Loss Of Administrator Privilege

Dec 18, 2011

I recently did a system cleanse using my anti virus software.i used it primarily to remove unneeded start up programs.in starting it up, my start menu has lost all programs, including folders like Accessories and Paint, Calculator, also my desktop was removed of all Shortcuts.to open a program i have to go to c:// Program files/ program . etc.I now cannot reset the start menu Properties as i get a message saying the "this operation was cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.I only have one user, and my user is administrator. How do i find this restriction and why did i lose all the items.Is this mor edue to my Security Settings or my Anti Virus software.

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How To Set Administrator Privilege

Apr 19, 2011

I have installed one of our product in a Windows 7 machine. Started the program by simple double click the shortcut in Desktop. Then from the program while trying to take print (by clicking on command button which sends print commands into printer) it fails. Then I executed the program from a command prompt after opened the command prompt as 'Administrator', then the print works. How can we give the print and other related things to be enable/can set the permissions if we execute the program by simply double click the short cut key?

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How To Set Windows 7 Home 64-bit To Administrator Privilege Everywhere

Apr 11, 2012

I want to default every Disk as in C:/ D E F G H E H I upto Z, every disk content, folder subfolder Software etc etc as in ALL to default to treat every one of my signing-ins as Administrator. I want no more prompts, no more asking me to sign as administrator... I am THE SOLE ADMINISTRATOR USER and Person to access my computer. How do I simply set every thing so I can save anything (and everything) wherever I want without further ado. What Microsoft may have designed for multi-user computers as a feature and an asset of Win 7, for me and my needs as a sole user it is an absolute hindrance and annoying nuisance.

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Add Debug Privilege For The Administrator Account In Windows 7 64 Bit?

Apr 20, 2012

While executing a patch file an error measage is displayed stating that it is necessary to add the "Debug priviledge" to the administrator account

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"You Have No 'Administrator' Privilege" Message On Startup

Jan 29, 2012

I'm not sure if this a new update for Windows 7 (64-bit Professional) but an account with Standard access now has a window that pops up upon login that says ... Code: You have no 'Administrator' privilege, so some features may not work successfully. I've done more fresh installs than I can count and have never seen this annoying popup before. I've tried searching on google and the only discussions about this message are in Japanese. I wonder if it's not even a Windows thing but one of the drivers I updated (Belkin USB wireless adapter, SATA 6 drivers, USB 3.0 drivers, etc).

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Power Loss To Notebook Shows Loss Of Windows Activation?

Jan 15, 2013

I had a power loss while running on battery (it still showed power left, but suddenly shut down anyway) and when I restart, it reports that the Windows is not activated and Window is not genuine and system might be a victim of "counterfeiting."

Is this a virus (I have MSE on continuously and about once a week scan with Malwarebytes)? I have run 'sfc /scannow' with filtered output ('findstr /c: "[SR]" c:.....logsCBSCBS.log" and it appears as usual.

How can I lose my Windows activation?

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Not Sufficient Privilege?

Jul 10, 2011

When using the mklink command to create a junction, it says "You do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation."

I was logged in with Administrator privilege, what else do I need?

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Debug Privilege Error

Feb 9, 2010

i am using win 7 64 bit, i am getting this error though i am the program as administrator account.


Have you attempted to right click the install file for the application and select "properties," chose the "compatibility" tab and check mark the box "Run this program as an administrator?"

Also, Microsoft does have an official Windows 7 Support Forum located here:-


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A Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to copy a text file from my thumb drive the the root directory on my hard drive (c:). When I try to do this I get the following message "Error 0x80070522 A Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client". What do I need to do the overcome this condition.

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Arbitrary File Access Privilege Changes

Sep 23, 2010

My rig is an i7-930, 12GB, Nvidia 250GTS, Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium with all updates current.

I do a lot of photo editing with Nikon software and CS5. My critical problem affects CS5 64bit, Nikon CaptureNX2 - 32 bit, and Nikon ViewNX2 - 32 bit. Suddenly last night I could not save labels in ViewNX2 or files in CaptureNX2 and CS5. The error message was the red circle with an 'x' saying I did not have access privileges to change the file, that I will have to go to the file and change the access privileges in the files/info properties in the operating system. I can save files with a new name, I just can't edit and save again. I have over 40,000 image files; changing access privileges would be close to impossible, even if I knew how to do it.

