Single Website Refuses To Load, All Others Work Fine?

Aug 4, 2012

It loads fine on my tablet, it loads fine on my phone, and it loads fine on my old PC sitting right next to this one. But on this one it hangs and I eventually get this error: "Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset."So the things I have done so far to try and fix it are;Virus scanSpyware scanMalware scanipconfig /release /flushdns /renewCC CleanerManual change to Google's open dhcp serverMultiple router resest/PC restarts3 different web browserschecked my "hosts" file to make sure it didn't somehow get redirected in thereIf I use a proxy site it works fine, but I cannot get it to come up any other way. And the website will not allow connecting directly by IP address as I tried that also and it doesn't work even on systems that will load it properly.

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Network Doesn't Work Fine After A Load?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a problem on my iMac 2011 (20go ram) under windows7.Whan I start my computer all is fine. The network is fluid, I can go on the internet, on my server...After loading two 3dsmax sessions, one photoshop sessions and transfert some large files (near 1go) -> my network goes wrong.The browse/save/open/transfert operation on any application takes a loooooooong time to start (maybe 20-30s)

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Windows 7 Refuses To Load And System Repair Wont Load

Jun 25, 2012

I dont know if this is posted in the right area but I'm so desperate to get my laptop working its unreal. First it started off with my laptop crashing, I had totally forgot it needed to do a windows update and turned off my laptop in hopes that it would work properly. After that my laptop has not been working. The machine turns on and gives me two options. Start windows normally or do a repair. Upon starting windows normally, it loads so far before sending me back to the two options of start windows normally or repair. On the second time I clicked repair. My laptop then goes so far before presenting me with a blue screen that is usually the screen where my accounts are. The cursor still moves but it loads no further even after leaving it an hour. I decided to make a repair disk, hoping that the problem was because of windows. the disk loads, gives me a choice on the keyboard language then does nothing. I honestly have no idea what to do, I want to keep all the files safe on my computer as I havent backed them up and I have worked so hard on the projects.

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BSOD With Dual GFX Cards, Fine With Single

Nov 26, 2009

This is a strange one and i'm hoping someone can help me solve this!

I have a work PC with XP on with 2 x Nvidia 7300 GS graphics cards in. The system doesn't have an onboard graphics card and i've only got 2 so i can have dual monitors.

I tried to install Windows 7 Pro (32) on a seperate partition and it kept BSOD (hardware error 000124) on the 2nd reboot before finialising installation. The only way i've found of not making it BSOD (or just go to a black screen then restart) is to pull out one of the graphics cards and run it solo. With this done everything seems to work.

It will also happily boot into Safe Mode with both. I've got the latest NVidia driver from the site and it's been installed but that makes no difference to the issue.

Any ideas or should i just get 2 new gfx cards?

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Cannot Connect To Any Website, But Internet Works Fine?

Jul 10, 2012

I recently ran into a problem. I cannot access any website through any browsers (Internet Explorer 64-bit works fine). In Google Chrome I get this:Error 137 (net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED): Unknown errorAll my other Internet-reliant programs (Steam, XFire, SKype, etc.) work fine, with the exception of MBAM (can't connect in order to update definitions).I've ran TDSS Killer (found nothing), MBAM (found a few things, removed all), and Microsoft Security Scanner (found a few things, removed all).

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Can't Get Website To Load In IE Or FF

Jan 31, 2012

I am trying to load the site MY HABIT Sign In (don't judge me, OK? lol) and it won't load at all. If I delete the cookies it places on my computer, the home page will load and it will let me log in, but it won't load any of the merchandise pages at all - it just hangs there trying to load - I never get an error of any kind. I had been using Open DNS after having some other trouble with my ISP, so I tried switching to Google DNS but that has made no difference.

I ran the flushdns.bat file as instructed in the tips for posting thread, but forgot to save the snip as a JPEG before I ran the bat file. At this point, I just want to figure out what the heck is wrong.

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New Hard Drive - Windows 7 Recovery CD Refuses To Work

Mar 29, 2012

I have a HP Pavilion laptop which came with Windows 7 Home Preinstalled. On the back of the laptop is a coa product key. Recently the hard drive failed. I was told that I could easily get a new drive which I have done and I have run the system test and the new drive passes. However although I have a HP system recovery cd, i do not have any installation cd's for windows as HP don't give you any.

