IE9 Doesn't Load Certain Pages?

Dec 2, 2012

i am having a problem with ie9 it loads basic pages like google but it just won't load Internet and stuff all the way.

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Pages Won't Load Without Several Refreshes?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm having a strange problem that I have never seen or heard of. Every time I try to do anything in windows 7 that requires an internet connection, it gives me a "Page cannot be displayed" or "Page not found" message. The only way I can get some pages to load is to refresh them several times, after wich they will finally load.It is not just a problem in IE8, as Chrome, and firefox do the same thing. Windows will not update anymore as it cannot get a connection, and I cannot purchase items from steam or itunes because they give me a "cannot find a secure connection" error. I recently reformatted and the problem still persists. Other PCs on my network do not have the same problem. I recently moved all of my components to a new chasis, and am wondering if the ethernet port or controller could have been damaged

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Wouldn't Load ANY Pages

Aug 19, 2011

I was using Google Chrome and it just suddenly wouldn't load ANY pages. My internet is working fine. So I used Firefox instead, as that seemed to be working fine. But today, that's being really slow. And most of the time goes into "Not responding." if it needs to load something like a video.

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Some Pages Do Not Load In Any Of The Browsers

Dec 22, 2011

I just formatted my windows 7 a month ago and re-installed it . Few weeks ago i changed my modem to Netgear N150 modem + router . After that Most of the websites don't load . Eg : Facebook , yahoo , ms support , etc . I was scanning for any malware or virus but i didn't find any . And i hardly installed software in my computer . Even this forums is not loaded fully . My connection is really bad its oly 512kbps connection but most of the websites load in >10secs but now a days in any browser they are not loading at all. Not loading in the sense they are loaded half or not at all . Otherwise the loading thing is going on and on . It never ends. I checked my connection speed with and got 524kbps which is my speed . When i download things i get the correct downspeed which i used to get early . But now most of the website are not loaded . I have norton and malwarebytes installed scanned the computer like ten times now . I first taut that dey both wer blocking web traffic and so i shut them down and i didn't find any improvements

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Pages Load Template But Not Information

Jan 28, 2013

I am having an issue with some of the sites i got to like wowhead, facebook to name a couple where they only load the template but not the actual information. I attached a picture of what I mean. Things I have tried so far is disabling firewall for a moment and reloading the page this did nothing, have tried loading on firefox, chrome, and IE (most recent versions of all) It has been about 2 weeks that I started noticing it and its becoming very frustrating. I also tried reinstalling flash player as that is the only thing that has been changed in the last two weeks on my computer.

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Low CPU Usage Pages Wont Load?

Jul 3, 2012

I have a one year old HP 2000 Notebook PC with 3gb ram, using windows 7 home premium with internet explorer 9, with Comcast as an internet provider, using an Asus wireless router. The problem Im having that is driving me NUTS is that randomly web page wont load, I get internet explorer cannot display the webpage error and when I look at the task manager I notice that the cpu usage has dropped below 10%. This happens quite a bit all day long, Ive searched all over the net and cannot come up with a solution. Does anybody know what could be causing the low cpu usage and pages wont load?

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Windows 7 / IE 9 - Some Pages Will Not Load Completely

Oct 20, 2012

My HP desktop with Windows 7 and IE9 has had issues on some websites since I've had it. The issues are that some pages will not load completely or load at all and the back button sometime will work and sometime it will not. All of these issues are random and intermittent on the same sites. Sometimes the refresh button will work and sometimes it will not. It seems that if they work at all they should work all of the time but I don't know enough about computer systems to understand. Some say I should change to another browser. I've tried Google Chrome and Firefox and they have their problems as well. I know I can't be the only one having these type issues. I delete cookies on a regular schedule.

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Laptop Takes A While To Load Explorer And Other Web Pages?

Feb 16, 2013

You fixed my infected laptop quite a while back, (GRINGO) I think.cant remember how I was directed to the site.My laptop is playing up again, it is really slow and does not feel right.It takes a while to load explorer and other web pages and  a long time to run some applications.I have tried virus checkers and malaware removers but when i did it found and removed some trojens but I think it is still infected.

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Internet Connected, But Unable To Load Pages?

Aug 2, 2012

I have internet access, but when I am in normal mode it says that the page took too long to load so it couldn't connect to it. I have tried nearly everything, but nothing so far. When I am in safe mode, I can view any page. So that's how I am able to post this

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Opera Browser Won't Load Pages / Says Blocked

Sep 19, 2012

I'm using Opera on WIN 7 32x. Darn thing won't open any web pages or almost never. Something going on here I didn't know about?

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Internet Being Extremely Slow - Pages Will Not Load

Mar 10, 2012

i started up my pc today, everything was cool. i went out for a bit and when i came back, the internet was going horribly slow. pages show in text version, some don't load at all. Internet keeps giving me the 'there was an error loading the video, please try again later'. i ran a check, i'm getting 4mbps, i normally get 9 or 10 but 4 is fine for me. i'm not downloading anything and the only internet connected program i'm running is chrome.

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Internet Pages Load Slowly Windows 7 Freezes?

