Which Location Should Select During The Installation

Feb 15, 2012

during the installation process, i was asked to select a destination folder where the files will be extracted to.i don't have the slightest idea about what folder to use.

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Change Default Installation Location?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm in charge of security and fixing problems on my grandma's two computers. She typically installs several hundreds of games on her computers. I would prefer her to install the games to "c:\program files\games" rather than "c:\program files" as that folder ends up getting so cluttered that I can't tell what's in there. Is there a way to change the default installation location from "c:\program files" to "c:\program files\games"? She's too lazy to change the location manually when she installs software, so it would be nice just to change the default location, but I'm not sure how to do that on Windows 7

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Driver Select On Installation - Compaq Presario SR5255NL

Nov 17, 2009

I have a problem with my Compaq Presario SR5255NL,

I formatted it yesterday, and I would like to install windows 7 on it,

But when I try to install it, a message appears that there's no driver available, and then I have to insert a disk or an memory-stick with the driver, but I don't know what I need ( I lost the recovery-disk on moving to a new place ).

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Hard Drive Not Listed As An Installation Location

Sep 17, 2012

Dell Dimension 4600 Desktop, Trying to install Windows 7 Home Premium (5.8GB) to my (10GB) hard drive, It's listed as Primary drive in BIOS, but when I go to install Windows 7, It doesn't list it in the list of Drives!

The hard drive is working fine, and obviously connected and executed properly, if it's configured correctly in the BIOS.

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Windows 7 Ultimate / RAID 0 Installation - Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device

Jun 29, 2010

I can't install my Windows Ultimate 64 bit edition on my RAID 0 Western Digital 500GB hdd's because on the boot screen my computer keeps telling me to "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device", I've done both those instructions, rebooted, reinserted, all of it, no solution. I made sure my boot priority is the drive first, and raid drives after. Still nothing. But this is the interesting part, last time I fixed this problem by using my previous computers dvd drive to install instead of the blu ray, it installed and everything was right with the world.

But I have since then thrown out the old DVD drive, and now have nothing to install with. So what I did in the past hour was used a freinds DVD drive to install and it did not work. When my System Config, is set to RAID, it calls both my blu ray and his dvd drive, ATAPI CD, when in IDE, it calls my blue ray a blue ray and his dvd drive a dvd drive. I simply want to do a clean(custom) install of my windows 64 bit on my two RAID 0 HDDs, I've checked the boot priority, I've put both hdds in RAID0 and I've also used someone elses dvd dive to try and install.

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Possible To "Save In Last Location" Without Changing The "Default Save Location"?

Sep 18, 2011

Is it possible to "Save In Last Location" without changing the "Default Save Location" from then on? I would like to see the same location (destination) in the "Save As" Pop Up box, every time I edit each picture, for any individual session...see picture below for the string of actions that I have to go through each time

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Installation Error: Setup Cannot Continue Due To A Corrupted Installation File

Sep 13, 2009

I am installing Windows 7 (Custom installation initiated from Windows XP) but I get the following error message when the installation is on the "Installing updates" step of the installation:

"Setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file. Contact the vendor of your Windows installation disc or your system administrator for assistance."

Do you have any idea what the problem may be with the installation? Is there a way to see what file that may be corrupted?

I have tried to burn the DVD in low speed, but the error appears anyway. I have a MSI K8T Neo2-Fir mainboard and the Windows 7 upgrade advisor application says that my hardware is okay for upgrading.

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Select Programs Time Out

Oct 20, 2011

I have a new computer with Windows 7. In order to do work online, I keep several tabs open at the same time. The only tab that times out regularly is our access to owa. In addition, my soft phone times out randomly. Everything esle works out fine, regardless of the browser used.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 645 Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 5 Stepping 3
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 5887 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4200 , 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 942279 MB, Free - 894483 MB; D: Total - 11486 MB, Free - 1403 MB; J: Total - 1430796 MB, Free - 1325120 MB;
Motherboard: FOXCONN, 2AB1 , 1.00,
Antivirus: Norton Business Suite, Updated and Enabled

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Can Not Sign In Or Select Value To Narrow When Using IE 9

Mar 16, 2011

when using IE9 i can not sign in or select a value to narrow what you see on this web site. but is does work when i use my firefox and google chrome.

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Unable To Select A Backup?

Sep 28, 2012

I recently had to reinstall windows 7 on my laptop as it randomly decided not to boot up. I had a backup of my files saved onto a partition on my laptop but it won't let me restore them for some reason.

I can access the partition from the computer tab and I see the backup there. When I click on it it asks me if I want to 'restore files from this backup', but when accept there are no backups listed.

I originally tried to repair my windows 7 when I had to reinstall it but it came up with a message saying that there were no backups to restore!

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How To Select Where To Download A File To

Oct 26, 2011

Whenever I downloaded a file in WinXP, a window would come up asking me where I wanted to save the file to. In Windows 7 HP, it just seems to automatically download to the current "users" Download file. How do I configure Windows 7 to work like XP?

