UAC Settings - Access Denied On Administrator Account?

Aug 4, 2011

So I am using Windows 7 and I made an account for my nephew so he can use without nagging me about entering in a password. But I wanted to make it so that he cannot download anything or edit any files on the C: Drive without a admin password. I changed the security settings on C: so that it will not allow anyone who is not Admin to access any files in the C: folder. My problem is that it locked everyone out of C: ... Any UAC settings or account settings cant be done.

My account is an admin and anytime it try to access anything or run anything as administrator, It says Access Denied. (BTW I never get a prompt to put in an admin password). So I went on safe mode and made it so that the Built in admin would show and I logged on it. I opened an elevated cmd and tried to change the uac settings.. but all I get is an Access Denied! I don't know what to do and I do not want to have to reset the whole computer. I cannot use system restore because it says access denied.

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Access Denied On Administrator Account?

Nov 26, 2011

Many times I have seen the "Access Denied" error while using an administrator account.Especially in disk management utility when I tried to edit disk partitions but couldn't even with administrator privileges.This is not a specific case - I just want to know how, even with administrator privileges, there are still restrictions (access, modify or change)And what can I do to bypass those restrictions?

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Administrator Account/access Denied Message?

Feb 23, 2012

How do i access the already built-in administrator account so i can make security/privilege changes so that i can change time servers using the command linebecause every time i use the NET TIME command it gives me a "access denied" error; which tells me something, only Im not sure what needs to be changed. Also, it says I already am a administrator so why is it giving me a access denied message?

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Access Denied Even Though Logged Into Administrator Account?

Nov 2, 2012

Done a factory resetting,want to delete unwanted files,but couldn't.Most of the thread here having the same problem are quite old and asked to start a new one.I have tried sliding the bar lower on UAC,Tried to take the ownership of the particular folder but couldn't.

%windir%System32cmd.exe /k %windir%System32
eg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
%windir%System32cmd.exe /k %windir%System32
eg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

Tried the above comand prompt too

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Denied Administrator Access?

Sep 1, 2012

I seem to be having a problems with my computer's Administrator perks. My account is an administrator, and recently, I have been unable to do anything that requires that I be an administrator. Whenever I run an application that is set to Run as Administrator, an error box opens that says "The specified module could not be found" I can not access User Account Controls, the window just does not open, no error message. I can use applications that would normally display the error message in Safe Mode, but I still can't access things like User Account Controls.

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Access Denied In Administrator Login

Jul 18, 2012

I seem to be having a difficult time accessing the application data folder even though i'm logged in as an administrator and i click view hidden files and folders.

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Denied Access, Even Though Im Administrator, UAC NOT ENABLED?

Nov 18, 2012

Backstory: I think some of you experienced this problem, Square ads are popping up in my firefox's bottom corners, after some searching, people say this is done with the "hosts" fileI tried to use Hijackthis to get a better idea of whats going on with my computer, and when i run it, it confirmed my suspicion, my system denied me access to the Hosts file and its the same even when i run it as administrator, I checked UAC but its already at the lowest levelAlso i noticed there are strange "CREATOR OWNER" and "Trusted installer" groups when i try to change the ownership and permission, however no matter how i try it just keep saying "Access is denied" and i cant change anything

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Program Access Denied Even Though Running As Administrator

Oct 29, 2012

On my W7 machine (Dell X1) everything is working fine. I want to upgrade the BIOS so I downloaded the exe to do so. When I attempt to run it I get "Program Access Denied" no matter whether I run it normally or as administrator. Since my account is an administrator account it shouldn't matter. I've tried using the cmd window, but that doesn't do it either - always the same message. I've checked that the permissions on the file should allow it.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.10GHz, x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 6


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Access Denied Contact System Administrator

Aug 22, 2010

I cant open many programs because it says -access is denied-contact system administrator, but each time it tells me that it is blocked by group policy.I cant open system restore for this reason or get commands to work-- they all come up with access is denied.

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Administrator But Cannot Click On Links - Access Denied

Jul 19, 2012

I am sole user / administrator but when I try to click on a email link , it says access denied refer to systems administrator

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Administrator Getting Access Denied Along With CHkdsk Errors At Startup

Apr 13, 2011

I have not seen the problem but according to phone conversations when she turns the PC on she gets a black screen with a message that the file system is being checked, but the checking stops with an "unknown error", the black screen flashes and then she gets to her normal log-in screen. This has been going on for a few weeks (ARRRGGHH). The only reason she called me was that she lost internet connectivity this morning.I had her login, open a command prompt, and type in CHKDSK /f but the system returns an ACCESS denied and says she need elevated credentials to run this. As I said she is the only user and she is listed as an administrator under account controls. I had her create a new user account with administrator privileges but NO JOY she still cannot run CHKDSK /f.This is sounding a bit like a virus but I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on why, or how, administrator privileges are being overridden?

