Windows 7 Pro Setup Multiple PCs?

Oct 28, 2010

My office is undergoing a Windows 7 migration and we'll be purchasing ~20 machines. I'd like to optimize each machine by turning off various services and creating a global standard user profile. We run a workgroup, is there a way I can copy the service.msc mods and the global user profile from a single machine and apply those changes to all machines?

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How To Setup Multiple (DVI / VGA) Monitors On Windows 7

Apr 19, 2012

I would like to setup 2 monitors on my computer. I know my computer is older but it is very fast and I don't plan on using the monitors on resource hogging stuff

My specs are:
Intel pentium 4 3ghz HT ENABLED
4gb ram
1tb hdd
Nvidia gt 520 1gb
windows 7
My monitors are 2 different inputs / outputs

If I just plugged them both in to the plugin on my gpu would it work and have to adjust stuff? I have never used dual monitors so I don't know. One monitor has a 1600x900 (I plan on this being main monitor)
Other is 1024x768. One of them is dvi and other is vga.

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Multiple Audio Playback Setup

Oct 30, 2009

I currently have a dual screen setup, the primary a computer monitor and the secondary an HDTV hooked up via HDMI cable. Accordingly I have 2 sound setups; a set of speakers at my desk and the other is the TV's speakers.

The problem is most programs have no option to choose the audio playback device. Everything goes to the default in Windows, so I have to manually change it every time to either the TV or the speakers. I only really use the HDTV to watch videos and want only the sound from that specific program to play on the TV, and everything else on my desk speakers.

I had a workaround to this in Vista. By setting the default audio device to the HDTV Windows would automatically switch the audio output to the speakers when disabling the secondary monitor which could be done easily with UltraMon. Windows 7 audio playback doesn't seem to detect this change so I'm wondering if anyone knows of a solution or workaround.

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Setup A Computer For Multiple Remote Connections?

Jul 7, 2011

We have a small business that consists of 5 owners. One owner does most of the work and has a Desktop set up in a home office. They do most of the document related work. This person needs physical control of the computer for most of the day. The other four either live in different locations. They need all the information that the main computer has throughout the day. Documents that change, New documents, and the ability to change anything in the documents and save them. The way its setup now is a remote login. This is extremely inconvenient since the main computer is basically hijacked when someone remote log ins. Each computer is obviously on a different network, so local networking wont work.

Is there a way that the main computer can be on, being worked on by the main person, but still be accessed by the other people at the same, or different, times to get the updates and new documents? Can we do this with what we have, or is there another way to do it?

We have thought of various things, like severs, remote log in programs, etc. But nothing really works the way we need. The closest one we found was an auto sync program. But it requires everyone to have all the files on their computer. This is slightly inconvenient because theres thousands of documents and things that everyone would have to load when one person may need 1-200, and the other needs 200-400.

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Master Folder For Multiple Hard Drives Without Raid Setup

Jul 18, 2012

I am in the process of putting (5) 3TB HDD's into my computer (Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit) to rip my Blu-ray collection to for playback in my home theater room via a Popcorn Hour player. Each drive is independent and I will be systematically filling one drive before going onto the next.The problem is that the Popcorn Hour players communicate with the PC by specifying one folder via SMB that contains all of my media. Since I am doing independent drives, there will be one master folder on each drive containing all of the media for that said drive. Meaning, in terms of the Popcorn Hour/SMB setup, there are five folders I need it to *see* and catalog.

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Multiple Users On Multiple Windows 7-64bit Systems?

Feb 13, 2013

We have three medical clinics and the front desk staff float from clinic to clinic depending on their schedule. I only started here a few months ago and I am working on upgrading their Dell xp systems to Windows 7 systems.The problem begins to crop up when say a user named Sally will come in and sit down at this system for the first time.. Well, she needs to login, click on outlook icon, let it find her exchange PST and copy settings to her user profile, then she launches the application for the scanner that she uses to scan in ID's and insurance cards for every patient coming in.. The scanner is set to default settings and needs to be tweaked on color depth and double sided, etc.. Then after that, she needs to launch her Medical EMR application.. and then choose various options in the citrix client, ..TL;DR - Each user needs to spend 20 minutes resetting the defaults at this updated system.
Well this is fine except, I am planning on updating 2 front desk systems at each clinic, the user Sally will need to do all these things EACH time she finds herself sitting down at a system I just swapped out the previous evening.My thought is this, put a single system down in one clinic and let it sit a week giving most of the float users a chance to work on it for a day, setting all of their preferences etc.Once I get a bunch of them with user profiles on the local drive, grab an image of that drive and just deploy that to each system I roll out..Couple issues I am running into:First would be that I would have to register each Windows 7 copy with a new serial, which I have The next issue is, we have a mis-mash of Dell optiplex systems. 330's - 380's even a couple 320's..

