Can't Boot Windows 7 64bit

Oct 31, 2012

I can't pass through the windows screen when I boot my Laptop ( boot -> windows screen -> (after like 15 mins) -> return to booting (automatic) -> infinite).... and I'd love to put my spec and info for my laptop but I can't. I haven't used my laptop for like a week.Here's the things that I tried:First, I tried this "recovery mode". But every time I try, only thing I see is this blue back ground ( not the blue screen of death). I don't see any window or message, just a cursor and this blue background. Funny thing is I can still move my cursor. ( One time I just decided to wait till the window appears, exactly for like 11 hours, no window appeared.)Next, I tried the safe mode ; all 3 safe mode options (network, without network, just safe mode, I'm not sure if I'm right but it goes like that). With the safe mode, I can pass through the windows screen, but that's it. Only thing I see is the black safe mode background ( the back ground with words in each 4 corner, and I think one in the middle). Same thing with the Recovery mode, nothing appears even after waiting for ridiculously long period; only the black back ground.After that I tried every other options in the advanced booting options ( I don't know the exact name).But all of them showed similar or same results as other 2 steps that I listed above. I also tried the reboot disk from windows 7. I used my friend's PC to make one. Showed same results as " recovery mode". Blue background with no window. After trying the reboot disk, I tried the official windows 7 CD. Tried the recovery option first that comes with the CD, but showed same results as "recovery mode"; Blue background. So, I tried the "Download" button. Instead of just the blue background, this time there was a sentence in the middle. It went like " preparing installation" (I used windows 7 disk from other country, so I don't know the exact sentence). I waited like 5 hours and still no progress, just blue "preparing installation" background.

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Boot 64bit Windows 7 On 32bit Processor Installed On 64bit

Mar 2, 2011

Can I boot Windows 7 64bit on a 32bit processor if the Windows installation took place on a 64bit processor?

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Won't Boot, Just Plays Boot Animation?

Jul 22, 2012

My Windows 7 has stopped booting after a restart, the system would just endlessly play the boot animation and not boot properly... system restore won't work, startup repair won't work, chdsk and sfc won't work. I have yet to try and see whether a Registry fix works. Windows loads the WRE VERY slowly.

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Way To Boot With IDE To Windows 7 64bit Without Reinstall?

Mar 17, 2012

So, had to install XP beside Windows 7 64bit... Windows 7 64bit was installed while in BIOS hdd was set as AHCI.To install XP, I've to put it to IDE. Now if I put AHCI i can boot in Windows 7, but not in XP(BSOD), if I put IDE can't boot in Windows 7(BSOD), can in XP. Downloaded AHCI driver for my MB (MSI P55-GD55) and can't install them in XP, says no system requirements.What to do? Is there a way to boot with IDE to windows 7 64bit without reinstall?

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Windows 7 HP 64bit Boot Up Slow?

Jan 23, 2012

I just bought a laptop last month and it boot up very slow at the screen ''starting windows'' 30sec and log into the desktop background still need long time to wait the programs and wifi reciever to boot...

Laptop spec
2nd generation Core I5-2430m 2.4ghz-3.0ghz 2core 4 threads 3mb cache
640gb HDD 5400rpm
4gb ram DDR3 1333mhz 2x2gb
AMD readon hd6470m 1gb ddr3 graphic
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

I tried many ways like change setting in ''msconfig'' to timeout 30-3 but nothing happen and i stopped many program that i no use?

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Windows 7 64bit Freezes On Boot?

Nov 7, 2011

every time I boot Windows 7 64bit it slows down for about 2 seconds, then freezes,except for the mouse. Nothing will recover, and this happens within a few minutes of boot up. I don't know what to do, I need things to try

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PC On Won't Boot Up After Installing Windows 7 64bit?

Nov 20, 2012

My laptop won't start after installing windows 7

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Dual Boot Windows 7 32bit And 64bit?

