Restoring Using An Image Doesn't Work

Dec 3, 2011

1) I have a PC running Win7 with 3 HDs(not partition, different HDs).

2) I used Win7 to create an image of the OS HD( C: ) and placed it in D.

3) I used the image once or twice so I know it's a god image, and it's not corrupted.

4) Lately I've been having performence/computer-gets-stuck-issues and I suspected the HD( C: ) because my RAM is fine, and finally windows alreted my that that HD is failing.(plus, I can hear "ticks" of the HD's nittle trying to read whenever the computer got frozen for a sec or two.

5) I replaced the HD that was C: with a new one, and installed Win7 again.

6) Tried to restore using the image and the recorery system said that it needs to format the drive that it's on(makes sense) and ordered me to perform the restore through the windows installation disk,

7)I did. but I get a similiar error that ordered me to restore with an image but using a windows installation disk(and I got to this error using the instllation disk) How can I make the image work?the only problem I can see is that the image was taken off a a different HD than the on I'm trying to restore the image to,but still that's not a good reason for it not to work.

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Restoring Using An Image Doesnt Work?

Dec 3, 2011

I have a PC running Windows 7 with 3 HDs(not partition, different HDs).2) I used Windows 7 to create an image of the OS HD(C and placed it in D.3) I used the image once or twice so I know it's a god image, and it's notcorrupted.4) Lately I've been having performence/computer-gets-stuck-issues and Iuspected the HD(C because my RAM is fine, and finally windows alreted my that that HDis failing.(plus, I can hear "ticks" of the HD's nittle trying to read whenever the computer got frozen for a sec or two.5) I replaced the HD that was C: with a new one, and installed Windows 7 again.6) Tried to restore using the image and the recorery system said that it needs to formatthe drive that it's on(makes sense) and ordered me to perform the restore throughthe windows installation disk,7)I did. but I get a similiar error that ordered me to restore with an image but using a windowsinstallation disk(and I got to this error using the instllation disk)How can I make the image work?the only problem I can see is that the image was taken off a a different HD

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Image CD Software Doesn't Work In Windows 7 Was Working Fine In XP

Aug 1, 2012

i upgraded my os from xp to win 7 there some programs on my image files which are not running fine on Win 7 like counter strike condition zero?

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System Image On External Hard Drive Is Not Accessible While Restoring PC From Image

Sep 4, 2011

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit The windows system image backed up on my external hard drive (2TB WD USB3) is not showing while restoring the PC from an image.

The only option available is my hard drive partition on which i also had saved a system image. Though windows recommends External hard drive for backing up image when backing up the system.

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Restoring Windows Image On Other PC?

Jan 18, 2012

we have two different PC's[PC1 and PC2](hardware totally different) PC1 After preparing all my windows 7 (installing programs, configuring them, installing updates, activating programs and so on) I make my drive C: total image back up to external hard drive. PC2 I Boot up windows 7 recovery startup and choose restore from image and then I put in external hard drive with usb and make it restored on my other computer. Everything looks fine, it finishes with no errors and then system restarts. When windows are finishing to show "Windows starting" screen, computer restarts instantly.Then system autimatically suggests me to repair it, so ok then auto repairs are scaning and guess what it can't repair, because it finds some kind of problem with drivers, could be that they are incompatible with my new to make this work, how to fix issue that old PC's drivers are being loaded, maybe I am able to turn it off so default drivers are being loaded?The reason why I want to make this work cause I want to use it for multiple computers.

Simple summary:

PC1 Windows Image backed up to external HDD
PC2 Windows Image restored from external HDD
PC2 Windows can't start because of driver error

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Restoring Win7_64 Image (across Different BIOS)?