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Windows 7 Starter Getting Error On Initial Setup; Locked In Setup Loop?

Oct 5, 2011

one of the netbooks was plugged in to initially power it up, but then hard-shut-down before Windows could run through its initial setup.Now when I boot up the netbook, and it attempts to go through the initial windows setup "Setup is starting services", and then throws an error message: The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation.I restart, and the cycle continues. This happens whether I try to boot normally or in safe modeI've got no CD-drive attached to it, so I'm not sure what I can do to break this error cycle.

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Multiple BSOD At Random Times With Multiple Drivers Identified?

Nov 13, 2011

I am trying to get my wife's new computer up and running without any BSOD or program failures. Note that the system was not initially set up to capture the dmp files so all the earliest ones are missing. I presented the initial problems to the original seller who recommended sticking with MSE and uninstalling Norton 360 and I did that. Another forum suggested that Virtual Memory was the problem and I disabled and restored VM. Still having multiple crashes and I am hoping that I can get real help here. I do note that all the crashes have ntoskrnl.exe in the driver stack although sometimes alone and sometimes with other drivers.[CODE]

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Multiple Blue Screens With Multiple Reasons

Dec 13, 2012

I have been getting a fairly random blue screens and I cannot pin point it myself. I know a bit about diagnosing and repairing issues but this one is just a pain in my butt. I am uploading the dump files and I hope someone can give me a hand I am running a sfc scan right now to test for any problems too. Also got this off the TSG SysInfo Program.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X3 445 Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 5 Stepping 3
Processor Count: 3
RAM: 8191 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476837 MB, Free - 246483 MB;
Motherboard: BIOSTAR Group, N68S3B
Antivirus: Norton Security Suite, Updated and Enabled

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Working With Multiple Monitors Does Not Allow Multiple Desktops

Sep 7, 2012

I have attached a second monitor to my laptop which runs Windows 7, however, I need to set different resolutions for different monitors, because the display does not fit to fill the screen on both monitors.

It is also noted that the display is replicated, and I would like to have the effect of having different desktops e.g. being able to use different applications such as debugging code on one monitor on an IDE such as Visual Studio, and, viewing the browser on the other monitor.

Currently it does not seem possible since the behavior seems to be that the same resolution is replicated on both monitors.

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Setup Will Only Run In Administrator Mode - Setup Is Aborting

Jan 16, 2009

When I try to install some programs and drivers i get error: 'Setup will only run in administrator mode. setup is aborting.'. I only have one account which has administrator rights. I have already tried to enable and disable UAC, booting in safe mode, run as administrator, enabling original administrator account, adding permissions, taking ownership, changing compability mode and other but nothig is solving my problem. I'm running windows 7 x64 build 7000.

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Multiple BSOD With Multiple Errors?

Mar 19, 2012

I use WhoCrashed to analyze these errors but I dont know how to solve. Maybe my hardware cause these.

Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU @ 2.40 Ghz
Ram: 2GB Corsair
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit
Mainboard: ASUS Striker Extreme

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Multiple Resolutions On Multiple Displays

Oct 31, 2009

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get two monitors, a small 1024x768 LCD, and a 46" 1920x1080 TV, to display the same wallpaper at different resolutions. My graphics card is older, a Nvidia Quadro FX 1700, but it is perfectly capable of driving both displays at the same time. It's a minor annoyance, but I'd like to get it working if it's possible.

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Setup Can't Continue, Restart The Computer And Restart Setup

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to upgrade Vista to Windows7 Home Premium and I got this message after the installer copied ~2GB of files on my PC:

"setup can't continue. restart the computer and restart setup. when prompted try getting the latest updates."

I restarted the PC and restarted the setup and I got the same message. I updated the Mother Board Bios and restarted the setup I got the same message. I have tried both options (get update and no update during the setup). And it didn't work.

I do not want to do custom install (fresh install) on my computer.

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Windows 7 For Multiple PCS

Feb 18, 2010

Is there any box bundles that would let me install on multiple computers, looking at 3-10 computers here. Downloading is not an option.

