Open Multiple Files One Click - Simple Bat/batch File

Nov 10, 2009

I have a simple batch file to load multiple files with one click, but it's not working.

When I run it, it simply very quickly pops up the cmd dialog, which quickly disappears, and nothing is loaded.

I've tried 'running as administrator' - same problem.

File is xxxxx.bat

I've even tried the fail safe:

start /d C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe

and that doesn't work, so it's not a error in my paths... for some reason, it just won't load...

Worked in XP fine...

Is there a different technique in 7?

Basically, end result, want to open two programs with one click (one icon on taskbar).

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Search Multiple Files, Copy+paste To New Folder (batch File Software)?

May 3, 2012

I have a folder with around 2000 files in it. I want to be able to copy certain files from this folder (normally around 40) and place them in a brand new folder, I want to be able to do this with nothing more than a txt file that has all the file names I need copying in it with every file name on a separate line.I receive around 10 new txt files each day so you can imagine how tedious it is searching through 2000 files, picking out the 40 I need, times a day everyday.To make things even more complicated, the txt files I receive don't always have the correct file names in them, maybe there's a misspelling or a word or two missing for some of the names. That's ok when I'm going through picking out the files I need to copy myself because I can normally tell which file is being requested, but I can't see it being so easy for a program or whatever to do, I'm guessing it'll need to have a search feature where it picks out the most likely file.I'd like it to be as automated as possible. I receive the txt file, make sure each file name is on a separate line then a program or script or whatever goes out and picks out the files (or most likely files for the name's that aren't exact matches) and copies them into a brand new folder (which I'd like to be the same name as the text file it's using to choose the files).

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Expanded Right Click Context Menu On Jumplist Items (open Multiple Files With An App)?

Jan 28, 2009

I visit these forums alot, and ran a search just incase, yet was not able to find this anywhere. It's something I thought could be useful for some people You know how you can shift+right click on items in windows explorer to get added options? Well, the same command works on jump lists, except with some useful added functionality.I remember at least one forum member having mentioned that the reason they misses quicklaunch is that they could drag and drop files onto an app to open said files with said app. Well, although this doesn't completely cover that problem, as you have to use the keyboard, it sure does help.Lets say you have 10 images you want to edit in a program, but you dont feel like opening up the program and then searching for the files, because you already have the folder with the files open in explorer. Normally, if you right click on the item in a jumplist that represents the application itself, you only get a tiny context menu with 3 or four options. I was messing around and saw that if you hold shift while you right click, you will get a full host of options like one might when browsing in windows explorer. So if I want to edit those ten images in GIMP for example, I can select the images, right click and press copy, open the jumplist for GIMP, and hold down on shift while I right click on the GIMP program in the jumplist. Now the right click menu gives me the option to Paste, so I select paste, and voila, my 10 images open in GIMP.

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Create A Batch File That Runs 3 Other Batch Files

Jul 1, 2011

I am trying to create a batch file that runs 3 other batch files. Right now, it works fine using the call command on each other batch file. However, these other batch files take awhile to run. and so the entire process takes a very long time, since each "sub" batch file is run only after the previous one is finished.I was wondering if there is a command or way to start a batch file fro the top-level batch file, then go on and start the next batch file before the previous one is finished. In other words, I want the sub batch files to run in parallel in the background. (similar to the '&' in Unix).

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Batch File With Multiple If Statements?

Dec 31, 2012

I am trying to make a batch file which echos text based on an input.Here is the code I have so far:

@echo off
set /p input=
If %input%=="hello" or %input%=="hi" or %input%=="hey" or %input%=="yo" or %input%=="hello?" or %input%=="hi?" or %input%=="hey?" or %input%=="yo?"
@echo off


when I save the file and run it, it all at once echos the first three results, then tells me that 'else' is not an operable command and then the program closes.

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How To Make A Multiple Copy Batch File

May 30, 2011

Below is a batch file I created to copy all the files from a program called A5V5. This batch file works to copy the files to two different drives What I want to do is if the J: Directory is not availble (This is a flash drive) that it will copy to the E: directory which is a second HDD and not leave a "The system cannot find the drive specified" when the flash drive is not inserted.

