Screen Freezes Randomly, Requires Hard Reboot?

May 11, 2012

Ok, so I am going to try to explain this as thorougly as possible while trying not to sound like an idiot in the process. I am by no means computer savvy so anyone that has any advice will more than likely need to talk to me like a 5th grader. I am ok with that. Since installing a Windows Update about a month ago, my screen will randomly lock up. At times it will clear itself after a couple of seconds and state something to the effect that "display driver amd has stopped working and recovered." Other times it will stay frozen for about 10 minutes and then will start functioning properly again. More often than not though, it will stay frozen indefinitely and require a hard reboot. This happens during mundane activities. No extreme gaming going on. Generally it is while just browsing the net. It tends to happen more often to my wife who uses it during the day to work through a VPN. I don't believe there is any correlation though. I have read multiple forums on the web and have tried several things, from cleaning the registry to uninstalling the driver software and reinstalling it in safe mode. The latter seemed to work last night but today my wife started having the same issue again.

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Computer Randomly Freezes On Sleep And Reboot

Feb 12, 2013

It freezes everytime i put it into sleep mode, and also when i reboot it. In sleep mode, the monitor turns off, but the computer continues to run (fans and lights are still on). I at first thought it was a PSU issue, but then it started to hang during games and it also freezes while booting the computer. The first time it froze mid-bios, then it froze a couple of times after the bios (when loading an OS), and it is now frozen on the windows boot screen (The logo and "Starting Windows").

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Computer Freezes Randomly - Need To Force Reboot

Mar 9, 2012

Over the last couple of days my computer randomly freezes and i have to force reboot it happens at random. So I checked the event viewer and it said The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

Log name:system
Event ID:41
+ System

- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41
[Log] .....

Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
Memory: 6144MB RAM
Hard Drive: 1 TB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Sound Card: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Speakers Headphones: Logitech g35
Keyboard: LogitechG110 Gaming Keyboard
Mouse: Logitech Mx518 Gaming Mouse
Operation System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
Motherboard: ASUS M4A79T Deluxe AM3 DDR3 AMD 790FX ATX AMD

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Screen Shut-off Requires Hard ShutDdown

Sep 5, 2011

I work on my Gateway while sitting on the couch. I surf the Internet and then watch TV. I surf a little more, and then I watch more TV. Some nights, when I slide the computer near me because I've shifted in my seat, the screen will go black and I have to push the On/Off switch until the computer shuts down. The computer, when the screen goes black, is still on, but no fingerpad strokes or combination of key stokes will turn the screen back on. Super frustrated about having to turn the computer off "the wrong way" a couple of nights a week.

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Computer Freezes - Have To Hard Reboot,?

Feb 20, 2013

i've recently built a mid-range system & game wise it's great, but i've been having the same issue.
intel core i7 920 2.66ghz
6gb patriot g series 1600mhz ram 9-9-9-24
320gb 7200rpm seagate barracuda sata hdd
his radeon hd6850 iceq x turbo
corsair h50 hydro series
the issue i'm having is that sometimes, during a Internet video, an online streamed video, photo-editing or even browsing pictures in my pictures, everything suddenly freezes, i can't move the mouse, keyboard, the screen remains frozen on whatever it was on at that time, and even after waiting it doesn't come back to life and i have to reboot.. on the rare occasion it comes back to life, it does so with a 'beep' i've tried re-formatting completely, to no avail. i've ran a disk check, an sfc in dos, several memtests, defragging and i've purchased a new psu, updated my bios, chipset, and all other drivers but i just can't get it to stop.. i am at a complete loss. all of these tests provided positive results, no errors. i've monitored my temps and my gpu idle at 34 with a high end of 62 when fully gaming, and my cpu idles at 37 and never goes past 60 when fully gaming, does anyone have any idea at all? the only ones i have remaining are that the hard drive is on the way out, but it doesn't make sense because the disk check reports zero errors.

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Laptop Hard Drive Freezes Randomly?

Dec 20, 2011

A random times, often not long after startup/wakeup my hard drive appears to freeze. The hard drive light lights up solid, any programs accessing the drive freeze and resource monitor says the disk is "100% active" yet also says "0kb disk I/O" is occuring.After a couple of minutes it fixes itself and anything ive attempted to do during the time it was frozen all happens really quickly.The nature of the problem makes me believe its the hard drive at fault, but its smart readings are fine and ive ran the dell diagnostic tool that came with the laptop without finding any problems. Ive also done the ususal routine of updating drivers and the BIOS etc.

