Windows 7 Won't Boot After Restoring Back To Earlier Point

Feb 7, 2012

My computer stopped booting and only displays a black screen with a blinking white cursor on start up. I've used a recovery disk to attempt to restore windows back to an earlier point in time. While the restoration completed smoothly I still can't boot. I've also tried the startup repair wizard and it doesn't find any problems.

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How Long Does Restoring To Earlier Point Usually Take

Apr 13, 2012

After having trouble with broadband issues after upgrading, I thought it could be a settings problem so did a system restore to undo anything I had done. But it has been going for around an hour and a half and is stuck on the initializing stage for ages. Just wondering how long it should take, getting slightly worried? Is there any safe way to get out of it if it is stuck? If so I probably will find a different way around it. Don't want to be breaking my laptop.

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Computer Clock Keeps Resetting Back To Earlier Date

Dec 13, 2012

my OS is Windows 7 64-bit. Lately, whenever I start my laptop, the computer clock at the bottom right hand side keep resetting back to 10th January 2008. Also if I do an immediate restart, this problem does not occur. I have to then manually change the computer clock.

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Restoring Windows 7 Without A Restore Point?

Jan 5, 2013

Before I had my current PC I used a cheap little Acer I got at Best Buy that served me well over the years. It's got some age on it though and it runs very slowly by now. I wiped it clean as best as I could, running antiviruses and ad aware, but it still feels very slow. With my new PC I bought a copy of Windows and I was wondering if I could use this disc to help me restore my Acer to it's original state. I know I can't actually format the drive and use it to install a fresh Win 7 on it, but can I just perform a restore with it?

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Restoring File / Folder From Back Up Running Windows 7

Feb 20, 2012

Is it possible to extract a file, folder from a backup running Win 7? My friends computer crashed he I tried to use the backup image without any luck, so I reformatted losing personal info pics, music and docs. I'd like to restore mentioned files if possible.

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Loading Mouse Configuration Earlier In Boot?

Jul 28, 2011

I like to use my mouse on the left side even though I'm a rightie, so I have the primary buttons switched. Unfortunately, Windows 7 loads that config almost at the end of the boot up process, which of course is annoying if you're trying to click on a few things while the boot finishes (and not knowing which button to use

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Restoring Back Up DVDS?

Feb 2, 2013

My problem is, I have recently installed Windows 7 X64. I had already backed up my files up about a month earlier using nero 7. Nero 7 installed but not properly and would not restore my files. I uninstalled Nero 7 and loaded trial version of Nero 12. It also would not restore my files. I would love to have all my files back but my main concern is my picture files.

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Computer Goes Back To A Certain Point Every Time Log In?

Nov 6, 2012

so everytime I log-in to my computer it basically restores back to a certian point.And also It starts as a black screen with nothing except for my mouse until I open Task manager and run explorer.exe which for some reason doesnt run on its own anymore. Its probably due to the fact that I wanted to put a cool theme on my computer and that involves replacing the explorer.exe file and explorerframe.dll file, and I did that. But then I decided I didn't need a theme so I put the original Explorer.exe and explorerframe.dll back on to replace the ones I put on before. It changed everything back to normal except for the start orb. I wanted the old start back or atleast a new one. So I got windows Start orb changer. It worked well for some time until at one point everytime I turned on my computer I got an error saying expstart.exe failed and something about bitmaps. and It just black screens until I run explorer.exe from the task manager...and goes back a day or so

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How To Get Back Power Point 2002

Jul 9, 2011

I have Office 2002 on Win 7 Pro - 64 bit.A friend gave me his short story to read. It was a docx. I double-clicked it. (I thought I had already put on a limited-purpose reader, but that was at work and for Win XP) Something installed too fast for me to make out what it was - I thought it was a compatibility pack, but when I tried to work on a Power Point project this morning it came up in Power Point 2007 READ ONLY.How do I get my Power Point 2002 back?

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Restoring Dell Laptop Back To Factory Defaults?

Feb 23, 2012

Dell is not helping me at all, this is the 3rd time this has happened on the same laptop and idk what to do I cant repair it, it says

Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01: o.o.o.o
Problem Signature 02: o.o.o.o
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: o
Problem Signature 05: unknown
Problem Signature 06: 1
Problem Signature 07: unknown
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID:1033

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Renaming "Earlier Version Of Windows 7" In Dual Boot?

Aug 10, 2009

How do you rename "Earlier version of Windows" in Boot.ini in Windows 7 with a dual boot setup? In msconfig>boot it only shows Windows 7 even though I have Win XP Pro on the C;partition. I just want to rename "Earlier Version of Windows" to Windows XP Pro.

