A Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to copy a text file from my thumb drive the the root directory on my hard drive (c:). When I try to do this I get the following message "Error 0x80070522 A Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client". What do I need to do the overcome this condition.

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Error 0x80070522: A Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client

Nov 3, 2011

I have some new Windows 7 machines on my domain. I have an older program that's installed and it needs to allow users to write and excute files on the c: drive (root). I know this is not a good thing but it's just they way they wrote it. How can I accomplish this? I've tried a number of things already like disabling UAC and LUA in the registry. That didn't work.

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Advices For "a Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client" Error

Aug 28, 2012

I can't copy to C because of that error.Even though I am checking internet to find fixes, I wanted to get your advices about it.System is 7 Ultimate x64.What does this command mean:

takeown /f c: /a /r /d y

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Message Says Control Key Is Being Held Down?

Nov 17, 2012

This problem starts in Windows Live Mail, but when that happens and I then go to do a Word Doc, I also encounter a similar problem in there. Normally Word is fin. Only have a problem in Word after it starts up in Live Mail.Often while composing a new message in Live Mail, it is suddenly unusable. It happens often. The message offered when I encounter trouble in Word is....Your Control key is being held down.

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Mouse Not Clicking When Alphanumeric Key Is Held?

Jul 10, 2011

I've been having a problem where my mice (I've tried several) don't click (left or right) when I'm holding an alphanumeric key down.For example, I'm playing a video game where I need to move (w,a,s,d) and click at the same time, but am unable to. I am able to click while holding down shift or click. Also, how would I go about updating the mouse drivers? I downloaded a zip file from dynex for my DX-WMSE (model) mouse.

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Formatting A Partition That Held Windows 7

Jan 6, 2012

I re-installed Windows 7 on a fresh partition this morning after I started experiencing some glitches. Got the new partition up and running with a fresh version of Win 7, but now I'm unable to delete / format the previous partition it was on. When I select format drive, after warning me all files will be lost, it says Windows is unable to complete the format. If I try and manually delete all the files, it tells me I need permission from "Trusted Installer" to make changes to certain folders.

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Keys On Keyboard Work For Few Seconds, Then Stop, While Being Held Down?

Sep 23, 2012

I am having problems with my keyboard where I'll hold down a key (either in a game, or other program) and it'll work for a few seconds, and then suddenly stop as I am still holding the key down. For instance, in any of my games, if I want the character to run a certain direction I hold the key down, and the character stops like I released the key, which I haven't.I have tried reintstalling the driver, updating it, changing USB ports for the receiver(its a wireless Keyboard and Mouse)

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How To Set Administrator Privilege

Apr 19, 2011

I have installed one of our product in a Windows 7 machine. Started the program by simple double click the shortcut in Desktop. Then from the program while trying to take print (by clicking on command button which sends print commands into printer) it fails. Then I executed the program from a command prompt after opened the command prompt as 'Administrator', then the print works. How can we give the print and other related things to be enable/can set the permissions if we execute the program by simply double click the short cut key?

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Not Sufficient Privilege?

Jul 10, 2011

When using the mklink command to create a junction, it says "You do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation."

I was logged in with Administrator privilege, what else do I need?

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Loss Of Administrator Privilege

Dec 18, 2011

I recently did a system cleanse using my anti virus software.i used it primarily to remove unneeded start up programs.in starting it up, my start menu has lost all programs, including folders like Accessories and Paint, Calculator, also my desktop was removed of all Shortcuts.to open a program i have to go to c:// Program files/ program . etc.I now cannot reset the start menu Properties as i get a message saying the "this operation was cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.I only have one user, and my user is administrator. How do i find this restriction and why did i lose all the items.Is this mor edue to my Security Settings or my Anti Virus software.

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Debug Privilege Error

Feb 9, 2010

i am using win 7 64 bit, i am getting this error though i am the program as administrator account.


Have you attempted to right click the install file for the application and select "properties," chose the "compatibility" tab and check mark the box "Run this program as an administrator?"

Also, Microsoft does have an official Windows 7 Support Forum located here:-


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Arbitrary File Access Privilege Changes

Sep 23, 2010

My rig is an i7-930, 12GB, Nvidia 250GTS, Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium with all updates current.

