System Hangs When Asking For Admin Privileges

Mar 15, 2011

I have an annoying issue and it only happens about half the time my computer is turned on. When I run a program in "admin mode", the screen goes black and hangs for about 5 seconds, the prompt comes up asking me to approve, I click yes, screen goes black for another 5 seconds then the program comes up. This also happens sometimes when I wake the computer from the screensaver. I also happens when I try to open task manager. With the specs of my computer, there's no reason this should be happening. The computer is only 2 months old. I have run CHKDSK, did sfc /scannow, all are supposedly clean now. I checked my registry for errors, repaired those. Ran an AVG scan, also clean. My graphics drivers are up to date. All of my other drivers should be up to date as well. If I go into the device manager, there are no dreaded "!" icons next to any devices.

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Admin Privileges Gone

Dec 7, 2011

After setting up the Christmas tree the other night our breaker was thrown. After starting Windows up I no longer have admin privileges. Worse yet, no user does. Also, from my log in screen only one user is shown (the previous admin account). If I type other users names and passwords I can access them.

Since I can't change anyone's privileges above my own, what do I do?

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Getting Around The Admin Privileges

Jan 28, 2012

I know what this sounds like. Before you ban or block or post some smartass remark, hear me out. I'm trying to get around an adminstrator password on my work computer so I can install a couple of useful apps. Before I joined the company, most of the computers were fairly open. About a year ago, they hired an empolyee who took advantage of this an installed personal liscense software on her work computer for work-related use. Obviously this is illegal and the employee was warned. The employee persisted and eventually the company locked the computers down so that you could not install without administrator privileges. This applied to old and new employees. I started about 2 months ago and was given a locked computer. Shortly thereafter the employee who caused the lock down policy left for another position. During this time I began experiencing issues with my computer. This person explained why the computers were locked down when I expressed that it would waste less of his time if the computer wasn't locked. He then said, "Of course you know that there is a workaround right? You just need a windows boot disk. Then you don't need the password." This was the wink, wink, nudge, nudge way of saying as long as you don't do something stupid it's unofficially ok. My question is, is this true, can I use a boot disk and not have to get an admin password to install a program? I'm not looking to install pirated software or software that I own a personal liscense for, I'm looking to install useful tools such as CPU-Z or something similar and to make enhancements such as increasing the page file size. If it's true, how do I go about it? Are there other ways to achieve the same ends?

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Getting Around The Admin Privileges?

Jun 7, 2012

want to install office 2007 on win7 , but as administrator I can not. it will run until it's says you do not have privileges.have set system to fullcontrol and also administrator to fullcontrol with the same response

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Admin Has No Sufficient Privileges?

May 3, 2011

A virus, downgraded all my Privileges even though I'm set as Administrator. In order to fix my computer, I first need to reset all Privileges back to their defaults. The first "solution" said to install "subinacl.msi", and then run a cmd batch that calls subinacl.exe. Problem here is that "subinacl.msi" attempts to install to the System32 folder... which I naturally no longer have permission to access. Catch-22.

The second "solution" said to use "Takeown" to retake ownership of specific files & folders. But I don't have "Permission" to run "Takeown" either from the CLI. The third "solution" says to create the "hidden" Administrator account via "net user administrator /active:yes", but (you guessed it), I don't have "permission" to do that either. How to get my permissions back?

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Changing App To Admin Privileges?

Dec 18, 2011

Im trying to make it so that my son has the capability to run a program using admin, and only that one program, is there anyway to do that so i don't have to constantly put my password in to allow him to play?

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Running Computer As Someone Without Admin Privileges?

Oct 7, 2012

Sony Vaio laptop/Windows 7
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64 NTFS
Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421
Firefox 15.0.1
avast! free antivirus; Spyware Blaster free.

Also for non-real time protection but for a 2nd opinion, sometimes do a scan with MBAM or Super AntiSpyware.And after learning about it thru this site, currently doing a free online ESET scan, which the one other time I used it found junk that none of the other programs did.I saw an article stating that most problems involving keyloggers, trojans, scareware, etc., could be prevented by my running my computer as someone without Administrative privileges - that this would prevent most programs from being able to take control, even if I unknowingly clicked on a downloader for a trojan/keylogger.I am in the USA and interested in some non-USA sports, so use free streaming sites a lot which sometimes contain various types of malware.I try to be careful, but occasionally, as tonight, I have to do a System Restore when scareware gets a program into my computer.