Jul 31, 2010

I have installed w7 64bit to take advantaqe of the 4GB ram. My scanner and a few progs I use do not work even with compatability mode. On another pc with w7 32bit the scanner and progs work. Would it be possible to install both W7 32bit and 64bit on the same pc either on different partitions or hard drives and use either? If this is not possible and I have to use just 32bit is there a simple way of converting from 64bit to 32bit without totally removing the installation?

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Windows 7 64bit Home Premium Won't Boot-Up

Sep 30, 2011

I have a HP Pavilion DV6-1330ev Laptop

Intel� Core�2 Duo Processor T6600
Intel� Centrino� processor technology
2.2 Ghz, Level 2 cache 2 MB
320 GB Hitachi TravelStar 7k500 SATA Hard Disk Drive 7200 rpm
Windows 7 home premium 64bit
ATI Radeon HD 4530 Graphics

A few days ago,my laptop was working fine..when suddenly it started to hang up..i tried to logoff but it dosent...i waited for 15 min but it didnt respond...then i force shutdown it..when i restarted it,it showed up with BSOD saying "unmountable_boot-volume"
and then restarts itself came up with "windows has failed to logon" i selected "Startup Repair" it took 2 days continuously repairing it up...but it goes on for "attempting repairs''...finally.i lost my patience and press hanged up again..i restarted my PC it again came up with BSOD again mentioned above.When i tried to run startup repair,this time it wont start...Then i tried to load windows in safe mode,no luck,in safe mood with command prompt to run chkdsk,but i wont stuck up at driver.sys... i got an answer to run tools for checking up my hard drive,i downloaded DFT from Hitachi and run it ...but it stuck up with a cursor blinking and saying "Loading DFT"...i waited for 2 hrs but nothing happens...Then i ran seagate runs..check for errors came up with answer : Bad Sectors Found..then i ran up advance test to repair bad repaired 2 sectors and then : "Repair Failed Bad Sectors Found.."i was just googling up to see if Bad sectors Can be repaired...i found HDD Regenerator..but i dont know if it can really repair Bad Sectors on my hard drive..

1) should i first go for HDD Regenerator to repair Bad Sectors...

2)Should i backup my data....?

if,i should backup my data first..

1)which software would be the best for backing up data...?

2) should i clone my hard disk or create an image of my hard disk?

3)or should i use ubuntu to back up my data...

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No Boot With GeForce 8400 GS And Windows 7 64bit?

Dec 15, 2011

I've just got a new graphic card, MSI nVidia GeForce 8400 GS 1gb, and everytime I try to boot up with the card inserted, then windows freezes @ "Starting Windows" screen...So when the 8400 GS card is in my pc, then Windows simply wont boot up. I can go to F8 menu, and choose safe mode, but it freezes @ CLASSPNP.sys.I can boot up @ onboard, and every gfx drivers are deleted (I did not use driversweeper, but i used CCleaner to remove the last .reg files), but it still wont boot up in Windows, when the 8400GS card is in...Even though i disable the onboard function in BIOS, it still wont boot up with the 8400....

Motherboard: ASUS P5B-VM DO
CPU: Intel Quadcore 2.4 GHz
Earlier GPU: nVidia GeForce 8800 GT 1 gb (deleted all nvidia drivers before inserting the new one)
New GPU: nVidia GeForce 8400 GS 1 gb

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Windows 7 32bit And 64bit Dual Boot

Jan 28, 2011

I had Windows XP and Windows 7 32-bit dual boot set up on my system. I decided to do away with XP and install Windows 7 64-bit instead. But I can't fully migrate to 64-bit yet as some of my old software don't run in 64-bit. So I clean-installed Windows 7 64-bit after formatting the XP partition. But now I no longer get a boot menu to boot into Windows 7 32-bit. I can only boot into 64-bit. But the 32-bit partition is in tact. Is there any way I can get a boot menu with options to use both 32-bit and 64-bit versions?

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Dual Boot Setup - Possible To Run XP With Windows 7 64bit?

Feb 21, 2011

I have 3 hard drives in my computer. One for Windows XP Professional, one for Windows 7 Ultimate and one just for storage. My question is can I change my Windows 7 installation to 64 bit and still be able to run XP?

