Network Doesn't Work Fine After A Load?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a problem on my iMac 2011 (20go ram) under windows7.Whan I start my computer all is fine. The network is fluid, I can go on the internet, on my server...After loading two 3dsmax sessions, one photoshop sessions and transfert some large files (near 1go) -> my network goes wrong.The browse/save/open/transfert operation on any application takes a loooooooong time to start (maybe 20-30s)

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Single Website Refuses To Load, All Others Work Fine?

Aug 4, 2012

It loads fine on my tablet, it loads fine on my phone, and it loads fine on my old PC sitting right next to this one. But on this one it hangs and I eventually get this error: "Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset."So the things I have done so far to try and fix it are;Virus scanSpyware scanMalware scanipconfig /release /flushdns /renewCC CleanerManual change to Google's open dhcp serverMultiple router resest/PC restarts3 different web browserschecked my "hosts" file to make sure it didn't somehow get redirected in thereIf I use a proxy site it works fine, but I cannot get it to come up any other way. And the website will not allow connecting directly by IP address as I tried that also and it doesn't work even on systems that will load it properly.

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Image CD Software Doesn't Work In Windows 7 Was Working Fine In XP

Aug 1, 2012

i upgraded my os from xp to win 7 there some programs on my image files which are not running fine on Win 7 like counter strike condition zero?

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PC Is Not Accessible / Network Doesn't Work

Jun 5, 2011

I recently changed ISPs, and in the process decided to upgrade my router as I have been wanting a gigabit one.Well everything went fine, set up all my PCs as required (needed to forward a few ports for a few applications).I have two Windows 7 Ultimate x64 PCs, which I have networked together. I am able to login with a remote desktop connection just fine, I am able to access the homegroup section fine too. But the section under "Network" doesn't work. Well it works in that I can see PC1 and PC2, but if I click on the remote PC.I get the error: \PD-PC is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.The remote procedure call failed and did not execute.They are on the same router and subnet, and wired if it matters. They are actually the only two things plugged into it, all other PCs use the FiOS provided router.My router is the D-Link DGL4100.No third party firewalls, just the Windows one (and the router one). Prior to the change in routers, everything worked fine.I have searched around the internet, and almost every thread I go to seems to have a different "fix" for this, none have worked for me.

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Alfa Network Usb Adapter Doesn't Work?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a laptop in which I am running windows 7 pro x64. But as I had a problem with the weak signal I bought an alfa network antenna : 802.11/g long-rangemodel awus036h.I have installed the driver following step by step the instructions from the driver's site.But I am only able to see only the other's SSIDs not MINE and also Even when i am forcing to connect to my SSID it doesn't connect. My network is not Hidden so I dont get it.

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Windows 7 Doesn't Work With All Network Drives

Mar 22, 2011

When I boot up my Windows 7 Professional x64 machine I get that balloon that states "Could not reconnect all network drives". How do I get rid of this? I am hard wired into the network (not wireless) and I cannot find a way around it.

All the solutions I have found state its either due to wireless network authentication occuring late in the boot process (but im hard wired) or that you need to upgrade to a Pro edition of windows (which I cam using).

It is not disasterous if I am being honest its just mildly irritating

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Network And Sharing Doesn't Work Properly

Jan 2, 2010

I have a Windows 7 laptop connected via a WRT54G2 wireless router to an XP SP3 desktop. Both the laptop and desktop can see shared resources and both can connected to the internet.

In the Laptop's Network and Sharing Center, however, things are not correct. The Laptop has two connections to the router, lan and wireless. The lan's connection appears OK, but I cannot generate a map. I get "Windows cannot discover any computer or device." The wireless network is public.

I don't know why and I don't know how to change it. Also, when I try to create a new network connection, the laptop sees only a WRT160N router (which I don't have; perhaps I did a while ago, when the laptop ran Vista). No place to add a new one.

I have Cisco's Network Magic and it can correct see everything, including the right router.

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Windows 7 Loads Fine But None Applications Will Load Up?

Sep 29, 2011

I have a weird situation: Just a normal day working on my pc while it messages me, system rebooting. It reboots without any errors. I log back into my system,everything seems fine. I notticed on my taskbar none of my applications loaded.Usually, MSN, my vid card, winamp...icons are loaded up and icons are in taskbar but not there! I performed many actions to no avail.System restore, safemode boot, selective services boot, sfc /scannow and so on.I checked in Event viewer and see 5-6 service that did not responde to the start or control in a timely fashion. Ex: acrobat, asus, bonjour, apple.... Got one I dint like: The server {06622D85-6856-4460-8DE1-A81921B41C4B} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.When i click on any applications mostly non-MS apps nothing happens. Not even the services starts up in task man. I tried to open the service lets say, Steam client and get the Timeout error right away.

