Sudden Loss Of Keyboard?

Sep 17, 2012

Everything on my computer was fine this morning when I left for week, but upon my return I noticed that my keyboard/mouse wasn't working. I restarted my computer and confirmed that my keyboard works in the bios and whatnot, but when I get to the windows login screen, I get no response from the keyboard or mouse.the mouse is a simple USB one, and I'm using a PS/2 keyboard, so I doubt it's some sort of sudden driver issue.I tried logging into safemode, and I get the same result, can't move my mouse or use my keyboard.Does anyone have any idea how to possibly fix this issue? I'm unable to restore from an earlier state either.

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Sudden Loss Of Internet Access?

Jan 10, 2013

For the past year or so I've been using a telstra broadband manager USB to connect to the internet, now all of a sudden I am getting no internet access, not just from the broadband manager but from other networks aswell. I have tried my phones hotspot, other USB's and WiFi's to none of them working.It would start up and work for about 15 seconds, and then internet access would just cut out completely. I have AVG Internet Security 2012 installed and I have tried disabling the firewall (Windows firewall also) and yet it still doesn't work.


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Sudden Loss Of Internet Connectivity?

Jan 11, 2010

Two days ago I lost internet connectivity suddenly on my desktop (Dell XPS 630i, onboard Nvidia network controller, running windows 7 Home Premium 64bit) and have been unable to restore it. As my laptop (winXP sp3) can still connect to the internet and the router settings have not been changed (Dlink DGL4500), I'm making the assuption that my networking problem resides on my desktop alone. the network adapter gives me a 'limited connectivity' symbol and refuses to connect to my network, even though the router acknowledges the desktop's wired connection. The troubleshooting diagnostic sometimes finds nothing, sometimes finds that the computer is not obtaining a proper IP, and sometimes claims the problem is the router. I've also disabled windows firewall. Throughout this whole process I have been getting a 'Drive Power State Failure' BSOD during restarts (about once every four or five restarts, not consistently).

At first I was unable to replace the drivers or uninstall the adapter through device manager. After reinstalling the drivers using the Nforce 650SLI drivers on their website, I was able to do this, but this did not solve the problem. I also did a windows restore to before the problem occured, also with no luck. I've been through the event log and there are numerous code 5007 errors, which just tell me that the adapter timed out during an operation. I've also read through some forums online and tried several solutions including adding a DhcpConnBcastFlagToggle line into the registry: SOLVED: Network Icon Exclamation: No Internet

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Power Loss To Notebook Shows Loss Of Windows Activation?

Jan 15, 2013

I had a power loss while running on battery (it still showed power left, but suddenly shut down anyway) and when I restart, it reports that the Windows is not activated and Window is not genuine and system might be a victim of "counterfeiting."

Is this a virus (I have MSE on continuously and about once a week scan with Malwarebytes)? I have run 'sfc /scannow' with filtered output ('findstr /c: "[SR]" c:.....logsCBSCBS.log" and it appears as usual.

How can I lose my Windows activation?

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Loss Of Administrator Privilege

Dec 18, 2011

I recently did a system cleanse using my anti virus software.i used it primarily to remove unneeded start up starting it up, my start menu has lost all programs, including folders like Accessories and Paint, Calculator, also my desktop was removed of all open a program i have to go to c:// Program files/ program . etc.I now cannot reset the start menu Properties as i get a message saying the "this operation was cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.I only have one user, and my user is administrator. How do i find this restriction and why did i lose all the items.Is this mor edue to my Security Settings or my Anti Virus software.

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Win7 Upgrade Ram Loss

Sep 12, 2009

Ok well i got a new Dell Studio 435 Tower in april or so i7 920, 6gb 1066 tri-channel, 1gb ATI 4870, 750GB WD Black Caviar... i was running x64 Vista Home Premium and it was smooth as butter... had a 5.9 WEI and was pretty happy with performance.