Sep 14, 2011

I was browsing the internet on my firefox when suddenly the links that i opened up where not loading at all. All it had was a blank white screen. I restarted the firefox and the computer but it was still not working. The internet explorer was acting the same way. I tried several solutions such as clearing my cache, changing the proxy settings but it froze the windows 7 when doing so.

My anti-virus program that i brought (Trend Mirco) had expired 2 or 3 days ago. I'm not sure if i have a anti-virus, i just downloaded avg for free but when i try to scan the computer it freezes again.

System info:

OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premuim
Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
System Model: p6754y
System Type: x64-based pc

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Pages Slow To Load While Waiting On Advertising Sites

Jun 17, 2012

I have the same issue that ShankMcGank had in this thread that is now closed.url...In fact, this site is very slow on every page.I get a message at the bottom of the page that says "awaiting HTTP:// then some ad site ( or google ads etc).This only just started happening about two weeks ago and I have run anti virus, malwarebytes, adaware etc and eveything is clean.

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Windows 7 - Valid Internet Connection But Won't Load Pages

Jul 20, 2011

We have our Server running Windows Server 2003. We have 2 other desktop computers running XP and a laptop also running XP connected. We replaced one of the XP computers with a brand new Windows 7 computer. I am connected to the LAN just fine and when you click on "get online," it's says that there's a working connection but when I try to load ANY page I get the "page cannot load" error. Yesterday, the issue was intermittent but today I have been unable to get online at all. I've tried restarting the server and the new computer as well as the router. I've also tried disabling and enabling the LAN. I also tried a "repair winsock" option I found on the forums. All other computers running through the server are working fine so I know it's not the ISP. We didn't change the router so I know it can handle the number of computers we have.

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IE8 / 9 Won't Load Web Pages But Chrome And Firefox Working Fine

Jul 6, 2011

If I connect to my work VPN, then IE refuses to load any pages (inside the work network or outside). It doesn't even appear to try, just goes immediately to "Internet Explorer cannot display this page." I was able to connect to the computer with teamviewer remotely, name resolution worked properly, I was able to ping the web server etc. all fine, even brought the page up in FF and Chrome with no problems. I turned off all add-ins and restarted IE, same deal. If I disconnect from the VPN then IE works fine again. I was running IE9, I tried uninstalling it but having the same issue with IE8.

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Upgraded Internet Speed Now Most Pages Don't Load Correctly

Dec 5, 2011

I've had my standard DSL 6mbps (actually got 5.3mbps) service for a year, no real issues with it. Pages loaded as usual, always been using Google Chrome.2 weeks ago I switched over to U-Verse and "doubled" the speed to 12mbps (getting 10.5mbps). Now everytime i go to any website, doesnt matter if it's yahoo, google, youtue, tomshardware... it either fails to load completely and chrome says it can not find the site, or it will find the site but not load any images as all. Instead I have to keep hitting refresh 2-5 times until everything loads correctly.I tried this on my other PC too, and it does the same thing... i cleared out the cache and downloads so everything would run fresh but it didnt help. I then tried using IE, and still get the same thing.

Running Win 7 64bit SP1

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Browsers Doesn't Display Web Pages Without Proxy

Jul 1, 2012

I have a dsl cable internet connection and I use proxy sometimes. Recently my browsers couldn't open any webpage without activating proxy. I used to ping some domains and I got replies and I looked at proxy setting in any browser and choosed no proxy , but when I try to open a website It says for example could not locate the remote server in Opera , and after using proxy server (like your freedom) and activate my proxy setting in browsers I can easily open any webpage.

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Explorer Doesn't Load On Startup

Jan 12, 2011

Whenever I log in or any account logs in explorer.exe doesn't load.I don't have any viruses, restore didn't work, running sfc /scannow at the moment.

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When I Tried To Visit A Website It Doesn't Load

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using internet explorer and Google chrome as my web browsers. When i tried to visit a website it doesn't load. But the packets are receiving. Other applications also doesn't work(skype, messenger, gtalk, etc). And when i right click on window explorer it becomes not responding.

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Windows 7 Starts But Doesn't Load?

Aug 16, 2012

the other day i went to turn my computer on and it says the starting windows with the glowing windows symbol but the problem is is that it never loads. i have tried startup repair and system restore, but neither have made a difference

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Account Doesn't Load Properly

Jun 27, 2012

I am receiving this message when I log in in my fb and my account doesnt load properly?Spoiler :[spoiler][spoiler]

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Windows 7 64-bit Suddenly Doesn't Load Anymore

Sep 20, 2011

I had my laptop running last night and I woke up this morning and my computer was frozen. It wasn't the "blue screen of death" as many mention as it was simply frozen but when I turned it back on (and continue to turn it back on) it gets stuck on "Starting Windows" without even proceeding to the Windows log-in screen. Next, when I launch a "system repair" it goes through the process but freezes in the blue "system repair" screen without even showing anything..just the blue background sunshine screen and is just stuck there...under "Advanced Boot Options" the "Last Known Good Configuration" gives me no luck either...I then try "Safe Mode" and under "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" it freezes while "Loading Windows Files" and the last file/driver it shows is windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys

I don't know what else to do...I have a Windows 7 64-bit boot disc but this is my small laptop which doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. I can use my USB drive if necessary but I attempted to do that but maybe there is some special way I must install it on my USB drive?

