When Try To Close The Personalization Window It Freezes

Jul 10, 2010

When I try to close the personalization window it freezes.

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Can't Close Window With X Button

Jul 6, 2009

I've been running RC1 since it became available, and recently I've added 2 other user accounts on my main PC. These 2 accounts seem to have the same problem: neither of them allow you to "x-out" of a window by clicking the red X up in the right hand corner to close the window.

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Disable Minimize-restore-close For All Window

May 17, 2011

I installed windows 7 watermark remover but disable minimize-restore-close for all window and I cant resize windows and Drag them.

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Can Close Explorer Window By Opening A Document

Jul 22, 2011

I'm just wondering if there's any way I can reduce the clutter of windows on my desktop when running applications.In the good old days of RISC-OS (Remember Acorn?) I could close a directory window automatically at the same time as double-clicking on a file icon to open a document. Quite often, when I've opened a document, there's no need to go back to the directory window it came from, so there's no point still having the window open in the background. (I can use the Start Menu>Recent list to reopen the file at a later date if need be, although I'm often working with downloaded files on a once-only basis, so there's no need.)I'm familiar with the Ctrl-DoubleClick technique in Windows Explorer to keep one directory open whilst opening a sub-directory, but is there a way of achieving my aim of closing the Explorer window automatically when opening a document?

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Windows Live Mail (close Email Window After Delete)

Nov 2, 2009

In Microsoft Outlook, if you open an email you've received and click on the "delete" icon, the email window just closes and takes you back to the main Outlook window. This is an option that you set in the preferences, but Windows Mail either doesn't have it or I just can't find it.

What happens in Windows Mail is that when you click on the delete icon, instead of closing the email and going back to the main window, it just goes to the next email.

Has anyone figured this one out?

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Laptop Freezes When Use Skype And When Close The Lid?

Apr 4, 2012

My processor makes a "laggy" noise when it freezes and control alt delete does not work when it is in this state .

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Network Window Freezes

Dec 30, 2009

i assigned the wireless network of my house and everything was working fine and dandy. i then tried to connect tot he shared files of my other computers and they were not showing up. i noticed the workgroup name was called "homegroup" and my shared files on all my xp computer group is called "tss" so i go to the part whewe i can change the computer's name (i hadnt assigned it yet) and gave teh computer a name and changed the "homegroup" to "tss" i wanted to restart so i let it... since that restart... it wont connect to wireless. going to the network window makes it freeze. auto diagnosis the problem just freezes forever.

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Can't Run Windows Rating Index Or Device Management Window Just Freezes Up

Feb 2, 2012

I just built a new computer everything is completely compatible with each other. I installed windows 7 pro 64 bit and i seem to be having problems accessing certain details in my control panel. I can't run windows rating index or device management the window just freezes up. the same is happening for trying to open the action center the windows just seem to keep freezing. when in safe mode everything runs perfectly fine but when i restart back to normal the same problem occurs anyone know what might be causing this? I don't have a virus the computer has been running for not even a day with limited internet use.

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Personalization Screen Issue

Jun 10, 2009

Just thought I'd report a strange bug with my setup,

The personalization screen does not update when I change things.

If I apply a Themepack the relevant items are updated but if I then change one of the items such as the sounds the change is made but the screen still shows the original scheme item

Will send feedback to Microsoft but was just wondering if anyone else had seen this issue?

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Exempt An Application From Personalization Settings?

Oct 17, 2011

I am using a cuom windows 7 theme that uses my preferred combination of window color choices etc.However, this color scheme does become an inconvenience when I am working in certain applications like Autodesk and Photoshop as it makes their respective UI's very obscure.

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Setting Up User Account Personalization?

