Windows 7 - Valid Internet Connection But Won't Load Pages

Jul 20, 2011

We have our Server running Windows Server 2003. We have 2 other desktop computers running XP and a laptop also running XP connected. We replaced one of the XP computers with a brand new Windows 7 computer. I am connected to the LAN just fine and when you click on "get online," it's says that there's a working connection but when I try to load ANY page I get the "page cannot load" error. Yesterday, the issue was intermittent but today I have been unable to get online at all. I've tried restarting the server and the new computer as well as the router. I've also tried disabling and enabling the LAN. I also tried a "repair winsock" option I found on the forums. All other computers running through the server are working fine so I know it's not the ISP. We didn't change the router so I know it can handle the number of computers we have.

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Internet Pages Load Slowly Windows 7 Freezes?

Sep 14, 2011

I was browsing the internet on my firefox when suddenly the links that i opened up where not loading at all. All it had was a blank white screen. I restarted the firefox and the computer but it was still not working. The internet explorer was acting the same way. I tried several solutions such as clearing my cache, changing the proxy settings but it froze the windows 7 when doing so.

My anti-virus program that i brought (Trend Mirco) had expired 2 or 3 days ago. I'm not sure if i have a anti-virus, i just downloaded avg for free but when i try to scan the computer it freezes again.

System info:

OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premuim
Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
System Model: p6754y
System Type: x64-based pc

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Internet Connected, But Unable To Load Pages?

Aug 2, 2012

I have internet access, but when I am in normal mode it says that the page took too long to load so it couldn't connect to it. I have tried nearly everything, but nothing so far. When I am in safe mode, I can view any page. So that's how I am able to post this

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Internet Being Extremely Slow - Pages Will Not Load

Mar 10, 2012

i started up my pc today, everything was cool. i went out for a bit and when i came back, the internet was going horribly slow. pages show in text version, some don't load at all. Internet keeps giving me the 'there was an error loading the video, please try again later'. i ran a check, i'm getting 4mbps, i normally get 9 or 10 but 4 is fine for me. i'm not downloading anything and the only internet connected program i'm running is chrome.

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Upgraded Internet Speed Now Most Pages Don't Load Correctly

Dec 5, 2011

I've had my standard DSL 6mbps (actually got 5.3mbps) service for a year, no real issues with it. Pages loaded as usual, always been using Google Chrome.2 weeks ago I switched over to U-Verse and "doubled" the speed to 12mbps (getting 10.5mbps). Now everytime i go to any website, doesnt matter if it's yahoo, google, youtue, tomshardware... it either fails to load completely and chrome says it can not find the site, or it will find the site but not load any images as all. Instead I have to keep hitting refresh 2-5 times until everything loads correctly.I tried this on my other PC too, and it does the same thing... i cleared out the cache and downloads so everything would run fresh but it didnt help. I then tried using IE, and still get the same thing.

Running Win 7 64bit SP1

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Cannot Access Internet Pages Even When Dial-up Connection Is Connected

Jul 2, 2012

I have a win 7 pc connected to internet through dial-up connection. It is being connected but i can't open any pages.. saying dns not detected.

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Windows 7 / IE 9 - Some Pages Will Not Load Completely

Oct 20, 2012

My HP desktop with Windows 7 and IE9 has had issues on some websites since I've had it. The issues are that some pages will not load completely or load at all and the back button sometime will work and sometime it will not. All of these issues are random and intermittent on the same sites. Sometimes the refresh button will work and sometimes it will not. It seems that if they work at all they should work all of the time but I don't know enough about computer systems to understand. Some say I should change to another browser. I've tried Google Chrome and Firefox and they have their problems as well. I know I can't be the only one having these type issues. I delete cookies on a regular schedule.

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Windows 7 "Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Connection"

Sep 5, 2011

I am getting the above message after troubleshooting. I have just switched to a new computer with windows 7 pre-installed.

All fine on old computer running XP Getting unidentified network + above error message. enabling/disabling card, checking for Bonjour service string and the like but no luck.

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Pages Won't Load Without Several Refreshes?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm having a strange problem that I have never seen or heard of. Every time I try to do anything in windows 7 that requires an internet connection, it gives me a "Page cannot be displayed" or "Page not found" message. The only way I can get some pages to load is to refresh them several times, after wich they will finally load.It is not just a problem in IE8, as Chrome, and firefox do the same thing. Windows will not update anymore as it cannot get a connection, and I cannot purchase items from steam or itunes because they give me a "cannot find a secure connection" error. I recently reformatted and the problem still persists. Other PCs on my network do not have the same problem. I recently moved all of my components to a new chasis, and am wondering if the ethernet port or controller could have been damaged

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Wouldn't Load ANY Pages

Aug 19, 2011

I was using Google Chrome and it just suddenly wouldn't load ANY pages. My internet is working fine. So I used Firefox instead, as that seemed to be working fine. But today, that's being really slow. And most of the time goes into "Not responding." if it needs to load something like a video.

