Disable Minimize-restore-close For All Window

May 17, 2011

I installed windows 7 watermark remover but disable minimize-restore-close for all window and I cant resize windows and Drag them.

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Minimize Close Buttons Not Working

May 11, 2011

I recently received a watermark saying that my windows version was not genuine. (It is) Anyhow, in my scurry to remove the watermark I somehow probably changed a setting that has rendered my Min, max & close buttons useless. I am also not able to drag windows. When I open certain MMC documents, including device manager, I receive a notification stating "Unable to create new document." I have tried restoring my system to no avail. I have done so with my av & firewall down too, as well as from safe mode. I have run multiple virus scans & my system is clean!

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Explorer Freeze When Close Or Minimize

May 6, 2009

Using Windows 7 RC1 I have noticed that fairly often when I minimize or close various windows they freeze partway through fading out. The system is still usable but those frozen windows stay on top for 5-15 seconds. The taskbar shows them as being closed yet they are faded into the background. I will try to get a screenshot later tonight but I am at work right now. All drivers installed OK automatically and the video card(s) are seen ok.

I wouldn't imagine it is a hardware problem.

Asus P5Q-E
4GB 1333 DDR2
GTX 260
Corsair 550w PS

Any thoughts? It's not a deal-breaker for using RC1 but it sure is annoying. Besides, RC1 fixed the beta issue where Winamp visualizations would freeze for 5 sec between song changes, which is a huge deal to me.

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Whenever I Minimize Or Close Any Program It Goes In Slow Motion?

Oct 31, 2012

The problem I currently have is whenever I open close minimize or maximize a program, be it google chrome or World of Warcraft or even any MS Office program it starts slowly and minimizes slowly. I've been having this problem for about 5 days now and I have no clue how it arose. I am using Windows 7 x64 home premium. I am new to computer stuff with little knowledge of the lingo and processes of how anything really works.Also I found on these forums something that seemed familiar but there was no solution. Whenever I play Starcraft 2 It becomes choppy and slow moving. The start up screen for every game I play is in slowmotion.

I would like to add that browsing the internet and playing some games is perfectly fine after the initial slow moving start up. though it still closes and minimizes slowly.Another thing I would like to add that may be the cause to the problem. Whenever I start up my computer it is super slow. it takes the windows in starting or resuming icon forever to rotate and load.also after the 5-10 minutes I have to wait for it to finally get to the User selection screen. when i do select a user, the program Curse Client ( a program for World of Warcraft addons) doesn't work and gives me this message: An error has occurred while attempting to load a Microsoft .Net configuration file. this is often and indication of a corrupted .net installation. and it goes on to say; We recommend visiting Microsoft download Center to repair your .net installation. would you like to go there now?

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How To Move Command Buttons Like Close / Maximize And Minimize

Nov 3, 2011

how to move the command buttons like close, maximize and minimize in the left like Mac OS? like this pic.

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Minimize Maximize Close Panel Configuration In Skype?

Oct 7, 2012

I have installed theme Placebo Angst and it looks really sweet, but I faced one problem in it with my skype window, when skype login window appears the panel looks fine, but when Skype is loaded up it gets back to normal mode, so my question is there any tutorial how to modify it or maybe a refresh function somewhere to apply the panel as it is in all other windows?Here is the image, top panel is skype and the bottom one is browser.

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Can't Maximize Or Minimize Window?

Jul 6, 2012

maximize or minimize several programs such as Google chrome , Firefox or my computer window,also can't close them using close button on top right corner rather i can close them by right click on task bar and choosing close window option.it is annoying as i can't properly use my pc, don't have any great knowledge about computer.my pc details are below.OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bitProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5Processor Count: 4RAM: 1911 MbGraphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 731 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 99990 MB, Free - 52525 MB; D: Total - 48801 MB, Free -0342 MB; E: Total - 105242 MB, Free - 62078 MB; G: Total - 51099 MB, Free - 32656 MBMotherboard: MSI, H55M-P33(MS-7636)Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials,

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Disable Minimize In Windows When Mouse On Thumbnail

Oct 28, 2009

My computer at my work has Multi-screen, I've got 8 Monitor on my computer and I use them all to my work --the Primary is my desktop and the other 7 is for informations to my clients at work.

