe Reader X.

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Computer Running Super Slow And System Restore Failure?

Dec 23, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire timeline computer I bought 2 years ago. This computer advertised great battery life, internal cooling, and all sorts of other cool things....unfortunately, it was all a lie. But enough about that, As of like 3 days ago, I noticed my computer would respond slowly and take forever to complete a shutdown. I thought nothing of it until I decided to scan it usingSuperAntiSpyware. It came back with 40 tracking cookies, which I deleted. Upon rebooting my computer, I noticed it was still running slowly. So I decided a system restore would be niceI tried the first availible restore date. That apparently failed. Then I tried several others, with no success. I kept getting error codes telling me that the system restore failed to extract the file. It said the disk failiure might have been caused by bad sectors....I have no idea what that means. Ive tried multiple restore dates, they all come back with the same message.

I do not have Norton on my computer ( I read this was part of the problem in many other machines with the same restore error, but just to make it clear, that is not part of the problem with my computer). I can only use my computer in safe mode, because the regular boot mode is wayy too slow and laggy. Also I have plenty space on my computer so it couldnt possibly be slowing down because its getting full or something.

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Windows 7 64bit Computer Running Super Slow - No Errors

Apr 15, 2012

First off my power supply went out. It was a 450watt one I ordered and replaced it with a 750watt power supply. After I replaced the power supply, my computer would not boot, When the power supply went out it was in the middle of updating windows. So I formatted the hard drive and did a clean install of windows, reloaded all my drivers and extra programs. At that point my computer was running great.

I decided to uninstall Bing tool bar, and windows live sign in assistant. it prompted my to reboot. When I rebooted the computer, after about 30 minutes it still had not come up to the desktop, I could boot up in safe mode and it would run fine. I did a system restore, no change, I did a start up repair, no change, Tested the memory it came back fine.

At that point and reformatted the hard drive again, I had another hard drive formatted it and put the install CD in and after 8 hours it is still trying to install Windows 7, No errors just really really slow. So I have replaced the power supply, hard drive, and ran a memory test with no errors, done a clean install of windows. Running Windows 7 64 bit, 4 gig of Ram, 2.8 dual core processor, 1 gig video card, 500 gig hard drive.

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Windows 7 Running Slow, Not Running Games Properly?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm just installed windows 7 on my 2009 imac through bootcamp. However there are some problems. Ive noticed when i try to play something on windows media player it will tell me that my computer is running low on memory and to close some windows. Also games run poorly if at all. I suspect its a driver issue but have gone through all the auto updates etc.

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It Is Running Very Slow

Aug 22, 2011

It is an HP dv7-4080us Notebook with Intel i7 processor, running windows 7 64bit. for the past 2 years, it has been running very fast, but then I brought it on one of my vacations. After that, it ran very slow, and I have not been able to fix it. It runs fast in safe mode. I scanned it with Norton, and I'm currently scanning with Avira. No viruses. I also made it so that no processes or services that weren't needed for the system started on startup. I barely noticed any change in speed.

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Windows 7 Running Slow?

Feb 5, 2012

I have win7 64bit running on intel dual core with 4 mb ram The system has been running slow for about 2 months. For example results for searches in the start menu take about 5 seconds to appear, iNDESIGN taking much too long to load up, and waiting for thumbnails to load in heavier folders.

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Hp Laptop Running Slow?

Aug 10, 2011

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P7550 @ 2.26GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 4063 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 , 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 464057 MB, Free - 388896 MB; D: Total - 12877 MB, Free - 2026 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 3624, 18.50, CNF9242090
Antivirus: Kaspersky Internet Security, Updated and Enabled

The computes is running slow, i have scanned with spybot, kaspersky, ARO 2011 registry cleaner. I don't know how to test memory? don't know what to do from here?? I have defragged hard drive.

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System Is Running Really Slow?

Nov 8, 2011

A few days ago my pc started running really slow. I didn't do or download anything new so i'm stumped. every few minutes its like my system skips. freezes for a second then runs. Every program I click stops responding, I have to wait a few seconds for it to start running again. Minimized windows lag while they're being maximized, Chrome tabs open and load pages really slow. Even clicking the start menu takes it forever to come up. its like im running on an ancient PC. I've done some things to try and fix this like:Avg boostspeed and CC cleaner to try and fix any problems.Cleaned and defraged the registry &Defraged and optimize the hard drive Virus and malware scans all come back negative. No windows updates either.I have no idea what else to do.

