Restoring Windows 7 Without A Restore Point?

Jan 5, 2013

Before I had my current PC I used a cheap little Acer I got at Best Buy that served me well over the years. It's got some age on it though and it runs very slowly by now. I wiped it clean as best as I could, running antiviruses and ad aware, but it still feels very slow. With my new PC I bought a copy of Windows and I was wondering if I could use this disc to help me restore my Acer to it's original state. I know I can't actually format the drive and use it to install a fresh Win 7 on it, but can I just perform a restore with it?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Restoring Back To Earlier Point

Feb 7, 2012

My computer stopped booting and only displays a black screen with a blinking white cursor on start up. I've used a recovery disk to attempt to restore windows back to an earlier point in time. While the restoration completed smoothly I still can't boot. I've also tried the startup repair wizard and it doesn't find any problems.

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System Restore Will Not Create A Restore Point Or Restore To A Previous Date & Time

Apr 10, 2012

System Restore will not create a restore point or restore to a previous date & time.The error message was: A restore point could not be created: An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Server (VSS).The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System Sevice and the VSS service are running & check for associated errors in the event logs (0x80042318).Volume Shadow Copy is started & running (done in system events).Event System Sevice and the VSS service are started and running. But no cigar, SR still broken.

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How Long Does Restoring To Earlier Point Usually Take

Apr 13, 2012

After having trouble with broadband issues after upgrading, I thought it could be a settings problem so did a system restore to undo anything I had done. But it has been going for around an hour and a half and is stuck on the initializing stage for ages. Just wondering how long it should take, getting slightly worried? Is there any safe way to get out of it if it is stuck? If so I probably will find a different way around it. Don't want to be breaking my laptop.

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Restore Point Lost All Restore Point?

Oct 6, 2012

I dont know what happened to me suddenly my antivirus AVG 2012 detect an intruder on the web browser and remove the browser morzila and after that I have no restore point but i dont know what happens and I feel that my PC has something strange how I can solve this problem?

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Administraor Access Denied Lost All Restore Points Message Says No Restore Point?

Apr 28, 2012

I wouldn't go so far to say, I'm totally computer illiterate, but not far from it.. If there's anyone out there, who's up for a challenge I'm running windows 7. I am the administrator. Someone I don't trust at all, used my PC a while back. After he (did whatever he did) I noticed I couldn't access several files. I get a "access denied" or you don't have permission to view this file, owner info etc.. I can see a lot of the files, but their either empty now or I can't view them. I have used restore many times in the past, but now I get a message " no restore points".. I don't know what he did, or if he did anything.. It could be one of my kids changed properties by mistake, before I wised up and created a basic user acct w/ limited access for them.. I almost forgot. When I go into file properties there is a red x by my user name (administrator) Not in every property, but several.. Sometimes there is a red x by other user names, as well, but mostly mine.

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Blank Screen After An Update, Cannot Restore Back Or Create Restore Point

Dec 7, 2012

I recently installed some updates in my Proline notebook, but after installing the 30 percent, it failed to restart, with the screen showing nothing (as if it's off). I then tried to restore it to an earlier time via safe mode but the restore point available is only the one as at the time of the update. I tried to create a restore point, but when i tried, i cannot even find system protection when i looked for it and it directs me to system properties where my computer's description is blank and it cannot be edited.Even the updates cannot be uninstalled via safe mode.Is there no other options i can try in order to start my laptop normally again?

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Unable To Restore - Can Save A Restore Point

Nov 28, 2011

I have had this problem for quite a while. I'm able to create restore points (and they show up in the list), but I'm unable to 'restore' them... I get the system cannot restore error. I have Norton-Comcast and have deactivated 'tamper protection' with no luck.

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How To Restore Windows 7 Without Restoring System32

Mar 14, 2012

So I recently reinstalled a clean copy of windows and kept a full backup of my old one on a seperate hard drive, I reinstalled windows because of driver issues, and I was wondering if it was possible to restore back to my old one without ALL drivers. I would reinstall motherboard and graphics drivers after if this is possible.

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Can't Boot Windows 7, No Restore Point

Jun 6, 2012

I am having a problem with my system. Windows will not reboot for me and I have booted from the windows 7 cd, ran the repair option but the system restore points have vanished. I have tried doing a repair install but with no restore points what do I? I have way too much data stored on this laptop that I can not afford to lose.

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How To Rename Windows 7 Restore Point

Sep 25, 2011

I created a restore point but fatfingered the description and it's bugging me. I want to rename it (the text in the "description" column of the restore point). I know restore points are in the System Volume folder and I deprotected the one for the C: volume to the extent.

I could and tried to recursively grep it in an administrator shell but many files were still "permission denied". Anyone know the exact files where the descriptions of the restore points are located? (I searched the registry without luck, so I assume they're in that directory with the actual data from the restore point.)

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Set A System Restore Point In Windows 7?

Dec 6, 2011

How do I set a system restore point in Windows 7?

