Personalization Screen Issue
Jun 10, 2009
Just thought I'd report a strange bug with my setup,
The personalization screen does not update when I change things.
If I apply a Themepack the relevant items are updated but if I then change one of the items such as the sounds the change is made but the screen still shows the original scheme item
Will send feedback to Microsoft but was just wondering if anyone else had seen this issue?
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Oct 17, 2011
I am using a cuom windows 7 theme that uses my preferred combination of window color choices etc.However, this color scheme does become an inconvenience when I am working in certain applications like Autodesk and Photoshop as it makes their respective UI's very obscure.
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May 11, 2012
This laptop is my second computer I've had with Windows 7 Home Premium. I have one user as the Administrator, which is me, and a second user which is my wife. Her account is a Standard Account.On my previous computer I had the exact same setup for the two accounts. I like to use a different (higher) resolution then she does. She doesn't like the smaller icons, windows, lettering, etc. We could log in on her side and set her resolution, etc. to whatever and it worked okay. However, on this new computer when logged in on her account when we change the resolution it also changes my user side to the same as hers. When I log into my account and change mine to what I want it changes hers.On the old computer it worked the way it suppose to, each account could be changed and it would stay that way without effecting the other.
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Jul 10, 2010
When I try to close the personalization window it freezes.
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Jan 14, 2013
I am trying to access the 'personalization' settings on my desktop, but when I click it, an error message comes up saying "server threw an exception" and I cannot access it. It was working fine a few days ago but now its not. Anyone know how to fix this? I have not installed or uninstalled anything recently.
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Feb 8, 2012
I uninstall MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser and clean half of it registry and now every time I click personalization the error message come up. those stuffs with cmd is not working since I believe my registry is not broken but deleted. I can't restore it.this message so far only occur when I click 'Screen Resolution' and 'Personalization' from desktop. but then, some click-able thing became unresponsive, such as the dialog box from IDM, when I clicked 'open in folder' it would usually open, but now it's not. and when I tried to create a new user, I can't. I click the button but it just not working.
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Feb 27, 2012
I download Combofix to scan for malware(as recommended by a tech).After the download and automatic scan I discovered the following anomalies:Personalizn displays a Windows Explorer "Unspecified error"; the item "Program Uninstall" is no longer in Control Panel; Search just hangs - no activity at all; Properties (in task bar and program list) does nothing. I restored an Acronis full back up that I had done just a few hours earlier but it didn't change anything.My techie tried to tell me I had viruses (but they were just screen saver files with weird names) and still he couldn't fix it.Trying to reinstall from my upgrade CD (I had Vista before) doesn't work as it reports that it found errors but can't correct them. Techie wants to do a complete RE&RE and I don't want that.
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Mar 3, 2010
When I access the personalization option from the desk top right click menu it says "No such interface supported". How do I fix this?. I am using window's 7 64bit ultimate.
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Jul 8, 2012
This all started whenever I wanted to change my text size different by changing my DPI settings. What I did was right click, go to screen resolution, and clicked on "Make text and other items larger or smaller". From this I changed it to 100% from 125%. I noticed it had changed my font size to the 100%. It then made everything SUPER small when I changed my theme settings.Whenever I right click and go into personalization settings, I do the usual customizing to my likings. Since I want to save the theme, I do so by naming it, blah. Now I want to use the blah theme by click on it, and I do so. Everything is fine and dandy until I right click my desktop to refresh(out of habit). This is the before and after of the font sizes.
My workaround was to set a custom DPI setting, log off like it prompts me to, then changing it back to 100%, again prompting to do so. It is so annoying to do so.
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Mar 28, 2012
As of about 3 days ago my Dell Inspiron N7010 (Windows 7 Home Prem 64bit) fails to boot up. It gets to the initial Windows screen before the login screen and freezes, then sends me into Startup Repair. [code] I've tried running the diagnostics and get no error codes. I've tried restore points, memory diagnostics.. pretty much everything except factory image, with no success. I have a lot of government programs installed on this laptop, so.
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May 12, 2012
My wife did something on her PC (she doesn't know exactly for sure what & can't explain it completely me), and now she can't boot up her PC. She says it had something to do with changing the security settings for a program she uses a lot so it wouldn't keep asking her if she wanted to launch it, and that's when it told her to restart the PC, then it wouldn't boot up anymore.When you reboot, the screen eventually goes to a black screen saying "Windows failed to start. A software or hardware error may be the cause" or something to that effect. It offers me the option to "Launch Startup Repair" or "Start Windows Normally".If I Launch Startup Repair, nothing much happens --- it says it's adding files, then it looks like Windows is about to boot up, then it goes to a black screen for a long time & nothing happens.