Jan 16, 2012

I had an HP 6310y Desktop (1 TB hdd) that died as well as the mobo. Luckily, I created a system image onlu 3 days prior to the crash. I have very important data on the hdd (business, wedding photos,etc). Im about to order a new PC but in the meantime, Im trying to restore the image in order to extrapolate that important data so I can burn to CD

1) I have a Samsung RV520 (640gb). I tried to restore my image over the samsung in order to do this. However, it prompted me "The system image restore failed. Windows cannot restore a system a system image to a computer that has different firmware.*The system image was created on a computer using BIOS and the computer is using EFI."

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Windows 7 Creating Image And Restoring To Different PCs?

Oct 1, 2012

I've been placed in charge of setting up new PCs at work.These are tablet PCs and the hardware in each is identical...I've now setup one PC to function EXACTLY how I want it.My question is, what's the best way to image the entire drive and then load it onto subsequent PCs (please nothing like PXE) the restore will be done from a USB thumb drive.

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Restoring Windows 7 Image To New SSD / HDD Setup

Jan 18, 2013

My main desktop PC having HDD only setup, then I bought a Intel 320 Series 80GB SSD and migrated my system over to it using Intel's software, then made the HDD a storage drive due to limited space on my SSD. Fast forward to now. My SSD is basically dead from a firmware bug that makes data irrecoverable without some special algorithm that professional data recovery centers have. Oddly enough, it came back to life, I rebooted, imaged whole system including both drives. I had been doing this, but most recent backup was a month prior, so I stood to lose quite a bit that I had done over that month stretch. The new image went great. I was saved and so excited. Apparently that was a one and done deal, as it never has worked since then.

I intend on ordering new (bigger) SSD to replace it, keeping setup the same, as new SSD will still be too small. Now from my understanding, I can restore my image to both drives and everything will be as it it never left? Is this correct? How about things like partition alignment or special SSD configuration that I had to do some of when I first configured it as so? Is that carried over since it would be in the image or am I good to go once restore is complete? Also, in meantime, I have another SSD in box, but it is smaller. Is it worthwhile to use that temporarily, then migrate system over to new SSD when I get it? Or should I just wait until I get new SSD and restore current image to that?

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0xc0000225 After Restoring Image With CloneZilla

Mar 2, 2012

After successfully restoring the Windows7 image from partition 2 (/dev/sda2) to partition 1 (/dev/sda1) using Clonezilla, Windows7 is no longer able to boot and displays the following error messages:

Quote: Windows Boot Manager

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.

[...] Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible To solve this particular issue, I rebooted with the Windows7 DVD and hit Repair... which didn't work. But even if it did, I can't do this every time I restore an image to test. Note that I used the same laptop to save and restore the partition, so it's not HAL-related.

Here's what the Repair screen says (poor man's screenshots): Attachment 201071 Does someone know what can be the cause for this error, and what can be done before saving and/or restoring an image with Clonezilla?

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Restoring XP Image To New Windows 7 System

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to do something very similar, but not quite exactly the same as here. I hope that there might be someone here that has some tips that would be useful to what I am trying to acheive.

I just got a new system running Windows 7. I bought the "professional" version of Windows 7, so that I would be able to run "XP only" programs. I have some old software from companies that went belly up and no longer provide support. I was told that the professional version would run these programs, but I guess I didn't do my research well enough. They are not compatible.

What I would like to do now is run a dual boot between Windows 7 and XP. The difference in my case is that rather than doing a clean install of windows XP on the new partition, I would like to restore an image that I have of my old computer's drive (running XP) to the new partition on the new system (running Windows 7). Restoring to a new hardware environment shouldn't be a problem in theory, since I am using Acronis True Image Home 2011 with the add on that facilitates this.

I am assuming that the process would be the same, up until the point that the directions here say to insert the CD to install windows XP.

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Restoring From Recovery Image File

Oct 22, 2012

I just purchased an Asus X54C laptop that came with 7-64bt, the first thing I did was run the backup/restore and created a system image roughly 24gb in size on my logical partition of the HD.

I then installed the customer preview of Windows 8, which I was under the impression defaulted a dual-boot setup as long as you have Windows 7 and choose to keep all of your existing data, which I did.