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How To Set Folder To Select A File

Sep 26, 2011

I recently started working with Windows 7 and I haven�t figured out yet how to set a folder to select files to download.When I go to a web form and I want to upload files from my hard drive, in all previous versions of Windows that I worked with, I used to select once the desired folder, pick a file to upload and for all subsequent file uploads, pressing the "Examin" or "Select file" button would take me to the same folder, saving me a lot of mouse clicks if I manually need to upload several files.Since I switched to Windows 7 everytime I want to upload a file, it takes me to the Documents Library and I need to navigate to the desired folder again.

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Power Plan - Select

Jul 14, 2009

How to Select a Power Plan in Windows 7 ?

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Can't Select Messenger Windows 7?

Jun 1, 2011

(Which I what I've started calling this product since I'm on my 5th reinstall and probably will get to a 6th.) Anyway so now I have a new issue this time with Live Messenger. I can double click on a contact and it theoretically creates a window so I can talk to them. The problem is that I can't make that new window be visible. If I hover my mouse over the icon in the task bar I can see that it really did create a window so I can talk to my contact but if I click on it nothing happens. (The window stays hidden.) So anybody else see this behavior with Live Messenger in Reinstall

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' Select Driver To Be Installed'

Jun 17, 2011

Im having a problem installing windows 7 on multiple hard drives and i dont know if its a problem with the hdd's itself or the installation setup. installation works fine on laptops but not on some harddrives i put on my open test bench. (though i have installed it on two harddrives on the same test bench.

the message i get is :

Select driver to be installed
this then has a blank box
a popup comes up:
a requireds cd/dvd is missing. if you have a floppy disc, CD,DVD or flash USB drive, please insert it now.

Note: if you have the windows installation disc inside you can safely remove it now.

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Can't Select A Default Printer

Jul 2, 2012

When I removed old printer, the printer remains in the registry. When I set the new printer as default printer, it doens't keep it. Have not been able to change registry entry.

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Can't Select 1440x900 Resolution

Jul 11, 2012

I run a gt200, and windows 7 32 bit pro. One morning, about a week ago, I turned on my computer and I thought it was in low graphics mode. Reseated the GPU and nothing changed. Then I noticed Aero themes was still working and found out my resolution was changed to 1024x768. 1440x900 is the native resolution for my monitor, and when I tried to change it back it wasn't an option under screen resolutions in the control panel. 1440x900 also isn't an option in any of the games that I have tried. First thing I did was restore a windows backup from a few days ago and that didn't do anything, then I tried forcing 1440x900 with the Nvidia control panel and that made it look even worse. Then I tried rolling back my GPU update and rebooting, which didn't do anything either. Right now I run 1280x960, which is alright unless I'm playing a game, then it looks messed up and bother me.

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Asks To Select OS On Startup, Only Have One?

Jul 26, 2012

a couple of days ago I've started to encounter this problem. My computer will ask me to select an operating system every time I successfully boot - even though I have only one. I have been into the system config and unchecked this option, however the problem still applies. What's more, I occasionally will get a Drive Reading error, forcing me to rebootIn terms of recent hardware changes, all I have done is revert back to an older graphics card due to having an insufficient PSU. I also started using my old Logitech G11 keyboard, but I doubt this will make a difference

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Select Drivers To Install?

Oct 14, 2012

I have been trying to upgrade my windows ultimate from 32 bit to 64 and take advantage of the extra gig of RAM.First of all i have been looking for a clean iso file completetly legal and use the serial from my 32 bit. So far i fou] sp1_64-bit and it is the one im currently trying to use.he main problem is: When i get to the installation menu it asks for the drivers to install. From the guides i have been looking at to reformat and clean install it doesn´t show up or mention such a thing.

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Select The Driver To Be Installed?

Dec 15, 2012

I have spent over 6 hours on my own trying various BIOS settings and what not, but cannot figure this thing out.I used to have an old HP build with "market" RAM and GPU and SSD.

Recently got an eVGA motherboard, and new GPU, and when I install Win7 Pro thru my installation disc, it says 'select the driver to be installed'. So, I put all the eVGA motherboard drivers and SATA drivers on a thumb drive, hooked it up to the back of my computer, tried to install from the drivers available, and then it said that the hardware was not detected on my machine...

Then I tried my wife's Win7 disc, thinking that my disc was corrupted. Same BS. I am so frustrated.I have tried loading my SSD both as IDE and AHCI, and same issue.

point me in the right direction??? I don't mind wiping my drives, I just want to use my damn computer.

mobo: eVGA FTW Z77
cpu: Intel 3770 3.5 GHZ i7
gpu: evGA 2GB 680 GTX
SSDs: Both Intel 840s
PSU: Antec 750 earth watts
ram: 16GB DDR3 1333mhz (4 x 4) 9-9-9-24

Oh, and, EVGA was useless when I called their support team. So was Microsoft.

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Installation Hangs At Start Of Windows 7 Installation

Jun 2, 2011

I have just got Windows 7 Ultimate.I accept the Licence Agreement, set my partitions as i want them but when it gets to the expanding files part it will hang at 0%. This happens on both the 32 & 64 bit disc.This is a brand new purchase which I opened it about an hour ago.The laptop has a 400GB HD and 2GB of ram. It came with Home Prem x64 pre-installed, So the hardware meets the requirements.What seems to be the problem?