I took a look at the properties of the folder where the images were and, for some unknown reason, the whole folder was marked as 'Read Only'. Unchecking that attribute did not solve the problem, I still can't edit the files.

This problem does not occur in other programs, notably Word and Excel 2003.

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Running Applications With Admin Privilege

Oct 1, 2010

I am having issues with running certain apps with admin privilege.I have installed Notepad++ which i use for my .js files.Now here's what's happening: When im editing a file which is located in the programfiles folder, it wouldn't allow me to save it. I can only save it if i close the app, give it admin privilege(right click->compatibility->check run as admin).This is fine with me. But if i do that, another issue pops up. I am then not able to open files in notepad++ via the context menu. neither can i drag drop the file onto notepad++.

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Privilege Problem With HP And Other Software Installs

Oct 24, 2009

OK. Clean new install. Only users on the system are default Administrator and myself) as admin. Tried to run HP driver setup (which stinks anyway) and it gets to a step where it says I needed to run it as administrator. But I am one. If I start it with "Run as Administrator" it still fails. If I run it with the hidden administrator account I get the same problem. If I change the UAC to allow everything, I still get it. I had a similar problem trying to install Nero. It seems like I am an admin, but I'm not really. Other stuff (Office 2007) installed fine.

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Disable Internet Connections Without Privilege?

Feb 12, 2013

I currently am forced to have to use public computers where all the security is on the lowest security options ergo meaning there is a warning stating: "to not expect any privacy, and therefore any information used or stored on library computers may be accessed by others."All of these are unadvisable, as I used to run corporations where we were adament in regards to protecting the privacy and rights of others. How with their being a warning "I do not have access to administrative details," can I disable all network connections, as well as disabling the internet to guard my privacy? The system I am speaking of is known as "CASSIE," and previous to the city over seeing all aspects of IT, I had no problems. Now essays have been changed, I have had pertinent details, i.e. how to pass the bar, mastering the essay portion of the bar.... and all of these have been erased from my USB's along with many other pertinent files.

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Error 0x80070522: A Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client

Nov 3, 2011

I have some new Windows 7 machines on my domain. I have an older program that's installed and it needs to allow users to write and excute files on the c: drive (root). I know this is not a good thing but it's just they way they wrote it. How can I accomplish this? I've tried a number of things already like disabling UAC and LUA in the registry. That didn't work.

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Installing Family Tree Maker - No Administrative Privilege

Mar 20, 2011

I am working on a family members computer and she is the only account on the computer and she is the administrator. I am trying to install "Family Tree Maker" for her and keep getting the following message at startup "You are not currently logged into your computer as an administrator. This program requires that login as administrator. Please log out and log back in as an administrator and then restart the program." As I have said she is the only account on the computer and she is the administrator.

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Why Doesn't Local Administrator Group Have Full Administrator Rights

Feb 22, 2010

A little background and info: I support a number of people who for one reason or another need to be able to do things a local admin can do like install programs and start services (or more accurately allow a program they're running to start a service). All users are in the local administrators group. The local admin account is enabled (and renamed) so that we as administrators have local access when the machine comes in for service. The machines are joined to a AD domain so that we can control a lot of the security via GPO. Everything worked fine in XP.

We are getting a few different "you do not have permission" errors. When the user tries to run OpenAFS (which starts a service) they get a "you do not have permission" error. There is no way around this error.

Also, when the users try to run Lotus Notes they get a "you do not have permission" error. When we go into compatibility mode and check the "run as administrator" (or just right click and "run as administrator) it works fine, but they have to click the elevated privileges. The program was installed while logged in as the user.

Again, all users are members of the local administrators group. When the local admin account logs in all these programs run fine. This behavior started in Vista and I chalked it up to "vista sucks". Windows 7 so far seems to be great, except that like in vista, members of the local administrators group are not really local administrators. How do I make them true local administrators?

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Drag & Drop Works For Hidden Administrator But Not For Administrator User?

