Software For Serious Cleaning Of Clutter On SSD Root Drive?

Oct 6, 2012

What I currently use is CCleaner & Advanced System Care. I guess what I'm asking, is there anything that is more on a professional grade? A power scrubber that small businesses would use? I want to clear out unneeded registry files, left over install files, left over stuff from programs I have uninstalled, just technical term is "crap" left on the operating system hard drive. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

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Temp Folder Cleaning Up In Drive C

Oct 21, 2012

There is a temp folder in c:users****appdatalocal and it is full of stuff. How does this not get cleaned up when I empty firefox/IE cache?

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.Log Text Files On Root Of C Drive

Nov 17, 2009

After installing Nvidia drivers, Realtek drivers, and JMicron E-sata drivers, I now have .log text files on the root of my "C" drive. Are these accessed next time I update the driver or can I get rid of them? I can't seem to find anything about these. I know they are there for a reason but I like things to be tidy.

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Custom Install And File On The C: Root Drive

Oct 24, 2009

I just did a custom install from Vista to Windows 7 with an upgrade disc. After completing the setup, deleting windows.old, and reinstalling all of my programs, I noticed that there were old folders on the C: drive. It is as if it didn't move anything from the root drive to the windows.old file.

I'm annoyed at myself for not noticing it sooner. Now I don't want to do another install since I spent all that time reinstalling the programs and configuring them for personal use.

I'm tempted to go in and just delete the old folders from the root drive, but I'm nervous. Honestly, I can't be certain of what should and shouldn't be there.

Is there anyway I can tell which folders on the root drive are leftovers? I thought about deleting according to the date modified stamp, but I'm not certain that is safe either.

Can anyone advise me? I really don't want to do another install of Windows 7, but I was pretty excited about starting with a true clean slate. I just can't help but wonder what else it left behind.

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Wanting Root Directory Of C Drive Program?

Jan 4, 2013

i want root directory of c drive program

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Eliminate Temporary Files Don't Need And That Only Clutter?

Oct 20, 2012

piling up of temp files the more a system is used. Some say they can be deleted, some say they can't, some say only certain ones are safe to delete.

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Can't Save To The Root Of C Drive And J Drive?

Feb 11, 2012

Ok so i have 3 partitions C,D,J and for some reason when i tried to save to J it tells me tha i dont have permision to save there and to contact the administrator but i am the administratorand it tells me the same thing when i tried to save on the root of C drive too.But the funny thing is tha i can copy and paste to both J drive and C drive i just can't save there.

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Cant Access Root Drive - Lost Admin Rights

Aug 18, 2009

I installed Windows7 recently. I was changing permissions and accidently denied authenticated users to C drive. I was logged in as admin which is the only account. Now I cant access anythig in C Drive and cant execute any thing. I tried through safe mode as well but of no use. How can I regain access or reset permissions.

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Startup Repair Loop / Root Cause No Hard Drive Detected

Nov 11, 2012

My pc is a stock Asus G53SX-A1, no hardware changes. Yet it says the reason I got a blue screen was due to hardware changes. My computer froze and rebooted during a video game. So I have been experiencing the classic startup repair loop and I tried everything I could find on google without progress. When I try to the option to fix the problem automatically it says it wasn't able to help and tells me the root cause is because there is no hard drive detected, and that if a hard drive is installed it is not responding. I can't detect in command prompt, but somehow I can see contents of it through BIOS so its really odd. When I tried to reinstall windows it says it can't find a hard drive to install on and I need to insert a drivers disk so I can set up the hard drive to continue. So I put in my Asus drivers disk and yet it tells me there's no drivers detected. I looked at the Asus website and all the downloads they have available are the same as on that same drivers disk it said it couldn't find drivers on. So right now my main problem is my pc doesn't detect that I have a hard drive at all even though I do, the same one the pc came with. This laptop has worked fine for almost a year and this issue just came out of nowhere, so any ideas as to why my HD would suddenly disappear in my computers eyes?

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Cleaning Up Old Drivers?