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Some Pages Do Not Load In Any Of The Browsers

Dec 22, 2011

I just formatted my windows 7 a month ago and re-installed it . Few weeks ago i changed my modem to Netgear N150 modem + router . After that Most of the websites don't load . Eg : Facebook , yahoo , ms support , etc . I was scanning for any malware or virus but i didn't find any . And i hardly installed software in my computer . Even this forums is not loaded fully . My connection is really bad its oly 512kbps connection but most of the websites load in >10secs but now a days in any browser they are not loading at all. Not loading in the sense they are loaded half or not at all . Otherwise the loading thing is going on and on . It never ends. I checked my connection speed with and got 524kbps which is my speed . When i download things i get the correct downspeed which i used to get early . But now most of the website are not loaded . I have norton and malwarebytes installed scanned the computer like ten times now . I first taut that dey both wer blocking web traffic and so i shut them down and i didn't find any improvements

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IE9 Doesn't Load Certain Pages?

Dec 2, 2012

i am having a problem with ie9 it loads basic pages like google but it just won't load Internet and stuff all the way.

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Pages Load Template But Not Information

Jan 28, 2013

I am having an issue with some of the sites i got to like wowhead, facebook to name a couple where they only load the template but not the actual information. I attached a picture of what I mean. Things I have tried so far is disabling firewall for a moment and reloading the page this did nothing, have tried loading on firefox, chrome, and IE (most recent versions of all) It has been about 2 weeks that I started noticing it and its becoming very frustrating. I also tried reinstalling flash player as that is the only thing that has been changed in the last two weeks on my computer.

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Low CPU Usage Pages Wont Load?

Jul 3, 2012

I have a one year old HP 2000 Notebook PC with 3gb ram, using windows 7 home premium with internet explorer 9, with Comcast as an internet provider, using an Asus wireless router. The problem Im having that is driving me NUTS is that randomly web page wont load, I get internet explorer cannot display the webpage error and when I look at the task manager I notice that the cpu usage has dropped below 10%. This happens quite a bit all day long, Ive searched all over the net and cannot come up with a solution. Does anybody know what could be causing the low cpu usage and pages wont load?

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Laptop Takes A While To Load Explorer And Other Web Pages?

Feb 16, 2013

You fixed my infected laptop quite a while back, (GRINGO) I think.cant remember how I was directed to the site.My laptop is playing up again, it is really slow and does not feel right.It takes a while to load explorer and other web pages and  a long time to run some applications.I have tried virus checkers and malaware removers but when i did it found and removed some trojens but I think it is still infected.

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Opera Browser Won't Load Pages / Says Blocked

Sep 19, 2012

I'm using Opera on WIN 7 32x. Darn thing won't open any web pages or almost never. Something going on here I didn't know about?

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Pages Slow To Load While Waiting On Advertising Sites

Jun 17, 2012

I have the same issue that ShankMcGank had in this thread that is now closed.url...In fact, this site is very slow on every page.I get a message at the bottom of the page that says "awaiting HTTP:// then some ad site ( or google ads etc).This only just started happening about two weeks ago and I have run anti virus, malwarebytes, adaware etc and eveything is clean.

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IE8 / 9 Won't Load Web Pages But Chrome And Firefox Working Fine

Jul 6, 2011

If I connect to my work VPN, then IE refuses to load any pages (inside the work network or outside). It doesn't even appear to try, just goes immediately to "Internet Explorer cannot display this page." I was able to connect to the computer with teamviewer remotely, name resolution worked properly, I was able to ping the web server etc. all fine, even brought the page up in FF and Chrome with no problems. I turned off all add-ins and restarted IE, same deal. If I disconnect from the VPN then IE works fine again. I was running IE9, I tried uninstalling it but having the same issue with IE8.

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Windows 7 Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration

Aug 21, 2012

My computer crashed and i have no internet for one of my three computers it says Wireless Network Connection doesn't have Valid IP Configuration?

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Can't Load Office 2003 From Valid Disc

Dec 27, 2012

my office 2003 will not load on my asus laptop running windows 7 home the key is not correct. i have loaded the same office 2003 disc on my other computer running xp. the key is not miss-typed and is valid.

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Local Connection Cannot Get A Valid Ip Config?

Sep 27, 2011

amd athlon x2 6000+Broadcom netxtreme 57xx gigabite controller (integrated)Fresh Install today.(no updates or sevice pack on yet)I have had this problem for about 4 months now,It started when i put my daughters xp laptop into the local connection(I use a 3 dongle to connect to Internet always have and never had any trouble,shared connection).I got xp working on my network no trouble,the trouble began when i switched off and went to bed.The next morning I replugged my xbox 360 into the local adapter and got the unidentified connection,to cut a long story short I have tried all fixes I could find on the Internet but nothing worked,so I manually assigned a ip address in the ip4 properties and everything i put on local adapter now works but it still says public unidentified network.