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Dual Boot On Windows 7 64bit & 32bit

Jul 17, 2010

Basically i would like to know how to have a dual boot on my PC, where when i start up my PC it automatically starts up the 64bit version of Windows 7 but if i choose i can easily change to the 32bit without a hassle.

2nd Question, if i make a dual boot PC i would have to split my HDD im guessing. If i would split up my HDD and save something while using the 32bit version how would i get the saved file over to the 64bit version? Do i have to use a USB or can i drag it into the 64bit part of the HDD?

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Dual Boot Windows 7 64bit & XP Pro 32bit?

Jul 20, 2010

1) Can I just add my old Windows XP Pro 32-bit SATA hard drive to my new computer (due to arrive in a few days) that has Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit installed and set up a dual boot? It would be nice to keep all my programs and files as they are. Or do I have to do a clean install? XP Pro was pre-installed on my 2nd to last system and I have a Product Key.

2) Once a dual boot is setup would there be a way to allocate different memory to each O/S? My new computer will have 8GB RAM and I want to take full advantage of it for the 64-bit O/S, but I understand that 4GB of RAM is the maximum for 32-bit systems and that it is sometimes a problem going that high (so I was thinking like 3 GB for the 32-bit O/S).

3) If I have both 7 64-bit and XP Pro 32-bit installed, will the old hardware like my scanner or a fax/modem card work like it did on my old computer for the new XP boot because they are not listed as compatible under Windows 7?

The reason I want to have a dual boot with XP Pro is I'm worried some of my most used programs will no longer work on the 64-bit system. And I heard the virtual XP is not that great, besides the fact that I would have to upgrade for $89 to get that capability.

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Windows 7 64bit Taking Forever To Boot Up With IDE In Use?

Jan 9, 2012

I recently noticed my computer taking long to bootup (stuck on the Windows Logo screen for about 5 minutes or more) when I have my extra IDE Harddrive and CD Drive plugged in. However, when I unplug both of them, the computer boots faster.

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Can't Get Computer To Boot / Not Allow To Enter BIOS - Windows 7 64bit

Dec 28, 2011

My friend recently gave me his HP desktop to take a look at. It came with phenom II quad core processor, 8gb of ddr3 ram, a 1.0 TB WD sata hdd, an integrated geforce nvidia 9100 graphics card, and a 300W psu. When I first turned it on, it booted up to the HP logo and froze there not allowing me to enter the BIOS. After resetting the BIOS I was able to get a slight way into the Windows 7 installation. I tried hooking up the hdd as an external to another desktop and it seemed to be working fine.

I deleted all partitions and reformatted it and tried again, same issue. I've tried with a second hard drive, which i know works, and it also gave the same freezing problem. I've also tried using a different psu which got me a little further into the installation but eventually froze and gave me 0x00000e9 hardware error. With no hard drive at all, it can boot a few times but will eventually freeze up at the logo screen, which led me to believe it might be an overheating problem.

I applied thermal paste to both the cpu and gpu heatsinks and on the first boot it froze during installation with the next few resulting in the same logo screen freeze. I've also realized the gpu heatsink is extremely hot to the touch and at one point, after numerous reboots, the display wouldn't even show. I don't wanna jump to the conclusion that the gpu is fried and buy a new motherboard without consulting anyone.

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Can Boot-up Windows 7 64bit From A USB Optical Drive For A New Computer

Feb 3, 2013

I currently do not have any internal optical drive, but I do have a USB optical drive instead. Would it be possible to boot up Windows 7 from the external drive in the UEFI Bios? This is for a new computer without a formatted hard drive, if it helps.

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Windows 7 64bit Slow/Long Boot After Clean Instal

Feb 9, 2012

I just reinstalled Windows 7 64bit from an OEM Disc i bought awhile ago for my system. Now that i have installed it, and updated it to the fullest, my boot time when windows is loading is really slow. 35-50 seconds to get to the Desktop. It used to take 5-15 seconds. I looked to see the Start-up services so i could disable extras, but being a clean install there wasnt any.

