Access The 'personalization' Settings On Desktop?

Jan 14, 2013

I am trying to access the 'personalization' settings on my desktop, but when I click it, an error message comes up saying "server threw an exception" and I cannot access it. It was working fine a few days ago but now its not. Anyone know how to fix this? I have not installed or uninstalled anything recently.

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Exempt An Application From Personalization Settings?

Oct 17, 2011

I am using a cuom windows 7 theme that uses my preferred combination of window color choices etc.However, this color scheme does become an inconvenience when I am working in certain applications like Autodesk and Photoshop as it makes their respective UI's very obscure.

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Font Size Changing Whenever Changing Settings In Personalization?

Jul 8, 2012

This all started whenever I wanted to change my text size different by changing my DPI settings. What I did was right click, go to screen resolution, and clicked on "Make text and other items larger or smaller". From this I changed it to 100% from 125%. I noticed it had changed my font size to the 100%. It then made everything SUPER small when I changed my theme settings.Whenever I right click and go into personalization settings, I do the usual customizing to my likings. Since I want to save the theme, I do so by naming it, blah. Now I want to use the blah theme by click on it, and I do so. Everything is fine and dandy until I right click my desktop to refresh(out of habit). This is the before and after of the font sizes.


My workaround was to set a custom DPI setting, log off like it prompts me to, then changing it back to 100%, again prompting to do so. It is so annoying to do so.

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Windows 7 Desktop Settings Changed Customized Settings After Logging On

Mar 11, 2011

windows 7 desktop settings changed my customized settings after logging on..

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[DESKTOP] Desktop Slideshow Stops Working For Certain Settings?

Feb 1, 2012

It's strange, it's a recent problem, my desktop slideshow only works for the time setting of 3 minutes and below however whenever I go to the other time settings (5 minutes+) the slideshow stops. I've already checked my power settings and my slideshow settings are set to Available

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Cannot Access The Mouse Settings

Aug 20, 2011

I have been trying to access my mouse settings to change the speed of my mouse and the touch sensitivity and every time i go to start > control panel > mouse and try to click on it nothing happens.So i did a little test to see if its actually trying to load the file or not and i open task manager and click on the mouse setting and i saw some processes opening and after about 2 sec it disappears so i guess the files are trying to load but it being intercepted by something or i could be completely wrong.After that i run my laptop on safe mode to see if i can access my mouse settings and no luck there because the mouse setting i was looking for wasn't there to begin with. i guess that's because of the safe mode that limits the files and driver and only allows necessary ones run.

laptops specs:

OS - Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
System Model - HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC
Processor - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz, 2534 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
RAM - 8.00GB

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Can't Access Print Settings

Jun 1, 2011

I've bought an HP printer recently.My problem comes from the administration rights conflicts in win 7.When I call the printer from the administrator account, everything works perfect as it should.However when logged in as a user the printer takes about 2 min between call and print....And I can't access to print settings..I'd like to set it up so it work the way it should...My printer is a USB device.When going to device and printer as an administrator, I get the list.When going as a user, I get nothing on page....

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CanNot Access Bluetooth Settings

Jan 30, 2009

I have tried multiple avenues to create a sync partnership via bluetooth between my ideapad and htc 620s, to wit:


I can establish a serial connections (fleeting) when using the Blue Soleil and Toshiba Stacks... but still can not use the activesync service (just serial port... which will not create the correct comm partnerships... and stereo headset).

But, what I find to be truly strange is... when using the default MS Stack (with CSR radio drivers), I can not access the Bluetooth settings via the task tray (right click). Furthermore... putting both devices in discovery mode (my laptop via add device functionality) neither device detects the other.

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Personalization Screen Issue

Jun 10, 2009

Just thought I'd report a strange bug with my setup,

The personalization screen does not update when I change things.

If I apply a Themepack the relevant items are updated but if I then change one of the items such as the sounds the change is made but the screen still shows the original scheme item

Will send feedback to Microsoft but was just wondering if anyone else had seen this issue?

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Access Denied C:Documents & Settings?