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IE8 / 9 Won't Load Web Pages But Chrome And Firefox Working Fine

Jul 6, 2011

If I connect to my work VPN, then IE refuses to load any pages (inside the work network or outside). It doesn't even appear to try, just goes immediately to "Internet Explorer cannot display this page." I was able to connect to the computer with teamviewer remotely, name resolution worked properly, I was able to ping the web server etc. all fine, even brought the page up in FF and Chrome with no problems. I turned off all add-ins and restarted IE, same deal. If I disconnect from the VPN then IE works fine again. I was running IE9, I tried uninstalling it but having the same issue with IE8.

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Wireless Printer Working Fine Now Doesn't Show IP After Storm

Oct 1, 2012

My wireless printer was working until we got a storm. Now it doesn't show ip,but it works with the desktop not wireless

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Installs Fine, Runs Fine, Reboots..not Fine

May 20, 2009

so i finally decided to install Windows 7 x86 - everything went well - put all the standard stuff on there etc - i rebooted many times because of installations and updates

on my last reboot it just got stock in the bios screen (verifying dmi pool data..success! etc)

so i rebooted, same thing, took the disc out, same thing - turned off boot devices same thing

tried to use window's useless repair tools (whatever happened to repair install?) which didn't help - so i decided to format and reinstall - then it says it was unable to do that (partition error or something)

the annoying this that this EXACT..i mean EXACT same thing happened when i installed vista sp1 from scratch - this happened - and to fix it i had to leave my pc open overnight with the hard drive cables all the morning with my fingers crossed i tried the installation again - and it worked.

my d: always disappears (single hard disk sata 233gig (250)) - sometimes it'll vanish from my computer and stuff - but this can't be the problem because the d: is a single drive on its own - my c: is a25gig partition from my e: - so it's completely unrelated.

does it matter how i replug the sata cables (2 of them) into the mother board? - they're both being recognised anyway

this is really annoying though - mostly because there isn't really an explanation - and because this random stuff always happens to my pc! - is it my hard drive because that's the only thing that would half- make sense

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Made 2 RSS Feeds, Work Fine - Can't Get It Right Anymore?

Jun 19, 2012

Now, I want to make some more and I CAN NOT for the life of me do it anymore. I do have to admit that I searched for the right paths to get them right, but now, I can't get it anymore. Is anyone able to tell me how to make a favorite into an RSS feed?

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After Update Windows 7 Starts Up Just Fine But No Programs Work

Dec 15, 2011

This may be difficult to troubleshoot because I have very few details about the computer in question. A friend called me because I am fairly good with basic computer problems. I'm not sure of the hardware specs, but it's a 2010 or 2011 model PC with Windows 7 installed. They did a Windows Update, and let it update just fine - they did not restart or shut down at all during the update. Once the update completed however, they can't open anything up.

Every time they try opening a program, they get an error message. Also, he mentioned that at first after the update, it wouldn't even boot up. He would get a message saying that he needs to restore to system defaults. Somehow, they got the computer to boot but it wont open any programs. How do you reset a Windows 7 computer to factory settings?

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Keyboards Stopped Functioning But Work Fine In BIOS

Mar 14, 2011

One day keyboards stopped functioning and it hasn't worked since. The problem is on a home built desktop computer and any and all types of keyboards. I've sat on this problem for a while since I also have a laptop and have used that for activities that require extensive typing and I can still use the onscreen keyboard to use the desktop. I wish I'd done a system restore when the problem was still fresh but I didn't think of that immediately, and it's been several months now since it started. Keyboards work fine in BIOS, but not in safe mode. All attempts at updating or reinstalling drivers have not resolved the issues. My last resort will be to reinstall Windows but I want to find an alternative fix before going there. Using Home Edition 64 bit...

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USB Flash Drive Preventing POST, Others Work Fine?

