Virus Crash, No Recovery Options Are Working

Dec 4, 2011

A week ago my computer crashed after my dad used it. It ran a System Fix which was a virus and a program I don't remember installing. Now when it boots it has a black screen that says Windows Memory Error and gives two options, Start Windows Recovery or Start Windows Normally. When he realized what he had done he tried the recovery tool first. It had a Windows is Loading files bar that didn't move at all so he left it on all night. It never moved, so he tried option 2 it brought up the 5 Recovery tools none of them did anything helpful. We tried using safe mode, it doesn't work either, brings back to useless Windows Recovery tools. We went out and Bought an OEM since the person we bought this from forgot to give us the Install Discs, We got to Repair Your Computer option below Install, it said our version of windows wasn't the right version for the OEM so it was a waste of $200. Now I am stuck and out of ideas. I've hooked the harddrives up to our old Windows XP and virus scanned, check disced, and backed up them. how to recover and repair without reformatting/wiping the HDD?

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System Crash - No Recovery Options Work

Sep 20, 2011

I am helping a friend with her Windows 7 laptop which crashed this evening. Startup repair has tried several times but still cannot fix the problem. System Restore fails as well despite trying numerous restore points.The log show that a root cause was found:

Boot critical file
C:CI.dll is corrupt

She has important personal data on this system so a fresh OS install is not an option yet.THis will be a good learning experience for me as I am looking into starting my own computer repair business. I'm not quite sure how to proceed with this. What should I do from here? Do I need to remove her HD and use a data recovery app on a separate system to recover her files, then reinstall Windows 7?

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus

Jun 6, 2011

I just got some virus that im assuming is either scareware or ransomware that prompted me to buy some windows 7 recovery bs. I managed to remove the virus, i think so at least, with Malewarebytes software but now all my programs are gone.

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus?

Jun 7, 2011

cleaning up this virus to restore my program folders that are showing up as empty.Unfortunately, I ran a temp files cleaner and I no longer have the smtmp folder. Is there a way for me to restore this? There is no way I am going to restore all those shortcuts manually!

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System Recovery Options

Nov 25, 2008

How to Boot to the System Recovery Options in Windows 7 ?

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HD521-2W Files Recovery Options?

Feb 3, 2012

Recently my computer has been unable to boot to my login screen. It continually reboots regardless of what type of start up I select (ie. safe mode, sade mode with command prompt, last known good setting, etc.).I recently scanned my desktop computer and received an HD521-2W SMART error. After doing a little research, I figured that there's pretty much nothing I can do and the hard drive is on its final stretch. However, what are my options of recovering my data on the dying harddrive ? (keeping in mind that I can no longer boot properly to the login screen). The files I want to recover are mostly photos, a few word files, and bookmarks.

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OS Not Recognized In System Recovery Options

Sep 10, 2012

I had first installed Windows Vista Ultimate x64 on a unpartitioned 640GB drive. I then partitioned my other 320GB drive to install two things:

A FAT32 30GB partition of Windows XP Home
A NTFS 160GB partition of Windows 7 Home Premium x64

The remaining space (around 108GB) was left unpartitioned I then decided to uninstall Windows Vista. So I opened up EasyBCD and deleted the entry, then deleted the partition (this was after backing up all files.) So I erased the partition. When I went to start up Windows 7 I got an error code saying:

File: windowssystem32winload.exe
Status: 0xc0000428
Info: WIndows cannot verify the digital signature for this file.

It tells me that I can either use the recovery tool with the Windows 7 disc or press F8 to temporarily disable the driver signature enforcement. The problem is that F8 doesn't work (if I go back and press F8, I get the same error screen) and when I put in the Windows 7 disc and boot up from it, none of my OS entries show up in the recovery console. Now because I have a multiboot system, I can boot into XP fine. It's just the Windows 7 entry that produces the error message.So I'm stuck. I've been searching around for days and everyone either says to use the disc (which doesn't work) or to reinstall Windows (which I would prefer not to do because I can't find another key and don't want to use another Key for Office 2010). Some more info, when I boot into Ubuntu live usb, all the partitions are present and all the files in Windows 7 are present including winload.exe on the Win 7 partition.

