VZAccess Manager - Get An Error 633 Every Time?

Jan 4, 2012

I am using VZAccess Manager with a Novatel USB760 modem. I recently installed Avast antivirus software and now I get an error 633 every time I try to connect to the internet

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Gave A Hell 3M Error One Time And The Other Time It Gave 9 Passes And 0 Errors?

Mar 9, 2012

they usally happens in the first couple of boots everyday (heard it is called cold boot error)and lately it happened with me while playing hardcore gamesI tried reinstalling win many times and formating the whole HDD but no use.I think the problem is related to my ram cuz sometimes when I rmove them and put them in the motherboard again the problem is solved for some time and sometimes nothing happens at all, and when I run memtest86 it gave me a hell 3M error one time and the other time it gave me 9 passes and 0 errors have win 7 pro x86 full retail versionI bought this computer more than 4 years ago, II had my motherboard fixed before and changed some ICs in it (I think over restarting the computer due to BSoDs caused it)

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System Giving Error Message Run-time-error 53

Aug 9, 2012

I unistalled malwarebytes from my pc and now I am getting the following "run-time-error 53, file not found mbam" How do I get rid of that plz?

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Boot Manager Error

Aug 31, 2009

I have a problem thaI am hoping someone has a solution to. I had previously installed Windows 7 RC on my computer. I then installed a SATA RAID PCI card and also installed a second HD. I attempted to install Vista on the second HD, but had problems and uninstalled it. When I try to boot up the boot up screen gives me the option of Windows 7 or setup. If I choose Windows 7, there is no problem. If I do not choose and the boot up continues in the setup mode I get an error message on the blue screen of death.

The computer shuts the start up in order to preserve the computer. It instructs me to remove the PCI card and HD and reinstall them. I have done that. I undertand that the boot up files fromVista are still on the the HD in a hidden folder. How do I correct this situation? Can I re-install Vista on the second HD and achieve the desired result? I formatted the second HD after the blue screen, but should I use a drive scrubber and remove all traces? If you know or believe you have an answer, I hope to hear from you.

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GTA Crashing - Error In Hardware Manager

Nov 4, 2011

I just swapped out my 560 ti for an identical model (on warranty). Now GTA-SA won't launch. I've tried a full delete/reinstall of GTA to no avail. I also updated the GPU's drivers.In HW Manager, I have 2 exclamations:

-Video Controller
-USB Controller

The game worked fine with the last gpu (until that gpu developed a noisy fan).

Win7 64
8gb ram
i5 2500k

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Error Code 43 In Device Manager On The USB Hub?

Sep 30, 2009

I got Windows 7 ultimate 64bit from microsoft technet. Everything is working fine except for the USB ports in the back of my computer, when i go to device manager I get the error: Code 43Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43), I have tried the drivers for my motherboard from the Gigabyte site, the ones for Vista 64bit, but no luck,

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Football Manager 2009 Error

Sep 23, 2009

I have installed Football Manager 2009 and when I run it the game said that there wasn't a dll. So I have search on internet and i have found how to solve this problem.. but now the game doesn't says that there isn't the dll but just that there is an error and ask me if i want to send the error to Microsoft. How can I do?

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Code 31 Error In Device Manager

Jun 27, 2011

Somehow I messed up install of a PCI wireless adapter. Device Manager says 'device not working properly because it can't load drivers: code 31.

I've pulled the adapter card out. ran the computer awhile without it, reinstalled it and same problem.

Then I did the registry thing about upper and lower filter deletion but the filters are not listed. Yeah I went to the right place in the registry to look.

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Getting A Device Manager Restricted Error?

Mar 8, 2012

my computer is upgraded from Vista to 7. I am getting a device manager restricted error.

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Error When Trying To Open AMD Catalyst Control Manager(CCC)?