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Windows 7 Restore Point Getting Wiped When Boot Into XP

Mar 14, 2012

I have recently purchased and installed Win7 64 Bit which I have dual booted with the existing XP installation. My restore points are being wiped in Win 7 when I boot into XP, this issue is of course known and a remedy workaround proposed [URL]. However this does not work for me as when I restart XP the Win 7 drive just reappears in my computer as a different drive letter in the chain, i.e., if hide drive H it will reappear as drive F. My operating systems are on different physical hard drives. I have checked and the Win 7 restore points are still being wiped.

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Unsure Which System Restore Point To Use On Windows 7

Apr 4, 2011

So I tried posting my question on Microsoft Answers, to no avail. I kept getting an error message when clicking the submit button...don't know why though as they provided me with no details as to what could be causing the error.(In Order of most recent restore points) This is the list that I encountered after selecting Choose different restore point in the Restore system files and settings windows. [code] Final, least recent, or 6th restore point from the top called 4/2/2011 3:23:17 PM Windows Update affected programs:

--Every affected program and/or driver is the same as those listed in the 'Programs and drivers that will be deleted' list for the 5th restore point from the top.
--The only program not listed in affected program list in the 5th restore point form the top is the driver Brother (Printer) 07/08/2009, which I manually installed myself also.
--The 'Program and drivers that might be restored' list for the 6th restore point form the top has the same files, programs, drivers, or windows update, as the 'Programs and drivers that might be restored' list for the 5th restore point form the top.

As I asked earlier, I wanted help making a decision on what restore point I should use. Also, I wanted to know what is the best method and/or procedure when using system restore to set Window's setting back to an earlier restore point based on the details I gave up. How should I perform it or what precautions should I take, so that I encounter very little to no problems whatsoever?

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Windows 7 Restore Point - Use On Multiple Computers?

Oct 6, 2012

Long story short, my HD is acting up on a 2 week old laptop, I've heard some clicking noises coming from it. I spoke with the retailer and agreed to swap it for me with a new laptop. I don't have the time to reinstall a fresh Windows 7, do the countless hours of updates, and then install the programs I need.

Is it possible I can make a restore point using Windows 7 of the current laptop, save the restore point on an external hard disk, and then when I get my new laptop, I can use the restore point saved on the external hard disk. Therefore, I don't need to do all the updates, reinstall a fresh Windows OS, and install my previous programs I need.

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Restoring/Wiping Laptop Without Restore Disk Or Windows 7?

Sep 22, 2011

My laptop which is a Asus GXG72 came with restore disks surprisingly, I guess it was right before they stopped putting them in the box. I never needed them till my harddrive started making noise. At first I didn't realize I had the restore disks, so I tried making my own using the program my computer had. It would always fail at the end. I Ended up making a image of my harddrive through windows not realizing I actually need a copy of windows to reload it. I ended up finding my restore disk and figure my worries were over.... Apparently it was corrupt it only partially loaded windows onto the machine, I managed somehow to tweak it enough to recognize my usb drive so that I could restore my computer to the old image. From then on it blue screened every once in a while, but it worked. I am having problems with games now and I'm not sure if its hardware or software related. I wanna try restoring the computers main files and see if that works if not just wiping it completely. Problem is I don't have working restore disks, can't make them and have no copy of windows 7. Is their anything I can do beside buy a copy of windows 7? Which I feel is retarded considering I have one technically.

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Windows 7 Gives Error Message When Trying To Create Restore Point

Oct 1, 2012

I just came upon a very strange problem with my computer today. I started it as usual, ran a TuneUp Utilities check (as I usually do) and, in the meantime, was prompted by my iTunes installer to install a new version of iTunes. I clicked OK on the install thing, then all of a sudden I get this message from the HP Support Assistant: Windows System Restore is not activated. So I go to the System Protection folder to try to manually enable it, but I get an error message that says an unexpected error occurred: System restore has found an error, try to run System restore again. I do this a thousand times, and the same message pops up.

So I run my Norton antivirus and SpyBot Search and Destroy. The Norton search comes up empty, but the SpyBot returns this: Babylon Toolbar and Win32.Downloader.bltu. So I click to fix the problems and an error message pops up in SpyBot saying I'm not running it as admin, so the problems can't be fixed. Well, my user account is an admin account (the only one I have in this computer), so there's obviously something very wrong here, for it seems like whatever this is, it's keeping me from executing whatever task may remove it. I also execute sfc /scannow from a command prompt and the returning message is that I cannot run sfc /scannow because I'm not an administrator.

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Recover Files, Used Restore Point Feature On Windows 7?

Nov 10, 2011

i recovered from a "windows restore (or) system recovery" virus the only way i could get to work.that was restoring to a restore point. Except i had to try 2-4 different points before the computer finally booted normally.I dont back up files daily, therefore, the day the virus got thru (Webroot) was the same damn day I finished and saved final changes on my last 2 midterm projects of the semester. i had just saved the final changes minutes before the fake windows restore virus shat all over me in every way possible!!! It sucked.... still does cuz i have nothin in the grade book for either midterm, except a fat old ZERO.

