Multiple Windows Open At Once

Jul 21, 2010

I"m having a hard time finding where I turn off the feature that makes the window that my mouse is resting on come to the front. Sometimes when I type I just need to move my mouse out of the way and if it touches another window it makes that other window I have open pop up.And, when I'm using my mouse to navigate on the screen it will make each window come up without clicking on it.

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Multiple Windows Won't Open

Feb 26, 2012

First- if I have a maximized window open, any window that I open that's not maximized, opens and disappears to the taskbar icon for it

Second- I can't view more than one window of the same program at the same time. No matter how small I resize it, the second window sends the first window to it's taskbar icon.I've run sfc /scannow, scanned with Avast & Malwarebytes. Restored folder options in the view tab & set it to open in it's own window.

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How To Open Multiple IE Windows ?

Oct 28, 2009

I like the windows 7. It much faster.

But When i open Internet Explorer Window it opens a new window in first time and the IE icon in task bar is filled with IE windows, If i want to open another IE window, I have only 2 choices :

1. Open New window using File menu or

2. Right click IE Window on task bar and clicking IE.

Any one tell me how to open new IE window when first IE window is open, like opening multiple IE windows by clicking IE icon in taskbar.

Simply I want IE icon should be shown on Taskbar even mutiple IE windows open (Just like Vista and XP)

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How To Minimize All When Multiple Windows Open In Same Program

Jul 11, 2010

I really like aspects of the new taskbar, especially pinning program icons to it. I always would open my main program's in the same order so they would be in the same place on taskbar, but if I had to close one and reopen... oh well. so 7 fixed that problem,If I have multiple windows open in same program (e.g. firefox), I lose the ability to minimize ALL windows controlled by that programs icon. When right clicking on icon, there should be a MINIMIZE ALL choice in addition to the CLOSE ALL. Seems like a no brainer to me.

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Having Multiple Tabs / Windows Open On Taskbar Button

Nov 10, 2011

I recently upgraded my FF 7.0.1 (or whatever the most up-to-date version of 7 is/was) to 8.0 and am noticing an issue. The problem I am experiencing is that when I launch FF (regardless if its done via the start menu or the button pinned to my taskbar), it adds a separate taskbar button (a la previous versions of Windows) instead of how Windows 7 normally handles such things. In addition to this, it also does not reflect having multiple tabs/windows open on the taskbar button (the attached image shows how the button for IE(9) displays the different tabs I have open in it, as well as the vertical lines next to the button which represent the number of tabs/windows open; however, the Firefox button does not function in either way, but you can see in the image that I have 3 tabs open in the browser window).Are these compatibility bugs between Windows 7 and Firefox (that the Mozilla devs need to address)?

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Stop Auto Minimizing In Taskbar When Multiple Windows Open

Jul 9, 2011

When I have multiple windows open [i.e. outlook is open with 4 emails open as well] and I hover over the Outlook folder in the toolbar which then shows previews of all the emails, I want the ability to close a single email and keep the others previewed. Right now, if I close one, the other open ones "auto minimize" I know this is an option as I've seen it operated the way I want it.

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Can't Use CTRL-F6 In Word When Open Multiple Files From Windows Explorer

Jan 19, 2012

I believe I�ve run into a bug with Windows Explorer, however, it could possibly be with Word 2010. If it�s not a bug, and can be �fixed� by your helping me, that would be wonderful! (I use Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit.) This is what does work just fine: From Word, I open a file, then open another file, then another. I am able to use the CTRL-F6 to move from document to document.This is what does not work: I open those same 3 files from Windows Explorer, by using the mouse to select them and hit ENTER. The files do open in Word. However, the CTRL-F6 keystroke does not work to be able to move from document to document. In the latter, it�s a little bit as if Windows Explorer is starting multiple copies of Word. However, from the Word icon on the taskbar, both cases look the same, i.e., when I hover over the icon, I can see the 3 miniature files, and can click into any of them. I�d like to understand what�s going on that�s different in the 2 cases. But I�d really love to learn of how I can make the latter case work. With my work, I do this process (open multiple files from Windows Explorer) dozens of times a day, and I need efficiency. It takes a lot longer to open each file one-by-one. It also takes longer to not be able to use CTRL-F6.