Dell XPS L502x
Intel core i7 2ghz (2630 i think)
8gb ram
Nvidia GT 540m
Toshiba MK6461GSGY 640gb HDD

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Java Applet Freezes System - Requiring Hard Reboot

Jun 22, 2011

I've been using a Java Applet on my notebook, but the other night I was at home without it. So I decided to run it on my desktop instead. When I tried to run the installer for the Applet, my system slowed to a massive crawl. The problem seemed to big to be installer-specific, so I loaded up my E-banking, which uses Java. This didn't just slow my system to a crawl, it down-right froze it, requiring a hard reboot. In short, using Java will freeze or slow down my system massively. I've tried the following myself:

1) Installing latest drivers for my Radeon 4870 video card
2) Uninstall Java, re-install Java
3) Disable Windows Firewall

None of this has worked. I've tried in both Firefox and Chrome, same results, though Firefox seems more prone to the freezing problem.

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Windows 7 Randomly Freezes - Swapped Out Hard Drive For SSD

Mar 13, 2012

I am running Windows 7 on a Dell XPS L502X. The only modification I have made to it is swapping out the spindle hard drive for a SSD (Crucial Technology 128 GBl RealSSD C300 Series). I have had this computer almost a year and it works very well except for the fact once every few days it will completely freeze. I will be able to move my mouse, but nothing is clickable and all the programs I had open will just stay up, not doing anything. The only way I am able to get out of it is by hitting ctrl+alt+delete and waiting for the option screen to come up (Lock computer, change password, Task Manager, etc.). Once that happens, I just click cancel, and then everything is working perfectly again, without any programs crashing.

Also, here is a hardware/software snapshot of my computer: [URL].

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Sound Locks Up Requires Reboot

Jun 15, 2009

Very often the sound on my system seems to get "locked up" after listening to music (MediaMonkey) or watching a movie (VLC or WMP) and there after when I attempt to play a video or listen to music, the progress bar won't move and videos won't play.

It's as though the resources lock on one program and aren't released. I suspect it might be due to my using an M-audio Audiophile 2496.

The only way to release it is to reboot. When I do so whatever has it locked releases in time to play the closing chime. After reboot the sound works normally - for a while.

Oh yeah, closing the program (MediaMonkey or whatever) doesn't have any effect.

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Laptop Hangs After Closing Lid Requires Reboot?

Nov 24, 2011

After upgrading to Windows 7 everything worked fine for about 3 months. I had it set to sleep when I close the lid nnd it worked well. But suddenly it began getting pernickity. When I opened the lid, about 15 - 20 seconds later the computer totally froze and I had to reboot. Of course, when reloading I get the message that Windows shut down unexpectedly and a 'solution will be searched' but nothing every happened as far as that goes.I made a new profile but it did the same thing when working in that.At approximately the same time as this began, I lost my 'start menu' list, and although I can 'attach items to the list, upon reboot, they disappear.

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Freezing With Audio Looping - Requires A Reboot

Jan 28, 2012

I have been recently experiencing a strange crash that happens on my computer frequently. So far, in the ~10 times it has occured over the last 3 days, it has crashed mostly during my gaming time - until now. I was writing this when it happened again. Basically, all sound starts a loop and nothing works at all. I initially thought it was overheating in my computer so I ran some temp. checks while playing games and nothing in my computer was breaking 75 deg. C, so I ruled that out. I ran anti-spyware and anti-virus - nothing.

The only changes my computer has made since I noticed the crashes are the following: installed a few programs, added 3 400gb hard drives to my computer, and swapped out my PSU from a Kingwin 730w (cheapo) to an Antec HCG-750w, a much nicer version. I doubt it's any of the programs, most are games, and I'm not leaning towards the HDDs since there is no information on them at the moment. Could it have to deal with my power supply? Nothing is overheating, as I stated before, but maybe something isn't fully plugged in? I have no idea.

On a side note - when I added those hard drives, I remember booting up and not getting any boot. I opened my computer back up and I noticed I had bumped the power cord on the boot drive, plugged it back in, and rebooted. Everything went fine from there..

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Hard Drive Light Stays On And Computer Freezes Randomly In Windows 7

Feb 11, 2012

I am little bit worried about my harddrive. Previously I had 80 gb harddrive and then I upgraded it to 320 gb. I have dell latitude d630 laptop with two operating system. Windows 7 and XP. When I use Windows 7 then my computer specially hard drive light stays on and mouse is busy and I have to restart my laptop however in my XP this problem is never seen. I also installed vista and deep formatted the hard drive but the problem still persists in windows 7. The system is normal but when I surf internet via mozilla or chrome. This problem arises. I have done everytrouble shooting I can chkdsk and everything but when I use chkdsk in my western digital harddrive, it says error. I am thinking its harddrive issue what do u say?

