Restoring Windows 7 On A Used Computer Without Disks?

Sep 19, 2011

So, I recently bought a used computer from CL. The machine is a Dell Laptop that originally had Windows Vista installed on it. The original owner upgraded to Windows 7 Enterprise and had a bunch of new software installed on the machine. (FL Studio, Photoshop, etc.)I was able to use the computer successfully for the first day until I installed iTunes. Something went wrong, and now when I boot up in normal mode Windows will freeze as soon as i try to open anything. I can open the Start menu, but anything past that will cause a freeze. The computer works fine in all Safe ModesSo, what I would like to do is restore Windows 7 to it's original configurations and still be able to keep all those great programs already installed. However, I do not any of the Windows 7 media that was used for the upgrade. What can I do? Will creating a system image work, or will I end up just copying the freeze problem if I do that?

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Restoring Windows 7 Onto New Computer

Oct 27, 2012

I am not new to Windows 7 at all, and I know quite a bit but I have never came across the problem that I am faced with.My old computers motherboard failed and quit on me, causing the computer not to boot or even turn on. So I got a new one. My question: What and how is the easiest way for me to restore my Windows 7 onto my new computer (all new hardware), without loosing any system settings, programs, files ect. I dont have a backup point of the old Windows 7. All I have is the HD with Windows 7 on it. (However I have a backup of all of the important files.) Searching around a little on my own I could not find anything on how to restore Windows 7 without making a restore point in the past.

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Computer Won't Boot OS Disks

Jun 8, 2010

This is for a friends computer, It has worked before because when i got the computer i put win 7 on then something ****ed out so i then put xp pro on and since then it doesnt want to know about any os disks, other bootable disks work just not os disks. I have a problem which i have had for a while now, every time i try to install a new os it wont boot the disk so that i can install it, I have been into the bios changed the boot priority to cd-rom first, i have changed the cables around, i have unplugged everything except the dvd drive, i have pulled the whole computer apart and put it back together piece by piece, i have also crawled the internet for solutions but no seems to give any answer that works, i have put a different dvd drive in aswell and that made no difference either.

My system specs are as follows

MB: Asus m4a79t deluxe
CPU: Athlon II X4 965 BE
memory: Gskill 4gb 1066
GFX card: HIS Ati 5850
Optical: Asus dvd burner
Storage: Samsung spinpoint F3 1TB

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Computer Won't Start, Won't Load Repair Disks

Oct 8, 2012

I've recently been having trouble with my computer. I turned it off one day, and when I tried to turn it back on the computer would never start. It would say loading windows, and it had the windows logo and everything, but then it would just stop. I tried to go through safe mode but that wouldn't load either. So I tried using my repair disks, but the repair disks won't load up either. I went into BIOS and made it so it would boot from the CD first, but... nothing. It just goes to this grey screen with that sweepy background graphic you get when you first get windows, and does nothing.I have a laptop, Windows 7 64 bit.

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Restoring Computer HDD To Out Of Box State?

Jul 11, 2012

I have a question about restoring my hard drive. Recently, i bought a laptop from the pawn shop. I have been using the laptop for a couple of weeks and have some unimportant programs and files on it. Factory my hard drive is 222.22 Gb, but currently it's space is 179.8 GB. Since, i bought the laptop from the pawn shop, i did not get any windows disc. I'm afraid that if i restore to out-of-box-state that i wont be able to have windows 7 anymore and would be left with a laptop paper weight. i have made a repair disc but i did not make an restore disc. Should, i create this recovery disc before restoring? Also, is there anything else that, i should do before going threw with the Factory Restore?

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Restoring Computer Through System Imagine?

Sep 28, 2012

I've backed up my computer using macrium using system imagine how do I restore my computer bk to that cos I've saved it onto a external hd as I've got no DVDs or CDs and I tried doing it through macrium and it said it couldn't because its on a external hd so I copied it to the desktop and still no joy?