@echo off
cd c:
cd program files (x86)
cd A5V5
cd Ranch Mobile, Inc
Copy *.* "E:Ranch Mobile" (This is a second hard drive for backup files only)
Copy *.* "J:Ranch Mobile" (This is a Flash drive that is not always inserted)

I like the way batch files work and I can do these simple ones but when it comes to doing the more complicated ones I am at a total loss.

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Dos Batch Programme Cannot Open File

Sep 24, 2012

I have an old dos batch file that takes strongs from the command prompt - inserts them into a file and then sorts the file. In Windows 7 - access to the data file is being denied.
I am not logged in as adminstrator but have Administrator rights. Data files re not read-only. located in root rirectory

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Create A Batch File That Will Move Files Based On The File Type?

Oct 30, 2010

How to create a batch file that will move files based on the file type?My Requirement : I need a batch file to copy all .doc files in all my HardDisk to aremovable disk say (Z: drive) . Can anyone make it possible using a batch file

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Cannot Open Batch File - Flashes Onto Screen And Goes Away

Jan 6, 2011

I have made a word game in notepad and saved it off as a batch file. Whenever I open this batch file it flashes onto the screen for a second and then goes away.

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Batch File Open For Program In Startup Folder

Jan 16, 2012

I have a computer that is a drone specifically for an outside LED sign. This computer is designed to never shut off and doesn't have any other program on it besides Operating System and the sign software. I need to create a batch file that I can place in the "start-up" folder that will open the program (LEDStudio10) and open the file that I want to play. I have already tried multiple attempts and I was hoping someone out there in sevenforums world would be able to point me in the right direction.

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Windows Explorer Right Click On Files With Multiple Extensions

Mar 16, 2012

Today I came across the following problem and tried to google for an answer, but without luck. In windows explorer, if I select files with different extensions (for example two files, one txt and one pdf) and right click to bring up the context menu, I noticed that the entry "Open" is missing. Instead if I select files with the same extension, the entry "open" is correctly displayed. What I want to do is to get the "open" command in the context menu even if I select files of different type. Is there a way to do that without having to write my own shell extension handler?

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Associate File Extensions With Batch Files

Feb 2, 2012

I have searched all over the Internet looking for how to associate certain extensions with certain programs using a .bat file... but no luck. I have spent about two hours experimenting. I'm able to do this from the command prompt: Code: ASSOC .cpp=C++_Source_Code FTYPE C++_Source_Code=E:Notepad2.exe %0 I created a small hi.cpp file to test this. It works perfectly. The command line is E:Notepad2.exe E:hi.cpp just like it should be.

However, doing the same thing from within a batch file yields the command line E:Notepad2.exe E:assoc.bat which opens my batch file when i double-click on hi.cpp... Is it even possible to perform this association from within a batch file? I have a LOT of different file types to register, and i don't want to spend 20 minutes every time i log on associating these extensions by hand.

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Make Batch File That Task Scheduler Can Open At Certain Time To Close Chosen Program

May 4, 2011

I don't really know a better way to describe it, but I want to make a batch file that Task Scheduler can open at a certain time to close a chosen program.

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Batch File Or Exe To Copy & Rename Directory And Update Files

Apr 28, 2012

I require a batch file or free utility that i can redistribute from my web site to other users, (gamers) that will copy the contents of a directory inside their game to a new location and re-name the directory at the same time. Something like this; Copy "GenesisVehicleruck diesel4tonbaker"to "GenesisVehicleruckdiesel4tonbutcher".The batch file needs to be run without the need for a command line box being opened, that is, if the user can double click on it or run it with a 'right click' that would be great. Problem there is, I maybe need an exe file not a batch file. The other part of the problem is that the folder to be copied may or may not be in the same location on every PC that runs the file. It may be the case that the 4tonbaker folder is on; [code] and I require the end user to have no need to know, just for the directory to be copied and renamed when and where it is found.If possible I then want the batch file to perform a second task. I want to distribute a folder, lets say it is 4tonbutcher and in that folder there are files lets say doc1.txt, doc2.txt and doc3.txt.On any given users PC 4tonbaker has these same named files but the content is different to the ones in my folder 4tonbutcher, I want to update the newly created folder, 4tonbutcher with the new txt files I distribute.