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User Name And Pw System Recovery Options

Sep 30, 2012

What is the user name and password for systems recovery options

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus-error Code 8070005?

May 31, 2011

My son downloaded Windows 7 Recovery (virus) this weekend. I have Windows 7. I searched for the solution and it was suggested in a forum Grindsoft Trojan Killer.I downloaded that and it worked. It showed the hidden documents, programs and photos etc. I then ran Windows restore for a date much before the virus and that restored a almost normal computer. It seems I can do everything...have not checked everything but so far everything looks good but I am unable to do a Windows update.I get an error code 80070005. It acts like it is unable to access Microsoft. I have gone to the control panel-trouble shooter-windows update and it said it repaired it but still the same problem. I have done many scans with Malwarebytes, Online Norton and more of the Grindsoft Trojan Killer and everything comes up clean. I seems that I am hopefully down to this windows update problem

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Automatically Goes To The System Recovery Options Menu?

Jul 29, 2012

Everytime i try to boot up my pc, it automatically goes to the system recovery options menu.No matter what i do, if i restart it comes straight back to this screen. ive tried sytstem restoring numerous times, tried booting in safe mode. But no matter what its the same outcome

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New Windows 7 PC Setup/repair/recovery Options?

Jul 16, 2011

Just received my new Dell Inspiron 620 yesterday and am working thru setup options. One of the first things on my list is making sure I have the appropriate repair/recovery prep in hand for the inevitable All that came with the pc was a Drivers and Utilities cd.So far, I have created a Repair I also want/need to create a System Image?I've only created the Administrator acct at this point, but will need to create at least one User acct for lovely wife (and it seems I should also be creating one for myself as well, and not using the Admin acct, from some things I've read).

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BOOTMGR Is Missing - Can't Find OS In Recovery Options?

Feb 24, 2012

So I put in the recover disk but my OS isn't on the list to select to repair or restore

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Windows 7 Won't Boot And Recovery Options Don't Work?

May 2, 2012

however, this time, he is away and is unable to help me. So I try to do the same thing, I run start up repair, and it says problems can't be solved automatically, I clicked on details, it shows that a problem signature is CorruptFile.This time, theres no BSOD, but it kept leading me to the Start up recovery page (the one with sys restore, restore system using image etc and command prompt). I tried running safe mode, as well as safe mode with networking, last known good config, ran all the options on system recovery/system restore. It seems like the only option i have left is use the command prompt to fix the problem. I lost the windows installation CD, so some of the commands such as bootrec.exe is in vain. I don't really know what i'm doing any way when I use the command prompt. As a last resort, I'm willing to reinstall my comp, what do i do so that i can save some files? also is it possible that I download the reinstallation file since I lost the original one?

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Limited Options After Multiple Recovery Still No Hardware?

Jun 7, 2012

I've been going in circles for a year now....I completed HP Min Image restore and backed up everything I could. I cannot install HP hardware and windows is partially functional on surface installs updates but errors before can be set up.I've tried to follow step by step many different options which isnt easy since I am always missing a piece of the puzzle. Now I still have recovery partition, no option to update or reactivate Windows. After ordering 2nd set of recovery discs HP tells me using the discs probably caused my problems but I'm out of warrenty and out of luck

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System Recovery Options Window Doesn't Appear

Sep 1, 2012

Problem 1: Computer wont boot past logo screen

Problem 2:System Recovery Options window doesn't appear. The little box with command prompt, startup repair, etc doesn't come up at all. Tried 2 separate repair disk and repair your computer in the advance boot options list, still no luck, pc still wont boot and recovery options are still not appearing on screen. Also I have waited over an hour for it to show.

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up (System Recovery Options)

Dec 16, 2009

Yesterday I installed Windows 7 on my computer and everything worked perfect the internet, music, etc... The problem is that when i resterted some screen said: System Recovery Options and I couldn't use the computer so installed W-7 again but now I'm afraid to shut down my computer because I don't want to re-install it again and again. What can I do to no get the System recovery options screen. My computer is a Gateway.