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Restore Points After Restoring Whole Computer

Feb 24, 2011

My friend just tried to run a restore on his computer (against my advice) and he somehow uninstalled all of his programs and reset his rights to standard user. I know for fact he didnt have any restore points on his computer (company computer, they dont have it turned on) would this restore go back to his fresh install? I'm trying to figure out where to go from here.

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Restoring Computer To Factory State

Jun 21, 2012

I am attempting to restore my 3 year old HP desktop back to factory condition. My question is my computer shipped with vista and I later upgraded to windows 7. Will recovering the computer to original factory condition roll me back to vista and delete windows 7?

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Restoring A Computer To Factory Settings?

Nov 1, 2012

I'm certain that this has been answered before but I am aware that for certain computers it can be quite different.My question is how do I restore my computer to factory settings? I have a Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H, I've looked all over the manual and still can not figure out exactly how. I always try to access my BIOS but there seems to be no recovery management on it. I have my Win7 reinstallation disc and Gigabyte Drivers installation disc if that helps.I'll reinstall windows if I have to, but only if it'll reset everything. I have a 60GB Boot Drive and a 1TB hard drive.

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Restoring Computer To Factory Settings User Name And Password?

Mar 30, 2012

I just did a factory restore on my computer. Now it's asking for a user name as well as a password. I used what I'm sure was my user name and password, but it isn't working. I can't find my password reset disk.

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Windows 7 - Using Both 32-bit And 64-bit Disks?

Sep 29, 2011

I purchased a upgrade version of Windows 7 with both 32 bit and 64 bit disks. I have two computers; one 64 bit and one 32 bit - can I use both disks?

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How To Run Windows 7 Recovery Disks

Jan 1, 2012

i got a windows 7 2012 virus by downloading a picture so i wanted to use my homemade recovery disks that i made when i first purchased the laptop and i dont know how to use it. i pressed f2 to go to boot options but cds wasnt listed, also when i restarted the laptop with the cds inside it doesnt prompt me to do anything, it justs boots normally. how do i use these disks?!

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HP Windows 7 Recovery Disks?

Jun 22, 2012

Is there a repair with these disks? I am getting a BOOTMGR missing but I checked the hard drive and it is fine. I do not want to lose anything because I have a lot on it.I cloned my image about 5 days ago and I may go that route, however, I have done things since then and don't want to lose the data. Before I load the HP Recovery disks (4 of them, and I had to order them for free except pay for shipping), is there a repair option?

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Windows 7 Across Two Disks - Can Recombine

Oct 30, 2011

I was given a Pavilion DV9000z by my sister who had purchased a replacement for herself. She wiped the two installed hard drives and clean installed windows 7. It appears that there is a 100MB systemm reserved partiion on one disk (total size 320GB, the rest of which was unpartitioned when I got it), and the operating system was loaded on the second disk (120 GB).I had a dead Vista laptop which had a 100GB SATA drive. I wanted to reformat it to have as a sppare. If I pull either one of the original drives out it won't boot. If I take out the 320 GB drive (with the 100MB partition) the laptop either goes black screen (if I move the 120 GB drive into the primary bay) or tries to boot Vista (if I put the scavanged hard drive in the primary bay), or tells me operating system files are lost (if I pull the 120 GB drive and replace it with the scavanged drive).So it appears to me that the 100MB partition on the 320 GB drive is waht the system is booting from, but that it won't load Windows 7 unless the second drive is also there.Is there any way to move the system reserved partition to the 120 GB drive? Or the operating system files to the 320 GB drive? It scares me that if either drive dies, the system won't boot.

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Windows 7 Always Wants To Format BD-R Disks

May 12, 2012

Almost every Windows application that tries to deal with my new Blu-Ray drive via a Windows dialogue insists on trying to format the BD-R disk first.

You can't format a BD-R disk, it's write-once and formatting would effectively destroy the disk, at $4 a pop.

BD-R disks don't need formatting, those applications that can handle them properly and independently do just fine without formatting.