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Admin Privileges In Batch Script?

Jun 6, 2011

I wrote a Script that uninstalls an application, move some files and install an Application.The Script is working if I start it as Admin (right click - run as Admin ...).Everything works fine.But I want to have it working without the "run as".The script is only used in a separated Test system, so there is no problem if the Admin user name and password is in the script.(also link wouldn't work, should also work if it moves to another station within the test domain)

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Allow User On Another Computer Admin Privileges Over A Net

Jan 4, 2013

I'm trying to allow a user account on my win 7 home laptop admin rights on my win 7 professional desktop so i can send it admin level commands over command prompt and generally do more when file sharing.

Both computers have an account called "Me" on them with exactly the same password.
The computer running win 7 professional is called ME-DESKTOP, and the computer running Win 7 home is called ME-LAPTOP. I heard that setting the usernames and passwords to the same should work on some other forums, but i get the feeling that was referring to computers both running win 7 home, as it has evidently not worked here.

I think the problem is I've got to add \ME-LAPTOPMe to the administrators group on ME-DESKTOP but i can't find how to as when i try and add a new location it won't find ME-LAPTOP for me to select even though ME-LAPTOP has network discovery turned on.

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Lost Admin Privileges - Cannot Use Windows Update / UAC Off

Oct 30, 2010

I seem to have lost admin rights/privileges on my account, even though it says I am an admin. I can't use windows update because of the following message. UAC is off. I created another account and swapped admin privileges to that, and everything was ok, but as soon as I swap the privileges back to my original account, i get various 'this action requires admin rights' etc. I don't want to keep logging into another admin account just so I can use windows update.

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Windows 7 Reinstall - Setting Default User Account As Admin With Privileges

Apr 3, 2011

I'm getting pretty good at reinstalling Windows 7 (Clean) - However I do have a question: What is the best way to set myself up as the Administrator so I don't constantly have to work around those pesky "You need administrator privileges to do xxx". I would think that even with setting my default user account as an Administrator, there would be a way to really be an Administrator.

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Admin Login Does Not Work, Hangs, Other Logins OK

Jun 16, 2011

I have an administrator user login account and a standard login account? When I try to login to the administrator, it just hangs and I have to reboot. I can login to my standard account just fine however.

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System Hangs After Windows 7 Log In

Jan 13, 2013

Systems hangs after seemingly OK boot. Logged in as user but no desktop icons. Rebooted in Safe Mode - seemed OK.Looked @ Event Log. Errors


A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the Dnscache serviceRestarted in Normal Mode. Booted fine and logged in OK. Still get the 7003 errors but system works OK.Has only recently started to happen but I have had to remove a Trojan Virus. All virus checking is OK but I suspect something got damaged.

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System Hangs After Install?

Aug 21, 2010

I had a copy of windows on my computer for about 3 months (non legit key) and with being happy with the O/S i decieded to go out and buy a copy and do a fresh install.Since installing, my 200gb HDD will no longer boot past BIOS post. I dropped it from the system and left my other 300gb HDD in and installed it to the HDD no worries, boots up fine and can use win 7. I then did a software update and now it gets stuck on the windows startup screen....

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System Hangs Without Any Message?

Apr 3, 2011

my system hangs without any message i have to disconnect the power to shutdown

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System Hangs At Boot From CD

May 5, 2009

I have the official RC1. I checked the MD5 sum and it came out fine (for once). I did not burn the DVD at max speed so I could avoid write errors. However, I have tried to boot from the DVD on 3 computers and cant get past the "Press any key to boot from CD" prompt. the weird thing is, all 3 computers display "Press any key to boot from CD o"

I press a key and nothing happens. Why is that little "o" appearing at the end?

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Cannot Backup System As Admin - Access Denied

Feb 19, 2011

I have just got round to making a backup of my system, but when I come to view items on the file so items are"access denied". I have set myself as admin.

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Updates On This Computer Controlled By System Admin

Oct 8, 2011

I need to update my windows but when i click "check for updates" in windows updates, I get a message that reads "Windows update can not currently check for updates because updates on this computer ae controlled by your system administrator". I've tried enabling non admin access in both

Computer ConfigurationAdminstrative TemplatesWindows ComponetsWindows Update
User ConfigurationAdminstrative TemplatesWindows ComponetsWindows Update

But no luck as of yet. I am running Windows 7 pro. Service Pack 1. 64 bit.