So, User downloads a folder called 4tonbutcher from my site.Batch file copies and renames a folder from a location on the users PC, "Genesis Vehiclesruckdiesel4tonbaker" to "Genesis Vehiclesruckdiesel4tonbutcher".Batch file copies doc1.txt, doc2.txt and doc3.txt from the downloaded folder to the newly created folder 4tonbutcher.

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Custom Batch File That Copies Font Files To Another Folder?

Sep 17, 2012

I just downloaded all of the Google Web Fonts and they were each downloaded into their respected folders, so instead of clicking on folder after folder and right clicking after right clicking and finally installing each and every font;

How can I create a command prompt (batch) file so the prompt can search the main folder where all the font folders are, grab any and all TrueType Font files and move or copy them into another single folder?

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Right Click Takes Too Much To Open The File

Nov 22, 2011

I am using Windows 7 Home premium 64bit(genuine) on 2.30 dual core CPU with 3 GB. I reinstalled windows and a month after the reinstall, whenever I right click on only any file to open/cut/copy/rename/delete, it takes too much time, and many times the folder in which file exist goes unresponding. I am using AVAST (after using 60 day trial of Norton) and it is updated regularly.

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When Right Click On .jpg File / Used To Get Options / When Selected 'Open With'

Feb 25, 2012

When I right click on any .jpg file I used to get options when I selected "Open With". Now, there is nothing to select from.

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When Click On Files To Open They Go To Recycle Bin?

Dec 4, 2011

When I click on a file or folder to open it goes to recycle bin. I can restore but this is a nuisance. It also occurs when reading my email in yahoo mail.

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Double-click And Enter Do Not Open Pdf, Rtf File Associations

Feb 11, 2012

w/Windows 7 x64/sp1

The .pdf and .rtf associations are set correctly to Adobe Reader and Wordpad but double-click or enter only responds by opening Windows Explorer. The right-click context menu lists "Open with Adobe Reader X" correctly and certainly works but is not how I'm used to working for the last however many years .pdf has been around.

I had hoped that if I could somehow get Adobe Reader into the Default Programs list and that that would help. However, Wordpad IS listed in my Default Programs and is set for .rtf and .docx but double-clicking .rtf does not respond by opening WordPad, only Windows Explorer.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT has Persistent Handler and ShellEx settings for .pdf but I don't know for sure if these are the relevant keys.

I'm also amazed (well, not really...) that MS apparently has no system for people to report bugs, only a system to take your money to (hopefully?)

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Can't Open Multiple Files

Dec 10, 2012

How do I go about opening multiple programs? (selecting the programs and pressing enter only opens the last program chosen)((Right clicking only opens the one that was right clicked))

This used to work fine in windows vista and windows xp (I have an extremely high spec PC so it's not lag)

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How To Always Open MKV Files (on Double Click) With KMPlayer

Sep 17, 2011

I can't make Windows explorer open MKV files with my default media player. I tried modifying KMPlayer's settings to associate MKV files with it, but had no effect. I tried:

- Right clicking a MKV file in an explorer window
- Choosing "Open with > Select default program" from the context menu
- In the opened "Open With" dialog box, browse to find kmplayer.exe, then select it
- Click OK to return the dialog box
- (At this step, I don't see kmplayer.exe is listed in the "Open With" dialog box)
- Click OK to exit the "Open With" dialog box
- To see that my media file is still opening with Windows Media Player

Why doesn't windows associate MKV files with my selected EXE file?

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Explorer No Longer Able To Open With Multiple Files

Mar 1, 2010

I can no longer "Open With" (Program X) multiple files, as in the option doesn't even exist when you right-click a file. I noticed when I was clicking several jpgs to open in Photoshop, where my default viewer is Google's Picasa (for ease of viewing and convenience). The strange thing is that I can still "Open With" individual files. I thought maybe it was just a Photoshop goof but it applies to Mp3s/Winamp and AVIs as well. This is very inconvenient!

