Won't Boot After Universal Restore, Restarts On Atipcie64 (log Inside)

Jul 20, 2012

I wanted to do a bare metal restore aka Restore my Windows 7 hdd to another hdd for a different system with dissimalr hardware form the original rig it was on. The new rig is a ASRock N68C-S FX Motherboard. the old rig was a MSI K9A2GM. Everythig else is the same (hardware wise). I use the Acronis Backup Restore Cd (latest version) to restore my Windows 7 image and I downloaded all the latest drivers from Nvidia's site (b/c they are the manufacturer of the motherboards chipset..Geforce 7025/nForce 630a. I always get an error after the revovery (which is in the log I pasted below towards the very end). For some reason it cant find the driver for PCIVEN_10DE& DEV_03F1 SUBSYS_03F11849 REV_A3' and 'PCIVEN_10DE & DEV_03F2& SUBSYS_03F21849 & REV_A3' . Whihc I found out are my usb 1.1 and 2.0 controllers made by Nvidia. I would imagine the drivers I downloaded would have covered this. So when I try to boot up windows 7 on the new restored target drive it still restart loops when loading the ATIpcie64.sys driver. If I delete it from the Windows 7 driver folder, windows just starts into Windows start up recovery mode attempting to repair the problem to no avail.


<log build="17318" version="11" product="Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Management Console">
<event id="1" type="Information" time="7/20/12 1:34:19 PM" policy="[None]"


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How To Restore Performance Of A Secondary Ssd Drive Inside Windows

Oct 12, 2012

I have an SSD drive mounted as a secondary master on my motherboard that has lost performance. I did have some things on the drive that I ended up deleting because load times were painfully long. I did not format the drive using the format options in Windows as I know this further degrades performance for SSDs, but there is nothing on the drive at all right now.

My question is, is there a way to secure erase the drive while still inside Windows? All the info I've found regarding secure erasing a drive has to to with having to boot the computer with some disc (insert title), unplugging the sata cable to the drive and plugging it back in, running said program, and erasing the drive. I understand this if the drive is the Primary Master and Windows is to be installed on the drive, but this is not the case for me.

Is there a way to do this inside Windows since its a secondary drive, meaning Windows is on a completely different drive, or is there a program or something for SSDs where you can restore performance inside Windows.

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Ubuntu Installed Inside Windows 7 Missing Boot Entry After 7 Repair?

Feb 15, 2012

Previously I have installed Windows XP then Windows 7 in different drives of my computer. Later installed Ubuntu 10.10 inside Windows 7 and upgraded it to 11.04.After that Accidentally I have formatted Windows XP drive from Ubuntu. I installed XP again to the same drive. I tried to repair Windows 7 and it worked fine, but the problem is I can boot only Windows 7. I have used BCDEdit tool to add entry to boot menu. This also worked fine that I am able to boot both Windows 7 & Windows XP.Now I want to boot Ubuntu 11.04 also using already installed partition.I don't want install it again(as I have to update it to 11.04 again).I have Windows XP in C drive, Windows 7 in D drive and Ubuntu 11.04 in E drive.

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Computer Restarts When Trying To Boot From A Cd?

Jan 24, 2011

im trying to format my computer but the moment i insert the cd in the drive and set in the bios to boot from then the computer restarts and hangs this only happens when their is a cd inside but if i take out the cd then the computer works properly although still having the setting to boot from the cd drive but the moment you put a cd inside to boot then the pc restarts and hangs?

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Install Restarts After First Boot

Mar 23, 2009

I am trying to install Windows 7 Build 7000 on my computer. But it does not seem to want to continue install after the first restart.

Here is what I did:

I put in the dvd, and boot my computer from the DVD. I set the DVD to be the only boot device in the BIOS. The installer starts. I go through all the steps needed for install. It comes to the first restart, and the computer restarts. After a lot of waiting, the computer brings up the first step to the install. Where it shows the "Install Now" Button. (The install basically starts from step One again).

Not sure what I did wrong through all this. My computer Specs are AMD 6400 2.20Ghz, 2 Gigs of Ram, Clean 40 Gig IDE Hard drive, on Different IDE channel then the DVD Drive (Not sure if that is important). Linksys Wireless Add in Card, BFG Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT.