Mar 23, 2011

I recently upgraded my motherboard and CPU and attached my existing hard drive. Windows 7 detected all of the new hardware and is running beautifully, but I just want to clean up remnants of old drivers for peace of mind. I already enabled Device Manager to show hidden devices and deleted the unused ones. The boot log, however, still shows a handful of unloaded drivers. I listed a few below.The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275, for example, is no longer present. It doesn't appear in Device Manager, so where else might it be referenced?

Did not load driver @battery.inf,%*compbatt.devicedesc%;Microsoft Composite Battery
Did not load driver @battery.inf,%hid_device_battery.devicedesc%;HID UPS Battery
Did not load driver @cpu.inf,%intelppm.devicedesc%;Intel Processor
Did not load driver @hal.inf,%acpi_amd64.devicedesc%;ACPI x64-based PC
Did not load driver @oem1.inf,%xfi.devicedesc%;Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)
Did not load driver @oem46.inf,%nvidia_dev.05e6.01%;NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275

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Monitor Cleaning

Dec 1, 2009

Many of todays PC users have flat screen monitors eg (LCD) keeping in mind some have a coated screen and need special cleaning what do you use to clean your monitor ? and how do you use it ?

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Cleaning Up Address Book?

Apr 3, 2012

I have Windows 7 and over 1,600 emails, half of which I don't need. How do I do a bulk delete of addresses versus doing them one by one?

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Is Cleaning The Data Necessary For Computer

Jul 18, 2011

I recently went through quite a scare with trojans and tracking cookies and google redirects and other things. Through the course of all this I examined my system logs and found some to be seemingly cumbersome. My laptop is about 2 years old and none of the files have been managed, just appended or overwritten. My question is how important is it now that my system has been cleaned and I don't seem to be having issues, should I delete these files and start with a...'clean' slate. state? whatever.

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Cleaning Matte-Finished Laptops?

Jun 24, 2012

I recently got an Asus G74 (great for gaming, by the way) after my old laptop died.the only thing I don't like is how my fingerprints show up on the matte (ruberized plastic) finish on some of the computer. how to legitamately clean it? And is it safe to lightly wipe it down with water? Or how about windex?

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Cleaning Up A User Accounts Mess?

May 24, 2012

I got a second-hand PC with windows 7. I deleted the previous owner's accounts and created new ones called Owner (regular) and Owner-admin (admin access). Since then everything is messed up..The previous owner account still had files in /users/[account name]/ after I deleted the account. I deleted those and they were mostly gone, but some are protected or are recreated on reboot. Even though I always log in as Owner, downloaded files often en up in the previous owner's "My documents/downloads". When I try to copy them into my new "My documents/downloads", I don't have write permission. I can't write into my own user account directories...? I thought I'd recreate the previous owner's account and try to undo it from the inside out, but ended up with a Owner.Carl-VAIO.Carl-VAIO' as well as aOwner.Carl-VAIO' account. I tried to install Thunderbird, but it is so confused about what is what that it won't install. I can't blame it.

After it was already too late I discovered that my computer thinks it is part of a workgroup. I tried to reset this (it's a standalone), but I couldn't - the button remained greyed out no matter what. Not sure if that has anything to do with the problem.What can I do, other than re-install the OS with an installation CD I don't have?

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Wanted In Cleaning Up PC / Reduce CPU And RAM Usage

Feb 4, 2012

i want to clean up my pc, specifically, reduce my CPU and RAM usage. After some research on fixing my lag issues, i came to the conclusion that i need more personalized help. Sorry if i seem like a lazy git who wants everyone to do the work, but i dnt trust myself to do the job right and not screw up pc to the point of no return. I am no techie, but i know enough to know that my pc needs help. [code] and here's some screenshots of my pc's processes and other stuff from task manager. yeah, sorry for the massive size, i just wanted it all in one file.i knw there some really stupid processes in there, but i have little idea on how to make them not turn on at start up.

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Cleaning Thumbnail Cache Using CCleaner?

Feb 15, 2012

I've always cleaned the Thumbnail Cache using CCleaner but after doing some reading I'm a little unclear as to the benefit.

As I understand it if I clean the TC, each time I open a folder it will need to rebuild the thumbnails. I believe this slows things down. Is there a benefit to not cleaning or does the cache keep growing and using up more space?