I also updated my BIOS, and the problem is still occurring. The Only things that are connected are my Mouse, Keyboard, and my External HDD (Which is unplugged when i boot up the system)

Here is my Configuration:

Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601) 3.20 gigahertz AMD Phenom II X4 840 Processor
16Gig of RAM
500Gig HDD ATI Radeon HD 5770 Graphics Card
Acer V223W [Monitor]
DVD RW Drive
Blu-Ray Drive
Internal Multi-Card Reader
730 Watt Raid Max PSU Board: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-880GMA-UD2H
Bus Clock: 200 megahertz
BIOS: Award Software International, Inc. F5 09/30/2010

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit - Unwanted Dual Boot?

Jan 3, 2012

I am running Windows 7 home premium 64bit. When the notebook boots up, I get two options: Windows XP Pro 64bit 2003 setup and/or Windows 7. How I could remove the unwanted Windows XP boot? which is the {identifier} of Windows XP Pro 64bit 2003 that I should delete?in MS-DOS command: bcdedit/enum I found

"Boot Manager"
resumeobject {7ef9cf4c-22d�-11e1-9497-c3b9ceb2d7b8}
"BOOT Loader"
recoverysequence {7ef9cf4e-22d�-11e1-9497-c3b9ceb2d7b8}
resumeobject {7ef9cf4c-22d�-11e1-9497-c3b9ceb2d7b8}


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Windows 7 64bit - Hibernation Causing Boot Record Corruption?

Oct 3, 2011

I had a very strange problem today when I was waking my machine up from hibernation. Here's my set up:

Windows 7 x64
Windows 7 is on a SSD drive
Apple Mac Pro

I also have two other drives in, one for OSX and one with an old Vista x64 on it. I mainly work in Win 7, I never shut this computer off, I just restart sometimes. But today I put it in hibernation. When I was supposed to wake it back up the win 7 drive had just disappeared. I booted in Vista 64 and had a look in the disk manager, it tells me that the SSD drive isn't initialized (see attached screenshot).

As you may guess I can't browse this disk, and it does not show up during boot up. I did try to start from the Windows 7 CD and do a recovery, but it can't find my Windows 7 installation and so I guess I can't repair. What I could try to recover? Since I can boot my old OSX and my old Vista I'm quite sure it's not the rest of the hardware, I figure it's the Windows 7 drive or maybe its MBR.

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Windows 7 64bit Boot Loops Waking From Sleep Mode

Mar 29, 2012

When I try to wake my machine from S3 sleep mode I see the hard drive lights power up but nothing happens, I get a black screen for about 5-6 seconds then my machine proceeds to boot loop itself until i manual shut it down with the power button. Sometimes it will start up regularly with no problems, and about 60-70% of the other times it will do the problem i have explained above.

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Won't Boot After Restoring From System Image

Jun 27, 2011

After restoring my pc from a system image, when windows resarts, it won't boot, & I'm taken to the "startup repair" option screen. After Startup Repair is performed I get the message "Startup Repair Cannot Repair This Computer Automatically" with the following problem details:

Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 52
Problem Signature 05: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 06: 1
Problem Signature 07: BadPatch
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

It says that the root cause found is "A patch is preventing the system from starting" Error code = 0x490.

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Restored Windows 7 HP 64bit System Image - Won't Boot In AHCI Mode

Jun 29, 2011

I created a system image on an AHCI system, then I replaced the hard drives & re-imaged the system. Now Windows won't boot in AHCI mode, it has to be it IDE mode. Why is it not booting in AHCI mode?