I've tried using the recovery cd but as the new hard drive has never had windows 7 on it, it refuses to work.
What do i do now? Why don't HP give away the software with their computers. It seems fairly logical that maybe one day in the future you might need to install a new hard drive. I'm not exactly enthused about paying for the software when I clearly have a legal key on the back of the laptop.

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Page Wont Load On Website

Sep 24, 2012

I have a farliy new laptop every once in a while when I open another tab and go to a website it won't load and if I try to close it I get a message saying "this window is busy. closing this window might cause problems" so I wait then after about 5 minutes I close it. So I thought it was the computer. Today I got a new desk top and I get the same thing. What could it be the wifi?? or is it windows 7 this never happened with my old desktop running XP

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When I Tried To Visit A Website It Doesn't Load

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using internet explorer and Google chrome as my web browsers. When i tried to visit a website it doesn't load. But the packets are receiving. Other applications also doesn't work(skype, messenger, gtalk, etc). And when i right click on window explorer it becomes not responding.

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Windows 7 Loads Fine But None Applications Will Load Up?

Sep 29, 2011

I have a weird situation: Just a normal day working on my pc while it messages me, system rebooting. It reboots without any errors. I log back into my system,everything seems fine. I notticed on my taskbar none of my applications loaded.Usually, MSN, my vid card, winamp...icons are loaded up and icons are in taskbar but not there! I performed many actions to no avail.System restore, safemode boot, selective services boot, sfc /scannow and so on.I checked in Event viewer and see 5-6 service that did not responde to the start or control in a timely fashion. Ex: acrobat, asus, bonjour, apple.... Got one I dint like: The server {06622D85-6856-4460-8DE1-A81921B41C4B} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.When i click on any applications mostly non-MS apps nothing happens. Not even the services starts up in task man. I tried to open the service lets say, Steam client and get the Timeout error right away.

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IE8 / 9 Won't Load Web Pages But Chrome And Firefox Working Fine

Jul 6, 2011

If I connect to my work VPN, then IE refuses to load any pages (inside the work network or outside). It doesn't even appear to try, just goes immediately to "Internet Explorer cannot display this page." I was able to connect to the computer with teamviewer remotely, name resolution worked properly, I was able to ping the web server etc. all fine, even brought the page up in FF and Chrome with no problems. I turned off all add-ins and restarted IE, same deal. If I disconnect from the VPN then IE works fine again. I was running IE9, I tried uninstalling it but having the same issue with IE8.

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Single User Account For Work & Home?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a new laptop running Windows 7 that I intend to use both in work (domain) and also at home (no workgroup or domain).

My question is this: is it possible / advisable to have a single user account that can be used in both of these circumstances?

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Cannot Access Secure Work Website?

Feb 23, 2013

I have an HP, p6710f, AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor with Windows 7 Home Premium on my desktop, as well as on my HP laptop. I am a medical transcriptionist, so I access a secure website to work. Suddenly my desktop will not access the site, but my laptop will. Tech support from my company did a remote access on my computer and could not figure anything out. I took it to a computer shop, they removed a virus (which they said was nothing major), and were able to access the website. I got my computer back but it still will not access the website. I made sure my modem/router firmware is up to date, but the laptop uses that as well. The interesting thing is my computer will not ping the website I work on, nor will the laptop, but yet the laptop connects and works but the desktop will not. Any ideas why this would happen or what could have changed on my desktop? Oh I will say that I restored my desktop, as did tech support, to a week earlier when it was working fine

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Installs Fine, Runs Fine, Reboots..not Fine

May 20, 2009

so i finally decided to install Windows 7 x86 - everything went well - put all the standard stuff on there etc - i rebooted many times because of installations and updates

on my last reboot it just got stock in the bios screen (verifying dmi pool data..success! etc)

so i rebooted, same thing, took the disc out, same thing - turned off boot devices same thing

tried to use window's useless repair tools (whatever happened to repair install?) which didn't help - so i decided to format and reinstall - then it says it was unable to do that (partition error or something)

the annoying this that this EXACT..i mean EXACT same thing happened when i installed vista sp1 from scratch - this happened - and to fix it i had to leave my pc open overnight with the hard drive cables all the morning with my fingers crossed i tried the installation again - and it worked.

my d: always disappears (single hard disk sata 233gig (250)) - sometimes it'll vanish from my computer and stuff - but this can't be the problem because the d: is a single drive on its own - my c: is a25gig partition from my e: - so it's completely unrelated.

does it matter how i replug the sata cables (2 of them) into the mother board? - they're both being recognised anyway

this is really annoying though - mostly because there isn't really an explanation - and because this random stuff always happens to my pc! - is it my hard drive because that's the only thing that would half- make sense

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Windows 7 Setup To Work With Single Mouse Click?