2 nights ago i saw that the Windows 7 RTM was available on MSDN so i snagged x64 Windows 7 Home Premium... upgraded in place fine but now its much slower than my x64 was!

It takes longer to both boot up and shut down, some programs freeze when opening or closing them... i re took the WEI and it went down to 5.5. For some reason all my other scores shot up to 7.5 except my Ram which fell to 5.5 and my HDD which fell to 5.9 ???

I started investigating and it now says that i have 6GB installed and 1.99GB usable. What? When i was using Vista it said nearly all of it was usable.

I went into my bios... updated it to the newest version along with the intel chipset... in bios it states that i have 2048 available out of 2048 installed??? I have combed my bios and don't see ANYTHING that will let me mess with ram period.

I did the whole start>run>msconfig>boot>max ram, but no matter what i do it always defaults back to 2048 when i reboot my machine and go back to it.

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Loss Of Network Connectivity

Jun 11, 2009

This has been an issue since I upgraded to 7201. It isn't constant, and seems to be worse when I'm downloading large files, especially multiple files from one source (like an album in iTunes). It is fixed by release/renew (or just letting Diagnostics do that).

If I'm not using a lot of data (regular web browsing, working on a database online, etc), it seems perfectly fine. It is holding so far downloading one track at a time on iTunes, but if I do 2, it drops the connection.

I'm using the Home network config, router is working normally, and I can't recall this happening before 7201. I've reset the router, upgraded firmware, and it only happens on this PC. I've set WINS, tried all settings for TCP/IP 4 and 6, and using the other ethernet port on my motherboard.

More of an annoyance, really, but I can't figure it out and it is bugging the hell out of me.

EDIT: I can still get 1 mb/s on a single download, but trying 2, I get 600/400 for about 10-15 seconds until it disconnects.

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Loss Of Wireless Connectivity?

Feb 2, 2011

All of a sudden, my wireless adaptor went offline and I wasn't able to detect any wireless networks in the area..

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Loss Of Wireless Connection?

Jun 26, 2011

I have an acer aspire 5738z laptop with windows 7. I hadan issue with the screen sent it off for repair and it has come back and the wireless Internet won't work. I've tried everything, the wireless will be either very poor and then turn off or just doesnt work at all. When I try and connect to talktalk my Internet provider it says, windows was unable to connect, it has mentioned the wireless adaptor

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Packet Loss Only In Windows 7, But Not In Xp?

Mar 18, 2012

I have packet loss, and randomly connection loss (but otherwise i have very good pings!) under windows 7 with two different computer with realtek 8111B and 8111E onboard chips. But there is no packet loss under windows xp with the same computers.I tried old, new, and motherboard manufacturer's drivers, new windows 7 system without any antivirus software, disabled windows defender, in safe mode, but still the sameI have no router, just a modem directly plug into the pc.

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Wireless Signal Loss

Dec 6, 2009

I have new Acer Aspire 5739G laptop and fresh Windows 7 on it.

The wireless card is Intel WiFi Link 5100.

The problem is that wireless works only in short distance with access point - max distance is about 5 meters.

In that distance everything works fine.

But if I go farther or to another room it disconnects.

With other laptops all works fine even on very large distance.

I tried such things (nothing helped):
* uninstall, reinstall or update drivers
* install newest drivers from Acer site
* install newest drivers from Intel site
* tested with xp & vista drivers
* on network connection properties unchecked all things except tcp/ip v4 protocol (microsoft networking,sharing, link layer topology,QoS, TCP/IP v6 ..)
* disabled homegroup
* on adapter properties changed signal frequencies (1,6,11),
* on adapter properties changed standard type to work with: 802.11 b or g
* on adapter properties changed signal to MAX, don't use power saving
* disabled Internet security, firewall
* Changed access point signal broadcasting with no encryption or wpa
* it disconnects from another access point the same way (problem with system not wifi AP)

Maybe something forgot to say, but there was few hours of testing and can't fix it .