Now here is my problem,

When I'm going the mouse to taskbar over the Thumbnails (I want to right click...and Close or Maximize-minimize) all the other Windows are getting "Disappear" --Minimize

And I don't want my other monitors to get Minimize!! I only want to close-minimize-maximize the selected Window and nothing else! I don't want my clients to see an empty screen

Is there any trick to change it?

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Can't Close Window With X Button

Jul 6, 2009

I've been running RC1 since it became available, and recently I've added 2 other user accounts on my main PC. These 2 accounts seem to have the same problem: neither of them allow you to "x-out" of a window by clicking the red X up in the right hand corner to close the window.

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When Try To Close The Personalization Window It Freezes

Jul 10, 2010

When I try to close the personalization window it freezes.

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Can Close Explorer Window By Opening A Document

Jul 22, 2011

I'm just wondering if there's any way I can reduce the clutter of windows on my desktop when running applications.In the good old days of RISC-OS (Remember Acorn?) I could close a directory window automatically at the same time as double-clicking on a file icon to open a document. Quite often, when I've opened a document, there's no need to go back to the directory window it came from, so there's no point still having the window open in the background. (I can use the Start Menu>Recent list to reopen the file at a later date if need be, although I'm often working with downloaded files on a once-only basis, so there's no need.)I'm familiar with the Ctrl-DoubleClick technique in Windows Explorer to keep one directory open whilst opening a sub-directory, but is there a way of achieving my aim of closing the Explorer window automatically when opening a document?

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Windows Live Mail (close Email Window After Delete)

Nov 2, 2009

In Microsoft Outlook, if you open an email you've received and click on the "delete" icon, the email window just closes and takes you back to the main Outlook window. This is an option that you set in the preferences, but Windows Mail either doesn't have it or I just can't find it.

What happens in Windows Mail is that when you click on the delete icon, instead of closing the email and going back to the main window, it just goes to the next email.

Has anyone figured this one out?

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New Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking A Window In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

If you have multiple Windows open and want to clear your desktop instead of click the desktop shortcut, this tutorial will show you how to.

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Disable A Pop Up Window Blocker?

Sep 6, 2012

how do I disable a pop up window blocker

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Can Disable 'save Last Window Location' For Firefox

Nov 29, 2012

i have a 2 monitor setup, one main monitor and my tv as second monitor which i use to watch movies, online stuff, Internet etc.so when i eat and watch a Internet show, then close the window and turn my tv off / switch channels or whatever and want to open firefox later to surf on my main screen it pops up on the second monitor which i don't see since i need to switch back to the pc channel on my tv. i need to select it and use the windows-key + arrows to switch it around.

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Window Snap Disable But Still Want Winkey+arrow

Jul 1, 2011

I do not like when Windows 7 maximize my window that I drag to the edge of my screen, so I found how to disable this. But this also disables the [winkey] + [arrow key] shortcut that I do like to use.I wonder if there is a way to ony disable the snap function when dragging / rezising window and keep the [winkey] + [arrow key] functionality enabled?I dont even know how to search this. um."disable snap enable keyboard shortcuts" search engine goes like What?!?

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Disable Auto-Resize Of Window At Top Of Screen?

Jun 8, 2009

If a window is moved above the screen so that parts are out of view, it is automatically resized to fit in view. Is there a way to disable this?

In Ease of Access Center, I checked "Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of screen," but that only stops it from maximizing.

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Window Color And Appearance - Enable Or Disable Change

Oct 14, 2010

How to Enable or Disable Changing Window Color and Appearance in Windows 7 ?

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Maximize And Restore Down A Window By Drag And Drop

Nov 10, 2008

How to Use Aero Snap to Maximize and Restore Down a Window in Windows 7 ?

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How To Disable Automatic Restore Point Creation

Dec 27, 2012

I wonder if it's possible to disable automatic restore point creation, and ONLY have Windows 7 store on demand system restore points that I choose to manually create at my convenience. If I go to Administrative Tools/Task Scheduler/System Restore I find two schedule triggers. Will disabling those triggers achieve this? Will my restore points be deleted if I do this or just the schedule

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Volume Tracking On For USB Drive Restore Disable

Aug 21, 2009

I'm trying out USB Safely Remove and I see when I try to Stop a USB docking station, it shows me that the Volume Tracking Information service has hold of the drive even though it's not in the list for System Restore Points.

Anyone know how to turn volume tracking on and off? I'm running Windows 7 32 bit build 7077.