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Access Denied C:Documents & Settings?

Aug 18, 2009

I did a search on this and I cannot find that the problem has been resolved, not in a way that works for me anyway.Issue: when I try to open C:Documents & Settings I get "acess denied". This despite that my being logged in as admin.I mean, I installed Windows 7 RC1 on the machine (and am the only user), before that the computer didn't even know it existed. Now all of a sudden access is denied me...who's gonna grant me access? God? It's so stoopid...Oh, and another thing - is there a way to preserve programs and settings and transfer this data to a new installation of Windows 7 RTM? I have installed what seems like a Gazillion programs (and every associated setting), utilities, Registry tweaks and what-have-you since I installed Windows 7 RC1. Probably 8-10 hours worth of work. It's not that I don't have the time, it just seems so unnecessary now that almost everything is just the way I want it.

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Denied Access To D: Drive - Permission Settings

Oct 18, 2009

Seems i ****** up my permission settings pretty badly thistime.

cmd is run as admin, and uac is off.


C:>net user Hákon
User name Hákon
Full Name Hákon
User's comment
Country code 000 (System Default)
Account active Yes
Account expires Never

Password last set 18.8.2009 12:42:43
Password expires Never
Password changeable 18.8.2009 12:42:43
Password required No
User may change password Yes

Workstations allowed All
Logon script
User profile
Home directory
Last logon 19.10.2009 01:39:46

Logon hours allowed All

Local Group Memberships *Administrators
Global Group memberships *None
The command completed successfully.

C:>takeown /f "D:" /r /d y
ERROR: Access is denied.

C:>icacls "D:" /grant administrators:F /t
D:: Access is denied.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 1 files


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Access Denied To Cookies, Docs Settings, Etc

Nov 14, 2009

I had this nightmare with Vista, but it was easy to fix. Just take ownership. But a scan shows I have many tracking cookies, but Win 7 won't let me access it. Denied. I clicked the 'turn off password' thing, but still cannot access docs and settings, cookies, and many other useful folders.

Very annoying, since I am the only user and logged on.

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No Access To Administrator Account?

Jul 19, 2012

I was using my computer and wanted to change the security setting and access level of the folder where the windows was installed. When i right clicked on the folder and then selected the properties,then the security tab and i saw many users ,which i think i have not created,. So, I deleted all the users and something went wrong now as I lost access to the whole folder of windows, Folder C.I am logged in as an administrator but still i don't have access to anything. I can't manage accounts, I can't create new accounts and I am really confused .

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Unable To Access Administrator Account?

Jan 9, 2011

In Win 7 Home Premium, I apparently did something wrong as I can no longer access the administrator account on my desktop. I am logged in as a guest and have tried just about everything suggested here. I have started in Safe Mode but can't access admin. I have used the installation disk to do a repair and used the activate command in the command prompt. I used the "enableadmin" mentioned on this site. Regardless of what I do here, when I restart I am back in Windows as a Guest. Even doing a system restore made no difference.

It would appear I have to do a clean install but before doing so thought I would ask to see if there is anything else

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Remove Limited Access To Administrator Account?

Dec 28, 2012

how to remove limited access broadband please answer send in my mail

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Access Denied To External Drive - Documents And Settings Folder Locked

Nov 20, 2012

I'm having trouble getting my Documents & Settings folder to copy into my external drive for backup purposes. The external drive already has this folder in place and the proper files and folders within D/S as I have been routinely backing it up for the last few years. However, now when I try to Copy Folder To the external drive, I get the error message that access to the J drive (external drive) is denied. As you can see from the pic below, the D/S folder on my hard drive is apparently locked. I don't recall locking it and how do I unlock it so that I can copy to to the external drive?

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Restrict Internet Access To Administrator's Account Using Windows 7?

Sep 11, 2012

I need to restrict internet access to windows 7 administrator account. JUDGE ORDERED THIS. PROBATION OFFICER NEEDS TO BE SHOWN. I have a computer savvy kid. Is there any foolproof way to do this? I changed my security network key. Somehow he figured it out. It is becoming a "You can't limit my access" power stuggle even though the stakes are high. He needs his computer for homework and writing assignments or I would just take it away.

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Can't Access Windows Files/how To Remove Standart Administrator Account?

Mar 12, 2011

i did'nt do anything specific to make it happen, but all of a sudden i can't acces all those "my" files in my documents anymore, you know "my picture" "my music", all of those files. the icon is a little faded and shows a lock on it. when i try to acces it it sais "acces denied" (in my language). i can still acces all files i created myself though. also, a few days later, i all of a sudden have a stndart administrator account.i know that it is standard because my account is removable but the account "administrator" is not. now i would like to know how i could regain acces to my files, or even better remove to administrator account and turn my account back to the standard administrator account.