Mar 24, 2011

I recently purchased a Dell laptop with Win 7 Home Prem. installed. I've been unable to discover if you can set it up to open files, etc. with a single as opposed to double-click of the mouse. I remember for sure that you could do this with Win XP.

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Made 2 RSS Feeds, Work Fine - Can't Get It Right Anymore?

Jun 19, 2012

Now, I want to make some more and I CAN NOT for the life of me do it anymore. I do have to admit that I searched for the right paths to get them right, but now, I can't get it anymore. Is anyone able to tell me how to make a favorite into an RSS feed?

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After Update Windows 7 Starts Up Just Fine But No Programs Work

Dec 15, 2011

This may be difficult to troubleshoot because I have very few details about the computer in question. A friend called me because I am fairly good with basic computer problems. I'm not sure of the hardware specs, but it's a 2010 or 2011 model PC with Windows 7 installed. They did a Windows Update, and let it update just fine - they did not restart or shut down at all during the update. Once the update completed however, they can't open anything up.

Every time they try opening a program, they get an error message. Also, he mentioned that at first after the update, it wouldn't even boot up. He would get a message saying that he needs to restore to system defaults. Somehow, they got the computer to boot but it wont open any programs. How do you reset a Windows 7 computer to factory settings?

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Keyboards Stopped Functioning But Work Fine In BIOS

Mar 14, 2011

One day keyboards stopped functioning and it hasn't worked since. The problem is on a home built desktop computer and any and all types of keyboards. I've sat on this problem for a while since I also have a laptop and have used that for activities that require extensive typing and I can still use the onscreen keyboard to use the desktop. I wish I'd done a system restore when the problem was still fresh but I didn't think of that immediately, and it's been several months now since it started. Keyboards work fine in BIOS, but not in safe mode. All attempts at updating or reinstalling drivers have not resolved the issues. My last resort will be to reinstall Windows but I want to find an alternative fix before going there. Using Home Edition 64 bit...

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USB Flash Drive Preventing POST, Others Work Fine?

Mar 5, 2012

I have three flash drives, one a 1gb HP flash drive, one a 2gb Sandisk Cruzer, and one a 16gb Patriot XTWhen the HP 1gb drive and Sandisk 2gb are plugged in during boot, nothing happens. It POSTs fine and starts windows.When the Patriot drive is plugged in during boot, the BIOS hangs 2/3rds of the way through POST.I have tried multiple formatting schemes. Also note that there is absolutely nothing on any of these drives, they are empty and freshly formatted.1gb formatted to FAT works, FAT32 works, exFAT works, all regardless of allocation size.2gb formatted to FAT works, FAT32 works, exFAT works, all regardless of allocation size.16gb formatted to FAT32 fails, exFAT fails, regardless of allocation size. have tried a full (non-quick) format to check for bad sectors, to no avail I have tried HP format tool rather than windows format tool, to no avail.So at this point I'm thinking it's the Dell BIOS at fault here, and I'm going to have to dualboot instead of making a multiboot drive.

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Image CD Software Doesn't Work In Windows 7 Was Working Fine In XP

Aug 1, 2012

i upgraded my os from xp to win 7 there some programs on my image files which are not running fine on Win 7 like counter strike condition zero?

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Windows 7 Freezes / Loaded Programs Does Not Work - Fine In Safe Mode

Jun 5, 2012

My computer runs like grease lightning in safe mode, and my internet speeds are marvellous also, but alas when not in safe mode I have on quite a few occasions lately had my Windows freeze, my Windows Live Mail also freeze. I will define freeze, everything just does not work, my browser Firefox/Google, none of my loaded programs.