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Restoring Windows 7 By The System Restore, It Say's It Was Disabled For Security Reason?

Nov 15, 2011

When i try restoring my win 7 (ultimate 32bit) by the system restore, it say's it was disabied for security reason. i re-enabled it, (with or without creating restore point), and after some days its disabled again.

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No System Restore Point In Windows 7 Home Edition Premium?

Feb 18, 2011

cannot create a system restore point, get message system restore could not be created restore point Ox80042308

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Everytime Create A Restore Point It Disappears Upon Reboot On Windows 7?

May 30, 2011

everytime I create a restore point on windows 7, it disappears upon a reboot.

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Restore Point For Another HD

Aug 25, 2012

can u do a restore point for another hard drive and not c:drive system disk?

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Installing Programs On Windows 7 64bit - System Creating Restore Point

Jan 15, 2013

On my system I have an SSD, so I have (Windows Restore) turned off. When I download a program and try to install it, it says creating a Restore Point and sits there for a while. A long while. I have found that I can go into Safe Mode and install things with no problem, fast. Even after it is satisfied with the restore point and says it is installing, it will just sit there and drag on. What can I do to get things to install without Safe Mode?

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"The Restore Point Selected Was Damaged Or Deleted During The Restore"

May 25, 2012

I receive "The restore point selected was damaged or deleted during the restore" after I try system restore. I have already tried different restore points and have Run SFC /SCANNOW but to no avail. Did a start up repair too but no problems were detected.

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Creating A Restore Point?

Aug 6, 2011

I need to a system restore point file without getting into the desktop through Windows 7.

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Create A Restore Point?

Oct 26, 2012

hey should i create an restore point right away before i start scheduling them in ? just to be sure it all works first?

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Restoring Old Files With System Restore?

Dec 16, 2011

I recently lost some files, so I did a system restore to a date that the files were intact to retrieve them. However, while the programs on the computer are now correctly set back to the system restore date, the files in question are still missing (at least partially). I'm curious is there exists a way to restore not the applications and system settings, but simply to restore old files, or if it's too late at this point. I suspect if I went to a professional they would be able to work some magic to restore the actual files, but it wouldn't be a standard procedure, and I don't have the funds right now to do so.

In more detail: I had XAMPP installed so I could do local testing before putting websites I was working on online. As such, the folder in which I kept all my local data for web development work was within XAMPP's 'htdocs' folder, which is where the local files needed to be stored so that apache and php could utilize them. However, since the install of XAMPP, i'd been having issues getting Apache to run - it worked occasionally, but would usually quit after a second of running each time I started it (that's a whole other issue though). In any case, because I couldn't figure out why Apache wasn't working in my XAMPP install, I decided, 'screw it, I'll give WampServer a try instead, and proceeded to uninstall XAMPP then restart the computer to get a clean slate before installing WAMP. Of course, I foolishly spaced the fact that all my local web development files were stored in the XAMPP files, and they were all deleted during the uninstall. So I proceeded to do a system restore to about 24 hours ago (the most recent system restore point). It seemed fine at first, until I tried to get my old web dev files back: I went to the htdocs folder in my now-restored XAMPP folder, but the old files were not intact! It seems that while XAMPP is back on my computer, all the files that were deleted during the initial uninstall were not restored. Specifically, and I can't for the life of me figure out why this would be, but the only parts that remained were the file structure (all the old folders where there, but not many of the files within them), Javascript files, and favicon image files. Everything else is still missing.

is there a way, within windows, to actually restore all those old files? Or due to the sequence in which the uninstall of XAMPP then the restore went, is it too late?

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Restore Points After Restoring Whole Computer

Feb 24, 2011

My friend just tried to run a restore on his computer (against my advice) and he somehow uninstalled all of his programs and reset his rights to standard user. I know for fact he didnt have any restore points on his computer (company computer, they dont have it turned on) would this restore go back to his fresh install? I'm trying to figure out where to go from here.

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How To Restore Only Few Selected Files Without Restoring All ?

Sep 16, 2009

I have created a backup of files and folders and of system in Windows 7 using the built-in backup program. How can I restore only a few selected files without restoring all. I note they are zip files so i can't identify which files i want to restore.

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Cannot Create System Restore Point

Jun 9, 2012

I want to restore my computer to May 31, 2012 so I type this in and I'm told the restore point has been created successfully. However, when it finishes I see that the computer will be restored.

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Lock A System Restore Point

Jan 18, 2011

Do you guys know of a way to save a restore point and locking it that no matter what, it won't delete? I made a restore point and then installed Windows 7 service pack 1. The service pack screwed me so bad with software and hardware I used, I regret that I didn't do an acronis backup!When trying to fix the problems, I had reinstalled various drivers and uninstalled the Service pack, thus forcing Windows to create more automated restore points. Since my C drive is configured to use %30 of it's capacity for restore points, along the way, I guess my restore point was deleted because it's not in the restore points list, even if I check "show more restore points".I want to prevent this in the future so I am asking if if anyone knows how to create a restore point and LOCK it so no matter what, my restore point won't get deleted.

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