Mar 5, 2012

I have three flash drives, one a 1gb HP flash drive, one a 2gb Sandisk Cruzer, and one a 16gb Patriot XTWhen the HP 1gb drive and Sandisk 2gb are plugged in during boot, nothing happens. It POSTs fine and starts windows.When the Patriot drive is plugged in during boot, the BIOS hangs 2/3rds of the way through POST.I have tried multiple formatting schemes. Also note that there is absolutely nothing on any of these drives, they are empty and freshly formatted.1gb formatted to FAT works, FAT32 works, exFAT works, all regardless of allocation size.2gb formatted to FAT works, FAT32 works, exFAT works, all regardless of allocation size.16gb formatted to FAT32 fails, exFAT fails, regardless of allocation size. have tried a full (non-quick) format to check for bad sectors, to no avail I have tried HP format tool rather than windows format tool, to no avail.So at this point I'm thinking it's the Dell BIOS at fault here, and I'm going to have to dualboot instead of making a multiboot drive.

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Windows 7 Freezes / Loaded Programs Does Not Work - Fine In Safe Mode

Jun 5, 2012

My computer runs like grease lightning in safe mode, and my internet speeds are marvellous also, but alas when not in safe mode I have on quite a few occasions lately had my Windows freeze, my Windows Live Mail also freeze. I will define freeze, everything just does not work, my browser Firefox/Google, none of my loaded programs.

I have to leave the computer for about 10 minutes, and then it is perfect all day!, so I am guessing a program is causing the dilemma, but which one? I have about 60 applications running and I haven't loaded a new one in about 6 months. Is there a program I can purchase/download that would seek out the rogue program if indeed it is a rogue program.

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Network Not Connected - Internet Works Fine

Oct 9, 2011

My computer is on the internet, which is working fine - except that if I go to the Network and Sharing Center, it says that I am not connected to a network. The major problem this is causing is the fact that I can't use Windows Media Center to stream anything over to my Xbox, because it says that I'm not connected to a network: Running the troubleshooter does nothing.So far I've: Uninstalled drivers, and reinstalled from my Motherboard's disc which was working fine inititallyUninstalled Apple's Bonjour applicationDisabled and re-enabled the network adapter multiple timesRan ROUTE DELETE for the hell of it because I read that somewhereNothing has worked.

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Cannot Detect One Particular Wireless Network - Others Fine Running Windows 7

Oct 24, 2010

I have just moved house and been given the internet details by the landlord. The provider is Virgin and the landlord asked for my MAC addresses of each device to allow access to the internet and gave me the password. I managed to connect on my iPhone and my housemate who is also running windows 7 off a laptop can also connect. However the network does not even appear in my wireless list. Several other wireless networks in the area are being detected but not the one in the house. I know it's not hidden as I can connect on other devices.

I have tried a manual setup with the network name, encryption etc and tick "allow connection even when network is hidden" but all to no avail. Unfortunately I have no access to the router as the landlord has that next door, however seems strange it would be a router issue if the other devices connect fine. I have been through all the settings with my housemate and ensured we have the same setup and am now thoroughly baffled and annoyed.

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IE9 Doesn't Load Certain Pages?

Dec 2, 2012

i am having a problem with ie9 it loads basic pages like google but it just won't load Internet and stuff all the way.

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Explorer Doesn't Load On Startup

Jan 12, 2011

Whenever I log in or any account logs in explorer.exe doesn't load.I don't have any viruses, restore didn't work, running sfc /scannow at the moment.

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When I Tried To Visit A Website It Doesn't Load

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using internet explorer and Google chrome as my web browsers. When i tried to visit a website it doesn't load. But the packets are receiving. Other applications also doesn't work(skype, messenger, gtalk, etc). And when i right click on window explorer it becomes not responding.

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Windows 7 Starts But Doesn't Load?

Aug 16, 2012

the other day i went to turn my computer on and it says the starting windows with the glowing windows symbol but the problem is is that it never loads. i have tried startup repair and system restore, but neither have made a difference

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Account Doesn't Load Properly

Jun 27, 2012

I am receiving this message when I log in in my fb and my account doesnt load properly?Spoiler :[spoiler][spoiler]

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Windows 7 64-bit Suddenly Doesn't Load Anymore

Sep 20, 2011

I had my laptop running last night and I woke up this morning and my computer was frozen. It wasn't the "blue screen of death" as many mention as it was simply frozen but when I turned it back on (and continue to turn it back on) it gets stuck on "Starting Windows" without even proceeding to the Windows log-in screen. Next, when I launch a "system repair" it goes through the process but freezes in the blue "system repair" screen without even showing anything..just the blue background sunshine screen and is just stuck there...under "Advanced Boot Options" the "Last Known Good Configuration" gives me no luck either...I then try "Safe Mode" and under "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" it freezes while "Loading Windows Files" and the last file/driver it shows is windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys

I don't know what else to do...I have a Windows 7 64-bit boot disc but this is my small laptop which doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. I can use my USB drive if necessary but I attempted to do that but maybe there is some special way I must install it on my USB drive?