So if someone could help me get Windows 7 up and running, that would be great!

I forgot to say that I tried to install Windows 7 off a virtual drive from within XP, but that didnt seem to work after the first restart also. It did put the windows boot loader on my computer, but didnt finish the Windows 7 Install. I have a feeling that it tried to over-right my Windows XP install, because the boot loader only comes up when my XP drive is plugged in. When I tried installing 7 with the CD, I had my XP drive unplugged. So if 7 tried to install on my XP drive, how can I get the files off it, that I dont want on it anymore, and install Windows 7 on my other drive, in a XP and 7 Duel-boot.

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Computer Automatically Restarts To Boot From Cd?

Jan 10, 2012

Wen i leave my computer on all night to do like a virus scan or just leave it my computer automatically restarts to boot from cd and i have automatic restart on system failure turned off

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Computer Restarts Directly Upon Boot Up?

Dec 26, 2012

After taking my hard drive and placing it from my good rig into my bad rig, my bad rig won't boot off of the hard drive, at first it was giving me bsod 0x0000007b, but now it won't even BSOD, it just restarts, tries to boot, does the animated logo for about two seconds, and then switches to Windows is now loading files, and then goes to restarting but then pulls up the startup repair / boot normal screen, now of course both of these do the same thing and just keep me in an endless restart loop

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On Boot Up: The Computer Shuts Down Then Restarts?

Jun 26, 2011

Whenever I start up my computer, it shuts down and then restarts.

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Computer Restarts Itself And Get Error Message On Re-boot

Sep 14, 2012

I recently reinstalled windows and now when I leave my computer for about 15mins it will restart itself and then on restart I get the following message:Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Series V2.39 (01/24/11) PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable.PXE-E53: No boot filename received.I tried reinstalling windows again. Updating drivers, specifically the realtek ones.Also when I used my HDMI cable to connect to my TV as a second monitor it works for about 45mins then bluescreens.These all worked properly prior to reinstall.

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Boot Screen Problem: The XP Option Restarts The PC

May 8, 2009

I had Windows 7 7057 & XP running Fine, Dual Boot was working fine

On The Same Disk but different partition:

c: / Windows 7 7057

d: / XP

To install the Windows 7 RC 7100 i've formatted the c: partition and installed on it.

No problems at all during installation. Windows 7 RC is running Fine.

XP is lost, so i've tried to add it to the boot options using EasyBCD 1.7.2, FAILED. Then running as ADMINISTRATOR bcedit.exe:

i've done this:

Heres my boot "overview" takem from EasyBCD

bcdedit /create {ntldr} /d "Windows XP"

bcdedit /set {ntldr} device partition=D:

bcdedit /set {ntldr} path

bcdedit /displayorder {ntldr} /addlast
When i restart the Boot options appears Windows 7 and Windows Xp

But when i choose the XP option and Hit the enter key, the system immediately restarts.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot, Hits BSOD And Restarts

May 1, 2011

I run Windows 7 64bit.The other day the computer shut down on it's own. I turned it back on, Windows wouldn't load, it entered a loop of about 2 or 3 reboots and finally it loaded Windows 7. I thought it was just a big hiccup, and after a while i got a prompt to install some updates for Windows, some of which required a restart. After that restart the PC never booted Windows again. It took me to Startup Repair, where it couldn't fix the problem. In the log i could see "boot critical file D: ci.dll is corrupt".
Since then i've installed Windows on another HD i had, and i have accessed the problematic one connecting it as an external HD. This has allowed to scan it with several antivirus and antimalware programs; TDSSKiller found "Rootkit.Win32.TDSS.TDL4" and eliminated it. Malwarebytes found the following:

"e:Users{username}AppDataLocalTemp asdialb.exe (Trojan.Agent) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully."This however hasn't fixed the problem. Startup repair will tell me the computer cannot be fixed automatically, and if i use a recovery disk, Startup repair will tell me it can't find a problem. System restore will tell me there are no restore points (and it lists my HD as being in unit D:, when i'm positive my drive's unit is C: ).I've gone to the command prompt and tried the following:

-Chkdsk --> Found no problems
-sfc /scannow --> It doesn't run, says "system repair pending, please restart" (i've restarted a million times and it still won't run).
-bootrec.exe /fixmbr --> Completed successfully.
-bootrec.exe /fixboot --> Completed succesfully.