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Hard Drive Light Stays On And Computer Freezes Randomly In Windows 7

Feb 11, 2012

I am little bit worried about my harddrive. Previously I had 80 gb harddrive and then I upgraded it to 320 gb. I have dell latitude d630 laptop with two operating system. Windows 7 and XP. When I use Windows 7 then my computer specially hard drive light stays on and mouse is busy and I have to restart my laptop however in my XP this problem is never seen. I also installed vista and deep formatted the hard drive but the problem still persists in windows 7. The system is normal but when I surf internet via mozilla or chrome. This problem arises. I have done everytrouble shooting I can chkdsk and everything but when I use chkdsk in my western digital harddrive, it says error.

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System Repair Pending Which Requires Reboot To Complete

Jan 12, 2012

When I go to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsPerformance Information and Tools and click "Rate this computer," it crashes before it's done.Desktop Window Manager Sessions Manager is disabled, not running, and the option to start it is greyed out. sfc scannow didn't finish, so I ran it at boot (url) That gave me the error "There is a system repair pending which requires reboot to complete." I rebooted into windows and then back to the disc several times and got the error each time. My computer does not have a pending.xml file. Since sfc scannow wasn't working, I tried to do a repair install (as described here: [...] ml?ltr=R). I ran the compatibility check (by clicking "upgrade" after starting setup) on the windows 7 disk and it gave me this message: "Windows needs to be restarted so necessary changes to system files can be made before continuing." Restarting, however, does not accomplish this. What can I do? It seems my main problem right now is finishing up whatever Windows thinks it needs to update on a reboot (I've rebooted many times since discovering the message.

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Screen Randomly Freezes But Computer Still Running?

Aug 8, 2012

So this has been happening ever since I got my computer. I took it in to see if a service could take a look at it and they ran a benchmark to get the usage to 100% for like 22 hours. Computer was still running fine he recommended me to get a UPS because it could be browning out but that solved nothing.

So what basically happens is that once a week or 3 times a day, it happens randomly, could be while playing a game or just browsing the web. What happens is that the monitor just freezes it is still on it is like a screenshot of my screen it stays still, cursor stops, audio stops, everything. The computer is still running fine it could be a failure in hardware but most likely not. It is not the monitor itself because it worked fine with the same monitor with my previous computer and I just got a new monitor last week.

I also noticed is if it happens once then it'll happen a few more times in a day then it'll stop for 1-2 days and start again, could just be a coincidence but I don't know...

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Sytem Repair Pending Which Requires Reboot To Complete Not Repairing?

Mar 28, 2012

I just tried sfc/scannow and I got the following message: There is a system repair pending which requires a reboot to complete. Restart windows and try sfc again.I'm thinking this repair pending is from the chldsk/r I completed previously. This is great, except when I reboot, the repair does not startup and the system just goes back to the Windows Error Recovery screen I had earlier. How do I get the repair to complete?

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Laptop Randomly Freezes And Screen Turns Black After?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this but, ever since I reformatted my laptop, it randomly freezes for about a second and a stuttering noise comes up. Then the screen turns black. It doesn't shut off because I could see the back light, it just turns completely black. What's causing this problem and how do I fix it? I checked the Event Logger and there are tons of errors and some critical kernal-power things.

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Normal Startup Splash Screen Freezes Then Reboot - Can Enter Safemode

Mar 29, 2012

I've been looking for a fix for 5 hours and no luck-

System restarts as soon as it enters the splash screen, but I can enter into safe mode-

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Normal Startup To Splash Screen / Freezes Then Reboot - Can Enter Safe Mode

Mar 29, 2012

I've been looking for a fix for 5 hours and no luck- System restarts as soon as it enters the splash screen, but I can enter into safe mode - SFC /SCANNOW Detects nothing.

Tried bootrec commands and did nothing.. .
Tried chkdsk /f /r and still nothing. . .
Tried start up repair like 30+ times and it didn't fix it and said no root cause.

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White Screen Reboot Loop / Hard Drive Not Found In System Restore

Oct 9, 2012

When I start my laptop, it shows the HP logo, begins to boot and is almost instantly interrupted by a white screen that scrolls down from the top. It reboots right after the white screen.I am able at the HP logo screen able to navigate to System Restore and that is where I run into my next problem.When the System Restore window opens for confirmation it shows that "Local Disk (C) (System)" status: "Ready to restore" and the check-box next to it is checked.The next line has a empty check-box for "Local Disk (C)" with the status: "The drive cannot be found." I can also successfully boot into Safe Mode with Networking. I can access all my files. Which leads me to believe that it is a hardware problem. Possibly the motherboard or graphics card.

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Internet Connection - Lost And Requires Hard Shutdown

Sep 5, 2011

Every once in a while, my laptop loses connectivity and cannot be reconnected to the wireless signal unless I turn the computer off and restart.