If I tell it "no, don't format the thing", then Windows insists there's no disk in the drive.

How can I tell Windows 7/64 SP1 to quit trying to format BD-R disks, and recognize them correctly?

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Why Wont Disks Run Windows 7

Aug 24, 2011

Iv'e put a game in the machine to install and it comes up with the autorun option and i select to run installer.exe and then the comp just does nothing. just sits there as if i havent entered any commands whatsoever. what can i do?

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'Windows Could Not Retrieve Information About Disks'

Jul 31, 2010

I saw thread on similar problem and mentioned I need to make sure services.msc -> Virtual Disk Service (VDS) to automatic and started. I made this change and click the install again. The same message shown again.After message the VDS will stopped. I can restart and try install again. no luck.I also try sfc/scannow and no luck.My laptop is HP dv2000.

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Windows 7 Separate Disks / Same Machine?

Sep 13, 2010

My computer has two 1GB HDDs.Disk C: is the boot disk and is running Windows 7 64 bit upgraded from Vista 64.Can I use the same Win 7 disk (and key) to install to Drive E: as a clean install? I think the new installation would pickup a dual boot system and give me the option as to which I wanted to use.I understand that I can't use the same disk for two different machines.But can I use it for two installations on the same machine?

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Limit Windows 7 Ram (and Still Use The Extra As Ram Disks Etc)

Oct 17, 2012

Can you limit the amount of ram windows is allowed to use?

Example I want windows to use 10gb of my ram and I am planing on using the other 22GB as a ram disk

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How Many Uses Do Windows 7 And Ms Office Installers/disks Have

Jul 9, 2011

I am looking at reformatting my computer, the only thing holding me back is a matter of software. I have a windows 7 professional 64-bit disk which came under the OEM licence, and I purchased Microsoft office 2010 on-line (I have an installer and a disk I had shipped to me). Would reformatting my computer and reinstalling windows require me to use one of my uses of either of the mentioned pieces of software? And where could I find how many uses I have (if it is indeed limited).

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Re-Installing Windows 7 With No Recovery Disks?

Mar 2, 2011

My rather new Acer Predator G has been acting up lately. I tried a restore point but this doesn't seem to help. As a last resort I was going to format the disk and re-install 7, however Acer never sent me recovery disks and I don't have 7 disks (Came pre-loaded). So my question is, if I can find someone with windows 7 disks can I use them + The CD key that's on the label of my desktop? Or do I need specific ones? Acer will send me recovery disks for 20$ but If I can pull this off for cheaper, I'd like to.

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Windows 7 Install On EFI System And GPI Disks

May 16, 2011

I've installed Win7 on a 500GB Sata II disk and was running fine. Then something happened, boot manager missing, and I need to re-install Win7 on same disk. Now I get a message, when installing on the SAME DISK: "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks."

This disk just had Win7 installed on it and is still there (but boot manager is still missing) so how can the disk have an MBR partition? I got this same msg. when trying to install Win7 on a clean Samsung 128GB SSD as well. I re-formatted the drive and still same msg. How can I make my disk formatted with GPT partitions instead of MBR partitions? I can find no choices in terms of which kind of formatting and partitions that can be used when formatting disks on Win7 or XP Pro.

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Restore Disks To Install Windows?

Aug 26, 2011

I am going to build a gaming rig in the future when i have the money to, but windows 7 install disks are very expencive, but i already have a laptop with windows 7 AND all my programs. it constantly prompts me to make restore disks (then when i click yes without haveing a dvd in the tray it still starts the proses for some reason) so, if i got it to function properly and i made my 2 restore disks (it said it would take 2 disks for complete burn) could i use them to instal windows and my programs onto the new computer? would save me 130 or so dollars (if i could get it to work right) so it would be great if someone could confirm this.

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Downgrade Windows 7 To Vista Using Restore Disks?