Feb 14, 2011

I use an old XP app (JetToolbar - available at JetToolBar - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com) and do not want to change but I cant make it work on Windows 7. The application installs and starts up just fine but it is not possible to drag icons/programs/files to the toolbar - I just get the 'no entry' sign (Circle with line through)However, the application runs fine when logged on to the hidden Administrator account. If I set up the application in the hidden Admin account and then log on as a normal admin user and run it from that account, the icons I set up are just not visible.So what do I have to change in my normal user account (member of administrators) to make this drag and drop work?I have tried 'Run as administrator' but that made no difference. Ive read about dropping to 'Run as User' apps from 'Run as Admin' apps but that's not the problem (at least problem occurs when app is run as user or run as admin)

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Renaming The Administrator Account Back To Administrator?

Dec 28, 2011

I have an Acer laptop which came with one user account, Acer, with the administrator right. When I tried to rename it to Administrator or administrator, I got an messages saying that user name has already existed

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Advices For "a Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client" Error

Aug 28, 2012

I can't copy to C because of that error.Even though I am checking internet to find fixes, I wanted to get your advices about it.System is 7 Ultimate x64.What does this command mean:

takeown /f c: /a /r /d y

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Sudden Loss Of Keyboard?

Sep 17, 2012

Everything on my computer was fine this morning when I left for week, but upon my return I noticed that my keyboard/mouse wasn't working. I restarted my computer and confirmed that my keyboard works in the bios and whatnot, but when I get to the windows login screen, I get no response from the keyboard or mouse.the mouse is a simple USB one, and I'm using a PS/2 keyboard, so I doubt it's some sort of sudden driver issue.I tried logging into safemode, and I get the same result, can't move my mouse or use my keyboard.Does anyone have any idea how to possibly fix this issue? I'm unable to restore from an earlier state either.

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Win7 Upgrade Ram Loss

Sep 12, 2009

Ok well i got a new Dell Studio 435 Tower in april or so i7 920, 6gb 1066 tri-channel, 1gb ATI 4870, 750GB WD Black Caviar... i was running x64 Vista Home Premium and it was smooth as butter... had a 5.9 WEI and was pretty happy with performance.

2 nights ago i saw that the Windows 7 RTM was available on MSDN so i snagged x64 Windows 7 Home Premium... upgraded in place fine but now its much slower than my x64 was!

It takes longer to both boot up and shut down, some programs freeze when opening or closing them... i re took the WEI and it went down to 5.5. For some reason all my other scores shot up to 7.5 except my Ram which fell to 5.5 and my HDD which fell to 5.9 ???

I started investigating and it now says that i have 6GB installed and 1.99GB usable. What? When i was using Vista it said nearly all of it was usable.

I went into my bios... updated it to the newest version along with the intel chipset... in bios it states that i have 2048 available out of 2048 installed??? I have combed my bios and don't see ANYTHING that will let me mess with ram period.

I did the whole start>run>msconfig>boot>max ram, but no matter what i do it always defaults back to 2048 when i reboot my machine and go back to it.

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Loss Of Network Connectivity

Jun 11, 2009

This has been an issue since I upgraded to 7201. It isn't constant, and seems to be worse when I'm downloading large files, especially multiple files from one source (like an album in iTunes). It is fixed by release/renew (or just letting Diagnostics do that).

If I'm not using a lot of data (regular web browsing, working on a database online, etc), it seems perfectly fine. It is holding so far downloading one track at a time on iTunes, but if I do 2, it drops the connection.

I'm using the Home network config, router is working normally, and I can't recall this happening before 7201. I've reset the router, upgraded firmware, and it only happens on this PC. I've set WINS, tried all settings for TCP/IP 4 and 6, and using the other ethernet port on my motherboard.

More of an annoyance, really, but I can't figure it out and it is bugging the hell out of me.

EDIT: I can still get 1 mb/s on a single download, but trying 2, I get 600/400 for about 10-15 seconds until it disconnects.

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Loss Of Wireless Connectivity?

Feb 2, 2011

All of a sudden, my wireless adaptor went offline and I wasn't able to detect any wireless networks in the area..

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Loss Of Wireless Connection?

Jun 26, 2011

I have an acer aspire 5738z laptop with windows 7. I hadan issue with the screen sent it off for repair and it has come back and the wireless Internet won't work. I've tried everything, the wireless will be either very poor and then turn off or just doesnt work at all. When I try and connect to talktalk my Internet provider it says, windows was unable to connect, it has mentioned the wireless adaptor

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Packet Loss Only In Windows 7, But Not In Xp?