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Windows 7 Randomly Crashes On Startup Or Requires System Repair On Startup

Jan 14, 2011

Ever since I bought my new computer and installed Windows 7 64 bit Pro I have noticed that sometimes when I start my computer the startup locks up or crashes, requiring me to restart or it takes me to the system repair screen and running this process does nothing.

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Computer Crashed Whe Playing Games, Requires Hard Reset

Apr 19, 2012

I can run World of Warcraft and Battlefield 3 at max settings and NOTHING happens. Runs like a dream. However if I play any over games such as Skyrim or the Witcher 2 my computer will completely crash to a black screen and then a weird buzzing noise which lasts 1-2 seconds. It will then require a hard reset.

This crash only happens when I play video games and it seems adjusting the settings doesn't seem to change anything. High or low settings it will still crash. I have ruled out Temperature I think. At it's hottest my GPU will be at about 55C.

My Specs- Operating System:
Windows (Service Pack 1)
CPU Type:
Intel® Coreā„¢ i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz
CPU Speed:
3.2 GHz
System Memory:
7.99 GB
Video Card Model:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580
Video Card Memory:
3.97 GB

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BSOD Randomly And PC Freezes Randomly?

Jun 30, 2012

my pc has been acting weird lately, it has began randomly crashing frequently. I turn it on and after 3 or so minutes of random activity it just freezes or gives me a blue screen error. Sometimes while playing BF3, it freezes.[CODE]

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Computer Randomly Shut Off, Won't Reboot

Oct 15, 2011

last night i was just minding my own business watching Internet videos, until my computer just randomly restart. the tower was still fully powered but the operating system restart, and now i can't boot up windows! every time i try to boot it up i get a black screen with a flashing _ at the top and it just stays there, i've tried booting up in safe mode but that doesn't work! i put good money into this computer and there's allot of important files on it for my school work on it, i'm using a friend's laptop until then.

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Pc Freezing Randomly No Auto-reboot

Jun 3, 2012

my pc randomly freezes without any cause that im aware it happens mostly when i am gaming but also when i search the web or watch a tv show or film.I don't think its even creating mini-dumps.I could not get perfmon/report to run ive added a screenshot of what i got when i ran perfmon incase i did something wrong. [code]

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Computer Randomly Turns Off (no Reboot, No Error)?

Aug 31, 2012

My computer will randomly turn off. Only if I am using it. I can turn it on and it will sit forever, but if I use it.Shuts completely off with no warning, no error, nothing. I need to power it back on by pressing the power button. I went to CMOS and turned on restart on system failure and it does not restart. Don't think it's running hot.. at least, my gcard is only doing 48 C which is low. Idk if it's a software issue or hardware?I ran a scan of my computer using ESET NOD32 Smart Security = nothing found.

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Critical Error Kernel Power 41 Causes PC To Randomly Reboot?

Jan 7, 2012

I have been a Mac user for 5 years and I just built my first PC yesterday so I don't know much. Is this a hardware of software issue? I'll provide any more details if requested.

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Random Startup Freezes And Reboot?

Sep 27, 2012

I've recently just got a BSOD after several freezes and reboots(mostly on startup) and hoped that someone could figure out the problem. I've done what someone suggested and cleared out some software but it seems that the problem still persists. I just requested a new motherboard from the manufacturer

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No Audio, System Freezes, Even Reboot After A While

Aug 26, 2012

My HP Presario CQ62 acts strangely since last night. After playing videos and audios for a while, suddenly there is no audio when playing videos or audio clips and the system freezes and I turned it off. I just updated iTunes to the latest version and was syncing with the iPod. I also updated Avast free anti-virus to the latest version about 2 days ago. That was last night. This morning, I also experienced the same thing. I was also syncing using iTunes. I was using Chrome and after I closed it it would not start again. Then the system reboot itself. Recently I also use msconfig to uncheck HPMSGSVC.exe (and a few other options) because it was taking so much time to boot up.

What is causing this suddenly no audio problem, among others, I described. Windows froze again after I typed the last sentence. I shutdown and restart windows. This happens after 1-3 hours of use since last night.

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New PC Freezes Up Randomly?

Jul 3, 2011

AMD Athlon II X3 450
saphire radeon HD5670 1gb ddr5
PC-10600, 2 GB. G.SKILL DDR3 series, F3-10600CL9S-2GBNT, DDR3 1333MHz x2

and i have an "old" power suply, its a Chieftec ATX-1136H 360W Im using the Windows 7 (64 bit) I had some blue screens(5-6), my pc just froze a couple of times(3-4) and this one time my screen froze and it got filled with pixels in lots of colors(i guess that has something 2 do with my graphics card) anyways my drivers are up2date all of the new stuff is bought from a store, so i doubt it its broken or something.

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