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Multiple Windows Won't Open

Feb 26, 2012

First- if I have a maximized window open, any window that I open that's not maximized, opens and disappears to the taskbar icon for it

Second- I can't view more than one window of the same program at the same time. No matter how small I resize it, the second window sends the first window to it's taskbar icon.I've run sfc /scannow, scanned with Avast & Malwarebytes. Restored folder options in the view tab & set it to open in it's own window.

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Multiple Windows 7 64-bit Crashes?

Mar 10, 2011

I have Windows 7 64 bit laptop - and suffered two crashes today, while it was generally idling. The only new thing today is that there were some Windows update last night and an Adobe Flash update this morning.

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Use Same Windows 7 Dvd For Multiple Laptops?

Jun 11, 2011

i have a HP laptop and it came with a windows 7 orginal DVD and key. my Question is im thinking of buying a new dell laptop which also comes with installed windows 7 but i wont get a free copy of windows 7 DVD. so should i burn my existing HP's win7 dvd to a blank disc and use that dvd to install windows if needed in my new laptop.. ofcourse ill use different keys cuz keys are always underneath the laptop.

so in short, if i do that i will be able to run geniune windows on both my laptops? use same win 7 dvd but using HP key in HP laptop and dell key in dell laptop?

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How To Open Multiple IE Windows ?

Oct 28, 2009

I like the windows 7. It much faster.

But When i open Internet Explorer Window it opens a new window in first time and the IE icon in task bar is filled with IE windows, If i want to open another IE window, I have only 2 choices :

1. Open New window using File menu or

2. Right click IE Window on task bar and clicking IE.

Any one tell me how to open new IE window when first IE window is open, like opening multiple IE windows by clicking IE icon in taskbar.

Simply I want IE icon should be shown on Taskbar even mutiple IE windows open (Just like Vista and XP)

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Multiple Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit Sessions?

Jul 7, 2011

I would like to know how can I have two windows sessions active at the same time. I've found some tutorials in google with a installer file, but when I run it as admin although it says the operation was ok, there are some errors, and in the end I always get the common error when trying to connect two sessions at the same time.

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Multiple Windows 7 Problems

Dec 18, 2009

i have two problems with my windows 7 64bit desktop the first is after 2 minutes of turning on it says no network access (my computer is wireless) and when i go to shut down it just displays the shutting down screen and nothing happens and it just goes on and on why is it doing this?

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Multiple Windows Open At Once

Jul 21, 2010

I"m having a hard time finding where I turn off the feature that makes the window that my mouse is resting on come to the front. Sometimes when I type I just need to move my mouse out of the way and if it touches another window it makes that other window I have open pop up.And, when I'm using my mouse to navigate on the screen it will make each window come up without clicking on it.

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Windows 7 And XP Multiple Boot?

Sep 24, 2012

My netbook is samsung n100s. It has 3 partition. C and D are primary partition and E is logical partition. My operating system is Windows 7 in C drive. Now i want to setup Windows XP in D drive. but when i install windows XP, windows 7 boot manager doesn't work and it directly boot from windows XP.

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XP VM For Multiple Windows 7 Users?

Apr 6, 2012

I need to create a XP VM on a win764 box that has multiple users. I want all the users on the Windows 7 box to use the same VM. I also need it to automatically login to the VM without asking for credentials from Windows 7 or xp. I've turned off integration and done the "control userpasswords2" thing. When I log in as a new user and start the VM, Windows 7 pops up with a credentials box. Once I enter the username and password and check "remember credentials" it goes fine. I want to eliminate that initial credentials box though.

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Windows 7 On New HD/multiple Computers?

Oct 8, 2012

I bought Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit for my Windows Vista comp. Now that I am thinking of building my own computer will that cd work on a new hard drive? I know I will probably have to call Microsoft about a new product key but aside from that should I be fine?

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IE9 Loads Multiple Windows

Oct 11, 2012

Today I clicked on Internet Explorer and tried a Google Search. I only did one left-click of my mouse each time.Multple windows appeared and continued to propagate non-stop, until I closed all windows. Does anyone know what could be causing that? I know that I could do a restore to yesterday and the problem would probably go away, but I would like to know the cause of it.

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Can Use Same Windows Dvd For Multiple Laptops?

Jan 18, 2013

i have a HP laptop and it came with a windows 7 orginal DVD and Question is im thinking of buying a new dell laptop which also comes with installed windows 7 but i wont get a free copy of windows 7 DVD. so should i burn my existing HP's win7 dvd to a blank disc and use that dvd to install windows if needed in my new laptop.. ofcourse ill use different keys cuz keys are always underneath the in short, if i do that i will be able to run geniune windows on both my laptops?use same win 7 dvd but using HP key in HP laptop and dell key in dell laptop?