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Do Disc Cleaning Programs Remove Restore Points

Jul 29, 2011

Seeing as I was having a few problems with recently installed software, I decided to run a system restore, only to find that all of the restore points but one had disappeared (including those I had deliberately created in the past for emergencies). From what I've been reading on the internet, the disappearance of restore points with Windows 7 is a relatively common occurrence, and some forum members have suggested that disc cleaning software like CCleaner and Advanced SystemCare 4 could be responsible.

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Unable To Connect Internet After Cleaning Anti Virus

Aug 9, 2012

i cleaned my machine of anti virus and it cannot just hook up to the internet again

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Epson Printers - Deep Cleaning Service On Line?

Sep 25, 2012

The printer's ink pads are at the end of their service life. so what can i do?

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Usb Root Hub Problem

Jul 30, 2009

I'm using the build 7600.

It all started when i inserted a SD card. It didn't work so I inserted the SD card on my camera and plugged it in by usb. The second I inserted the usb to my laptop my usb mouse turned off and my wlan just literally vanished(it wasn't even in device manager.) Usb root hub with exclamation marks appeared in the device manager.

I tried uninstalling them and letting Windows 7 install them again and wlan wont come back and the mouse wont work.

I also tried uninstalling everything below usb conrtollers and generic volume and still no wifi.

I tried installing the drivers from the manufacturer of my laptop after uninstalling the old ones and still none

I was able to get the wlan running again after uninstalling everything below usb controllers in the device manager I restarted my comp in the middle of it cuz wlan reappeared and if i waited for it to finish wlan would disappear.

Now Every time I plug in a usb device wlan disappears and everything starts all over again..

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USB Root Hub Issues In RTM

Sep 25, 2009

I've been running various Windows 7 Betas and RCs on virtual machines and spare PCs for a while with no issues, so when I got access to the RTM I was quite confident (probably overly so) to upgrade my laptop from Vista.

Right after the install (ironically enough, from a USB), everything was working fine, until I plugged in my iPod, which installed the apple driver successfully, then informed me that the device was unplugged before the USB Mass Storage driver installed (it wasn't). I proceeded to try the other three USB ports on my computer (all four worked fine in Vista, and still work fine in XP and Ubuntu). None worked. I tried a thumb drive with an internal LED, and it appears that the device receives power for about half a second, before cutting off. Running a system restore back to whenever they were last working fixes the problem, I can plug in a USB stick, and it works fine for a couple of minutes, then its useless again.

The chipset is an Intel GMA965 express series, using the most recent driver (, for RC1). I've tried rolling back to the Vista driver, and the Vista driver in compatibility mode, to no avail.

Additionally, I've tried uninstalling all of the "USB Root Hub"s in the device manager, and scanning for new hardware, and uninstalling all of the USB controllers and then scanning for new hardware, still no luck. The issue that windows gives is

"Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)"

For which a fix for a similar problem (albeit with CD/DVD Drives) in XP was to delete the registry key, so I navigated my way to


And was first told access is denied. I took ownership, fixed permissions, and it still refused to delete (although, in trying to check what exactly the error message was, it just deleted now, although I'm not hopeful it will help)

I've disabled every reference to USB power saving mode in every power profile.

Most recently, I've tried the most recent Intel Device Chipset Installer, which installed successfully, but makes no difference. I also tried the built in troubleshooter, which recognises the issue, reinstalls all the drivers, and tells me it works/doesn't work, and then either way, it doesn't work. Although the troubleshooter does identify if there is a device plugged in for two of the four USB ports, it tries to install drivers, and fails.

In searching the internet for the last few days, I haven't been able to find a solution (although I have found several people with similar problems, one the same, all of which unsolved)

I would really prefer not to do a clean install - the reason I upgraded in the first place was because I had far too many programs installed to make it worth reinstalling all of them. I'm open to downgrading to vista, if its do-able with a clean.

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Cant Browse UNC Root From XP To 7 After SP1

Mar 15, 2011

If I browse my Windows 7 PC via UNC (\192.168.0.x) on an XP PC I am unable to get a list of shares. If I Directly open \192.168.0.xShareName that will work perfectly.
I have a vista PC on the same network and that can see the root fine. The only thing that I can think of is that SP1 has done something. but not sure why it would only effect showing the list of shares. As a side note in the event log i see the "Software Protection Service" keeps stopping and then starting, I tried googling it but no one seems to know if this is usual behavior to check the licence or if it shouldn't stop.