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Windows 7 32 To 64, No Discs, At A Loss

Mar 7, 2012

I have been researching the topic and am at a loss after around an hour of fruitless research. I recently upgraded from xp 32 bit to windows 7 32 bit. I want to upgrade to 64 bit so theres more RAM available and cannot find any information on doing it without discs that doesnt use USB or something. Got an external hard drive what the hell do I do? I downloaded the files but then couldn't open of course bc they were 64 bit files or whatnot.

(my cpu is capable of running it)

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Windows 7 Theme Loss

Aug 18, 2012

I just turned on my pc today and the windows 7 basic areo theme came up insted of the top quality theme and when i opened ie9 i noiced the greyt theme was comming up on the windows, then another 30 seconds later the bottom bar when all grey, i went o controll panel and it has greyed out the areo theme (blanked it out so i can click on it) , i have been on some other sites and they are telling me to trouble shoot it witch i have, but windows can't find any problems at all.

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BSOD All Of A Sudden?

May 5, 2011

my wifes comp has suddenly developed a random BSOD, 1st time it happened when playing a facebook game & the 2nd when left idle.

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Sudden BEX Errors In IE 8

Mar 31, 2012

Crash data:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: iexplore.exe


I haven't downloaded any toolbars, and although this is my wife's computer and she has gotten a couple viruses from visiting hacked blog sites recently ZA Pro caught those immediately so I don't think it's related to this.

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Loss Of Wirelss Connectivity In Windows 7?

Sep 26, 2012

I recently downloaded updates from MS and since rebooting I have lost all wireless connectivity. When I ran ipconfig /all in a command window it shows ethernet connection but not wireless. In network it shows wireless card is connected but there is no TCP/IPv4 or 6 connectivity. I am using Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN wireless adapter. I have updated to the latest drivers for the adapter but NO success!Diagnostic message is about windows not being able to bind to TCP stack etc.Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bitProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10Processor Count: 2RAM: 4090 MbGraphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce G 105M, 512 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 464838 MB, Free - 82861 MB; E: Total - 381554 MB, Free - 171085 MB; F: Total - 2861578 MB, Free - 510054 MB; G: Total - 476939 MB, Free - 64575 MB;Motherboard: Packard Bell, SJM50MVAntivirus: BullGuard Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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Loss Of User Account Data?

Feb 2, 2013

I use a Macbook for my personal use usually, but when I turned on my PC after not using it for a couple of months, all of my user information is gone: Documents, music, everything. The only thing is I don't think it's gone, I can't access my music using iTunes on that machine, but I can access it using Windows media player. If I try to open OneNote pages, I get nothing. I have run Spybot and AVG antivirus. It seems as though my user account information is being hidden. Other user accounts (my wife's and a guest account) are working just fine. I would prefer not to return to a restor point, as I don't even know when this was lost.

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2 Networks Intermittant Loss Of Connectivity

Jun 28, 2011

just came over from XP Pro...had to get a 64-Bit machine; & went w/ an ASUS running Win7 Home...which I upgraded to Pro.I began to lose my internet connectivity, intermittently & noticed that, when it happened, the Network icon in the task bar showed TWO networks...(???).one labeled 'Network - No Internet Access'& the other labeled: 'Unidentified Network - No Internet Access'.Sometimes the problem would go away if i rebooted, but eventually it became a permanent dilemna.Verizon checked my modem...said it was fine, but sent me a new one anyway. Same problem continued. Took the PC back to Best But & swapped it for a new one...& it's been fine 'till this evening. It denied me access once.I rebooted; & got it back. Obviously, something is amis w/ Win 7 Pro in the way the network connection is set up.can't be two modems or two computers.I noticed it seems to happen right around the time that the OS goes looking for windows updates not in the same category.

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Command Prompt: Loss Of Functionality?