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Windows 7 64bit - Java Doesn't Want To Load

Aug 31, 2012

I have a new build with Windows 7 64 bit. I am trying to install Java. I have downloaded it and tried to load it. I get to the installing Java screen and nothing happens.

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Windows 7 64-bit Suddenly Doesn't Load Anymore

Sep 20, 2011

I had my laptop running last night and I woke up this morning and my computer was frozen. It wasn't the "blue screen of death" as many mention as it was simply frozen but when I turned it back on (and continue to turn it back on) it gets stuck on "Starting Windows" without even proceeding to the Windows log-in screen. Next, when I launch a "system repair" it goes through the process but freezes in the blue "system repair" screen without even showing anything..just the blue background sunshine screen and is just stuck there...under "Advanced Boot Options" the "Last Known Good Configuration" gives me no luck either...I then try "Safe Mode" and under "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" it freezes while "Loading Windows Files" and the last file/driver it shows is windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys

I don't know what else to do...I have a Windows 7 64-bit boot disc but this is my small laptop which doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. I can use my USB drive if necessary but I attempted to do that but maybe there is some special way I must install it on my USB drive?

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Facebook Page On IE Doesn't Fully Load

Jan 7, 2013

and my sidebar only has lines . On google CHROME facebook works.Also I get a message saying hotkey has stoped working. Says doyou want to fix online but nothing happens.Went to Hotkey utility and you can't repair it..... only uninstall it.Hope I haven't deleted something I shouldn't have. I did systen restore and that doesn't help.that their is a black box with a red line where my clocketc on my desktop where it was. Tried putting them back on but just get the above.

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Computer Upgrade Windows Doesn't Load

Mar 27, 2012

So I recently upgraded my motherboard, RAM, and CPU. After doing some quick adjustments in the BIOS, I attempted to load into Windows to make sure everything was correct. Upon the Windows loading up, the logo freezes for a second, a BSOD appears (which I cannot read as it disappears within a fraction of a second) and the computer restarts.I've already gone through a couple of passes using Memtest without any errors, so I think the RAM can be ruled out. I was hoping I could get advice on how to prevent the computer from restarting so I can see the BSOD and further provide information depending on the error.

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Windows Doesn't Load After Installing Ati Drivers?

Jun 13, 2012

I'm having a problem with catalyst drivers. I installed Windows 7 32-bit yesterday and everything was working fine until I installed catalyst control center, which now causes the system to stay stuck on the blue windows wallpaper without explorer or mouse cursor. I can get to safe mode and perform a system recovery, then I can boot normally. I also tried multiple versions of drivers, but it always does the same thing. Im using Radeon HD5770, Gigabyte P43T-ES3G Mobo, Intel Core2Quad 2,5 GHz (not sure about the exact model number) and 4 GB Ram. Everything worked fine before reinstalling windows and my system specs are exactly the same as they were before.

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Network Doesn't Work Fine After A Load?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a problem on my iMac 2011 (20go ram) under windows7.Whan I start my computer all is fine. The network is fluid, I can go on the internet, on my server...After loading two 3dsmax sessions, one photoshop sessions and transfert some large files (near 1go) -> my network goes wrong.The browse/save/open/transfert operation on any application takes a loooooooong time to start (maybe 20-30s)

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New Hard Drive Doesn't Load Drivers?

Jul 20, 2012

I bought a new hard drive but toshiba said it isn't formatted correctly and now my drivers don't load

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Windows 7 64bit Suddenly Doesn't Load Anymore

Sep 20, 2011

I had my laptop running last night and I woke up this morning and my computer was frozen. It wasn't the "blue screen of death" as many mention as it was simply frozen but when I turned it back on (and continue to turn it back on) it gets stuck on "Starting Windows" without even proceeding to the Windows login screen. Next, when I launch a "system repair" it goes through the process but freezes in the blue "system repair" screen without even showing anything. Just the blue background sunshine screen and is just stuck there.

Under "Advanced Boot Options" the "Last Known Good Configuration" gives me no luck either. I then try "Safe Mode" and under "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" it freezes while "Loading Windows Files" and the last file/driver it shows is windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys. I have a Windows 7 64-bit boot disc but this is my small laptop which doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. I can use my USB drive if necessary but I attempted to do that but maybe there is some special way I must install it on my USB drive?? Otherwise I am completely stuck.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Startup Repair Doesn't Load Either

Dec 2, 2012

I tried turning on my computer today and it gets stuck at the "Starting Windows" logo. It just hangs there indefinitely (usually only takes a couple seconds) and doesn't load. I then tried startup repair, and that just takes me to a black screen. After that, I tried putting in my Windows 7 boot disc to do a clean install, told the BIOS to boot to CD/DVD drive. It tells me to press a key, I do. I get "Windows is loading files" and then it goes back to "Starting Windows" forever, yet again. This happened so suddenly, it was working fine just hours before this.

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