The problem has remained unchanged, when i try to load Windows i get the Windows logo while it's loading, then a BSOD for a few tenths of a second (too fast to read, but something about drivers) and it restarts.i can only do a repair install from within Windows, so i guess that's not an option.I've also read that this virus infects the boot sector, so formatting wouldn't help.

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Windows Restarts By Itself, Then Get Disk Boot Failure?

Nov 6, 2011

I seem to be having a problem with some disk boot failures. Two weeks ago, I opened up my computer and I got a disk boot failure. I manually closed the computer and opened it again afterwards, and the computer started up normally. Today, my computer opened up normally by itself. I left the computer alone for five minutes, but it restarted by itself and brought me back to the same screen that I saw two weeks which told me I had a disk boot failure. I manually closed my computer and opened it again, and the computer started up normally as well again.

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Computer Won't Boot - Failed To Do Startup Repair And Restarts

Feb 19, 2012

Basically the issue is that my computer won't boot. I have had it for just over a year and have never had any issues with it. It's protected and isn't used for anything dodgy, my brother uses it for SWTOR and I use it mostly for uni work and a bit of gaming here and there. Anyway out of nowhere it failed to start. Its done this once before and last time I just told it start Windows normally and everything was fine. This time not so much.

It loads up Startup Repair even if I select start Windows normally as it fails to do so and restarts itself automatically. I left it to detect errors but when I checked it a few hours later it still said searching so I cancelled and left it. I tried again yesterday and have left it on for approximately 25 hours to no avail, it still says searching! I have a lot of stuff I haven't backed up so I want to save it. Also note that there are no pieces of hardware plugged into the machine at all, only the mouse, keyboard and monitor.

Basic Info :-
Windows 7 x64
8 GB Ram
NVIDIA G Force 950

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Acer Aspire 5336 Won't Boot Windows 7 - Just Restarts Itself

Nov 12, 2012

My Acer Laptop won't boot windows 7, when I turn on my laptop the Acer logo and "Press <F2> to enter setup" appears. Right after that it tries to boot and just restarts itself, it doesn't get to the windows logo it just flashes white at the top left corner and just restarts continuously this way till I manually shutdown. I've tried to access the windows recovery partition by hitting F10 but it doesn't work and yes this option is enabled in the bios. I've run ram checks and hard drive checks and they both checked ok. I tried using ubuntu os and get to its first menu on bootup but whenever I want to run from disk or usb drive the screen goes blank.

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Restore Points Missing From Windows 7 After Boot In Xp (dual Boot)

Aug 8, 2012

I have dual boot with Xp and windows 7.when i log into my Xp all the restore points being deleted from windows 7.when i check the disk management information in 7 it shows windows 7 create a logical drive with my Xp primary drive.even i am hide the drive from both windows means Xp drive from windows 7 and vice verse.So i like to unmount or remove the drive partition of windows 7 from Xp and Xp primary from windows 7.So that they dont affect each others system files with being deleted the partitions.

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System Restore Will Not Create A Restore Point Or Restore To A Previous Date & Time

Apr 10, 2012

System Restore will not create a restore point or restore to a previous date & time.The error message was: A restore point could not be created: An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Server (VSS).The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System Sevice and the VSS service are running & check for associated errors in the event logs (0x80042318).Volume Shadow Copy is started & running (done in system events).Event System Sevice and the VSS service are started and running. But no cigar, SR still broken.

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Universal Serial Bus USB Controller?

Aug 29, 2011

just done a clean install retail Windows 7 Home Premium OS and have not been able to locate driver for the above. I used the disc which came with the computer for drivers etc and managed to install everything that was showing driver needed except for this. I have not used any USB devices as yet so is totally clean.

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Universal Software For Usb Tv Stick?

Feb 25, 2012

i want a software usb tv stick

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Universal Vga Drivers For Windows 7?