Sep 20, 2012

I've been dealing with this issue for a few weeks now. The message that comes up when I try to open CCC is: "Could not load file or assembly 'CCC.Implementation' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." I've tried everything to fix this. I've followed step by step, about a dozen different guides all over the internet on how to fix this issue, but with no luck. My last resort, today, was to reformat my entire hard drive and do a fresh install of windows 7. I was flabbergasted when I still received the error. I have also tried multiple GPU's, so I know it is not a hardware problem, at least I do not think so. My reason for wanting to open CCC is because I just bought another 4890 for crossfire on Ebay but I can't even enable crossfire to get it working.I should also say that the performance of the single 4890 is perfect, so it is running as it should be[CODE]

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Printer Error Code 43 In Device Manager

Feb 8, 2012

Issue with an HP deskjet D4363. It worked just fine when I bought it in November and then just stopped.At first it would print 3 or 4 lines and then freeze. Now it does nothing and isn't even recognised by windows as a printer.I have a code 43 error unrecognised device in my device manager under usb.

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Windows 7 Boot Manager Error 0xc00000e9

Oct 2, 2012

I am trying to install Win 7 Ultimate x64 on my roommates laptop. It was having severe issues booting into 7 already so I decided to just wipe it and re-install. I started with a DVD copy and upon boot he realized that his DVD drive was broke. FML. But we can boot from USB so I go buy a large flashdrive and DL a copy of Windows 7 and make it boot-able. So I plug it in and when it starts to load windows files it makes it about 10% and stops.

Then throws an error 0xc00000e9. "An unexpected I/O error has occurred".

Now I know my USB is good, I just bought it. The DVD Drive is messed up but its not being used in any way. It's an older Sony vaio, Core 2 Duo, 2gb ram, the model is burnt off the bottom.

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Run Time Error: 75

May 25, 2009

After installing windows 7 7100 on my PC, everything went just fine, But, after a sudden shut down, my PC restarted, How to resolve this issue?

Program does not have rights or access to a file. Often this is caused when a program is trying to access a network file it doesn't have proper access to either because of network privileges or something is blocking the program. This issue can also be caused when the file is being used by another program or is read-only.

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How To Fix Run Time Error

Jul 3, 2011

I have a runtime error on my online banking

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Run Time Error 75

Feb 20, 2010

after i install filter to Internet this message appear run time error 75 for my operating system windows 7.

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Error 711 - Cannot Load Remote Access Connection Manager

Sep 21, 2009

An error message has been bugging my lately, rather since I started using programs which use the remote access connection manager. One of them is songbird (the fire-foxy media player) which cannot listen to shared music, and SecondLife which uses it to make http calls, both of which make up pretty major parts of my day to day.

The actual error reads: "Network Connections
Cannot load the remote access connection manager service.
Error 711: the operation could not finish because it could not start the remote access connection manager service in time. Please try the operation again."

I found this weblink on microsoft support which explains that windows is stupid and I should load the following dependent services manually.
Remote Access Connection Manager
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Telephony on my computer is already running, the Remote Access Auto Connection Manager depends on Remote Access Connection Manager, when I try to start the Remote Access Connection Manager service I get the error message: "Services Windows could not start the remote access connection manager service on local computer.
Error 1068: The dependancy Service or group failed to start."

The Remote Access Connection Manager depends on Telephony (already running) and Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service. When I try to manually start the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service I get the following informative message: "Services
The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs."

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External USB 3.0 Drive Causing Error In Device Manager

Jan 5, 2013

First I want to say that the drive works without problems at the correct speed. The problems come upon disconnect. I also want to to stress that USB 2.0 discs are working flawlessly. If I use safe eject and the look in the device manager I get an error 47 saying that it has been shut down but not disconnected, it also says I can rectify it by disconnecting and reconnecting but this does not work. If I do so the drive will not be recognized. The enclosure has a power switch. After a safe eject I have tried both pulling the USB cable while power is still on and also going the other way by first shutting the power down. In both cases the error 47 shows in device manager. When this happens the CPU load goes up to about 20% and stays that way when it before was around 0 at idle. If I reboot the drive reconnects and I have no problem with it unless I try to safely eject it again.