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Windows 7 64bit - Java Doesn't Want To Load

Aug 31, 2012

I have a new build with Windows 7 64 bit. I am trying to install Java. I have downloaded it and tried to load it. I get to the installing Java screen and nothing happens.

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Windows 7 64-bit Suddenly Doesn't Load Anymore

Sep 20, 2011

I had my laptop running last night and I woke up this morning and my computer was frozen. It wasn't the "blue screen of death" as many mention as it was simply frozen but when I turned it back on (and continue to turn it back on) it gets stuck on "Starting Windows" without even proceeding to the Windows log-in screen. Next, when I launch a "system repair" it goes through the process but freezes in the blue "system repair" screen without even showing anything..just the blue background sunshine screen and is just stuck there...under "Advanced Boot Options" the "Last Known Good Configuration" gives me no luck either...I then try "Safe Mode" and under "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" it freezes while "Loading Windows Files" and the last file/driver it shows is windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys

I don't know what else to do...I have a Windows 7 64-bit boot disc but this is my small laptop which doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. I can use my USB drive if necessary but I attempted to do that but maybe there is some special way I must install it on my USB drive?

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Facebook Page On IE Doesn't Fully Load

Jan 7, 2013

and my sidebar only has lines . On google CHROME facebook works.Also I get a message saying hotkey has stoped working. Says doyou want to fix online but nothing happens.Went to Hotkey utility and you can't repair it..... only uninstall it.Hope I haven't deleted something I shouldn't have. I did systen restore and that doesn't help.that their is a black box with a red line where my clocketc on my desktop where it was. Tried putting them back on but just get the above.

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Computer Upgrade Windows Doesn't Load

Mar 27, 2012

So I recently upgraded my motherboard, RAM, and CPU. After doing some quick adjustments in the BIOS, I attempted to load into Windows to make sure everything was correct. Upon the Windows loading up, the logo freezes for a second, a BSOD appears (which I cannot read as it disappears within a fraction of a second) and the computer restarts.I've already gone through a couple of passes using Memtest without any errors, so I think the RAM can be ruled out. I was hoping I could get advice on how to prevent the computer from restarting so I can see the BSOD and further provide information depending on the error.

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Windows Doesn't Load After Installing Ati Drivers?

Jun 13, 2012

I'm having a problem with catalyst drivers. I installed Windows 7 32-bit yesterday and everything was working fine until I installed catalyst control center, which now causes the system to stay stuck on the blue windows wallpaper without explorer or mouse cursor. I can get to safe mode and perform a system recovery, then I can boot normally. I also tried multiple versions of drivers, but it always does the same thing. Im using Radeon HD5770, Gigabyte P43T-ES3G Mobo, Intel Core2Quad 2,5 GHz (not sure about the exact model number) and 4 GB Ram. Everything worked fine before reinstalling windows and my system specs are exactly the same as they were before.

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New Hard Drive Doesn't Load Drivers?

Jul 20, 2012

I bought a new hard drive but toshiba said it isn't formatted correctly and now my drivers don't load

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Windows 7 64bit Suddenly Doesn't Load Anymore

Sep 20, 2011

I had my laptop running last night and I woke up this morning and my computer was frozen. It wasn't the "blue screen of death" as many mention as it was simply frozen but when I turned it back on (and continue to turn it back on) it gets stuck on "Starting Windows" without even proceeding to the Windows login screen. Next, when I launch a "system repair" it goes through the process but freezes in the blue "system repair" screen without even showing anything. Just the blue background sunshine screen and is just stuck there.

Under "Advanced Boot Options" the "Last Known Good Configuration" gives me no luck either. I then try "Safe Mode" and under "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" it freezes while "Loading Windows Files" and the last file/driver it shows is windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys. I have a Windows 7 64-bit boot disc but this is my small laptop which doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. I can use my USB drive if necessary but I attempted to do that but maybe there is some special way I must install it on my USB drive?? Otherwise I am completely stuck.

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