If I choose Start Windows Normally, it simply reboots & eventually brings me back to the same screen again.I've tried using rebooting and selecting ESC to get to the boot menu, then installing the Win 7 installation disc & selecting the DVD drive, then I select thelanguage, then I click Repair, but it sits there forever with nothing happening.I also tried an outside boot disc I found on the web & it doesn't launch.
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Dec 15, 2011
i have a Dell Vostro 1520 and im running Windows 7 with a 32bit. It is only 2 years only. It started about a month ago. I was on my laptop viewing and deleting some unwanted photos i had. A few minutes later i realized that i deleted a photo that i wanted. So i went to the recycling bin and restored that photo. When i went back to my photos and went into the album, it said something like i do no have permission to access this folder. Please press continue to get full permission. I clicked continue and i got the access i should have. Now i tried many more random folders and the same thing happened. Also when i came out of the folders, the folders had a big pad lock sign on the front of it. After that i shut down the laptop and went to turn it back on. The laptop will power on like normal. I can press f12 for the boot options. which i have already tried many times. I also tried it in safe mode and what-not, but still nothing. I can hear the fan and stuff spinning up like normal. I have also put and CD into the CD ROM and that spins up fine. So after the Dell logo on the screen, it goes black and stays that way with the cursor. You can move the cursor around no problem. I should also add that the battery light is and has been flashing for a good wile. Its flashing orange and blue. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the battery. Because my laptop will not charge with the AC adapter in it for many months now. It will only stay powered on with the AC adapter plugged in. One more thing. The LED lights over the buttons. None of the are flashing, besides one, on the far left. And i cant find out anywhere what this LED light stands for.
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Feb 29, 2012
small size on screen i need your how to bring back full screen
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Aug 4, 2011
Replaced my VGA cable with and HDMI cable because screen wouldn't leave power save mode due to lack of communication between tower and screen. HDMI solves that. Now I have no internet connection. No signs of life. Cable guy comes over plugs his laptop into thing where the internet comes from... says the internet is working fine must be your computer and he leaves. So now that my screen is working I can trouble shoot - can't find a network adapter. I have no idea what that means, and it is not listed anywhere on my control panel list of drivers and things. Tried to reinstall whatever that is.. which is hard when your just guessing and clicking things. Bottom line is after using the drivers and devices disc and reinstalling everything that said "network" in the title there is still no signs of life. I don't have wireless so the whole adapter thing isn't making sense either.
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Dec 19, 2011
one day it suddenly crashed while i was watching a movie. it displayed random patterns on screen. kinda like part of the image from the video is on the screen then a black strip and random colors. I restarted the unit to safe mode and left it on and browsed the net and downloaded some big files for how many hours and nothing happened.. there are also times when windows is still loading with the windows logo on screen, it crashes. there are also times when the login screen is displayed and it crashes. it just crashes randomly! so i tried to reformat it. i deleted the partitions and created a new one, formatted it then fresh installed windows 7 ( my previous OS is windows 7 by the way) and started installing the basic drivers and after a few hours, it crashed again...thinking that the driver installed might not be compatible, i tried another fresh install of windows (same execution, delete partition, create, install OS) and this time, without installing the drivers, it crashed again after a few hours... sometimes it crashes immediately after turning it on from cold start!
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Sep 2, 2012
My son has a Toshiba Satelite P205 that he just upgraded from Windows XP Home Premium to Windows 7 32-bit. After the upgrade completed the computer booted fine. The within 20 minutes he got the BSOD and the system rebooted. Now he can't get Windows to fully start. We've tried all of the options from F8 with no success. We have the Toshiba System Recovery Disk but it won't launch. (The Boot sequence has been changed to boot from CD/DVD and then the Hard Drive.)The Memory Diagnostic from the Windows 7 disk ran fine with no errors. I'm thinking I might need to re-format/wipe the drive to start fresh but don't know where to obtain a boot CD(no floppy drive on this laptop). Does anyone recommend a software that I can purchase to clear everything without destroying the CD/DVD accessibility so I can then use the System Recovery Disk to put it back to the original factory Settings?