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Cannot Determine Source Of Error Reported In Device Manager

Feb 16, 2013

I clicked on Device Manager > Other Devices > Mass Storage Controller. Under Device Status it said, "The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)."

I don't know what device they are talking about. All the storage devices on my PC seem to be working. Why does DM think there is a Mass Storage Controller at location PCI bus 7, device 1, function 2? I clicked on Update Drive - search failed to find a driver and suggested none needed. I clicked the Uninstall button and the message dissapeared until I rebooted the system.

Can somone tell me why Windows 7 might think there is a Mass Storage Controller on my PC?

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Windows Boot Manager Install Error 0xc00000e9

Nov 5, 2010

Just wanted to reinstall my Windows 7 this morning due to the fact that my dvd writer did not read of write CDs. After some research I learnt that a re-install will do the trick. how I don't know.My system statrt up, loads the windows 7 files and then comes up with the Windows Boot Manager screen stating that it has problems communicating with a device connected to your computer. Status: 0xc00000e9 Info: An unexpected I/O error has occurred.I have tried my 2 SSD drives in Raid 0 and also a single HDD with the same results.My DVD writer is an IDE model, but I can't think that this is the problem since the first time I used this drive and the same original Windows 7 Ultimate Disc there were no problems.I even went as far and got a PS2 keyboard to avoid any USB devices and also downloaded a full untouched version of Windows 7 with the same error! (Maybe my disc got scrtaches after its first use, I don't know)

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Error Code 0x80070015 And Boot Manager Missing

Jul 16, 2012

Bootmgr is missing and I've tried every way but reinstalling. I want to reinstall but when it says expanding files it stays on 0 for 30 mins then a error message comes up and I can't reinstall.

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Windows 7 Boot Manager Error Code 0xc0000428

Sep 7, 2012

Well first of all I started up my PC and it immediately jumped into Startup Repair maybe cause I didn't shut it down properly. It went through the repair and several times. By then I knew something was wrong, I checked the Diagnostics and see what Startup Repair had actually done. It turns out it could not fix an error with the OS Loader.It came up with two error code (0x2) and (0x490).I followed the following instructions:

1. bcdedit /export C:BCD_Backup
2. C:
3. cd Boot
4. attrib bcd -s -h -r
5. ren C:BootBCD BCD.old
6. bootrec /RebuildBCD

I also tried using /FixMBR and /FixBoot However none of these worked and my I tried booting up it came up with the same problem. I went back into the Windows 7 DVD and ran Startup Repair again. It said it was completed successfully but it said also if it doesn't boot then there's something wrong.Which leads to my new error screen that never goes away everytime I switch on the PC. The error message is as follows:A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source.If you have a Windows installation disc, insert the disc and restart your computer. Click "Repair You Computer," and then choose a recovery tool.Otherwise, to start Windows so you can investigate further, press the ENTER key to display the boot menu, press F8 for Advanced Boot Options, and select Last Known Good. If you understand why the digital signature cannot be verified and want to start Windows without this file, temporarily disable driver sginature enforcement.

File: WindowsSystem32Winload.exe
Status: 0xc0000428
Info: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file.

If I try and press ENTER it will take me to the boot menu and if I press ENTER to select an OS (I only have one) then it will jump back to the previous screen.

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Error 0x80070570 And 0x15 - Missing Boot Manager

Nov 28, 2009

such as i wrote in the title i get error 0x80070570 when i try to install Windows 7

this the first time i face this problem because i install Windows 7 many times before on the same computer

the problem start with blue screens when i already have a Windows 7 so such as many people do i backup all my files and format C partition Then when i install Windows 7 i 0x80070570 problem so i format all of my hard disk and again i got this error

i tried alot of Solutions but all of them did not solve the problem

i tried to use system recovery options but it unavailing and it tell me boot Manager is missing or corrupt so i tried many commands like bootsect/nt60 and also no luck

now what can i do to solve this problem , can any one help me please ?