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Always Multiple Sessions Open

Dec 24, 2011

Windows 7

When I click on the Internet Explorer icon on my desktop to open a session, two internet explorer sessions open. This went on for 2-3 weeks. Now when I do the same thing 3 sessions open. How do I get back to opening just one session.

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Cannot Open Multiple Documents?

Apr 10, 2010

Here's the scenario. You've got a folder with say, 42 text files. In XP, you would select them, then hit enter, and they all pop up, one after another. The order would be that the last file would open first, then the remaining files would open in the order they are listed in Explorer.Windows 7 is not like that. Here's what happens.Pick all 42 files, hit enter. Nothing. No error, no warning, just nothing happens.Pick 2 files, hit enter. Opens just like normal.Pick 20 files, nothing.Pick 10 files, works fine.Pick 15 files, works finePick 16 files, nothing.More oddness. When multiple files open, they open in a random order.More more oddness. Close them, then open then again. Random, but in a different random order!My thought on this is that it is just a bug. That the number of files is (16) or (2^4) or (hex f), suggests to me that the programmer didn't allow for numbers large than (hex f). Although that number could mean nothing and is simply a coincidence.

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Can't Open Multiple Files

Dec 10, 2012

How do I go about opening multiple programs? (selecting the programs and pressing enter only opens the last program chosen)((Right clicking only opens the one that was right clicked))

This used to work fine in windows vista and windows xp (I have an extremely high spec PC so it's not lag)

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Cannot Open Multiple Items From Location

Oct 1, 2012

I have been getting the error message " Cannot open multiple files from this location. Try selecting a single item instead"

This happens when i try to open multiple files on photoshop when i want to open pics from my camera's memory card. and now i noticed it when i tried to upload all my photos from my iphone to an album on snapfish.. I am using windows 7

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Multiple Explorer.exe's Staying Open?

Jul 30, 2010

First, running Windows 7 64bit on full & clean install to a new HD. Recently I have been noticing on a few trips to task manager that some times I will have a whole bunch of explorer.exe's running even if I have nothing but my desktop. In doing some checking I found that this is happening from each time I open a new explorer window but the issue is, when I close the window, the process still is running.It even happens if say from my desktop, I open only one explorer window and close that one and then at open another single one and close it and on an on like this. Simple put it seems like for any condition I open an explorer window, despite the fact that I have closed it, it doesn't really seem to close. Note, in doing some Googling I have found that I am not alone with this an some have recommend to uncheck, "Launch folder in separate process" in folder options and I have tried this but it doesn't work. So how do I get Windows 7 to stop running a process of explorer.exe once I have closed it as sometimes I have even seen up to 10 of these running and its really eating up my memory.

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Get Windows 7 Windows Explorer To Open Multiple Files In Same App Window?

Apr 16, 2012

How do I get Windows 7 Windows Explorer to Open multiple files (of same type) in the SAME application window, like it did in Windows XP?


WinXP > Windows Explorer > Highlight File (jpg) > Open > Application Launches > Open 2nd File > Opens in SAME application window. Now I can work with both files in the same application.


Win 7 > Windows Explorer > Highlight File (jpg) > Open > Application Launches > Open 2nd File > Opens in NEW application window. I then have 2,3,4,..of the same application running. I want to open and work with the files within the SAME single application window. (using windows explorer)(like I did with XP).

How do I tweak Win7?

What is the terminology or registry area for this technical change? (so I can search better without so many common words)

Which files-- Excel (xls), Microsoft Paint (jpg), Corel Photo-Paint (jpg) >> seems like all applications that can open multiple files. It definitely seems like a change to the O/S. Same apps worked fine in XP.

(I would accept a single tweak to get Corel Photo-Paint JPGs to all open in the same app window. I want to go to windows explorer, click on JPGs, and have them all open in 1 instance of Corel Photo-Paint, or any application associated with JPGs.)

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IE 9 Wont Open Favorites In Multiple Tabs?

Jun 1, 2012

IE 9 wont open favorites in multiply tabs always somtime need to open 3 or 4 tabs before favorites bar will pop up

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Multiple Tabs Open Security Risk?

Jul 17, 2012

I am using IE9 and was logged into my bank (https) but noticed after making a transaction that I had another tab open on a safe but unsecured site. Will this have compromised my https tab?