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Get The Password Of The Admin Account / "access Denied"

Apr 25, 2012

I got a computer from school and i can access it by just typing in user and no password but i cant delete the other kids that use the accounts folders under users it says "access denied" now how can i reset the admin acc to delete that user account folders?

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"Access Denied - Ask Administrator"?

Feb 1, 2012

Can anyone tell me what is sensible about the PC denying me permission to do some things when I am its sole owner and user?

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Default User Account (Administrator) Acts Like Standard Account

Oct 31, 2011

I am using Windows 7 Pro 64x and apparently the default user account (Owner) that I use is not working correctly. Unless I have UAC set to Never Notify, I cannot open Control Panel or UAC again. I have created a second user account as Administrator and it works correctly.

I would like to know if there is any way to fix this problem short of a clean install of Windows. If not, is it possible to move all of my settings to the user account that works correctly and delete the one that does not.

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Renaming The Administrator Account Back To Administrator?

Dec 28, 2011

I have an Acer laptop which came with one user account, Acer, with the administrator right. When I tried to rename it to Administrator or administrator, I got an messages saying that user name has already existed

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How To Change A Power User Account To Administrator Account

Feb 23, 2012

How to change a power user account to administrator account

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Can't Change A Standard Account To An Administrator Account

Feb 18, 2012

I recently logged onto my account about 2 days ago to finish a project. The music file I used for the account was could not be found and when I went to locate it I was told I didn't have administrator rights. I went to Control Panel because I was sure I was an Administrator, but sure enough, I was set as a Standard User. I tried changing it up but it wouldn't change. I tried changing the account name also, and it wouldn't change. I could only change account picture. I can't open UAC, I click it and it blinks but nothing opens. I deleted any recent program installations,I booted in safe mode, however I was still not able to change my account,I tried activating the hidden administrator account but I received an "access denied" message,I tried creating a new account but I received the following message:"The specified account name is not valid, because account names contain the following characters: /[]":;|<>=+,?*Please type a different name."I didn't use any of those characters in the account name.I ran 2 different virus scans, and they came up with nothing,I turned the computer off, unplugged everything, and pressed the power button for 30 seconds, and rebooted, but still nothing!My roommate shares this computer with me, and her account is still an administrator. However she has traveled and I haven't been able to get hold of her yet. We share music files and the file I was trying to use is in her account.why my account was changed and how I can change it back?

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Locked Out From Administrator Account And Can't Add A Guest Account

Oct 29, 2012

I'm locked out from administrator account and can't add a guest account

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"C:Documents And Settings Is Not Accessible" "Access Is Denied"

Sep 17, 2010

I am denied access with the notice: "C:Documents and Settings is not accessible" "Access is denied"I have no idea why. My pc needs no password (All users have asdminstrator rights). I went to Properties and tried editing the "Security" settings but access is denied there also.The folder has a small arrow as one sees on shortcuts.I checked C:Users and found all these with the same problem...;

C:UsersAll UsersApplication Data
ditto Desktop
ditto Documents
ditto Favorites
ditto Start Menu
ditto Templates

There are loads of other folders like this. Too many to list here.

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"Access Denied:" How To Overcome Denied Access To A Folder

Jun 2, 2011

I'd like to put a .cmd file in my c:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartup directory, but Documents and Settings has a lock on it and tells me "Access denied" when I click on it. Is this a job for "Take Ownership" or is there another way? The instructions for "Take Ownership" say not to use it on the C drive, but it's not clear if that applies to the whole drive, or individual files/folders on it.

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Permission Denied While Logged On As Administrator?

Dec 14, 2012

I am logged on as admin, and i want to defrag my HDD. but it says i don't have sufficient privileges! I'm admin God-damnit!

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Access Vista Shares From XP But Not From Windows 7 (access Denied)

Sep 20, 2011

I have one PC running Vista (home basic), one running XP (professional) and one running Windows 7 (home basic). There is a printer connected to the Vista box, which is shared.

On the XP box I can both see and use the printer on the Vista box (i.e. a "net view \vistabox" shows the printer, and under "printers and faxes" I can install and use it).

On the Windows 7 box, however, I can see the Vista box (i.e. a "net view" shows it in the list of available PCs on the network) but a "net view \vistabox" gives me an "access denied" error.

The Windows 7 machine has a password on it, the Vista and XP machines don't. All machines are on the same workgroup name (which is "WORKGROUP"). On the XP box I don't need a password to access the shared printer on the Vista machine; it just works.

Extensive Googling has failed to render enlightenment, nor has browsing this forum. I'm sure it has something to do with security and passwords, somewhere, somehow, but I have no idea in which direction to look for it, let alone fix it. I have also read some things about workgroups and homegroups not being the same in Windows 7, but I'm not sure if this is correct (and if so, relevant).

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