Windows 7 Shuts Off / Sleeps Itself

Apr 27, 2010

I tried google'ing for this but I'm not sure how to word it, This is what happens: I could be doing whatever on my computer, then once in a while, randomly shuts itself off; but not completely. My monitor goes into DVI power saving mode (like when the computer sleeps), keyboard / mouse shut off, my external soundcard is un-synced, but the fans are all running. It restarted itself the first time after about 10 minutes, but every time after that I was too impatient to wait.

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Internet Shuts Off When Monitor Sleeps?

Mar 2, 2011

So for some reason when my monitor sleeps it shuts my internet off.

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64-bit Windows 7 Randomly Sleeps?

Sep 22, 2012

I've been having issues lately with my computer "randomly" sleeping - I feel, however, that it's not so random.Currently I'm running an Asus G73JH, Pre-Sandy Bridge i7, 12GB RAM.The event log entry for the issue is as follows - and the main thing I'm wondering is what "Reason: 4" translates to.Spoiler :


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It Sleeps While Working

Jul 14, 2012

I have a gateway pc that has reecently started sleeping or hybernating while I am working on it and wont wake back up without a hard start (power off power on) I have set the screen and sleep modes set to never and the comp stays powered up and lights are solid not blinking when it blacks out. Is their additional settings that I can address to stop it from sleeping / hybernating all together?

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Audio Goes Out When Computer Sleeps

Dec 26, 2012

sometimes when my computer goes to sleep, my audio drivers crash. This is only sometimes, most of the time it's good. I tried updating the driver, but the updater crashed during the update, and now I get this screen every time I power on my PC.

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Hard Drive Never Sleeps

Jun 5, 2012

I have a ZOTAC ION-ITX-FE (Dual-Core Atom Processor Board w/NVidia GPU) configured with a 60Gb SSD and a 2Tb Samsung HD204UI hard drive running (clean install) Windows 7 Ultimate SP1.

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Monitor Sleeps But Computer Won't (At Least Not Automatically)

Aug 12, 2011

My ASUS P8Z68-Vpro Windows 7(64) system will go to sleep manually (from the shutdown menu). I have power management set to turn off the monitor and go to sleep after one minute. After a minute the monitor turns off, but the computer fan keeps on going. (What used to happen is the computer would go to sleep, the fan would turn off, but then a second or two later the computer would wake up by itself. It's possible this has changed because I'm playing with various settings). In any event, I have never gotten it to go to sleep on its own and stay there.

Even when I tell it to go to sleep manually on rare occasions it has also woken up unprovoked. On the local area connection (Intel 82579) I've turned off all wake up things (Wake on lan, wake on link, etc.) I've allowed windows to sleep even when sharing multimedia. I've turned off wake on USB. The keyboard and mouse are now the only devices in the device manager that claim to have the ability to wake the computer up. I suspect the problem may be the D-Link DWA-556 wireless card (PCI slot), although it doesn't report that it has the ability to wake up the computer.

But a few times when I have gotten the computer to go to sleep I was able to wake it up merely by screwing the antenna into the connector on the back. Even though the wireless connection had been disabled from the network and sharing control panel. Does this indicate that my wireless card is defective, or is there some setting on it that I don't know about. Are there any other reasons the computer may not go to sleep or immediately wake up? (I have looked in the event viewer and haven't seen anything suspicious.) Does windows have a log somewhere that could tell me what is waking the computer up (or keeping it from sleeping.)

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What Doesn't Happen When PC Sleeps Or Hibernates

Feb 21, 2012

I've always wondered if background tasks continue to run while the PC is in sleep mode or hibernation. Are there actions that I can take to wake it up? What happens if I'm running a scan and the PC goes into hibernation or sleep mode?

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Losing Connectivity When Computer Sleeps?

Oct 12, 2011

I recently installed Windows 7 (32-bit). I love everything about it except one major thing that seems to be a common problem, from the research I've done.Whenever the computer sleeps or goes in to standby mode, about 80% of the time when I come out of it, it loses the network connection. I will get one of two messages: "Local area connection doesn't have a valid IP address" or "Local area conncetion doesn't have a valid IP configuration." (It's usually the first message).I've Googled this several times and I've tried the fixes. I've tried searching for Bonjour (according to my Services list, it's disabled). I've tried setting the IPv6 off in the TCP/IP settings. I've tried changing the Wireless Adapter Setting's Power Save Mode to Maximum Performance. None of this has prevented this issue from happening.

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Loose Icons After Monitor Sleeps?

Apr 6, 2011

loose icons after monitor sleeps

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Monitor Connected To Vga Splitter Sleeps After A Few Hours?

Aug 20, 2012

I have a splitter that I use to split laptop display to a computer monitor and a TV. Problem is that both the monitor and the TV goes to sleep after about 3 hours displaying. The splitters input connection is from a docking station from where I dock my dell laptop. I only get the display back on the two screens by powering of the splitter for a few seconds then powering it on again.