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Have Multiple Emails Open On A Single PC Like On IPhone

Sep 28, 2012

How can I have my mail boxes to be open on a single PC? On my iPhone, I can check my 5 email addresses without signing in and signing out. It is a pain to have 3 different hotmail addresses while signing in and signing out.

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Open Multiple Instances Of On-Screen Keyboard

Aug 16, 2010

I NEED a way to open multiple instances of the Windows On-Screen Keyboard at once. Right now, if i try to open it a second time, it opens the first one (doesnt create a new instance).

i have been to many forums on the internet and still cant find a clear solution. I considered getting a third party control for this, but even they are opening only once.

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Explorer No Longer Able To Open With Multiple Files

Mar 1, 2010

I can no longer "Open With" (Program X) multiple files, as in the option doesn't even exist when you right-click a file. I noticed when I was clicking several jpgs to open in Photoshop, where my default viewer is Google's Picasa (for ease of viewing and convenience). The strange thing is that I can still "Open With" individual files. I thought maybe it was just a Photoshop goof but it applies to Mp3s/Winamp and AVIs as well. This is very inconvenient!

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Multiple Firefox Browsers Open That Are Not In Full Screen Mode

Sep 4, 2010

If I have multiple Firefox browsers open that are not in full screen mode, once clicked on, that screen disappears before I can reach it with my pointer.This happen with all pinned icons that are not in full screen mode or a small notification box.Someone mentioned that Lenovo maybe had an update that messed with the settings.

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Open Multiple Files One Click - Simple Bat/batch File

Nov 10, 2009

I have a simple batch file to load multiple files with one click, but it's not working.

When I run it, it simply very quickly pops up the cmd dialog, which quickly disappears, and nothing is loaded.

I've tried 'running as administrator' - same problem.

File is xxxxx.bat

I've even tried the fail safe:

start /d C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe

and that doesn't work, so it's not a error in my paths... for some reason, it just won't load...

Worked in XP fine...

Is there a different technique in 7?

Basically, end result, want to open two programs with one click (one icon on taskbar).

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Expanded Right Click Context Menu On Jumplist Items (open Multiple Files With An App)?

Jan 28, 2009

I visit these forums alot, and ran a search just incase, yet was not able to find this anywhere. It's something I thought could be useful for some people You know how you can shift+right click on items in windows explorer to get added options? Well, the same command works on jump lists, except with some useful added functionality.I remember at least one forum member having mentioned that the reason they misses quicklaunch is that they could drag and drop files onto an app to open said files with said app. Well, although this doesn't completely cover that problem, as you have to use the keyboard, it sure does help.Lets say you have 10 images you want to edit in a program, but you dont feel like opening up the program and then searching for the files, because you already have the folder with the files open in explorer. Normally, if you right click on the item in a jumplist that represents the application itself, you only get a tiny context menu with 3 or four options. I was messing around and saw that if you hold shift while you right click, you will get a full host of options like one might when browsing in windows explorer. So if I want to edit those ten images in GIMP for example, I can select the images, right click and press copy, open the jumplist for GIMP, and hold down on shift while I right click on the GIMP program in the jumplist. Now the right click menu gives me the option to Paste, so I select paste, and voila, my 10 images open in GIMP.

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Multiple Users On Multiple Windows 7-64bit Systems?

Feb 13, 2013

We have three medical clinics and the front desk staff float from clinic to clinic depending on their schedule. I only started here a few months ago and I am working on upgrading their Dell xp systems to Windows 7 systems.The problem begins to crop up when say a user named Sally will come in and sit down at this system for the first time.. Well, she needs to login, click on outlook icon, let it find her exchange PST and copy settings to her user profile, then she launches the application for the scanner that she uses to scan in ID's and insurance cards for every patient coming in.. The scanner is set to default settings and needs to be tweaked on color depth and double sided, etc.. Then after that, she needs to launch her Medical EMR application.. and then choose various options in the citrix client, ..TL;DR - Each user needs to spend 20 minutes resetting the defaults at this updated system.
Well this is fine except, I am planning on updating 2 front desk systems at each clinic, the user Sally will need to do all these things EACH time she finds herself sitting down at a system I just swapped out the previous evening.My thought is this, put a single system down in one clinic and let it sit a week giving most of the float users a chance to work on it for a day, setting all of their preferences etc.Once I get a bunch of them with user profiles on the local drive, grab an image of that drive and just deploy that to each system I roll out..Couple issues I am running into:First would be that I would have to register each Windows 7 copy with a new serial, which I have The next issue is, we have a mis-mash of Dell optiplex systems. 330's - 380's even a couple 320's..