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Can't Boot Windows 7, No Restore Point

Jun 6, 2012

I am having a problem with my system. Windows will not reboot for me and I have booted from the windows 7 cd, ran the repair option but the system restore points have vanished. I have tried doing a repair install but with no restore points what do I? I have way too much data stored on this laptop that I can not afford to lose.

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Windows 7 Restore Point Getting Wiped When Boot Into XP

Mar 14, 2012

I have recently purchased and installed Win7 64 Bit which I have dual booted with the existing XP installation. My restore points are being wiped in Win 7 when I boot into XP, this issue is of course known and a remedy workaround proposed [URL]. However this does not work for me as when I restart XP the Win 7 drive just reappears in my computer as a different drive letter in the chain, i.e., if hide drive H it will reappear as drive F. My operating systems are on different physical hard drives. I have checked and the Win 7 restore points are still being wiped.

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Blank Screen After An Update, Cannot Restore Back Or Create Restore Point

Dec 7, 2012

I recently installed some updates in my Proline notebook, but after installing the 30 percent, it failed to restart, with the screen showing nothing (as if it's off). I then tried to restore it to an earlier time via safe mode but the restore point available is only the one as at the time of the update. I tried to create a restore point, but when i tried, i cannot even find system protection when i looked for it and it directs me to system properties where my computer's description is blank and it cannot be edited.Even the updates cannot be uninstalled via safe mode.Is there no other options i can try in order to start my laptop normally again?

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Restoring Dual Boot Xp / Win 7 To Single Boot Xp

Dec 15, 2009

I've a Dual Boot with Xp/Win 7 on my office Desktop workstation. Window7 is the beta version of the Win 7. And like all other companies.... my company also want it's wallpaper and screen-saver on each machine ..... But i somehow manage to install Window 7 on my office Desktop.

Now i want to remove Window 7 partition and restore my Xp MBR and that too without using Windows Xp Bootable CD ( as CDs are not allowed in my company )...

How can i restore my Xp MBR while accessing my Xp Partition as i already have deleted my Windows 7 partition .

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Won't Boot After Restoring From System Image

Jun 27, 2011

After restoring my pc from a system image, when windows resarts, it won't boot, & I'm taken to the "startup repair" option screen. After Startup Repair is performed I get the message "Startup Repair Cannot Repair This Computer Automatically" with the following problem details:

Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 52
Problem Signature 05: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 06: 1
Problem Signature 07: BadPatch
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

It says that the root cause found is "A patch is preventing the system from starting" Error code = 0x490.

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How To Format C Having An Earlier Copy Of Windows 7

Jun 22, 2011

i had windows 7 beta version installed on my C: drive earlier later i installed the full version on drive f: as the windows on C: got corrupted....but now i want to format the drive C:i was able to delete the files like windows program files, etc by taking the ownership from trustedInstaller and blah blah ...but when i try to take the ownership of the drive is unsuccessful.i tried formatting using cmd etc etc is of no use my DVD drive is defective too so i cant boot from a cd like in xp setup and delete the files + on trying to boot from seems my PC gets hung so what shall i do now? any help would be appriciated ... it is using almost 5 GB of my space ( i guess the space is what OS installs itself into) ....this 5 gb can be put into much useful processes.

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Restore Windows 7 Computer To An Earlier Date?

Feb 8, 2013

how do i restore my windows 7 computer to an earlier date. now i want to recover my some data.but i could not recover data but empty folde

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How To Delete Earlier OS Files

Jul 11, 2010

I have this problem for a few months, but never thought of solving it till now. I run windows 7, but I decided to install XP along with Windows 7, so now I have 2 operating systems; I had many problems with XP so I decided to re-install windows 7 (custom installation), so the XP is no longer present.

But now every time I start my PC this screen appears: How can I stop this screen from appearing?

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How To Go Back To Windows 7 Single Boot

Dec 22, 2010

I had Windows XP on my Western Digital drive and I installed Windows 7 on my Seagate drive. I want to remove Windows XP from the Western Digital drive and format it to use as a data drive. How can I do this?