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System Running Slow?

Jul 5, 2012

My system is running slow. What could be the possible cause [CODE]The gaming graphics score is based on the primary graphics adapter. If this system has linked or multiple graphics adapters, some software applications may see additional performance benefits. Caution: Based on the results of the WinSAT Disk assessment, your system drive may have slower response times under some workloads. Performance results will depend on the specific applications used and the amount of memory available.

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Laptop Running Very Slow?

Nov 11, 2012

No0b to TechGuy Forum. I was really impressed by the tips and solutions providing by the everyone. I am not much of a techy, but know my way around computers.Since the introduction is out of the way, I need HELP!! My son has a Gateway laptop which I restored to factory specs because it was running slow. Thinking this would solve the problem but it hasn't. The laptop is taking hours to load up Windows and any attempt to run any applications, it would take so much time to load and it would freeze.

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Games Running Slow?

May 16, 2011

I'm having a problem with my computer I am running two operating systems on my computer. Windows 7 on a sata hard drive, and windows XP on an ide drive. my problem is that my hard drive light flashes constantly about once per secondm, and the computer is running slow, ( solitare is slugish and jumpy). I've been on a malware site discussion board, and determened that my system is clean.i've been reviewing some other discussion boards and a couple of them mention about problems with cd/ dvd drives cauing this problem . i've turned auto insert notiyication off on both of my drives,but the light still flashes. I disconnected the data cable from my cdrom and dvd drives and the problem is gone. reconnect them and the problem returns. I don't want to burn up my new hard drive

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PC Suddenly Running Slow

Oct 20, 2011

I have a HP I purchased at a store just over a year ago.I am running Windows 7 64bit. [code] I have some games (Spore, Sid Meier's Railroads) that worked great on this machine after I got it. The machine more then meets the specs. I could play for as long as I want and have no issues. Now I open either game and after about 5-10 minutes it is like the machine is overwhelmed with process. My CPU usage and ram goes up to 100% and everything is slow. When I click on a button to get a menu it takes 3-5 seconds for the menu to come up and then another 3-5 seconds for the mouse to move to the menu so I can select an option. So far I have made sure all my drivers are current, I have cleaned the registry with 2 different cleaners, I have removed all unnecessary programs from starting, I have tracked down process I determined to be non-essential and made sure those don't run, I have tweaked Windows to use less recourse (I should not need to do this now), I have removed unneeded programs, I have defragged, I have cleaned unneeded files, I have run Microsoft malware scanner (forget the name, no problems found), I have run Kaspersky 2011 in a deep scan and a critical area scan (nothing found), I even got one of those Speed Up My PC programs (I know garbage program) because I am so frustrated but that didn't do anything. I don't want to F disk it because I have too much data I need to keep.

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Windows 7 PC Running Slow?

Nov 8, 2011

I have a PC running windows 7 ultimate edition. 4.0 GB RAM, AMD Athlon2 X2 processor at 2.9GHz.This PC was always lightning fast with everything, and now its slower than dirt with everything from opening files to opening pages on the web. I don't know whats happened to it. I update and use Malwarebytes on a daily basis with never an infection, and use AVG antivirus with no instances of virus.I'm hoping someone can get me on the right track here. I was having issues a year ago and you guys nailed the problem, so I'm back hoping for more of the same

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Windows 7 Running Slow?

May 7, 2012

I have windows 7 32bit on a older pc it was running well, but now everything is running slow programs and internet they stop responding as well.I have scanned for virus and run superantispyware, still slow.I tried to run combofix, but it will not install right.

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Program Is Running Very Slow

Nov 25, 2012

This program has been running for 12 hours without interruption, and it is still chunking away but slower. That is it seems to pause 5-10 seconds before flashing up the next file. I don't think my data is unusually large at just over 1 million files, and my hard drives total 2,946 GB with each well under 50% used capacity. All other programs can run smoothly and Windows Task Manager Shows no program is stuck. But if I need to wait for 1+ million files to be examined at 5 seconds each, it won't be done in my lifetime! What do I need to do differently?

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