Aug 18, 2009

I did a search on this and I cannot find that the problem has been resolved, not in a way that works for me anyway.Issue: when I try to open C:Documents & Settings I get "acess denied". This despite that my being logged in as admin.I mean, I installed Windows 7 RC1 on the machine (and am the only user), before that the computer didn't even know it existed. Now all of a sudden access is denied me...who's gonna grant me access? God? It's so stoopid...Oh, and another thing - is there a way to preserve programs and settings and transfer this data to a new installation of Windows 7 RTM? I have installed what seems like a Gazillion programs (and every associated setting), utilities, Registry tweaks and what-have-you since I installed Windows 7 RC1. Probably 8-10 hours worth of work. It's not that I don't have the time, it just seems so unnecessary now that almost everything is just the way I want it.

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How To Access Documents And Settings In Windows 7

Mar 2, 2012

I am unable to open documents and settings sub folder start menu.So there is no convenient way to rename or re-order files.

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Setting Up User Account Personalization?

May 11, 2012

This laptop is my second computer I've had with Windows 7 Home Premium. I have one user as the Administrator, which is me, and a second user which is my wife. Her account is a Standard Account.On my previous computer I had the exact same setup for the two accounts. I like to use a different (higher) resolution then she does. She doesn't like the smaller icons, windows, lettering, etc. We could log in on her side and set her resolution, etc. to whatever and it worked okay. However, on this new computer when logged in on her account when we change the resolution it also changes my user side to the same as hers. When I log into my account and change mine to what I want it changes hers.On the old computer it worked the way it suppose to, each account could be changed and it would stay that way without effecting the other.

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When Try To Close The Personalization Window It Freezes

Jul 10, 2010

When I try to close the personalization window it freezes.

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How To Lock Desktop Settings

Mar 17, 2011

I have a few computers at our office running Windows 7 Pro. I currently have a problem with a person in the office who goes around and uses other people's computers. While that is fine and dandy in and of itself, it is the fact that this person is going in and changing desktop resolutions over and over and over which is messing people's settings up. Is there a way to go in and remove any and all monitor resolutions except for the one that the owner of the computer wants to use? What about the ability to lock other settings as well? I found a couple of articles for XP but not Win 7.

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UAC Settings - Access Denied On Administrator Account?

Aug 4, 2011

So I am using Windows 7 and I made an account for my nephew so he can use without nagging me about entering in a password. But I wanted to make it so that he cannot download anything or edit any files on the C: Drive without a admin password. I changed the security settings on C: so that it will not allow anyone who is not Admin to access any files in the C: folder. My problem is that it locked everyone out of C: ... Any UAC settings or account settings cant be done.

My account is an admin and anytime it try to access anything or run anything as administrator, It says Access Denied. (BTW I never get a prompt to put in an admin password). So I went on safe mode and made it so that the Built in admin would show and I logged on it. I opened an elevated cmd and tried to change the uac settings.. but all I get is an Access Denied! I don't know what to do and I do not want to have to reset the whole computer. I cannot use system restore because it says access denied.

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Forgot BIOS Password - Need To Access Settings F10?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a Compaq 6530b laptop and am running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit. I want to enable bluetooth on the laptop, but the Device Manager says it is disabled in the BIOS and to activate it with F10 on boot.. the problem is it asks for a BIOS password and I keep guessing and cant figure out what it is! Is there a simple way to reset the BIOS password or crack it? I took out the CMOS battery and waited 10 minutes, but that didnt do anything.

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Denied Access To D: Drive - Permission Settings

Oct 18, 2009

Seems i ****** up my permission settings pretty badly thistime.

cmd is run as admin, and uac is off.


C:>net user Hákon
User name Hákon
Full Name Hákon
User's comment
Country code 000 (System Default)
Account active Yes
Account expires Never

Password last set 18.8.2009 12:42:43
Password expires Never
Password changeable 18.8.2009 12:42:43
Password required No
User may change password Yes

Workstations allowed All
Logon script
User profile
Home directory
Last logon 19.10.2009 01:39:46

Logon hours allowed All

Local Group Memberships *Administrators
Global Group memberships *None
The command completed successfully.

C:>takeown /f "D:" /r /d y
ERROR: Access is denied.