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Windows 7 Installation - Computer Shuts Off During Installation?

Jun 29, 2011

I just bought a new hard drive and a brand new Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit disc and I am doing a clean install on the new hard drive. it seems that everything is going normal, but at a random time during the installation, the computer just shuts off.sometimes it doesn't even get to the installation when it shuts off. sometimes it shuts off in the middle of the "windows is loading files..." black screen. there are no beeps when it shuts off or when I turn it back on. there are also no error codes.whenever i turn it back on it simply acts as if it never tried to install windows and starts the boot all over from the disc

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Asus P9x79 Ssd Installation With New Installation Of Windows 7 Pro?

May 16, 2012

So i have a new SSD Corsair Force 3 240 gig and all I want to do is install Windows 7 Pro on it. This board does not support parted magic (cannot wake from sleep and there are no onboard video to wake up to) so ive resorted to clean all.I have not been able to successfully boot the OS on the SSD. I never intended on setting up raid but apparently all the literature i see is on raid. I created a USB install disk as reccomended onto a 8gig ntfs primary active did the bootsect /nt60 X: and it successfully worked copied the cd over to the flash drive and copied the rste drivers in a folder called drivers My SSD is installed on port 1 6gig sata intel (as this board doesnt have marvel apparrently) My DVD is installed on 3gig Sata port 6 I set up Raid in the bios as reccomended by others (as this is the only way to install ssd?).

Nothing UEFI is enabled There are no other drives hooked up to the computer. Just SSD, USB cordless mouse, keyboard and no network cord or WIFI i started with a clean ssd as reccomended my bios recognized the ssd on post i booted into the win 7 install (MBR not uefi) i loaded the 64 bit rste drivers from asus as reccomended by others i left the machine to install the usb then booted into windows install (for whatever reason) i pushed f8 to boot my corsair windows brings up an error on a black screen File: windows/system32/drivers/adpahci.sys driver did not load Status: oxc0000221 Info: Windows Failed to load because of a critical system driver is missing or corrupt

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Can Select Which Partition To Boot From Using BIOS

Jun 15, 2012

I have a laptop that I have set-up with 3 OS's; windows 7 (to use), windows 8 (to learn), and Linux (to do everything else). The other day I noticed a few issues and decided I needed to remove windows 8 and Ubuntu in order to prevent a system crash (kinda ironic once you read the whole thing). When I installed Ubuntu and windows 8, I created a 45gb partition for them. Not a big deal. The problem is when I removed ubuntu/windows 8 and their partition, I forgot to set something with the windows 7 partition so it was the main boot partition. Now its trying to boot from a partition on the hard disk that doesn't exist. I know for a fact that the windows partition is completely functional and intact. It's a rookie mistake and I make no excuses. At this point I'm 90% sure I need to reinstall windows 7, which I can easily do as I have restore disks and multiple back-ups. I was just curious if there is a way to change this either through BIOS or using a USB/SATA cable to externally boot and access Windows 7 system files.

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Select Proper Boot Drive?

Oct 16, 2011

I recently had to force shut down my Asus g73jh laptop because it was being extremely slow. Now when I turn it on it tells me to "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key" I don't have the windows 7 repair cd.

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Disable User Select Screen?

Mar 3, 2010

I've got a computer with Windows 7 Home Premium. There are two users, but I want that the computers always starts with the same user (no password) and not to show the user select screen.

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Windows 7 Explorer Select Color?

Feb 19, 2011

In windows 7 in windows explorer we can search and control our files and folders.When I click on a folder or file I get a nice light blue selection. I am really sick of this color. I do not wish to change the Windows 7 Theme per se , I was just wanting to change the color of selected files and or folders , because the color is too faint.

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Unable To Multiple File Select?

Feb 23, 2012

I have, today, installed Win 7 on a new computer. I have been using XP until now. I have googled and searched through the forum for an answer to this problem but can't find anything. Either I am the only one that has it, or I am the only one that it bothers

I have a folder with 200 audio files of various formats. I want to select only the .OGG files whose filenames start with "A".

On XP:
I would sort by filename, select all the "A" files, re-sort by file type, using CTRL and the mouse, I would then deselect non-OGG files.

When I try this on Win 7 my selections are cleared when I re-sort.s there a setting somewhere that I need to change?

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Select Square Isn't Blue Just XP Style

Dec 16, 2012

When I select anything on the desktop or in folders it is XP style or Grey on the outside.

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Select Which Drivers To Load Each Time?

Feb 14, 2012

I would like to use a specific driver but when I don't have my eGPU connected the driver causes BSODs. Is it possible to have to bootup options one with the driver loaded and one without. I googled about that a lot but I wouldn't find anything. I even willing to upgrade to windows 7 Ultimate if it won't work on Home Premium

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Select A Partition To Boot From In The BIOS?

Dec 19, 2011

As opposed to just the hard disk that the partition is on? For example, would I be able to create a small partition on my C drive then go into the BIOS and set it as my primary boot device?

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