Disk Management:
Seagate (C:) Boot, Page File Active, Crash Dump Primary Partition
Western Digital (D:) System, Active, Primary Partition

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Can't Restore Computer To An Earlier Time

Jul 14, 2012

As of last night when I click on Internet Explorer none of my Home Page Tabs show up anymore,well they do but it says "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" I have two bars so I don't understand whats going on. If I type in another webpage in the search engine it then takes me to the webpage but then I wind up getting kicked of once again. HELP !!! This all started when I clicked on the tool bar in the top right corner,went down to Internet options,clicked on the Advanced Tab,then clicked reset Internet Explorer settings. I have tried Restoring my computer,"Control Panel",then under "System and Security" I went to 'Review your computers status',then all the way at the bottom "Recovery" then when I Choose a Restore point "I chose two different restore points and both times it tells me "

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Changing The Windows 7 Boot Screen Back To Vista's Boot Screen?

Nov 18, 2011

I find that the Windows 7 boot screen slows down the boot process on my machine. Is there a way to restore the old Vista scrolling loading bar? I know it's there as my netbook uses it.

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Lost Windows 7 In Dual Boot Options, How To Get It Back

Aug 10, 2012

I had Windows 7 and Xubuntu set up in dual boot by EasyBCD, a well known utility.Today the linux kernel has been updated and, after the following reboot, the choice of Xubuntu OS at the dual boot prompt didn't work.So I went through Windows, launched EasyBCD to fix things and:

- changed the order the entries (Win 7 up, first)
- selected Windows 7 as default OS
- removed Xubuntu entry
- added again Xubuntu entry through EasyBCD procedure
- saved (maybe I should have saved after each of the changes)

When I rebooted I've found that two identical Xubuntu entries, each pointing to the Linux OS, and no Win 7.I've tried to access Win 7 by Grub, but it points to the dual boot screen, so I'm at start point again.I don't have the Win 7 disk but the usual recovery partition. No backup. Going through the recovery partition gets me back to the dual boot screen..Is there any way to put it in order again? Could you suggestions work in this case?I know that, from Linux, I can install and overwrite MBR with free mbr.bin

sudo apt-get install syslinux
sudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda

But I'm not sure it will give me back Windows 7.

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Upgrading To Windows 32bit - Machine Does Not Boot Back Up

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to upgrade windows vista ultimate 32 bit to windows 7 ultimate 32 bit on a computer i built. I've tried custom installation and the recommended installation, but the same problem arises. The problem is, whenever the computer goes to restart, it does not boot back up. So, during the installation, it starts to restart, but does not boot back up, but the machine is still running.

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Tried To Restore To Earlier Settings,and No Such Interface Supported Appears?

Jun 22, 2012

tried to restore to earlier settings,and no such interface supported appears,how do i correct.

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Where To Get Original Boot Menu Back

Jan 26, 2011

I have been dual booting for about 6 months now with no problems.I installed XP first and then Windows7.When I boot the computer it goes to Windows7.It gives me the option on the screen to choose other operating system which I do.All of a sudden I can't get into XP,it just stays a black screen.So I booted back to 7 and checked the boot menu and only Windows7 is listed,don't know why,it was working fine till now.Is there anyplace on the computer where I can get my original boot menu back.

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How Can I Get Back The Original Boot Menu ?

Sep 5, 2009

i have an acer aspire notbook with vista home premium original and fully licend by manufacture.. now when i installed windows 7 ultimate and activated it.. the boot menu become like this

windows 7 ultimate (recovered)

windows vista home premium (recovered)

now when i start windows 7 it starts with vista green bar not with windows 7 new logo..

how can i get back the original menu without the word (recovered) , and for sure get the windows 7 logo back .. with the activation validated with it.

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Boot Screen Cannot Changed Back To Default

Apr 9, 2011

On my Windows 7 at the bottom left it shows:Test Mode,Windows 7,Build 9780,Also I changed the boot screen but I can't now change it back to the default, I tried using the command prompt but didn't work.

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Changed Boot Priority Now Cannot Reset It Back

Jan 22, 2013

I recently ran a memtest86 program to check my ram so I had to change my boot priority to get the program to work. Now it seems I cant change it back. I've changed it and saved it but my cdrom still wants to boot up first. I even reset the bios with no luck.

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Fresh Install: When To Change Boot Priority Back To HD

Dec 23, 2012

Right before a fresh install of Windows 7, I go into the BIOS and set the boot priority to boot from the CD first. So at what point during, or after, the installation do I go back into the BIOS and set the boot priority to boot from the Hard Drive?

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Restore Point Lost All Restore Point?

Oct 6, 2012

I dont know what happened to me suddenly my antivirus AVG 2012 detect an intruder on the web browser and remove the browser morzila and after that I have no restore point but i dont know what happens and I feel that my PC has something strange how I can solve this problem?

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