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BSOD After Computer Sleeps/hibernates A Few Minutes After Waking?

May 9, 2012

Recently (for the last few months), I've been having a problem where if I sleep/hibernate my laptop (Dell XPS 15), whether that be by shutting the lid or manually, upon waking I receive a BSOD after 5-20 minutes. The message presented is a DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FALIURE. Interestingly, until the crash my USB ports also stop working completely.I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium x64, which is NOT the original install, but a new one made from a retail CD. I installed this straight after getting the laptop (July 2010), and had no problems until mid-March.

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BSOD After Computer Sleeps For A Short Period Of Time, 0x00000116

Nov 22, 2011

It seems i have narrowed down my issue that I have been dealing with for it seems like months now. Well essentially my system will reboot anytime it sits for an extended period of time (about 15 to 20 Minutes). My computer will go into standby mode. I do have it set for my computer to never sleep but only my screens. I have followed the BSOD instructions and do and those to attach to this post. Here is the additional information regarding this problem... Is Windows 7 . . . - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? - x64 - the original installed OS on the system? Yes - an OEM or full retail version?Full retail version - What is the age of system (hardware)? Eh, varies video cards about a year old, memory and hardrives are about the same length of time. Chip is fairly new within a few months. - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) OS was freshly reinstalled on 11/17/2011. All drivers for all pieces of hardware in my machine have had the newest drivers updated, including my video cards. I have also done the BIOS update for both of my video cards available from Palit. Oddly enough i can play Starcraft II for hours and no issue with rebooting... only when it sits for an extended period of time as mentioned earlier.

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Wont Sleep Manually Forced (turns Off Monitor Only) But Sleeps Auto?

Jul 20, 2012

When I choose "SLEEP" it only turns off the monitor , normally when the PC sleeps you can hear everything turn off and the power button glows... it does this if i leave it for 25 minutes (as thats how long its set too wait before sleeping) - but when I manually force sleep it seems to simply turn off the monitor? you can hear alll fans and hard-drive still going, when i wake it its at the login screen

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Windows 7 Just Shuts Down

May 19, 2012

Okay, so this morning I got Windows 7 64bit installed, for some reason my computer just shutdowns itself either on login screen or after I have logged in. The PC is pre built. I don't know why it doing this, the longest it been on is 10 minutes than shuts down.

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Windows 7 Explorer Shuts Down?

Sep 12, 2012

Every time I try to get into Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer), it shuts down. Every time I try to attach a file in my e-mail (yahoo mail) whatever browser I am using shuts down. I have run numerous scans and no problem shows up.

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Windows 7 Shuts Off Randomly?

Jan 15, 2012

so I had this homemade computer, the specs: [CODE]and after I uninstalled linux from my Ubuntu-Seven dual boot,I used the MBR and boot command in the ERD to fix my bootloader so I can use windows. but after a while, it started powering off randomly, even when I was using it. then when I switch it back on, it says windows was shut down improperly, making me think it's a hardware problem. I've tried RAM test,

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Windows 7 Shuts Down Programes?

Dec 1, 2012

hope somebody might recognize the symptoms. last 12 months Been running windows 7 on a top range PC computer, 2 TB HD 16G ram ,2G Graphics card so the hardware is excellent, just recently when we get it to boot up sometimes its normal and boots up in a couple of minutes but others it can take an hour, when we open |word or other programmes like Serif Page Plus, etc it just to open it shuts the programme down, there's is way we can save anything as "Save As" seems to be a major problem. When we are about to shut down it come up with various programmes saying such and so programme has experienced a problem and had to close, even as far as saying that windows explorer had experienced a problem and had to close. Our gut instinct is its windows 7 , we have no idea what happened, we have two computers linked one is used solely for internet use the big one for data and Desktop publishing. We have manged to save all our data by going into windows explorer and sliding the data on to an external Hard drive..

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Windows 7 Shuts Down Instead Of Sleep

Aug 17, 2010

I am using Windows 7 64bit Ultimate. My laptop, when going into Sleep, 1 out of say 7 times shuts down instead. Windows says it crashed and gives me some error logs. I am attaching the DMP file of the last one. I remember going to PERFORMANCE INFO & TOOLS > ADVANCED and it saying that a video drive may be to blame. I removed the video driver and let Windows update the driver itself. Am wondering if it somehow is still using that driver?

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Windows 7 Shuts Down Randomly?

Oct 29, 2009

Not sure why its doing this. Just installed a clean version of windows 7 from vistaLeft it on all night last night cause was dling something to wake up with my computer off. Then later today had it on, has been working fine and then went out to eat and it was off again. Does it shut off after being idle ? is that a new feature or is something wrong?

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Windows 7 Shuts Down Without Confirmation

Apr 5, 2011

In Win7, if I click on Shutdown it shuts down (duh!) without prompting for confirmation. I like the confirmation in XP, it keeps me from making stupid mistakes. Well, some of them, anyway.To make things worse, logout and switch user are on a little tab off of Shutdown, so sometimes I hit Shutdown by mistake.Can this be configured to prompt for confirmation?