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Windows 7 Multiple USB Device Failures Across PCs

Apr 26, 2012

I have been building my own PCs for 20 years. Just upgraded my main home office PC to Win7 64 bit a few months ago - no major issues until now. About 2 weeks ago, I noticed my Magic Jack USB dongle was dead. No blue light, no nothing, just a brick. The weird part is that I first plugged it into my wifes PC (also a win7 desktop) and also a win7 laptop sitting in my office room. Same behavior. No reaction at all, windows didnt make a peep (it should have launched the magic jack installer, which is built into the dongle) and no blue light.

OK, so fine, stuff does "fry" once in a while. So I wait for the dongle replacement. When it arrives, I plug it in. Silence. I try it on the other machines. NADA. NO REACTION, just like the first one. I try their support chat again. They finally after 4 hours of doing the same things over and over again gave me essentially the boot by telling me to unplug the router (which of course meant that I had to end the chat). Of course, no improvement. As unlikely a sit would seem, I somehow had two dead magic jack dongles, one of them brand new. That to me was borderline impossible. But wait it gets worse.

I then notice that ONE of the 2 external HDDs I have is dead as well. But all of them still works fine. Also, a couple other USB devices work fine still. and of course I have tried every permutation of USB port and hub or not and try all the ports and on and on. So again, I have a situation where SOME of my USB devices dont work (so far 2 magic jack dongles and an HDD). No power, they are not detected at all by win 7. And this is on 4 PCs in the home. All win7. But how could 3 devices fail for no reason at once?

Finally, I also then noticed when trying to do a skype call that my logitech webcam is dead. Same behavior, and it had been working fine. Without even thinking, I order a new webcam. I am now up to 4 "dead" USB devices, and remember these are all "dead" and have the same completely lifeless behavior on all 4 home PCs (all are win 7, 2 desktops, 2 laptops), and again all of the PCs do have working USB devices attached also, so it isnt a complete USB failure. The final straw was today when the new webcam came (a MS lifecam-500). I ran the software and plugged in the cam wehn it told me to and voila - said I didnt have a camera attached. Again, tried it on my other PCs - same thing.

Now I know something is wrong beyond the devices, because the odds that 5 devices all failed all of a sudden (2 of them brand new out of the box) is beyond measure. So I have been on the forums for about 8 hours now trying every variant of deleting/reinstalling USB drivers, because win 7 and drivers are all that I think these issues have in common, they all exhibit the same behavior on the same OS (on multiple machines). I have seen several other post the same issue, but many seem to be able to resolve it via a hard power cycle with removal of power cord/battery. I have tried all of this of course, no joy.

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Multiple Windows 7 Install Boot

Feb 17, 2011

I am in the process of a Windows 7 reinstall but still want to keep data. So what I did was just reformat the hard drive into 2 partitions so I can transfer data over. Both of them have Windows 7 installed on them. The issue seems to be booting into which one, a small quirk I can't get around. If I boot the computer without the Win7 install disk it will use the old bootloader and boots into the old Windows 7, it won't let me select what I want to boot into (just old Win7). If I leave the Win7 install disk in it goes through and says "Press any key to boot from DVD or CD", then I don't press anything and let it time out. Then after it times out it will load from the hard drive, which causes it to load the new bootloader and obviously the new Windows 7 install. change the default bootloader to be the other partition?

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Why Same Folders In Multiple Places In Windows 7

Feb 23, 2011

I've been using the computer for a really long time but I don't have a clear understanding as to why or how certain OS's are set up the way they are...I'm curious to know why in Windows some of the same folders are stored in multiple places? This has always been an annoyance to me when it comes to organizing and remembering where everything is on my computer. Sure they're are ways to search for things but I feel that still takes up too much time and bottom line there's just gotta be a easier way to access your files. I have multiple computers and it's just impossible for to me remember where everything is.... I could be missing something on how to get a hold of it but anytime I look up how to organize your folders it still doesn't seem efficient to me. I have my own ideas on how I would like it to work or what I would like microsoft to do but I"m not a computer tech person who is able to understand if my ideas would actually even work or not.

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Downloading Multiple Files In Windows 7?

Nov 20, 2012

I'm trying to download multiple files, not from those download sites but these are files full of wallpapers. I've tried the usual 'download accelerators' but they don't work for one reason or another. Is there a download accelerator/plug-in/add-on, etc. That works in Windows 7?

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