Feb 27, 2012

i'm stephen from Ghana and i'm using Asus desktop barebone vintage-PH1 and i just installed windows 7 on it but can't get the video controller drivers(VGA)

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Universal Driver Program

Jan 28, 2010

Im not sure if such a program exist but im looking for a program that will scan my pc to make sure ALL my drivers are up to date instead of just my video card. any suggestions ?

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Can't Extract Drivers With Universal Extractor V1.6

Aug 22, 2009

When I try to extract Sony Notebook Utilities, BIOS update, and other things, this stupid error keeps popping up.

Can anyone be kind enough to download the drivers, extract them, and reupload them for me? I have tried all of the extract options and none of them work.



I can't use the .exe provided because it will only install on the Vista OS, extracting it would bypass this check and force install.

Picture of the error: http://i29.tinypic.com/fmjcdl.jpg

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Installing Windows 7 Pro From Universal Disc

May 25, 2012

I have a universal disc I made from my upgrade retail version of home premium. I have purchased a pro version product key which I have upgraded to at the present time. If I get a SSD, can I use the universal disc I made along with the key I purchased to install only, the pro version on the SSD to save space on that drive after, I remove the OS from the standard hard drive?

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Universal Audio Driver For Windows 7?

Jul 18, 2011

i have asrock g31m-s motherboard it supports via hd deck audio driver for older os but after using win7 i does't support it

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Nvidia Universal Drivers For Windows 7?

Oct 16, 2011

i have a PCI graphics card which use nvidia Geforce Fx5500 drivers in windows XPbut when i install windows7 no drivers installs for my card, I have tried same of nvidia drivers but all invain.so my question is "is there any nvidia niversal drivers of windows7 which can fix me back in the use of my card or any drivers which can fit my card on windos7?

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Universal Graphic Drivers For Windows 7?

Aug 15, 2012

Universal graphic drivers for windows 7?

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Download Universal Serial Bus Controllers?

Sep 20, 2012

need download universal serial bus controllers

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Restore Master Boot Record (MBR)?

Aug 22, 2011

Today I just used a removal tool by Symantec to remove the virus Tidserv Activity on one of my laptops. I restarted the computer and it wouldn't boot. Now I need to restore the MBR since the MBR was infected.It's a Dell laptop. I found that the laptop has System Recovery preinstalled. The instructions Symantec gave me to remove the virus says to use the Windows 7 CD-ROM to restore the MBR, which I don't have.I do however have a Windows 7 re-installation DVD, if reinstallation makes a difference.Can I use the re-installation DVD and is that safer? Or is it okay to just go to System Recovery since it's already pre-installed?My third question is after I decide which way to go about tackling this issue, how do I manually restore the MBR? I've faintly entered "fixmbr" command in the command prompt but it didn't work, basically saying it wasn't a valid command.

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Can't Boot Windows 7, No Restore Point

Jun 6, 2012

I am having a problem with my system. Windows will not reboot for me and I have booted from the windows 7 cd, ran the repair option but the system restore points have vanished. I have tried doing a repair install but with no restore points what do I? I have way too much data stored on this laptop that I can not afford to lose.

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Restore Old Windows 7 Boot Screen?

Jan 6, 2013

Ok so a while ago I applied a custom boot screen to my laptop but I'm kinda getting sick of it and I just want the old one back. I tried searching for the original boot screen for download but I can't find it. So if anyone can find a way to restore the boot screen or find a download for the original boot screen I'd be really happy.

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BSOD On Factory Restore, No Boot Up?

Sep 8, 2011

I had a few BSOD's and was going to do a system restore as I could not even get to post the dmp files up here coz the pc kept restarting with BSOD.

Upon starting the system restore to factory setting i got another BSOD. now the laptop only turns on to a black screen asking for windows 7 install cd which i do not have. can i jus get any windows 7 installation cd to reinstall.

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Trying To Restore Laptop Wouldn't Boot

Feb 23, 2012

I made a recovery disk from another laptop which allows me to go into the system recovery options. I chose the first option use recovery tools the can help fix problems starting windows. I selected window 7 and then a window came up saying "add drivers". it says insert the installation media for the device and click okay to select the drivers. However I am starting from a recovery disk and I'm not sure where to find the drivers it is asking for.

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