Apr 5, 2011

Whenever I type a certain command into the Command Prompt (I'm not sure if it's only admin-only commands only, probably is...), I get an error saying the command is not recognised? I was trying to flush my DNS and renew my IP using IPConfig when it happened. Then, I decided to test another command "sfc /scannow", that didn't work either (note: CMD was running with Admin privileges too). I could perform these commands fine before. And I'm on an administrator account too.

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Prevent Loss Of Window Focus?

May 5, 2012

any time a program, ANY program (doesn't matter if it is an installer or what) is not programmed to open or run in the background, if something happens in it, the focus gets stolen from where I am (say Firefox or a Microsoft Word Document), even if the application doesn't actually pop up, then I have to re-click on the program to regain focus and continue working.The real problem is when things pop up unexpectedly as I am typing and I hit the space bar, which results in my accepting something I may not have wanted to.Is there any way at all to FORCE a global "stay in the background" for any program that doesn't have focus or to prevent programs from stealing the focus?I tried the mouse hover trick, but that's an annoyance because if I accidentally bump it off of my active window, whatever one it comes on top of becomes active and is only worth it if I'm working in a full screen window (which is maybe 30% of the time).I am running Windows 7 Home Premium x64.

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Hard Drive Memory Loss

Jan 2, 2010

I bought a laptop few days ago ,OS windows 7and 320 GB hard drive,I am losing so much memory more than 35 GB so far without instaling any thing on it ,I just did the recovery disc thing when I started ,I'd love to know where did this memory go ?

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Intermttent Loss Of Saved Settings

Apr 10, 2012

As of late I am experiencing a strange loss of Bios setting when I either warm boot or cold boot. Examples as follows: When restarting either from a warm restart or cold restart, I will hear 3 beeps which I believe is a memory related error, correct me if I am wrong. I do know if settings go back to default range the voltage is less than what is needed to successfully boot with OC settings enabled.I have also noticed that I sometimes do loose all of the bios settings under many different conditions, regardless of how and why I had to restart.The one setting that stands out the most is the FSB setting, many times this value is the only value changed; [goes back to default] and needs to be reset.This machine has given me yeoman service since 2008 and has been OC'D at a 50% overclock 60% of the time, the rest of the time it is OC'D at a bit higher rate and stable.I did replace the Battery on the MOBO[P5K-Premium WiFi/AP thinking this might possibly be the cause. I have found the incident of this happening to be less but values in the BIOS still change however infrequently.

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Software To Rip Audio From DVD To Loss-less Files

Aug 11, 2010

I have quite a few music DVDs and would like to rip the audio to high quality (flac or wav) files. Quality is important to me.

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Random Loss Of WiFi Connection?

Apr 29, 2011

On these occasions, while watching Hulu on my HTPC, which only connects via WiFi on my Router (Cisco E3000), the movies were interrupted by a loss of connection, indicated by the white tray icon turning orange, and when expanding it's menu, the connection bearing the name of my network had disappeared.On the first failure, the flashing light on the network adapter (Belkin F5D8055) continued flashing as usual, but the steady light was out, until pressing the connection button. The second time around, both light remained lit as normal, but in both instances my network connection on the network adapter's tray icon had disappeared. Using the WiFi's network adapter's connection button, and the router's PBC button didn't solve the problem, nor anything else that I tried.Since the WiFI connection is primarily for internet access, rather than connecting computers, and that shutting off my desktop doesn't usually effect the HTPC's internet connection, it seems obvious that the connection is managed by just the router, adapter and HTPC, so I fail to understand the relationship between the vanishing network and the loss of internet connection.When these failures occurred, they only lasted for ~ 10-15 minutes, and then were restored on their own, with no more apparent reason than the outage had. So far, this is only an annoyance, but I fear that it is an omen of greater problems on the horizon, and I have no idea of how to isolate the origin of the problem..

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Windows 7 Intermittent Internet Loss?