C:>icacls "D:" /grant administrators:F /t
D:: Access is denied.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 1 files


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Access Denied To Cookies, Docs Settings, Etc

Nov 14, 2009

I had this nightmare with Vista, but it was easy to fix. Just take ownership. But a scan shows I have many tracking cookies, but Win 7 won't let me access it. Denied. I clicked the 'turn off password' thing, but still cannot access docs and settings, cookies, and many other useful folders.

Very annoying, since I am the only user and logged on.

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No Such Interface Supported - Message When Accessing Personalization

Feb 8, 2012

I uninstall MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser and clean half of it registry and now every time I click personalization the error message come up. those stuffs with cmd is not working since I believe my registry is not broken but deleted. I can't restore it.this message so far only occur when I click 'Screen Resolution' and 'Personalization' from desktop. but then, some click-able thing became unresponsive, such as the dialog box from IDM, when I clicked 'open in folder' it would usually open, but now it's not. and when I tried to create a new user, I can't. I click the button but it just not working.

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Desktop/settings Reset On Update?

Aug 8, 2011

Under my USER file, I replaced the locations of all the main folders (Desktop, My Pictures, My Documents, etc) to A:UsersMEetc instead of being on C:UsersMEetc. This is something Windows 7 supports really obviously by letting you right-click on "My Documents," then go to "Location," and change it to another location.

However, upon auto-restarting from an update while I was asleep, it decided to "Prepare Desktop..." and then when it was fully booted, my entire user account was blank. There was a default theme, no shortcuts on desktop or start bar, all program history wiped from Start menu.

I restored the locations of everything in my User folder, but there are still problems. I can't drag files between folders -- I can CTRL+C then CTRL+V, but I can't actually just drag them. One of the programs in my task bar (Norton) won't open when I click it, only when I navigate through the start menu.

Also, after restarting once, the desktop loaded as completely black, with no images, and going to Personilize, I cannot choose ANY windows themes. It says "This theme cannot be applied to the desktop. Try clicking another theme." I can't get it to display any desktop images.

Lastly, I cannot change the default desktop items (My Computer, Network, Recycle Bin). No matter what I do, all of the icons are there and cannot be turned off.

Under "Previous Versions" on my C: drive, it will let me explore previous versions of the past two days, but it won't let me restore them entirely. I'd like to do this, given my whole computer is freaking out for unknown reasons. I'm doing a virus and spyware scan, but I don't think that's what went wrong. I don't want to reinstall right now

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System Restore To Factory Settings Without Admin Access

Apr 25, 2011

Well i have a gateway computer and windows 7 i have lost the cd and i have no access to the admin account since i have forgot the password so im on a standard user account and i need to do a system restore.

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Unable To Change Default Program Access Settings

Sep 3, 2009

I'm desperately trying to change the sidebar gadget to open websites by default with Mozilla Firefox (in particular, the "Ask LEO" gadget).

Firefox is my default browser. If I double-click on a .url file saved on my system, it correctly opens Firefox, and so does clicking a link in MS Outlook. Again, Firefox is default, but that's not my problem.

Somewhere I found the advice to change the "Set program access and computer defaults" settings. So I tried, but every time I change something there, it doesn't keep the setting. I click on Custom => Default Web Browser => Mozilla Firefox, click OK, get some flashing on desktop, but next time I get there it's set back to "Use current browser" again.

Anyone got the same problem? I'm using the 7100 (x86) build, but a friend of mine tried the same on the final build (x64) and he got the same problem. It's reverting all the time. Re-installed Firefox, restarted, changed/tried/reset everything I can imagine.

Edit: It seems the problem is a Javascript-call "" in the "Ask LEO" gadget. Someone knows why this call opens IE and every other call doesn't? And is there a workaround?

Edit2: With a dirty hack I solved the problem. Edited the gadget and replaced "" by "System.Shell.execute". Still - I'd like to know why a) I can't change the default programs setting and b) why ignores my default browser configuration.

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Getting Error When Trying To Access Creative Audio Center Settings

Nov 7, 2009

I keep getting this error whenever I try to open creative audio center to access cmdss, eax effects, bass settings, etc. I am using Sigamtel HD Audio Codec, Logitech X-540 ( Decreased Volume output from vista to 7, instead of leaving my volume knob halfway I have to turn it max). I get sound, but I don't get to access my Creative Audio Center settings.