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Can't Use CTRL-F6 In Word When Open Multiple Files From Windows Explorer

Jan 19, 2012

I believe I�ve run into a bug with Windows Explorer, however, it could possibly be with Word 2010. If it�s not a bug, and can be �fixed� by your helping me, that would be wonderful! (I use Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit.) This is what does work just fine: From Word, I open a file, then open another file, then another. I am able to use the CTRL-F6 to move from document to document.This is what does not work: I open those same 3 files from Windows Explorer, by using the mouse to select them and hit ENTER. The files do open in Word. However, the CTRL-F6 keystroke does not work to be able to move from document to document. In the latter, it�s a little bit as if Windows Explorer is starting multiple copies of Word. However, from the Word icon on the taskbar, both cases look the same, i.e., when I hover over the icon, I can see the 3 miniature files, and can click into any of them. I�d like to understand what�s going on that�s different in the 2 cases. But I�d really love to learn of how I can make the latter case work. With my work, I do this process (open multiple files from Windows Explorer) dozens of times a day, and I need efficiency. It takes a lot longer to open each file one-by-one. It also takes longer to not be able to use CTRL-F6.

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Open Windows Batch File In Windows 7?

Jun 3, 2011

how to open windows batch file in windows 7

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Printing Multiple Files Of Different File Type?

Jan 10, 2011

In Windows XP, Explorer I was able to select multiple files of different file types, right click and select print. In Win 7 64 bit print is not a choice when I select multiple files of different types. Is there a way to make this work or is it just an option that was left out of Win 7 for some reason?

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Notebook Freezes With One Simple Click All The Time

Oct 27, 2012

I'm working on a friend's notebook. It was brought to my attention because it was so slow they couldn't do anything with it. And it usually is THAT slow. Because there was no anti-virus program running, and because I couldn't seem to do anything with it, I re-installed the Windows 7 OS through the recovery program. It still is as slow as it was before.

Right now I have it working better only because I have disabled everything in the startup and only have microsoft services running (through msconfig).

Another problem is that it will no longer update windows. I had installed Panda Cloud Antivirus, thinking it would be best because my understanding is it is low on system resource usage. That won't run now either. I have uninstalled it, in case it's causing issues. The system has no antivirus right now.

I have tried so many things I wouldn't know where to begin to explain. The usual things are not helping. I am self taught and usually can sort things out enough to get things going again, but not with this one. There are thousands of error messages and what nots in the event log.

Computer Specs:

HP Compaq Mini CQ10-500
Intel Atom CPU
N455 @ 1.66GHz


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How To Get Emails To Single Click To Select And Double Click To Open

Jan 14, 2012

How do I get emails to single click to select and double click to open? All appropriate boxes in folder for this sequence are checked to no avail. Toshiba L745-S4310

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Change Single Click To Double Click To Open Emails?

Jan 21, 2012

WLM opens emails with a single click rather than just selecting the email. The boxes selecting double click to open are checked. This box is in the folders section and may be for folders ouyside of WLM. I want single click to select and double click to open emails.

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Single-Click Or Double-Click To Open An Item

Jan 17, 2010

How to Open Items with a Single-Click or Double-Click in Windows 7 ?

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Accessing Vhd Files / Cannot Open A VHD File

Apr 17, 2012

I have extracted a HDD from an old PC that ran on Windows XP. I have put it into an enclosure and connected to my Windows 7 Home Premium PC via USB.I cannot open a VHD file. Can I do this with my limited PC knowedge ?

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Get Windows 7 Windows Explorer To Open Multiple Files In Same App Window?

Apr 16, 2012

How do I get Windows 7 Windows Explorer to Open multiple files (of same type) in the SAME application window, like it did in Windows XP?


WinXP > Windows Explorer > Highlight File (jpg) > Open > Application Launches > Open 2nd File > Opens in SAME application window. Now I can work with both files in the same application.


Win 7 > Windows Explorer > Highlight File (jpg) > Open > Application Launches > Open 2nd File > Opens in NEW application window. I then have 2,3,4,..of the same application running. I want to open and work with the files within the SAME single application window. (using windows explorer)(like I did with XP).

How do I tweak Win7?

What is the terminology or registry area for this technical change? (so I can search better without so many common words)

Which files-- Excel (xls), Microsoft Paint (jpg), Corel Photo-Paint (jpg) >> seems like all applications that can open multiple files. It definitely seems like a change to the O/S. Same apps worked fine in XP.

(I would accept a single tweak to get Corel Photo-Paint JPGs to all open in the same app window. I want to go to windows explorer, click on JPGs, and have them all open in 1 instance of Corel Photo-Paint, or any application associated with JPGs.)

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