May 3, 2011

Verizon Fios, Actiontec Router. Windows XP machines (wired) (2) never any internet loss whatsoever. Running the wireless from the Actiontec and also a Linksys that is on one of the ports. (distance issues) The Linksys always syncs up and both wireless systems work 100% all the time with either XP or Win 7 laptops.

Here's the issue: two wired desktops running Win 7 have intermittent internet drops. One is older, one brand new fresh out of the box. Turned off the power saver NIC card function on both, WOL disabled. That's not the problem because the internet losses occur sometimes after the machine is on for a few minutes, the PC does not sit long enough to go into power saver anyway. There's no rhyme or reason as they say when the loss will occur. Sometimes this will not happen for a day or more, other times it can happen after using the machine for just a few minutes.One thing I have been trying is to disable IPV6 then I can get the internet back, othertimes re-enable it to get the net back. Go figure. Again, disabling it will not fix the problem, however switching it on/off will. Disabling and re-enabling the NIC will only fix it sometimes, most instances that does nothing. There are different types of NIC cards in the machines, one uses a Realtec on board, the other uses Nvidea on board and a plug in NIC (brand?) all NIC cards/board performs the same.Also, when they DO work, if I let them boot for a while, usually they will be fine, but that's looking at a 10-15 minute boot up. (doesn't take an excessive time for actual boot-up but I mean just leave it alone for 10-15 min) The Actiontec has the most current update version, and is about two years old. Somehow these machines lose the internet portion but not the network portion. Such an annoying problem, even more so when I added a brand new machine and get the same issues. I would be willing to bet that if I ran them wireless there would be no issue, but that's going to slow down the dl/ul speeds that I get with a wired connection.

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Multiple Networks Results In Loss Of WAN

Aug 14, 2012

Lost my WAN. I am troublshooting router/ modem issues so I am direct connected to my modem bypassing my router. but to maintain my LAN for sharing I am using a wireless dongle as I only have one ethernet port. as soon as my wireless is connected Windows 7 drops internet from the ethernet. even if I have net then merge the connections. I just had a fresh install a few weeks ago, nothings been tweaked cuz for the most part it works.

Realtek RTL8168C(P)/8111C(P) Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.20)
Asus USB-N53(drivers installed only, no utilities)
Asus RT-N56U Router(not the one with issues but a temp LAN router for future replacement)
s/w: Win7x64

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Network Connection Blockage / Loss / Lag

Nov 27, 2009

I had my Windows 7 running for 3 days with no issue, perfectly i must add, but up from Tuesday I'am struggling with really critical network issue.

I'am really turning on this forums as last resort, and I'am closer and closer to roll back to WinXP (which i really don't want...). But let me begin describing the problem from the beginning.

Some hardware specifications:

Windows 7 x64 7600 Polish Version

Motherboard: Asus P5QL Pro (with Intel chipset)

Network adapter: Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E (On Motherboard)

Connection: Wire, Ethernet, straight to Modem

Modem: WebStar EPX2203

Antivirus: None

Firewall: only default Windows firewall

- On Tuesday (24.11) morning (+1 gmt) I've installed drivers to my Network adapter which were in Windows Update.

- While playing Team Fortress 2, i started having really akward lag. I was able to hear and see everything around but i couldn't react. Then after couple of minutes my net got disconnected, loosing connection to the internet for a brief moment (up to 1 minute)

- I've blamed my internet supplier but the lag continued throughout whole day. Even during phone session on Skype it managed to last 5-30 min, finally ending with short net disconnection. Steam games weren't the only one affected, as while playing Borderlands i have also suffered from a lag, same type of lag like in TF2 (heard, and saw but couldn't do anything in-game)

- Until today, I've reinstalled (that is uninstalled adapter then installed, also in Safe Mode) drivers for my Network Adapter many times. Forcing Windows to not install his own, but only that which i chose, picking from all 3 drivers (from newest to oldest) which are supposed to be supported by Windows 7.