This is what the System Recovery Options screen says:
1. Select language
2. Select an [COLOR=#0072bc !important][COLOR=#0072bc !important]operating [COLOR=#0072bc !important]system[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] to repair and click Next. (I clicked Windows 7)
3. Password
4. (Then the screen) SYSTEM RECOVERY OPTIONS which includes the options of doing Startup Repair, System Restore, Windows Complete PC Restore, Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool, [COLOR=#0072bc !important][COLOR=#0072bc !important]Command [COLOR=#0072bc !important]Prompt[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], Recovery Manager.

I've done it 3 times and it doesn't work. and I'm getting tired of re-installing.

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Windows 7 Cannot Boot System Recovery Options?

Oct 13, 2012

I have a Toshiba laptop in which I installed my copy of Windows 7. Recently, it has not been able to boot: it just restarts when trying to. I tried the typical things:booting to safe mode, etc. but they all do the same. So I tried to sin the System Recovery Options, first from the Advanced Boot Options menu and then directly from my Windows 7 disk. In all these cases, the program gets stuck after selecting the "Repair Your Computer" option, as in this picture:The mouse keeps working fine, but all I can see is the background image, and no window pops up. I know that it is supposed to prompt me to select my windows installation, but that window never comes up. A similar thing happens when I try to install windows instead. It just never gets to the next step.Is there anything that anyone can think of that I could do to solve this problem?

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All Programs & Start Menu Empty After Windows 7 Recovery Virus

Jun 5, 2011

my entire sunday has been consumed by this virus....I followed instructions on another topic but have not been successful in restoring my programs menu.

here is my log:

SystemLook 04.09.10 by jpshortstuff
Log created at 20:37 on 05/06/2011 by owner
Administrator - Elevation successful


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Create A Shortcut To Reboot Into System Recovery Options?

Jun 2, 2012

Is there any way I can create a shortcut (or file) to reboot the pc straight into the System Recovery (F8) menu.

I've been able to create one for the Windows 8 PR (in virtualbox) not sure if I can do this in Windows 7 though.

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SATA Drivers - Load In Windows Recovery Options

Sep 24, 2010

How to Load SATA Drivers in Windows System Recovery Options ?

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System Recovery Options Windows 7 Password Toshiba

Dec 3, 2012

Iam victor and i see in the laptop system recovery options with the username lucas and i have to write the password

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Can't Boot Windows 7 - Recovery Options Won't Work / Not Compatible

Dec 16, 2012

I'm having trouble with my windows installation. It seems windows installation was corrupted. I get the following when I boot (this is a summary):

Windows failed to start. . .
Insert an installation disc [and repair your computer]...
File: EFIMicrosoftBootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.

However, the big problem starts here: the recovery options in the windows installation disc don't work. It just says it's not compatible with my version of windows (even though I know it must be, since that was the disc I installed from). How can I repair my windows installation? Could I connect my corrupt hard drive to another computer and do it through there?

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File Recovery After Crash?

Jul 14, 2011

was capturing video from a DV camera directly to my Windows 7 laptop NTFS hard drive using firewire (the performance was 2 hours with no break, so tape wasn't an option).After about 80 minutes the laptop just powered off - I think it had overheated.I've pulled the hard drive without switching the laptop on since it crashed. It's a 2�" SATA drive now attached to a USB adapter on a different Windows 7 PCI'm trying to recover as much of the AVI as I can, but it's not showing when I use undelete software. I'm hoping there is some trace of the file to start my recovery procedure: At the time of the crash, the PC must have been maintaining some record of the file's location, as it would be needed to prevent other processes from writing over the video data.