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Allowing A User To Have Admin Rights On Their Own System?

Oct 6, 2011

I was kind of thrown into the issue of allowing a user to have admin rights on their own system, eg., download various programs like Firefox, Adobe stuff, and before I go in to muddle things up, I must ask how to do this.....

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Very Peculiar System Hangs When Lid Is Closed

Nov 27, 2011

Recently, with no system changes, suspicious downloads, or drops in recent history, my 6 Month old Clevo build began exhibiting two very bizarre symptoms:

1) Upon booting, Windows will start normally ,up until the mouse is rendered before the log in screen appears, then the system seems to power down. However, upon pressing the power button, the computer resumes booting right from where it left off as if it had entered a very rapid hibernation mode.

2) When the lid is closed during normal use, even when the system is not set to sleep or hibernate upon a lid closing, the system will hang permanently, with indicator lights like caps lock getting stuck either on or off and the hard drive light not turning on. This requires a hard reset to fix.

I have scanned memory, boot sectors, and the entire hard drive for malicious programs like worms, packers, and rootkits with Avast and Kapersky boot time scans to no avail.The system behaves normally otherwise, except during boot or lid closing. No overheating, screen flashing, or abnormal system processes are occurring. Though I have not yet checked the exact temps or checked the contents of rundll.I have a hunch it is the motherboard, but I don't have the screwdrivers to check or try to reset the SODIMMS.I have found a few questionable errors in the event log, but no strange processes in system resource manager.This is transcript of said questionable error log with all events from past 7 days (as of 11/27/2011) (with said issue arising on the 25th)The Download is 215 Kb compressed and 5 Mb uncompressed with over 7,000 events.On an unrelated note, the event log reports the processor getting underpowered, is this just a momentary thing during bootup or something that could hinder performance?

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Screen Saver, System Hangs

Dec 6, 2009

I am having a similar problem using the "blank" screen saver with a password...

Purchased a new Dell XPS 8000 three days ago and everything appeared to be working fine. I was using the wired keyboard and mouse supplied with the computer.

Connected my old usb Microsoft Wireless Comfort Keyboard/Mouse 1.0A to the system and suddenly the system would never go to screen saver. I checked for windows updates and it recommended an update for the wireless keyboard and mouse. Installed the update and now my system goes to screen saver.

The problem now is that it doesn't return from screen saver consistently. I am still characterizing the problem... When I move the mouse I get the login screen, type the password, hit return, and the screen goes blank (as if it is back in the blank screen saver).

I have had the desktop reactivate very quickly (normally) if the screen saver was on only for a few minutes. I have had it take 2 minutes plus to get to the desktop. I have also had the system freeze and ended up power cycling.

I thought this was a power management issue. I tried setting up power settings so nothing would ever go into power save mode but this hasn't made a difference.

I just reconnected my wired keyboard and mouse to see if the issue goes away. I am expecting this to solve it, but I really would like to use the wireless.


1. Went back to wired mouse/keyboard and the issue persisted.

2. Rolled back updates from last Windows 7 update: Dell Monitor 6/21/2009, Microsoft (HID Class) 5/8/2009, and Microsoft (USB) 11/03/2009 7.10.344.0. Problem still persisited.

3. Did a "reset to defaults" on the Dell power settings profile and removed the password from the blank screen saver. Seemed to resolve the issue, but only tried it once with the screen saver on for an hour.

4. Added the password back to the screen saver. Worked once and then hung the computer the 2nd time. I move the mouse, get the login screen, type my password, hit return, and the monitors go blank (as if it is in the blank screen saver). At this point it is hung, no mouse, no keyboard, ... must power cycle to get the system back up and running.

Yet another update...

Found a "solution" (let's call it a work around) for this issue in another thread: Seven locks up after an hour or so idle. I had my task bar set to auto hide, changed it to be visible all of the time and no more system hangs.

While I am thrilled to not have to power cycle everytime I go to screen saver, I would still like to auto hide the task bar. I wonder if there isn't a better fix that would allow me to still configure the task bar.

XPS 8000, 8 GB Ram, 1 TB Hard Drive, ATI 4630 graphics.