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Multiple BSOD At Random Times With Multiple Drivers Identified?

Nov 13, 2011

I am trying to get my wife's new computer up and running without any BSOD or program failures. Note that the system was not initially set up to capture the dmp files so all the earliest ones are missing. I presented the initial problems to the original seller who recommended sticking with MSE and uninstalling Norton 360 and I did that. Another forum suggested that Virtual Memory was the problem and I disabled and restored VM. Still having multiple crashes and I am hoping that I can get real help here. I do note that all the crashes have ntoskrnl.exe in the driver stack although sometimes alone and sometimes with other drivers.[CODE]

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Multiple Blue Screens With Multiple Reasons

Dec 13, 2012

I have been getting a fairly random blue screens and I cannot pin point it myself. I know a bit about diagnosing and repairing issues but this one is just a pain in my butt. I am uploading the dump files and I hope someone can give me a hand I am running a sfc scan right now to test for any problems too. Also got this off the TSG SysInfo Program.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X3 445 Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 5 Stepping 3
Processor Count: 3
RAM: 8191 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476837 MB, Free - 246483 MB;
Motherboard: BIOSTAR Group, N68S3B
Antivirus: Norton Security Suite, Updated and Enabled

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Working With Multiple Monitors Does Not Allow Multiple Desktops

Sep 7, 2012

I have attached a second monitor to my laptop which runs Windows 7, however, I need to set different resolutions for different monitors, because the display does not fit to fill the screen on both monitors.

It is also noted that the display is replicated, and I would like to have the effect of having different desktops e.g. being able to use different applications such as debugging code on one monitor on an IDE such as Visual Studio, and, viewing the browser on the other monitor.

Currently it does not seem possible since the behavior seems to be that the same resolution is replicated on both monitors.

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Multiple BSOD With Multiple Errors?

Mar 19, 2012

I use WhoCrashed to analyze these errors but I dont know how to solve. Maybe my hardware cause these.

Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU @ 2.40 Ghz
Ram: 2GB Corsair
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit
Mainboard: ASUS Striker Extreme

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Multiple Resolutions On Multiple Displays

Oct 31, 2009

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get two monitors, a small 1024x768 LCD, and a 46" 1920x1080 TV, to display the same wallpaper at different resolutions. My graphics card is older, a Nvidia Quadro FX 1700, but it is perfectly capable of driving both displays at the same time. It's a minor annoyance, but I'd like to get it working if it's possible.

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Can't Open A Shared File On A Windows 7 Machine If It's Already Open On An XP?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a small network of six computers. Five of them run XP and I just added a Windows 7 machine. I've got a Microsoft Access 2003 database that all of the computers share that is hosted on one of the XP machines. The Windows 7 machine can access the Access database through the network just fine, as long as no one else is accessing it. However, if someone else on an XP machine on the network is using the file, it won't open on the Windows 7 machine. Doubling clicking the file on Windows 7 gives me the circling blue icon for a second or two, then nothing happens. If the XP user exits the database, then I can open it fine.

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Windows 7 - Get Programs That Are Already Open To Open Up With ONE Click?

Sep 2, 2012

When I have a couple of screens open on my desktop. When I click on an icon for, lets say, iTunes, I can see the iTunes window appear behind the translucent taskbar of Win 7. Ditto for MS World.How do i get programs that are already open to open up with ONE click, instead of having to closed down all the other windows.

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Windows Programs Will Not Open Images, Can Open Them With PSP

Oct 20, 2011

For a while my windows 7 64 bit would open my images in Documents. Now when I try they appear as a garbled strange format. If I go to PSP ProX2 they open fine. This is a problem for me since I often need to add images to document Newsletters I send out.

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Every Program Try To Open, Windows Asks Open With?

Apr 12, 2012

every program i try to open, windows asks open with?

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