Mar 18, 2012

I have packet loss, and randomly connection loss (but otherwise i have very good pings!) under windows 7 with two different computer with realtek 8111B and 8111E onboard chips. But there is no packet loss under windows xp with the same computers.I tried old, new, and motherboard manufacturer's drivers, new windows 7 system without any antivirus software, disabled windows defender, in safe mode, but still the sameI have no router, just a modem directly plug into the pc.

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Wireless Signal Loss

Dec 6, 2009

I have new Acer Aspire 5739G laptop and fresh Windows 7 on it.

The wireless card is Intel WiFi Link 5100.

The problem is that wireless works only in short distance with access point - max distance is about 5 meters.

In that distance everything works fine.

But if I go farther or to another room it disconnects.

With other laptops all works fine even on very large distance.

I tried such things (nothing helped):
* uninstall, reinstall or update drivers
* install newest drivers from Acer site
* install newest drivers from Intel site
* tested with xp & vista drivers
* on network connection properties unchecked all things except tcp/ip v4 protocol (microsoft networking,sharing, link layer topology,QoS, TCP/IP v6 ..)
* disabled homegroup
* on adapter properties changed signal frequencies (1,6,11),
* on adapter properties changed standard type to work with: 802.11 b or g
* on adapter properties changed signal to MAX, don't use power saving
* disabled Internet security, firewall
* Changed access point signal broadcasting with no encryption or wpa
* it disconnects from another access point the same way (problem with system not wifi AP)

Maybe something forgot to say, but there was few hours of testing and can't fix it .

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Windows 7 32 To 64, No Discs, At A Loss

Mar 7, 2012

I have been researching the topic and am at a loss after around an hour of fruitless research. I recently upgraded from xp 32 bit to windows 7 32 bit. I want to upgrade to 64 bit so theres more RAM available and cannot find any information on doing it without discs that doesnt use USB or something. Got an external hard drive what the hell do I do? I downloaded the files but then couldn't open of course bc they were 64 bit files or whatnot.

(my cpu is capable of running it)

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Windows 7 Theme Loss

Aug 18, 2012

I just turned on my pc today and the windows 7 basic areo theme came up insted of the top quality theme and when i opened ie9 i noiced the greyt theme was comming up on the windows, then another 30 seconds later the bottom bar when all grey, i went o controll panel and it has greyed out the areo theme (blanked it out so i can click on it) , i have been on some other sites and they are telling me to trouble shoot it witch i have, but windows can't find any problems at all.

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Loss Of Wirelss Connectivity In Windows 7?

Sep 26, 2012

I recently downloaded updates from MS and since rebooting I have lost all wireless connectivity. When I ran ipconfig /all in a command window it shows ethernet connection but not wireless. In network it shows wireless card is connected but there is no TCP/IPv4 or 6 connectivity. I am using Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN wireless adapter. I have updated to the latest drivers for the adapter but NO success!Diagnostic message is about windows not being able to bind to TCP stack etc.Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bitProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10Processor Count: 2RAM: 4090 MbGraphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce G 105M, 512 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 464838 MB, Free - 82861 MB; E: Total - 381554 MB, Free - 171085 MB; F: Total - 2861578 MB, Free - 510054 MB; G: Total - 476939 MB, Free - 64575 MB;Motherboard: Packard Bell, SJM50MVAntivirus: BullGuard Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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Sudden Loss Of Internet Access?

Jan 10, 2013

For the past year or so I've been using a telstra broadband manager USB to connect to the internet, now all of a sudden I am getting no internet access, not just from the broadband manager but from other networks aswell. I have tried my phones hotspot, other USB's and WiFi's to none of them working.It would start up and work for about 15 seconds, and then internet access would just cut out completely. I have AVG Internet Security 2012 installed and I have tried disabling the firewall (Windows firewall also) and yet it still doesn't work.


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Loss Of User Account Data?

Feb 2, 2013

I use a Macbook for my personal use usually, but when I turned on my PC after not using it for a couple of months, all of my user information is gone: Documents, music, everything. The only thing is I don't think it's gone, I can't access my music using iTunes on that machine, but I can access it using Windows media player. If I try to open OneNote pages, I get nothing. I have run Spybot and AVG antivirus. It seems as though my user account information is being hidden. Other user accounts (my wife's and a guest account) are working just fine. I would prefer not to return to a restor point, as I don't even know when this was lost.

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