May 11, 2012

This laptop is my second computer I've had with Windows 7 Home Premium. I have one user as the Administrator, which is me, and a second user which is my wife. Her account is a Standard Account.On my previous computer I had the exact same setup for the two accounts. I like to use a different (higher) resolution then she does. She doesn't like the smaller icons, windows, lettering, etc. We could log in on her side and set her resolution, etc. to whatever and it worked okay. However, on this new computer when logged in on her account when we change the resolution it also changes my user side to the same as hers. When I log into my account and change mine to what I want it changes hers.On the old computer it worked the way it suppose to, each account could be changed and it would stay that way without effecting the other.

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Access The 'personalization' Settings On Desktop?

Jan 14, 2013

I am trying to access the 'personalization' settings on my desktop, but when I click it, an error message comes up saying "server threw an exception" and I cannot access it. It was working fine a few days ago but now its not. Anyone know how to fix this? I have not installed or uninstalled anything recently.

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No Such Interface Supported - Message When Accessing Personalization

Feb 8, 2012

I uninstall MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser and clean half of it registry and now every time I click personalization the error message come up. those stuffs with cmd is not working since I believe my registry is not broken but deleted. I can't restore it.this message so far only occur when I click 'Screen Resolution' and 'Personalization' from desktop. but then, some click-able thing became unresponsive, such as the dialog box from IDM, when I clicked 'open in folder' it would usually open, but now it's not. and when I tried to create a new user, I can't. I click the button but it just not working.

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Windows 7 Explorer Corrupt No Personalization No Program Detail

Feb 27, 2012

I download Combofix to scan for malware(as recommended by a tech).After the download and automatic scan I discovered the following anomalies:Personalizn displays a Windows Explorer "Unspecified error"; the item "Program Uninstall" is no longer in Control Panel; Search just hangs - no activity at all; Properties (in task bar and program list) does nothing. I restored an Acronis full back up that I had done just a few hours earlier but it didn't change anything.My techie tried to tell me I had viruses (but they were just screen saver files with weird names) and still he couldn't fix it.Trying to reinstall from my upgrade CD (I had Vista before) doesn't work as it reports that it found errors but can't correct them. Techie wants to do a complete RE&RE and I don't want that.

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"No Such Interface Supported" Message When Accessing Personalization Option

Mar 3, 2010

When I access the personalization option from the desk top right click menu it says "No such interface supported". How do I fix this?. I am using window's 7 64bit ultimate.

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Adding 'open In New Window' To Search Results, & Opening In New Window?

Feb 16, 2012

Whenever I search in Windows 7, I want to have the ability to open found folders in a new window. If I r-click, that option is not there. Is there a way to add this to Windows 7?

Also: When I go to 'open file location', the file's folder opens in the same window - highly annoying. In Vista, it opens in a new window. Anyway to change this behvior in Windows 7 to act like Vista, so the file opens in a new window?

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Mouse Opens A Window, However Cannot Click Inside The Window

Aug 22, 2012

I am running into an issue where I can open a window/program with my mouse however once the window is open I cannot click inside of it. The window becomes inactive. I also have noticed I cannot right click on my desktop to bring up the properties. I can right click on the window in the task bar to close it but not in the window. Since this is happening I am limited to command prompt. I ran sfc /scannow with no errors. I tried with 3 different mice. I booted the computer into safe mode with command prompt and brought up the device manager to show devices not in use, and when the device manager window opened I could click inside it! since I could use the window I uninstalled all mouse drivers, and reinstalled my microsoft wireless usb mouse driver.. while in this safe mode I changed my mouse properties to system default as I read somewhere that can reset things. Next I booted the computer in safe mode (without command prompt) and still the same thing. I was trying to do a restore point as well however my Kaspersky antivirus 2012 is preventing that as i cannot find a way to kill the program through command prompt.

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Font Size Changing Whenever Changing Settings In Personalization?

Jul 8, 2012

This all started whenever I wanted to change my text size different by changing my DPI settings. What I did was right click, go to screen resolution, and clicked on "Make text and other items larger or smaller". From this I changed it to 100% from 125%. I noticed it had changed my font size to the 100%. It then made everything SUPER small when I changed my theme settings.Whenever I right click and go into personalization settings, I do the usual customizing to my likings. Since I want to save the theme, I do so by naming it, blah. Now I want to use the blah theme by click on it, and I do so. Everything is fine and dandy until I right click my desktop to refresh(out of habit). This is the before and after of the font sizes.