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Windows 7 Explorer Corrupt No Personalization No Program Detail

Feb 27, 2012

I download Combofix to scan for malware(as recommended by a tech).After the download and automatic scan I discovered the following anomalies:Personalizn displays a Windows Explorer "Unspecified error"; the item "Program Uninstall" is no longer in Control Panel; Search just hangs - no activity at all; Properties (in task bar and program list) does nothing. I restored an Acronis full back up that I had done just a few hours earlier but it didn't change anything.My techie tried to tell me I had viruses (but they were just screen saver files with weird names) and still he couldn't fix it.Trying to reinstall from my upgrade CD (I had Vista before) doesn't work as it reports that it found errors but can't correct them. Techie wants to do a complete RE&RE and I don't want that.

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How To Get Desktop Folder View Settings Applied To All Others

Aug 24, 2012

For example I have a folder in my desktop with pictures, videos, documents, music, etc. I organized it by grouping by type, somewhere between large & extra large thumbnails, and a few other things. I want these settings applied to all other folders. I went to folder options and applied it to other folders. Nothing changed. My other folders, including my picture folder is still the same way it was. How do I apply to ALL folders? I know you can zoom in on thumbnails by hitting ctrl + mouse scroll wheel, but is there a way you can do it with a keyboard and not the mouse?

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One Or More Of Themes Has Been Disabled By Remote Desktop Settings

May 10, 2011

It seems my remote desktop running on my test pc in the other room has locked my theme down.

1 - It is running windows 7 ultimate so supports aero over RDP.
2 - This system running same
3 - aero is actually running the windows are transparent.
4 - desktop composition is enabled in remote desktop options and on host system.
5 - it was working fine yesterday and possibly even earlier today.

However when I select my theme it doesn't change the colour of the windows and disable glass effect and I see this in the personalization window. "One or more of the themes has been disabled by remote desktop settings". I can select and use all the default aero themes, my theme doesn't work however.

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Restore To Factory Settings On Windows 7 Desktop?

Dec 10, 2011

how i restore to factory settings on windows 7 desktop

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Backup And Restore Desktop Settings In True-crypt?

Dec 11, 2012

I'm installing and configuring truecrypt on windows 7 home premium. Truecrypt as you know is use for maintain secure the data for the user so i implemented truecrypt in the partition D. I have installed windows 7 in the drive C. I moved the folder desktop, documents, pictures and downloads of windows 7 to this drive D that belongs now to truecrypt. My problem comes when i restart the system i can not keep the taskbar with my shortcuts of chrome, thunderbird and others programs. I found out ins this forum some tools to restore and backup the taskbar but it doesn't work well because at the end i see the shortcuts but it doesn't work any one of them.

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Remember View Settings For File - Open - Desktop?

Dec 27, 2010

All of my view settings seem to stick fine, except when I choose File - Open Desktop in some application. Then it's Tiles view instead of my Details view, as saved for every other folder. in 7 x64I already tried resetting Folder view otions as per Folder View - Set a Default for All Folders

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Access Denied To External Drive - Documents And Settings Folder Locked

Nov 20, 2012

I'm having trouble getting my Documents & Settings folder to copy into my external drive for backup purposes. The external drive already has this folder in place and the proper files and folders within D/S as I have been routinely backing it up for the last few years. However, now when I try to Copy Folder To the external drive, I get the error message that access to the J drive (external drive) is denied. As you can see from the pic below, the D/S folder on my hard drive is apparently locked. I don't recall locking it and how do I unlock it so that I can copy to to the external drive?

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Acer Aspire Desktop Failed To Restore Factory Settings?

Dec 27, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire AX3400 desktop running Windows 7 64bit. I have been having all sorts of problems over several months. The machine, when left unattended, appears to be always "recovering from serious error" with subsequent memory dumps. The machine would not shut down without me having to switch it off. Subsequently the machine would not start up properly. iTunes would not open without a reboot etc etc etc.I decided to backup all my data and restore to factory settings. This has failed/ is incomplete. It hung for several hours at different stages of the process. I keep getting the message "Setting up PC for first use" and does not move on from there

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