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus - Unable To Restore Start Menu Programs List

Jun 10, 2011

A client of mine (I'm an IT summer temp in a production facility) recently contracted the Windows 7 Recovery virus and contacted me to fix it. Having encountered the XP version recently and resolved the issue, I was able to easily remove the virus and associated rootkit. The difference this time was that unhide.exe failed to restore the start>all programs menu shortcuts, although it did manage to restore the folder structure. I read through and followed the instructions of another thread here: [URL]. Which did not resolve the issue. The output given by SystemLook is as follows:

SystemLook 04.09.10 by jpshortstuff
Log created at 09:14 on 09/06/2011 by debra
Administrator - Elevation successful

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Recovery Disks Will Not Load In New Hard Drive After Crash

Mar 5, 2012

My hard drive crashed on my laptop. Before It crashed, It gave me a hard drive warning of imminent failure, and gave me an option to create recovery disks. I ended up creating 11 disks from the option. I installed the new hard drive and the BIOS reads that it will boot from the internal optical drive first. When I insert the first CD and start then computer, it continues to read "Operating system not found". When I look at the CD in another computer, it reads three files and one folder. The first file is an icon file which reads "Setup", the next is a "Media" bin file, and the last is an autorun setup information file. The last is a folder that contains various other backup files. My computer did not come with any copies of windows.

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Boot / Crash Dump And Primary Partition - System Recovery Option Incompatible

Jul 22, 2012

I have a brand new Windows 7 64bit build with a clean install from an Upgrade CD and noticed in BIOS that my 1st boot device must be "Windows Boot Manager" or it asks for the CD. I only have 1 storage device (SSD) in the system and when I look under Disk Management in windows, it shows a 100MB "EFI System Partition" in addition to the primary partition (which is labeled "Boot, Crash Dump, and Primary Partition" - so it seems to have the boot files on it).

My components are:
Intel i5 3570K
Gigabyte Z77-DS3H mainboard
16GB Crucial Ballistix
Intel 520 180GB SSD
LG BD optical drive
GTX 560ti

As I only have the one non-optical storage device I did not set any partition parameters at install. I Attempted to do a Startup Repair with the windows disc to maybe try and delete the EFI partition and got the "... System Recovery Options is incompatible with the version you are trying to repair" error. Not sure what that is. If Disk Management shows a healthy partition with "Boot" listed as being contained, why can I not select the SSD as boot device #1? I can boot perfectly fine with the Windows Boot Manager listed as boot device #1 and the SSD as #2, however it's not ideal.

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Internet Not Working/igfxcui Deleted/Virus?

May 24, 2011

All of the sudden my internet disconnected and stopped working. It says Windows was unable to connect to _____ (connection). I also get a Spybot SD notification saying Winlogon Notifiers Value deleted igfxcui. Not sure if that's related. I'm on another computer thats perfectly connected to this internet. I tried system restore twice. I Ran Malwarebytes, Spybot SD - no results. I also recently downloaded Berry Extract (for blackberries). Not sure what to do.

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working Even After Virus Scans

Sep 7, 2010

as the post title suggests, i have had system problems since removing Antimalware Doctor. no trace of the virus seems to be on my computer but i still get the error message that Windows Explorer has stopped working. i have read other threads and followed the instructions as well as trying the suggestion of sfc.exe but when i try to open sfc.exe a CMD window pops up for a split second then quits and nothing else appears to happen. is there anything else i can try?

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Screensaver And Power Options Not Working On Windows 7?

Dec 26, 2011

my screensaver and power options are not working at all. they where working fine a few days ago and then all of the sudden they started to work intermittent and then they just stopped all together. i have a wireless mouse and ive never had any problems with it. when it first started happening i would unplug the mouse and the screen saver would kick on. but now thats not even working i have tried everything i have found on the internet and still nothing is working all the drivers are updated and nothing is running in the background so i am stumped

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Word Prediction Function Has Stopped Working It No Longer Appears In Options Menu

Aug 3, 2012

I use the on screen keyboard quite regularly but the word prediction function has stopped working it no longer appears in the options menu have trawled through a large number of web pages without any success Clean boot sfc /scannow change admin settings reset tablet.System Restore Plus several others all without success.

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How Tocheck Laptop For Virus And Virus Protection

Jan 21, 2013

how do I check My labtop for virus and virus protection

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