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Usb 2.0 Root Hub Drivers?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm looking to find where i can download something, somewhere, over the rainbow some newest bestestsss drivers for usb 2.0. I tried looking myself on the web but it seems a few things require you to pay money for an upgrade of all drivers on your system. I'd just like to upgrade my usb ports if possible I seem to have trouble with em.It says it has 6.1.7600.16385 (in 2006 so theres gotta be somethin better) installed I found a few downloads but they were actually older

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Clean Up Root Directory?

Feb 9, 2013

Just looking at my root directory and trying to clean up what is not needed. I have Win7 64 bit. Can I delete any of these files??.rmd{45F28847-516F-40B7-9C6C-7A08E848927B}{03793A38-AB8E-48AB-B8DE-C78202EOFC83}{97782997-1B5D-4500-8514-8DCC63EFF45E}app_messagelog.scvlog

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Documents And Settings Isn't On Root C

Mar 23, 2011

I upgraded from 32 bit to 64 bit, but when I used my back up recover program, all my files are on my desk top, and root c doesn't seem to contain doc and settings.

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Update Root Certificate?

Dec 11, 2012

This caught my attention today when I was installing the newest round of windows 7 updates, and has me curious, can't say I've ever seen it before so I've looked around and it seems that it used to only be for XP. Any way, from what I can tell from the description it seems to only be needed if your running internet explorer, I don't use IE on this computer (my gaming rig) and don't see why I'd ever have to, I do most of my browsing on my phone, or laptop.

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Root Cause Found: Registry Is Corrupted

Jan 17, 2013

I have a HP mini, microsoft 2005 pretty sure its a Windows 7.Basically I pulled the battery out by accident at a bad time. I had left the laptop on all night. It has always been slow but when I opened it it was very very slow. I saw a sign from AVG, with a window box saying AVGDIUX.. an error message. I made a mistake and pulled out the battery.Now when I switch it on it only goes to a start up repair screen. It runs a check for problems, tells me it cannot fix it automatically and then offers to shut down the computer. Scan results are:

Number of repair attempts: 5
Session details
System Disk = DeviceHarddisk0
Windows directory = D:Windows
AutoChk Run = 0
Number of root causes = 1


I switched it off and pressed F8 repeatedly at start up. I can get to the F8 screen with the different options. I tried to go to safe mode/safe mode with command prompts but automatically goes to the start up repair screen and then goes through the same process i.e. saying it is doing a check and then that it can`t fix it etc.

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Registry Keys As Files On C Root?

Feb 6, 2013

I just noticed my system has a bunch of registry keys as file names on Drive[CODE]

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Windows 7 Freezes -- How To Find Root Cause

Nov 21, 2011

My Windows 7 freezes, ~once per day. Suddenly, with no slowdown issues prior to freeze or anything in particular. My installed programs list is short, and contains nothign suspicious. Updated Ad-Aware and AVG complain about nothing. The HW itself is fine, since a previous installation of Windows XP worked perfect.Didn't find anything particular in the Windows Event log, but I am not sure I know where to search

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How To Rebuild A HD After A Boot/root Infection

Aug 28, 2012

my netgear wireless modem and wireless network were renamed and all the passwords reset. Hard reset to recover. I am still getting browsers redirected daily. All three browsers each will give message that setting have been changed when opened. IE will say search setting have been corrupted and mandate Bing. Internet Options will be reset to custom levels without a reboot. I have installed AVG 2012 paid. No scan from various scanners will show an infected file except some cookies. AVG rescue disk scan found 13 password protected files that were renamed. Broke AVG and required a reinstall. Password protected files were back by the end of the day. AVG says there should be NO password protected files in their sub-directories during a rescue scan. Their solution is a wipe and reinstall.What is the safest process of doing the HD wipe and reinstall? Just plugging the thumb drive in got me all this grief. Is reinstalling files from the DVD the same process? If i try to access my old files am i opening myself to reinfection?

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