I have to leave the computer for about 10 minutes, and then it is perfect all day!, so I am guessing a program is causing the dilemma, but which one? I have about 60 applications running and I haven't loaded a new one in about 6 months. Is there a program I can purchase/download that would seek out the rogue program if indeed it is a rogue program.

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Windows 7 Usb Load Will It Work?

Jul 11, 2011

So I installed windows 7 onto a usb using their tool. So if I format my hard drive and restart will I be able to do a clean install of windows using the usb? Or is their a chance it might not work?

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HP Refuses To Take Norton?

Oct 20, 2012

why does this PC refuse to take Norton this is fumb it has been this way since I got it but mylease is now done from easyhome Norton tryed to install it manually still no darn go so anyhow now got MicroSoft securrity essentials.

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Java Applet Refuses To Run?

Dec 13, 2011

When I try to run a java applet on Firefox or chrome or IE it just freezes and it ends up going to not responding and I have to force shut my browser. I uploaded a screen shot of what I get when I try to click on control panel -> Java(32-bit). I need to figure this out because I need to start school in Jan. and I need to be able to run Java apps. Please help me. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Java over and over. I end up getting this problem when I go to and click on do I have Java then it says something about a plug-in and do I allow it, when I click yes it starts to check then it stops and freezes. I am also using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Service Pack 1

Description: A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: AppHangXProcB1
Application Name: chrome.exe
Application Version: 15.0.874.121
Application Timestamp: 4ec1cf8b
Hang Signature: c8e4


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Notepad - Refuses To Open?

Jan 12, 2013

recently, my open notepad window seemed to have disappeared from my screen. couldn't bring it back, so "unpinned" from the application task bar.but now - it refused to open at all - when i try open it from the start menu, or trying to open it with the actual exe file in windows32 folder, and even doing right-click and Run as Admin

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Windows 7 Refuses To Boot-up?

Jul 30, 2012

The daughters laptop which runs Windows 7 and when she tries to boot up the computer it gets as far as the desktop and then a blue screen appears. This blue screen appears even if i try and boot the machine up in safe mode? I am unable to tell you what is on the bluescreen because it only appears for a few seconds and then the machine shuts down?

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Flash Refuses To Play

May 13, 2009

am i alone in the fact that flash refuses to play nice with Windows 7. and no browser is immune to it's deadly ilk, that Windows 7 is starting to emanate. no sou gesly folks, it doesn't matter what browser i try to get flash installed on, it jus will not happen.

unless one of you geniuses figured out a way..... eh?

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Windows 7 Refuses To Install?

Jun 24, 2010

just got a new motherboard and wanted to reinstall windows 7 64bit but the installer just keeps freezing on me , not crashing ,just after windows loads the files and then the windows 7 wallpaper comes but then nothing happens after that i can still move the mouse so is not crashed like i said.i tried installing the other way from inside windows but once it copys all the files then reboot it freezes again, but this time with the words "windows is being installed" or something along those lines

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INI File Refuses To Accept Changes?

Nov 15, 2011

A program I use frequently (VuePrint) refuses to let me change the .ini file to a particular opening directory. There is a line in the .ini "Directory=C:" I have attempted to change it to "Directory=C:User1UserDownloads" to no avail. I have changed the file logged in as "Administrator" and as the only "User" of the system. Once or twice the change worked, but at next log on, the .ini file had changed back to the original setting. I have searched the registry and no .ini file reference is there. Yes, I have saved the file using both "Save" and "Save as."

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Adobe Refuses To Install?

Oct 3, 2012

Have removed Adobe Flash and Reader plus all the Java stuff (after the warnings) and have tried a fresh reinstall of the Flash player and was going to redo the Reader which was throwing up update issues.

Now i did see something about JavaScript in trouble shooting with the Adobe download

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Windows 7 Refuses To Sleep?

Dec 26, 2012

I have a problem that makes me want to destroy my laptop. I use sleep mode a LOT. Until today, it used to actually enter sleep mode. Now, it turns of the screen, and HDD activity seems to stop (At least the light turns off). But it never actually sleeps. In fact, it seems to use MORE power somehow. I usually get ~5 hours on battery. My new awesome sleep mode is so good it consumes the battery in just 3 hours.

i7 2620M
512GB SSD (Crucial M4)
Win7 Ultimate x64, up to date according to WU


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