So today I formatted and re-installed windows 7 expecting this problem to be fixed but no,it is exactly the same,I am going bald way to quick as It Is,I have this error in event log every time i restart or disable/enable local connection .event id 1001Your computer was not assigned an address from the network (by the DHCP Server) for the Network Card with network address 0x001EC93E0D7B. The following error occurred: 0x79. Your computer will continue to try and obtain an address on its own from the network address (DHCP) server.Also this one :The Mobile IP Route Manager service failed to start due to the following error: This driver has been blocked from loading The DHCP allocator has disabled itself on IP address, since the IP address is outside the scope from which addresses are being allocated to DHCP clients. To enable the DHCP allocator on this IP address, change the scope to include the IP address, or change the IP address to fall within the scope.

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Local Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

May 5, 2011

error I have read all the different guides on how to solve this problem and have yet to find a way to solve it it also doesn't

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Local Area Connection Does Not Have A Valid Ip Configuration

Dec 2, 2012

I have wired internet broadband connection .After rebooting the computer,i can not not connect to the internet .while trouble shooting the networker adapter in device manager,i got message that local area connection does not have a valid ip configuration The detailed ipconfig are given below

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : RAM-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :


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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid IP?

Apr 16, 2010

one day about 2 weeks ago, my net stopped working just randomly. I get the error 'Local Area Connection doesn't have a valid IP' when i try to use the router, and some 'unidentified network' shows up, i cannot connect to it.I reset everything and unplugged everything but couldnt get it to work until i unplugged from the router and plugged my computer directly to the modem. A good fix to get the net going in a pinch but it has become a real problem with me, my husband and my kids all using one computer when we're used to having our own. You cant even imagine the drama.I've tried everything i can to fix it, usually google gets me through anything i cant fix on my own and i did come across a few other people having my problem, they all seemed to fix it by disable a bonjour process. I had the same service running but their trick to disable it didnt fix my problem, it is still exactly the same.Another suggestion was to get rid of windows 7 driver for the network card and use the vendors own driver, tried that, made no diff either. also tried rolling back to several different times but for some reason the process failed.

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Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration

Jan 2, 2012

The computer which has the problem is an Acer Aspire X3400, 64-bit operating system. I get the unidentified network no internet access thing come up when i click on the little symbol at the bottom which has the yellow warning triangle infront of it. I have tried disabling the connection and restoring it. Releasing the ip and renewing it. I have tried to update the driver (ethernet cable) but it says it is up to date. In the driver management there is a yellow triangle next to the USB network interface.

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration

Feb 11, 2013

One of my computers is getting the "local area connection doesn't have a valid ip configuration" error from troubleshooting my network. My network is an "Unidentified Network" with NO NETWORK or INTERNET ACCESS. This happened ever since I installed a new modem. The modem is WORKING with all other computers. My NIC card for the computer that is not connecting, is also working since I tested it on another modem. I had to call the ISP to activate the new modem. I spoke with them and they said nothing is blocked on their end.So I've narrowed it down to my computer since there is no hardware issue. I connect by LAN, FYI. I've tried new cables, etc. My computer has no "BONJOUR" in it nor does it have any firewalls set up, just Windows Security Essentials.I noticed in my IPCONFIG /ALL that no IP shows up for my default gateway (should be DHCP is enabled. I tried static IP as well to no avail.

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Jul 1, 2009

when i start pc i see( Local area connection doesn t have a valid IP configuration) no connection ?

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration

Feb 16, 2011

Having a problem connecting to the internet with a Ethernet connected desktop. I am getting the following error '"Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration'. I have tried everything I have found on internet using my laptop with no success. This is in an apartment building so no access to the router.

What I've tried:
- Laptop works when connected to the same ethernet jack
- Desktop does not work when connected to another ethernet jack
- Reset winstock and ip/tcp stack cmd "netsh winsock reset catalog" and netsh int ip reset reset.log"
- Reinstalling drivers
- Do not have bonjour dns services
- Reinstalled windows 7 not formatting

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Wireless Network Connection Dosnt Have A Valid Ip Configuration

Feb 26, 2011

i have an HP touchsmart computer running windows 7 home premium 64bit and im in the army living in the barracks so my only internet source is a hotspot that they have set up for us in the barracks my problem is that when i try to connect to it it says "Wireless Network Connection dosnt have a valid ip configuration".i have went through the cmd and did the ipconfig/all, ipconfig/release, ipconfig/renew with no luck iv reinstalled my drivers for my wireless card this is what i got with my ipconfig/all. [code]

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Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

Mar 27, 2011

Is what i get when i run the internet trouble shooter. I try to find a wireless network on my laptop and i connect to one but it sometimes it says (when i go to network sharing place) that it is an unidentified network. i try connecting to others but i don't know the security key.

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have Valid Ip Configuration

Sep 26, 2011

I've been at this all day its a brand new computer(that might be the problem right there but i doubt it) I tried renew and release method and have unidentified network Public network as well even though i do not have wireless on the comp. The local area connection says no network access as well. Every other computer currently works wired or wireless so i know the ethernet isn't the problem either.

ipconfig /all Ipconfig001.jpg picture by frostbanana - Photobucket

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