- I have also dabbled with Task Offload and unchecking IvP6, turning off Windows Firewall, but none of these brought any solution.

- Now I'am after fresh reinstallation of Windows 7, thinking that will resolve everything. But after i've installed every needed driver (for Graphic Card, Intel Chipset, HD Realtek Audio, updating DirectX, without updating Windows at all) and launched Team Fortress 2 to test out if lag is still present i've sadly encountered same as pre-reinstall of windows7.

Any ideas?

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Sound Loss / System Slowdown

Sep 30, 2011

My system has recently developed an annoying problem which is causing me some concern as it could indicate something serious.Quite often when it boots up, there is instead of the properly functioning sound, a continuous high pitched whine. This goes away when I reboot. Sometimes though, this issue arises during games or other general use.If this happens when the system is running, not just the whining sound is there, but also any 3D or video graphics slow down a lot.I have attempted to remedy this by removing and replacing the soundcard and an uninstall/reinstall of the drivers. Unfortunately with no affect as regards removing the problem or it's cause.Outside of these times everything runs as it should and the sound functions perfectly both through the speakers and headphones connected via the front panel box supplied with this XF-fi series card.I am thinking about a full re-intallation of the O.S if nothing else works.

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FastTrack RAID 0 From XP To 7 PRO W/o Data Loss?

Feb 28, 2011

My XP system died and I want to migrate my two RAID 0 drives (with data, incl XP) to my new Windows 7 PRO system. Does anyone know how to do this? If I set the BIOS to RAID instead of ACHI, 7 PRO recognizes and reports that the Promise Raid 0 Array is synchronizing. But, the system will only boot to a DVD repair disk, and not to the single hard drive.

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Loss Of Video Signal On Startup?

Dec 27, 2012

So I just finished up installing new RAM, a new CPU Cooler, and a new GPU Cooler... My computer booted right up no issues, until it lost video signal right after I saw my password screen. My computer was still on, and (to the touch) nothing was overheating... So I rebooted, same issue..

I then booted in Safe Mode, which booted right up. I backed up all my files and whatnot onto a secondary HDD and proceeded to reinstall Windows 7, thinking that would fix the issue, and I was sadly wrong.

I then booted back into Safe Mode, in which my computer ran fine, reinstalled all the drivers, and proceeded to restart my comp. The same thing happened, lost video signal right when my password screen showed up.

I am all out of options here, honestly. I thought it was because I normally use two monitors but only boot on one now, but that wasn't it. removed the new RAM and that didn't work, thought my comp was trying to run off an On-board card, but that wasn't it(computer only recognizing my GTX 550).

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Sudden 100% CPU And FPS Spikes In Games?

May 2, 2012

Something is wrong with my Sony Vaio FW series laptop.. I get major FPS spikes in any game I attempt to run (Dragon Nest, Audition), with FPS dipping down to ~10 every five seconds. When I check Task Manager, it's the games that are taking up the most CPU with overall CPU usage at 90%+. This is really strange and abnormal as I had never had any problems with those games taking up CPU and fps spiking until today (they ran fine yesterday).Between yesterday and today.. I used compressed air to clean my laptop's fan, and I visited some movie watching sites (which resulted in some popups appearing). I'm unsure if the problem can be attributed to a virus, but I ran a full scan of Malwarebytes and did a deep clean on Advanced System Care, none of which helped fix the problem. Firefox, Skype, and other applications appear to run as quickly and smoothly as they did before. However, I've gotten three BSODs in the last 30 minutes, and my laptop appears to be overheating: Here is my Hijack This Log : xks.

EDIT: I understand that a system restore will likely solve all problems, but I want to save that as a last resort.

EDIT1: I think the BSODs were a result of me running CPUID HWMonitor to check for the temperatures - each BSOD occurred right after or soon after I ran it. I'm unsure why running that specific program triggers a BSOD, but if I leave it alone my computer appears to be fine (no BSODs so far after I stopped running it).

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