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Crash Dumps Error While Playing Football Manager 2013?

Nov 16, 2012

crash dumps error while playing Football Manager 2013?

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Error 711 - Cant Load Remote Access Service Connection Manager

May 15, 2009

I have used Windows 7 build 7057. But in that I was having problem that it keeps giving error 711 (cant load Remote Access Service Connection Manager) whose soln provided on net doesnt work as 'secure socket tunneling protocol' service starts and stops automatically and other services are dependent on it. So the only soln is to reinstall windows. So I switched to XP again and this problem doesnot occur in it.

Now I wasnt to ask that was that some build related problem or other coz i want to install Windows 7 RC now. If anyone have soln to that problem than plz provide it.

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Windows 7 Time Sync Error?

Jan 18, 2013

ok recently I have been having trouble with my windows time syncing, and it used to just take a quick trip to cmd and a few codes to unregister and reregister it to fix it... but now I am getting a "The specified service is not installed" error, any knowledge on how to fix this issue?

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BSOD With Different Error Codes Each Time

Apr 27, 2011

Started getting blue screens for about a month(maybe, i cant remember cause its been so long!) now and i'm going insane because i've spent a LOT of time and effort attempting to fix the bsod's only to failim going to try and include everything i can and not miss anything important and end up looking like a noob.

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Error After Setting Time Restrictions?

Apr 27, 2011

My PC have two user accounts: Admin (Administration) and Guest (Standard).i sat time restrictions for Guest account.then, for testing, i restarted my pc and tried to log on with Guest account at certain time. but it showed me this error: "Your account has time restrictions that prevent you from logging on at this time. Please try again later" What is the reason? What should i do to solve it?

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Run Time Error 9 And Subscript Out Of Range

Aug 20, 2011

I have windows 7 premium and have word 2002 installed,During the last few days every time I open up word I get a box on screen stating 'Run-Time Error '9' Subscript out of range'.can I have some help here please Have not installed nothing and done nothing different to the pc.

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Getting BSOD's Different Error Messages Every Time

Sep 17, 2011

I've started to get random BSOD's on my computer a few weeks back. They seem to have, in all cases but one, been triggered while running a game in fullscreen. A couple of times the computer also just froze, without any BSOD. The funny part is; I've gotten at least four different kinds of error messages on those BSODs. Here are the details: BSOD error messages.

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Computer Freezes Playing Football Manager 2012, Error 0x00000124

Apr 27, 2012

Twice in the last week the computer has locked up and required me to reset it whilst playing Football Manager 2012. There is actually no BSoD shown the game just freezes up completely until I press the reset button. I can't remember any BSoD before when using Windows 7.Most of the computer is 3-4 years old, and I can't remember when I installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit on it probably over 18 months ago when I got a new Graphics Card. The only new hardware in the last few months is a new Razer mouse to replace a faulty ROCCAT mouse, nothing else has changed. Temperatures don't seem to be a big problem and Memtest didn't find any problems, but I haven't had time to run Memtest for more then 3 passes or get inside the case to look at the hardware.

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Cannot Start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot Find The Specified File)

May 30, 2012

I had a small problem with my laptop a few days back ,but it was fixed when I removed and inserted the battery. But the F drive was renamed to D drive automatically. I think this was the cause of the following errors, which i noticed when I tried to use my Reliance Netconnect+ datacard and Error 711 (Cannot load the Remote Access Connection Manager Service) showed up.I tried system restore but i noticed it was disabled and so there were no restore points.A little research showed that Now I have the following errors: I cannot start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot find the specified file) and cant start Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (Error 1068: The dependency or group failed to start). Both services are set to manual.(Target file is svchost.exe -k netsvcs).

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