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit Won't Boot When 'Memory Remap Feature' Is Enabled

Mar 12, 2012

I will start off by stating my relevant PC Specs for this thread:-

Asus P5B Deluxe MoBo
Intel Dual Core E6600 @ 2.40GHz
GeForce 7900 GS 512Mb
2 x 1GB DDR2 800MHz Corsair Value RAM (original) in Yellow Slots A1 & B1
2 x 1GB DDR2 800MHz Corsair Gaming RAM (NEW) in Black Slots A2 & B2

So I have just installed 2 extra GBs of RAM to bring my total to 4GB. After a successful boot and then checking my 'System' info Windows states 4.00GB of memory is installed but only 2.94GB is usable.Therefore I went ahead into my BIOS to enable the 'Memory Remap Feature'.However on reboot the PC gets to the 'Starting Windows' screen and doesn't get any further. The Windows logo doesn't start to appear. It just restarts going through all the usual screens again, eventually giving two options of:-

Launch Startup Repair or Start Windows Normally. The repair never works and Windows will never start normally again until I return to the BIOS to disable the mem remap.I reset the CMOS to Factory Default settings and tried again but did nothing. Also I have never updated the BIOS from the original version as I'm a bit scared to do so.I have looked hear for info on voltages and clocking but didn't get anywhere. Well got an overclock at 3.60Hz but only ran in Safe Mode. Obviously this is slightly irrelevant the above but was just trying stuff out and trying to learn more.

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit / Starter 32bit (Partitions) Dual Boot

Jun 23, 2011

I have just purchased a new pc that came with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, which wont run my company software, which was made in 1995, 16 bit. This 16bit software ran fine on my previous pc, which had Windows 7 Starter 32-bit. But the 64 bit Windows 7 version wont run it, I cant use Windows XP Mode on my version of Windows 7, need Pro - Ultimate Version.

I want to install and run the Windows 7 32-bit I have, on my new pc (I still have the installation disk) on a separate partition and keep the 64 bit version to. Is this possible to install both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows 7 and then select which to run when the pc boots?

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Dual Boot - Windows XP(32bit) & Windows 7(64bit)?

Oct 28, 2009

I use VPN-1 SecureClient to connect to my workplace and I hear that it doesn't play well with 64bit Windows 7. So I'm wanting to do all my non-work applications with Windows 7.And then when I need to do work, I'll just reboot under XP.

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Dual Boot Win 7 64bit And Xp32bit

Oct 22, 2009

Whats the score with dual booting with raid 0? I guess i install the older OS(xp 32bit) first with the 32bit xp driver and then install windows 7 64bit on a separate partition with the 64bit driver. My real question is will this cause any kind of conflicts etc if using some of the drive partitions(1250gb drive numerous partitions) as communal drives. Is there anything i need to be wary of when running these two os at different "bits" within the same physical drives?

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Trying To Dual Boot 7 64bit And Xp 32bit

Dec 11, 2010

I am trying to dual boot 7 64bit and xp 32bit I have 7 up and running on a 90gb ssd and I have two 500gb WD drives in RAID 0 where I am wanting to create a 60gb partition to run xp. I have setup my raid array in bios but for some reason the boot option is grayed out. I installed xp anyway and got it to boot but as soon as I start loading drivers or updates then it crashes mother board is a xfx750i.

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Can I Dual Boot 64bit And 32bit ?

Nov 3, 2009

I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit upgrade currently installed on my pc, but I am having wireless internet installation problems. TP-Link WN851N adapter (No Win 7 drivers availabe, but it works fine with Linux Ubuntu 9.14).

My ethernet connection works fine.

So as a process of elimination (I am on holidays and heve to much spare time lol) I want to install Win 7 32bit in dual boot with Win 7 64 bit.

Can it be done?

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BSOD When Trying To Dual Boot With XP Pro 64bit

Dec 23, 2009

I've followed your steps and have created a partition of 50GB for installing XP Pro 64bit.

However, when I boot from my Windows C.D, it loads up the Windows files but then I get a blue screen error....

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the Stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try chaging video adapters.

Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode.

Technical Information:

*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0xF85F9AD9, 0xF898B7A4, 0xF898B4A4)

What could the problem be?

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Boot-time Scan For 64bit?

Oct 5, 2012

pls give me a link for avst antivirus 6 pro which can provide boot time scan facility for win 7 64 bit..

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