My workaround was to set a custom DPI setting, log off like it prompts me to, then changing it back to 100%, again prompting to do so. It is so annoying to do so.

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[DESKTOP] Open Window Window Appears Requesting To Open Username Upon Windows Startup

Jan 26, 2011

I'm Running Windows 7(64bit)Each time I boot into Windows 7 Prem (64) a open window apears requesting my username at the top of the open window to specify a a program to open it?I've clicked on note pad and I get the following information that apears, each time though it requests, or looks for a program to use to open.

Interface List
1...........................Software Loopback Interface 1
14...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter
16...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface


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Window Won't Open In Same Window

Oct 30, 2009

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit .I have ticked in Folder Options to open windows in same window but it won't work,the windows are opening in new window!

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Can't Close Anything With Mouse?

Aug 21, 2011

can't close anything with mouse?

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Unwanted Close Down?

Mar 10, 2012

My PC used to be on 24/7 until I decided that I wasting power however now it seems to want to close down at 23:15 unless it is actually working on something - This is annoying me and I would like to know what is causing this shutdown

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Can't Close Hotmail?

Dec 11, 2011

When I log into hotmail on my computer everything good but when I want to logout it will not let me. It states that signing out isn't complete and Mobile - Windows Live mobile.msn.com text_mobileare not closedI do not know how they got opened in the first place I need to fix..

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Way To Automate USB Close Down

Sep 6, 2009

Windows 7 RC1 7100 I'm looking for an easier way to close down six USB devices (USB external backup hard drives) than closing them one at a time in the little 'open devices' menu. Is there a utility or setting to automate the process when logging off or shutting down?

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How To Close Ports?

Mar 15, 2011

I am running windows 7 ultimate x64after booting the pc and without visiting any website when I scan my machine localhost using command nmap -sT -O localhost[CODE]

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How To Close Port 135

Mar 30, 2011

How I can close port 135? Any way to close it without program.

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Applications Do Not Close On Exit

Mar 8, 2011

From looking at others' questions, this seems to be a recurring problem under Windows for a long time. My version: running Windows 7, 64-bit, with Spyware Doctor. Several applications fail to close on exit, and I have to manually close them in Task Manager before they will work again. Always happens with Outlook 2007, Google Chrome, sometimes happens with Firefox and Acrobat Reader. Outlook also hangs on the last message in a "send and receive" operation.

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Computer Crashes When Close Lid

Apr 26, 2011

i have the same problem with a benq joybook a53, every time i close the lid, when i open it , i have a blue screen, and it doesn`t matter if i put it on sleep or hibernate, only with "do nothing" doesn`t appear the blue screen, but i really do nead to close the lid and put it to sleep, or hibernate. i`ve attached the files from c:\windowsminidump

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How To Close Advanced Section

Feb 25, 2011

I have already found its cause. That's because I chose the advanced section, but I don't know how to close the advanced section.

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Application Services That Won't End On App Close?

Jun 29, 2012

I have had this strange problem for a few weeks now and so far I can't figure out a solution or why it happens.

When closing an application, the application's service (in the Windows Task Manager) doesn't end with the closing of the application like it should. This is happening with 95% of my applications.

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Key Customizing [ Esc ] To Close Windows

Nov 1, 2009

Basically, all I want to be able to do is use the [ESC] button to close windows (ie Browsers,apps, games, anything that if selected and when a button is pressed will close it) in windows 7.

I always thought this would be good but is there anyway to make it do that from inside windows without some other software. If there isn't, then what other 3rd party programs can let me do this in Windows.

I have searched, not as heavy as I think i should, but all i keep seeing in Visual Basic and C++ programing, something I'm not good at.

If anyone can help it would be cool. It doesn't have to be [esc] but i would prefer it.

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