I do a lot of photo editing with Nikon software and CS5. My critical problem affects CS5 64bit, Nikon CaptureNX2 - 32 bit, and Nikon ViewNX2 - 32 bit. Suddenly last night I could not save labels in ViewNX2 or files in CaptureNX2 and CS5. The error message was the red circle with an 'x' saying I did not have access privileges to change the file, that I will have to go to the file and change the access privileges in the files/info properties in the operating system. I can save files with a new name, I just can't edit and save again. I have over 40,000 image files; changing access privileges would be close to impossible, even if I knew how to do it.

I took a look at the properties of the folder where the images were and, for some unknown reason, the whole folder was marked as 'Read Only'. Unchecking that attribute did not solve the problem, I still can't edit the files.

This problem does not occur in other programs, notably Word and Excel 2003.

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Running Applications With Admin Privilege

Oct 1, 2010

I am having issues with running certain apps with admin privilege.I have installed Notepad++ which i use for my .js files.Now here's what's happening: When im editing a file which is located in the programfiles folder, it wouldn't allow me to save it. I can only save it if i close the app, give it admin privilege(right click->compatibility->check run as admin).This is fine with me. But if i do that, another issue pops up. I am then not able to open files in notepad++ via the context menu. neither can i drag drop the file onto notepad++.

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How To Set Windows 7 Home 64-bit To Administrator Privilege Everywhere

Apr 11, 2012

I want to default every Disk as in C:/ D E F G H E H I upto Z, every disk content, folder subfolder Software etc etc as in ALL to default to treat every one of my signing-ins as Administrator. I want no more prompts, no more asking me to sign as administrator... I am THE SOLE ADMINISTRATOR USER and Person to access my computer. How do I simply set every thing so I can save anything (and everything) wherever I want without further ado. What Microsoft may have designed for multi-user computers as a feature and an asset of Win 7, for me and my needs as a sole user it is an absolute hindrance and annoying nuisance.

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Privilege Problem With HP And Other Software Installs

Oct 24, 2009

OK. Clean new install. Only users on the system are default Administrator and myself) as admin. Tried to run HP driver setup (which stinks anyway) and it gets to a step where it says I needed to run it as administrator. But I am one. If I start it with "Run as Administrator" it still fails. If I run it with the hidden administrator account I get the same problem. If I change the UAC to allow everything, I still get it. I had a similar problem trying to install Nero. It seems like I am an admin, but I'm not really. Other stuff (Office 2007) installed fine.

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Disable Internet Connections Without Privilege?

Feb 12, 2013

I currently am forced to have to use public computers where all the security is on the lowest security options ergo meaning there is a warning stating: "to not expect any privacy, and therefore any information used or stored on library computers may be accessed by others."All of these are unadvisable, as I used to run corporations where we were adament in regards to protecting the privacy and rights of others. How with their being a warning "I do not have access to administrative details," can I disable all network connections, as well as disabling the internet to guard my privacy? The system I am speaking of is known as "CASSIE," and previous to the city over seeing all aspects of IT, I had no problems. Now essays have been changed, I have had pertinent details, i.e. how to pass the bar, mastering the essay portion of the bar.... and all of these have been erased from my USB's along with many other pertinent files.

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Add Debug Privilege For The Administrator Account In Windows 7 64 Bit?

Apr 20, 2012

While executing a patch file an error measage is displayed stating that it is necessary to add the "Debug priviledge" to the administrator account

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Installing Family Tree Maker - No Administrative Privilege

Mar 20, 2011

I am working on a family members computer and she is the only account on the computer and she is the administrator. I am trying to install "Family Tree Maker" for her and keep getting the following message at startup "You are not currently logged into your computer as an administrator. This program requires that login as administrator. Please log out and log back in as an administrator and then restart the program." As I have said she is the only account on the computer and she is the administrator.

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"Windows Cannot Install Required Files. Make Sure All Files Required For Installation Are Available"

Jun 26, 2011

It will get as far as "expanding files" then stop at 0%, with an error saying "Windows cannot install required files. Make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation." I have tried it with multiple iso burns on different dvds from the download I got of it, redownloading it from the official downloader, and now have tried the dvd that came in the mail, to no avail.