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Services Utility To Toggle And Restore/enable Disable Services

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to sort out issues with my Windows 7 machine and want to disable/set to manual services that I know are not needed, but every time I have done this in the past (a while ago now) I invariably run into an issue where I've inadvertently disabled a service that was needed by something, and I end up scratching my head (as all of my hair falls out around this point) and enabling everything just to sort it..

Is there any utility that anyone is aware of that lets you toggle service status, with the option to reset to default or reset to last status, while showing a list of services that I've changed?

I can't seem to word it properly for a search engine to find relevant results, and find usually specific services and not something I'm hoping exists.

I wish the Services.msc mmc had a checkbox or some sort of flag to show altered services so you could sort them by that, which would help a lot, but it doesn't.

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Adding 'open In New Window' To Search Results, & Opening In New Window?

Feb 16, 2012

Whenever I search in Windows 7, I want to have the ability to open found folders in a new window. If I r-click, that option is not there. Is there a way to add this to Windows 7?

Also: When I go to 'open file location', the file's folder opens in the same window - highly annoying. In Vista, it opens in a new window. Anyway to change this behvior in Windows 7 to act like Vista, so the file opens in a new window?

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Mouse Opens A Window, However Cannot Click Inside The Window

Aug 22, 2012

I am running into an issue where I can open a window/program with my mouse however once the window is open I cannot click inside of it. The window becomes inactive. I also have noticed I cannot right click on my desktop to bring up the properties. I can right click on the window in the task bar to close it but not in the window. Since this is happening I am limited to command prompt. I ran sfc /scannow with no errors. I tried with 3 different mice. I booted the computer into safe mode with command prompt and brought up the device manager to show devices not in use, and when the device manager window opened I could click inside it! since I could use the window I uninstalled all mouse drivers, and reinstalled my microsoft wireless usb mouse driver.. while in this safe mode I changed my mouse properties to system default as I read somewhere that can reset things. Next I booted the computer in safe mode (without command prompt) and still the same thing. I was trying to do a restore point as well however my Kaspersky antivirus 2012 is preventing that as i cannot find a way to kill the program through command prompt.

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Minimize Button Is Too Big?

Mar 16, 2012

there my minimize button and stuff are too big, I've changed to zoom thingy to 100% when I log off and log back on, It's small like a normal windows 7 has. But then If I restart It goes big again. How do I permanently make It small?

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Windows 7 Minimize On Their Own?

Nov 6, 2009

I just purchased a new Toshiba laptop that came with Windows 7....while using my Microsoft Works Word Processor, the program minimizes on its own...you can bring the document up again, but this is very disconcerting....at first I thought maybe I was hitting a combination of keys in error but it keeps happening when no incorrect keys are hit....I don't know if other programs will also minimize on their own, since I just got the computer and haven't done alot on it yet....

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Pc Get Minimize Itsellf?

Oct 3, 2012

my mb is asus crosshair iv formula.gpu is gtx-560ti super oc.g-skill 2000mhz 16gb ram.1090t 6core 4.52ghz but sir my pc minimize itself on cmd

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System Restore Will Not Create A Restore Point Or Restore To A Previous Date & Time

Apr 10, 2012

System Restore will not create a restore point or restore to a previous date & time.The error message was: A restore point could not be created: An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Server (VSS).The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System Sevice and the VSS service are running & check for associated errors in the event logs (0x80042318).Volume Shadow Copy is started & running (done in system events).Event System Sevice and the VSS service are started and running. But no cigar, SR still broken.

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Shake To Minimize Not Working?

Sep 19, 2010

just relized that my shake to minimize, isn't working, does anyone know how to turn it back on?

if im not making any sense, added video Shake Window to Minimize Other Opened Window in Windows 7 - Video

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Pc Always Minimize When Playing Game?

Apr 22, 2012

i had a problem with my PC.. now every time i'm playing game it always minimize to desktop.. like there something that plug to usb slot. i have unplug all usb device, and stop all running service and it keep happen.. sometime a ballon pop up and sound like "you running on slow graphic memoryisual" , i have no idea whats wrong with my pc.and my spec isamd fx 4100asus m5a78l-m4 gb corsair vengeancehis hd 6670 1gb ddr 5250 gb sata hdd

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How To Minimize Power Usage

Jul 9, 2010

I'm using laptop. And I'm looking how to minimize power usage. I mean, minimal cpu power usage lowering voltage ant other on battery and AC.

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