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System Hangs And High Fan Sound

Oct 14, 2012

im having an issue frequently with my hp pavilion dv6 laptop.the thing is the cursor starts to freeze and becomes so slow which leads to a system crash.the system begins to hang/cursor freezes,at the same time i can hear the cpu fan sound high.and wen i restart it,it works fine for some sessions.c

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Acer Reinstall Of System 7 Hangs At 83%

Sep 7, 2012

Tried to reinstall system 7 from the 3 disk backup and it hangs at 83%.

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System Restore To Factory Settings Without Admin Access

Apr 25, 2011

Well i have a gateway computer and windows 7 i have lost the cd and i have no access to the admin account since i have forgot the password so im on a standard user account and i need to do a system restore.

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Graphics Card Problem System Hangs Up?

Sep 10, 2012

I have installed sony vegas pro 11 and been working for some time. Recently I have added ASUS 210Silent ( GE Force Physx HDMI) 1 GB DDR3 Graphics card. All went well for one month. Now, whenever I try to import video clips into vegas pro 11, I am unable to import the clips. The vegas pro hangs up and I get the following message every time."Windows has detected your computer's performance is slow. This could be because there are not enough sourcesto run the windows Aero colour scheme. To improve performance, try changing the color scheme to Windows 7 Basic"Not only vegas pro, but the entire system hangs up including internet.The following is my PC configuration OS Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits OS Pentium (R) Dual core CPU E 5400 @ 2.70 GHZ Ram 2.00 GB No Pen or Touch input for the display Hard disc Nearly 466 GB System Rating 4.3 Windows Experience Index

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Random System Hangs By Service Pack One?

May 20, 2012

I was having this problem earlier too, but i reinstalled windows 7 and now it was fine till i today used windows update to install service pack one. Now im getting hangs again.

No BSOD's have been seen yet, but its hanging up yeah(Screen freezes, keyboard lights go out and voice outputs a big 'ZZZZZZZZ' ) I cant provide much more detail

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System Hangs After Installations Like Windows 7 Update

Jul 29, 2012

System hangs after installations like Windows 7 update,tune up utilities,new hardwares(data cards) etc which requires windows hangs and blue screen appears after several minutes.Pls help. [code]

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Pci To Pci Bridge Usb Pcix Card Hangs System

Jan 6, 2010

I'm doing a clean install of 7 ultimate x64, I've got another hd with the rc installed that has been running for a while so I know the hardware works under 7.

If I boot the new install with my 5 port usb pcix card, it detects a "pci-to-pci bridge" starts to install drivers, and then the whole system hangs. I've tried taking everything else out, no joy.

Any suggestions on how to get this device installed?

SYBA PCI-Express USB 2.0 5 Ports Controller Card Model SD-PEX-NEC5U - Add-On Cards

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Why System Hangs When Try To Upload Any File To Any Site

Apr 5, 2011

why system hangs when i try to upload any file to any site eg. i m trying to upload a photo in Facebook, my system hanged uo and no mouse, keyboard or Alt+Ctrl+ Del is working 1st time when this happens i wait for around half and hour and press the power Switch to shutdown.when i tried again the same problem happens, i tried in other sites also in, in with JPEG, Doc and Pdf files.

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CPU Overclocker On The ASUS Motherboard - System Hangs?

Oct 10, 2011

I have just built a new system consistsing of the following:

Asus M5A78L/USB3 AMD Socket AM3
Kingston 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1333MHz i5 Memory Kit Non-ECC CL9
AMD Phenom II X2 555 Black Edition 3.2GHz Socket AM3 6MB Cache
Western Digital WD20EARS 2TB Hard Drive SATAII 64MB Cache - OEM Caviar Green
Powercool 550W 80plus Certified Efficienty PSU - 1x PCI-E 4x SATA
Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro rev 2 Socket 775, 1156, 1155, 1366, AM2, AM3 Heatpipe CPU Cooler
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit SP1

The initial build of the system went as planned until I activated the CPU overclocker on the ASUS motherboard. When this is on the system seems to boot ok and starts to load windows but then hangs and all I get is a blank black screen.I have had to reboot and reset the motherboard to the default values to get it to work ok.

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Removing Admin Password - System Showing Read Only And Shuts Down

Sep 3, 2011

Logging as administrator, I tried to remove admin password. It wouldn't let me do it and now, when I restart and click on the admin icon to log in, it tells me the system is read only and shuts down. If I run f2, f8, etc. The computer shuts down after 30 seconds or so.

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