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Mar 26, 2011
My computer has a problem with crashing while playing a video in full screen. When it crashes the screen turns black while the speakers give out a buzzing noise. Everything is unresposive the only solution is to turn it off with the power button. It happens in any full screen video online or offline and even visualizations from windows media player and iTunes, but only in full screen. I don't think it's overheating either because sometimes it takes 30 mins to crash and other times it will crash immediately when put in full screen. *I've tried setting it back to factory settings thus reinstalling windows. *All the directx features are working with no reported problem there.* I don't think it's a memory issue in the computer, as my specs are:
Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: intel core i5 3.20 GHz
Ram: 8 GB
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 220
Graphics card memory: 0.5 GB
Any other ideas?
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Nov 12, 2011
I have an Acer aspire 5732Z. I turn my laptop on and it shows the starting windows screen then just goes to a black screen with a cursor. I tried to do systems restore but it said that I did not have a system restore point. I cannot start in any safe mode. I have all my pictures, uni work etc., and I am terrified I've lost it all. I've only had the laptop a year.
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Dec 5, 2011
I'm using I have a DELL4500S desktop, on startup it will not go to the login screen, the screen is just black with the cursor showing. I've tried restarting the computer, unplugging everything and restarting it. Nothing is working. When it first starts a pop up shows and says "This Application has failed to start because SAMLIB.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."I'm not sure what it's talking about and what to re install and I can't reinstall whatever it is because I can't get to the start menu.
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Mar 27, 2012
Okay so lately I've noticed that my PC isn't displaying the BIOS splash screen anymore and skips straight to the Windows login screen.It didn't really bother me until today when I wanted to boot into Ubuntu and I couldn't select which OS I wanted to use.I'm pretty sure the problem isn't the BIOS itself since I unplugged all the peripherals except the speakers, removed all the RAM and the BIOS did beep repeatedly. And given enough time, I can boot into windows (and only windows ).Apparently people have had this problem before and all the solutions I've read such as "Press 'del' to go into your BIOS!" really doesn't help since I can't see anything in my BIOS menu.The only solution that made sense to me was that my CMOS battery could be dying. I haven't changed my rig since I built it in 2009. The only significant event that happened recently might be that Windows updated itself.
-PC doesn't display BIOS splash screen
-Can't see messages displayed by system
-When windows does bootup, everything runs just fine
-Haven't changed rig for ~3 years
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Dec 8, 2012
started recently, when I boot my PC, the screen shows message: no signal and screen stays dark.However, in the background W-7 is loading, but in order to get the video functioning, I must restart the PC, turn off the screen, wait till W-7 loads somewhat and (like after 10 sec.) turn the screen on and everything is OK.Monitor is NEW Video card too, I tried with a second one, same problem...My question is, is this W-7, main board, or something else related?
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Dec 31, 2010
Everything shows up fine until the welcome screen after that it normally used to fade to the desktop but now it goes blank. The screen in Black with only the mouse pointer. Its not hung, i can move the mouse pointer. Then after a minute or so it advances to the desktop. Everything on the desktop loads up in less than 5s. The PC runs fine, it is really fast as there are only a few programs, but only boots slow. My total boot time is about 3-5 min. I think it should be like in a minute or so.I have not tweaked much with the system but have installed a few programs like MS office, Nero, Acrobat and Photoshop. These are the only heavy programs in the PC right now. The only games on the PC are AC1 and AC2. I have uninstalled my graphic driver and reinstalled. I already minimized the programs in the msconfig>startup to the minimum. I have run ccleaner, spybot s&d, Antimalware and i also have a trial copy of Kaspersky AV (upgrading later to 1-year license). there are no peripherals attached during boot except the USB keyboard and mouse. A printer is attached too but is most of the time turned off.
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Jul 6, 2012
After leaving my comp on overnight i wake up to non-responding programs, i shut down manually and then as i restart this happens. 5minute lag on welcome screen and then it turns blue with a moveable cursor. i have used system restore and created a new user but neither works. i can run perfectly on safe mode.