Oct 3, 2012

If a pc was upgraded to Windows 7 from Vista, and we want downgrade Win7 back to Vista, can we use the original Recovery disks (from the Vista OS) to do this? I know Windows 7 is a better OS, but this is due to software incompatibility issues.

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Windows 7 Backup Tries To Format Blank Disks

Oct 12, 2011

When trying to backup to removable media ( CD or DVD ) Windows tries to format blank disks. I believe this will not work, look at the following link. Windows Backup does not back up to CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD-R devices It would appear this type of medium is not supported.

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Dvd Drive Won't Read Any Disks Running Windows 7

Oct 27, 2011

my dvd drive wont read any disks, im running windows 7 64 bit, i have tried the options below but still no luck i have had a search on here and tried this to fix it:

- execute regedit
- search the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- delete Upperfilter and lowerfilter entries.
- Reboot your system.

there was no upper-filter or lower filters to delete, i have also had a look in properties and it says the dvd drive is working fine,iv tried to uninstall it and restart still have the same problem?

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Windows 7 Install On XP Formatted Both Disks In Machine

May 3, 2011

On Friday I attempted to install windows 7 ultimate x64 My existing machine is a XP Pro SP3 machine and it meets the system requirements as per Windows 7 upgrade advisor I booted from DVD and followed the steps up to selecting where to installl windows 7

This list showed me

Disk 0 Partition 1
Disk 1 Partition 1
Disk 1 Partition 2

Disk 0 is my C drive where my windows xp is installed - 300GB disk Disk 1 is where is store my files: pictures, music, documents etc - 500GB disk Partition 2 of Disk 1 is unallocated 9GB I selected Disk 0 Partition 1 Then selected Disk Options Format Drive Clicked Ok to the message about destroying data And allowed the install to proceed What i intended / expected to happen was that windows 7 ultimate would be installed on drive C: (Disk 0) and that drive D: (Disk 1) would remain intact and untouched by the process The Windows 7 install completed successfully I logged on to my user account, activated my windows 7 copy I then looked at my disks and what i see is that: Drive C was formatted and windows 7 was installed there BUT The install process formatted drive D and copied the windows XP installation to that drive So i have lost a lot of data that i did not expect to, and, of course, had not backed up in ages. For now, anyway, thats beside the point.I then removed the windows 7 DVD from the drive and rebooted the PC When the disk was removed the machine booted to Windows XP - running from the copy taken earlier on Drive D However, when i replaced the DVD to try to boot to windows 7 again, it began the installation process from the start?I dont remember selecting a dual boot option during the initial install, but maybe the steps i took led me to something like that by some default?

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Windows 7 Not Installing Properly From OEM Recovery Disks

Oct 17, 2012

I have a 2 year old Gateway laptop (NV5929u) i5 430M w/ 4GB. It came with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit installed. The computer crashed with a blue screen a few months ago, and I could not locate the recovery disks, so I ordered a set from Gateway (1 System disk, 2 Recovery disks, 1 Language disk). My attempts at recovery were unsuccessful and I got the msg: failure disk 0 partition 3. I replaced the HD with a brand new one yesterday. My attempts at recovery went a bit further, to the point that the computer loads the information on the various disks, but when it tries to restart.

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Setup Windows 7 To Turn Off The Hard-Disks?

Aug 20, 2011

How can I setup Windows 7 to turn off the Hard-Disks (after an idle time), but keep the boot Hard-Disk On?

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Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade With Both 32 And 64bit Disks?

May 14, 2012

Windows Vista 32bit Ultimate disk (not sure if it even came with a 64bit disk).Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade with both 32 and 64bit disks (allows for upgrade from Vista).Where I want to end up is having windows 7 Ultimate 64bit installed.of how I can do this with the disks I have, or what the cheapest way

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Using Toshiba Recovery Disks To Install Windows 7 Onto Another PC?

Aug 29, 2012

I have the original recovery disks I made when I first got my laptop and am wondering if I could use them to install windows 7 onto my desktop?A few details if needed...laptop - toshiba satellite p755d 4 months[CODE]

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