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Windows 7 Pc Shuts Down Repeatedly

Jun 13, 2011

About 15 minutes after booting, my pc shuts down. No blue screen, just on one minute, off the next. It does this repeatedly.

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Windows Never Fully Shuts Down

Sep 30, 2011

When I attempt to shut the computer down (Windows 7 Ultimate x64) it hangs at the Shutting Down screen... for hours... never actually shuts down. After 20-30 seconds there is no disk activity, so I just power it off or reset it and it's fine. Because of this method I worry about losing one of my disks, having already lost my backup storage disk as a result of this issue. In troubleshooting I have done the following: *Logged all the way out of all profiles and then with no one logged in clicked on shutdown, but I have the same issue, so I am thinking that it is a SYSTEM process that is causing the hang up.  *Briefly checked Event Viewer and didn't notice anything. *There was a Microsoft FixIt that I applied that was related to this, but it did not fix the issue (can't remember the KB article number). So, I was hoping that someone could give me some advice on a good program or batch file to run that will do a good job at logging events during the shutdown process. Obviously Windows itself does this, but I was thinking more along the lines of logging specific Services as they are stopped.

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PC Shuts Down After Windows 7 Logo?

Nov 23, 2012

AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor 3.6 GHz CPUKingston HyperX 8GB (2 x 4GB) RAMGeForce GTX 560 Ti GPUm5a78l-m lx plus MOBO600Watt PS So the problem began a few months ago. it was a random shut off here and there. i was given 2 new parts after the problem started. it was the power supply (old one was 455W) and a new GPU (old one was gforce 9800). to think of it the problem might have started when i got a new motherboard cpu and ram. so im pretty sure one of those 3 is the problem. bare in mind that it would shut off aspecialy during game play but still only doing it once, twice a day. Now it shuts off while watching a movie or even chatting on facebook and when i try to start it, it just shuts off on me during the windows 7 logo loading again. it gives me 2 options to boot from: normal, and repair mode. if i go normal it just shuts down. if i repair it not always but sometimes fixes the problem for an hour or 2. but sometimes it just shuts off again.I play this game of cat and mouse for about 4-5 tries and get it to load. it's like an old car. forgot to mention i also went from windows vista 32bit to windows 7 64bit and problem is still here my computer uses 4GB ram for hardware reserve which i don't mind. i tried to reset the bios from a backup and it still keeps screwing with me.

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Windows 7 Shuts Down But PC Stays On

Feb 12, 2013

When I shut down Windows 7 x64 Pro, windows shut downs normally, power to screen turns off, but power to PC stays on, fans run. I have to force complete shut down by holding in the power button.

This issue is sporatic. Sometimes the PC shuts down completely, other times it does as described above. This issue started ocurring AFTER I installed a Crucail M4 SSD with a clean Windows 7 install. No other hardware changes.

Research lead me to changing the IEEE Power Managment to "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power." This solution did not work for me.

My System: Dell XPS 435 MT, ATI Radeon 4850 Graphics Card.

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Windows Explorer Shuts Down And Restarts

Aug 2, 2011

Windows Explorer shuts down and restarts over and over again, except when in SAFE MODE.

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Windows 7, Freezes And Shuts Down Unexpectedly?

Mar 8, 2012

I have a dell computer,window 7. it shuts down by itself when i'm browsing the web or any other thing, it takes very very long to start up and sometime it don't go to the welcome screen, it gets blue screen instead and freeze, it also freezes when i'm browsing. I don't know what to do. the last 2 times i took it to a computer technician to fix it, he delete all my files on my computer completely.

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Windows 7 Shuts Down When Play A Video?

Sep 29, 2012

recently, it happens when i click play on any video (Internet, facebook.. ), my computer's screen went black immediately and the power is still on. i have to hold the start button for 2,3 seconds to restart it.

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Windows 7 Computer Shuts Down Randomly

Jan 20, 2013

My computer began shutting down random;ly. Irunning AVG anti virus software. I tried to system resore to a prevous date with no help. I ran CCleaner,but no help.

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Windows 7 Hangs During Boot And Shuts Down

Mar 19, 2011

I've been having some strange problems with a fairly new PC and I was hoping the community could help. It all seems to stem from my windows Explorer not functioning properly, but I'm worried it could be a hardware issue. This computer is fairly new.

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Windows 7 Boots And Shuts Down Very Slow?

Dec 6, 2011

I use Windows 7 Pro on my Sony VAIO Laptop and I have noticed in the last few weeks that it has became slower and slower so I did the defrag, virus check, disk clean up, windows tweaks and tips un-checked most of the start-up programs and it did make the computer faster except for the boot and shut down and the average time is around 3 minutes for both, so what else can I do before I decide to reformat and set it back to factory settings

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