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Jan 3, 2013
My screen displays in Box projection not full screen after downloading windows 7 - how can I get the graphoics to fit the full screen please
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Sep 9, 2010
I just upgraded to Windows 7 on my Toshiba Satellite Special Edition laptop that came with Vista 64bit and the other night i downloaded iTunes 10 and told me to restart my machine so I clicked ok and then my laptop shut off and when it came back on the Toshiba screen came up as usual but seemed to stay on longer than normal then it goes to a black screen with a underscore that blinks for a few moments then becomes solid. Ive tried to use the "F" keys to get different boot options because i have the windows 7 ISO disc and a ubuntu disc that I could use but whatever i try my laptop wont process it just does the same thing over and over again and bever proceeds to the actually boot up windows.
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Mar 18, 2011
I have a Toshiba laptop running windows 7. It has been running like a well oiled machine since the day I got it.I turned it off to watch TV, then when I turned it back on, the screen shows the Toshiba screen for about 1/4th of a second and then goes black.If I hit F8, F10, or F12 nothing shows up.
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May 25, 2011
I have recently bought a computer and I have found that when I turn it on it runs normally until after the "Resuming Windows" screen, where everything turns off and the screen goes black. It had been running well for the last few days, so this came out of nowhere.I have searched this problem and I come up with a bunch of different solutions but no one agrees. The most common reason (apparently) is my version of Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) and I need to install something or other. But I can't even get to the desktop, and no one really explains it simply. [code]
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Mar 18, 2012
While attempting to restore a previous backup of my system (with Norton Ghost 15), I got an error, and the system rebooted. Upon reboot, I get the black screen of death with just the cursor instead of the usual login screen. I have tried the following thus far: These all give me the black screen of death with movable cursor:boot in safe mode boot in safe mode with networking boot in safe mode with command prompt last known good configuration I did an initial system startup repair which went through and said it repaired it, rebooted, but no change. I did a pre-boot diagnostic test - nothing memory test - nothing tried restoring from restore point, but it says I don't have any (LIES! BLASPHEMY!) tried restoring from restore point on external disk - seemed okay, then failed. chkdsk - found some stuff, fixed it, no change. tried ctrl+alt+del on black screen of death - nothing
Now, I know that the hard drive itself is alright, that is, the information is still all there still. While I can't give you exact specs, I can tell you that I am on a Dell Studio XPS running Windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I'm at a loss as to what else to do. Despite being a black screen, with just a movable cursor, the system still appears to be running, as every few minutes, it will show the "thinking" cursor, where it shows the little circle next to the arrow.
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May 3, 2012
Blue screen and freezing. This is happening frequently but never has any regularity to it. Sometimes happens after a couple of days and sometimes after a couple of minutes. Also sometimes with only one browser window open and sometimes with 15 or more. Happens with both chrome and firefox. Has not happened with other programs as this lapy only gets used for surfing/email/forums etc. Sometimes happens while the computer is sitting idle right after boot. Very strange.
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Jul 28, 2011
From Windows 7 logon screen how to run screen saver slide show. Try the hack here but it didn't work I have a lab of 30 systems and try it again on another two systems but it didn't work. I'm runing Windows 7 64Bit.
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Mar 24, 2012
Recently, my computer starts up windows and after the loading screen it just sits at a black screen forever with a cursor and it doesn't even make it to the log in screen. I have tried safe mode with the same results. What I've Done So FarTried to Repair Startup with Windows DVD Tried to use sfc /scannow at boot (Says pending changes and needs to restart) Tried logging into my Ubuntu partition and virus scanning (None found) Tried copying Reg Files from Regback into config while I was in Linux Tried to Repair Install (But I can't log into Windows ) Tried to bootrec /fixmbr /fixbot /RebuildBcd (Which destroyed my dual boot linux grub, but I was desperate. And still nothing) Interestingly though, after I do /RebuildBcd command it says something like "Found Windows Installations: 0" Tried to System Restore (Gave me an Error, wouldn't you know) At this point I'm not to confident that this can be fixed. If anyone has any ideas I'm willing to try. Or if you have any snazzy suggestions on how I could fix it using another computer, I have a different Windows Pro x64 computer that I can put the HD in if there's someway I can save my data/fix it/repair install from there. I just don't know how.
Edit: I finished the chkdsk and there were no bad sectors, though it did give me a message "Failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50."I did a Windows Defender Offline scan with no viruses and I'm currently scanning with Kaspersky Rescue disk. I don't believe it is a virus, I think it's a corruptregistry at this point. I had just cleaned my registry with CCleaner before the shutdown that led to this >.<
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