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"You Have No 'Administrator' Privilege" Message On Startup

Jan 29, 2012

I'm not sure if this a new update for Windows 7 (64-bit Professional) but an account with Standard access now has a window that pops up upon login that says ... Code: You have no 'Administrator' privilege, so some features may not work successfully. I've done more fresh installs than I can count and have never seen this annoying popup before. I've tried searching on google and the only discussions about this message are in Japanese. I wonder if it's not even a Windows thing but one of the drivers I updated (Belkin USB wireless adapter, SATA 6 drivers, USB 3.0 drivers, etc).

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KMS Activator Required

Sep 24, 2011

I need a Windows 7 Kms activator.Does anyone have one that I can have I desperately need one.

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Win 7 Key Not Required For Upgrades?

Dec 12, 2009

I've done a lot of Windows 7 upgrades for people and I've noticed that I've never had to enter any kind of key when upgrading a properly activated copy of Vista, I think even during clean installs...

Does it activate automatically or is it just a matter of it waiting a week before yelling at you about it?

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Web Cam Driver Required

Jan 27, 2012

Sony vaio VGN-CR520E laptop webcam driver model PCG-5l2l free download for windows 7 64-bit

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LG R 580 Drivers Required

May 14, 2012

i need LG R 580 DRIVERS to my Email address.

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IRC Client Not Installing?

Jan 1, 2012

Im trying to install the IRC client Bitchx through cygwin. Gets through some of the ./configure and stops at this.

checking for getpgid in unistd.h... no error message or anything just hangs.

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VPN Client 64 Bit For Windows 7?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm trying to vpn client 64bit for windows 7 and everything seems in install fine, however after I try to launch it starts the connect and then just stops.These are the messages in the log file. password is correct.2200:04:58.630 10/12/10 Sev=Warning/3IKE/0xE3000057The received HASH payload cannot be verified2300:04:58.630 10/12/10 Sev=Warning/2IKE/0xE300007EHash verification failed... may be configured with invalid group password.2400:04:58.630 10/12/10 Sev=Warning/2IKE/0xE300009BFailed to authenticate peer (Navigator:915)2500:04:58.631 10/12/10 Sev=Warning/2IKE/0xE30000A7Unexpected SW error occurred while processing Aggressive Mode negotiatorNavigator:2263)

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.net 3.5 Client Framework

Mar 30, 2011

my boss asked me to download the 3.5 Client Framework. I can only find just the standalone installer for 3.5 (Which errors on us). Im not exactly sure what he is talking about i was wondering if someone could please explain the difference and provide a link(Ive been looking).

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RAM Required To Run Windows 7 Efficiently?

Jun 14, 2011

How much RAM is needed or ideal to make Window 7 run the most efficiently/effectively?

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Required CD/DVD Driver Is Missing

Oct 9, 2009

I have been trying to install Windows 7 Professional x86 several times, and always encounter the same problem.

I downloaded Windows 7 via the MSDN Academic Alliance and then copied all files to a recently reformatted 4Gb USB stick.

Then I changed the BIOS settings on my computer to boot from the USB drive, and it boots and then starts. When i press on the Install button however, it says its starting the install but then quickly and the following message appears;

"A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now.

Note: If the Windows installation media is in the CD/DVD drive, you can safely remove it for this step." The message also allows me to browse for said missing drivers, but i cant find any drivers anywhere.

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HP 2605dn Driver Required

Nov 21, 2009

After selecting add a new printer, then selecting the 2605dn, I didn't see this model in the HP printer list. But if I clicked the Windows update button then it showed up and installed fine.However, to get duplex printing to work I had to right click the printer and select Printer Properties, then Device settings and installable options, then select duplex unit installed.

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Coprocessor Driver Required

Jan 3, 2010

I have an AMD athlon 64 x2 dual-core TK-53 processor but i can't find an driver for the coprocessor not even on the offical site. Windows say's in the device manager that it isn't working properly because there are no drivers installed.

I am getting this message... The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)

This is resulting in my laptop in crashing regularly and windows tries to recover the display driver.

I have a HP dv6525 with 7150M / nForce 630m - driver version

Running Win 7 Pro x32 bit.

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