Long story short, my Asus didn't come with the restore media, which I guess a lot of laptops don't come with. So, I was able to get a copy of Windows 7 so I can at least install over my Windows 8 so I can then start over with my backup that I created.

The version of Windows 7 is x86, but my backup is x64, I restarted into the restore screen and was shown that yes I have the image for the C drive, but I cannot restore for some reason.

Do I need to be on Windows 7 x64 to use my restore image?

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Restoring Factory Image In Dell Laptop

Jan 14, 2011

I have got Dell Studio 1558 Laptop. When I received my laptop, the full 480 GB was in a single drive and using device manager i splitted into 3 drives. Now, if I use Dell Restore to factory image option should it have some effect as the original c drive when shipped is currently less. Just want to know this as I will be using this feature.

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Restoring Windows, System Image Backup?

Jan 5, 2012

I recently got a SSD for my comp, before installing I did a backup of windows and included the system image option. I am now on a fresh install of windows but can only restore the files I had on my old windows and not the entirety of windows (programs, program settings.. ect). How can I use this image to put everything back exactly the way it was before?

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How To Restoring-factory-image-dell-laptop

Oct 22, 2012

i have my restore data on my laptop but i dont have data restore software so

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Dell Laptop Trouble Restoring To Factory Image

Jun 20, 2012

Ive owned a dell studio 1558 laptop for almost 2 years now and have recently been experiencing some overheating issues, among my many solutions "new thermal paste, cleaning the inside" and a virus scan using Avast, which discovered a four digit number of corrupted files followed by their deletion and subsequent problems due to now missing some .dll files making me unable to run anything or access the internet. Ive decided I should restore the laptop to its factory settings which I believe I have done before. The problem now is that once I reach the Advance boot menu using F8, I press enter on the "repair your computer" option which is followed by a bar saying windows is loading files, lasting one second, and then windows loads up and nothing changed.

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Won't Boot After Restoring From System Image

Jun 27, 2011

After restoring my pc from a system image, when windows resarts, it won't boot, & I'm taken to the "startup repair" option screen. After Startup Repair is performed I get the message "Startup Repair Cannot Repair This Computer Automatically" with the following problem details:

Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 52
Problem Signature 05: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 06: 1
Problem Signature 07: BadPatch
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

It says that the root cause found is "A patch is preventing the system from starting" Error code = 0x490.

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Convert RAW Image Link In Zoom-browser Doesn't Exist

Sep 19, 2012

I changed computers and so I had to download new drivers for my printer as well as my Powershot Pro1 which included ZoomBrowser. For RAW shots, in order to manipulate the photo, it has to be converted. No problem before. Now, there is no link to do the conversion under Edit, which is where it was and where I found info on line where it should be.

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Exe Bad Image Error, D3dx10_43.dll Won't Work?

Oct 27, 2012

C:Windows32d3dx10_43.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error. Please try reinstalling.I have reinstalled both games a few times but i'm still getting the same problem. is this a simple fix?

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Using Windows 7 Pro Image Clone Just Will Not Work

Dec 24, 2012

I am pulling my hair out here as i just can not restore a windows 7 pro image backup to a 128gb SSD.
I have a Samsung f1 1tb drive which has a 48.7gb partition and a 882gig partition. The windows boot drive c is the 48.7gb Partition and the larger one is for storage.
I have used windows 7 pro image clone and make an image of the C: partition of the drive which is 45gb full and have stored it on a usb drive.
Now i have formatted the SSD drive as i have got windows 7 pro on there but there's far far to much work for me to get it back to the way it is on my Samsung drive.

I followed this guide
now where it says
In the next screen just click on Next...there are no other partitions in this instance so we don't need to worry about excluding disks.
in the exclude menu i checked to see if the ssd was in there which it was and was unticked.
The restore process will begin. It might take a few hours to restore everything depending on the size of the image and how much data there is. Provided there are no errors and the process completes successfully, your system will restart and the system should be restored.
it says can not find a drive to put the image restore on ?
I have tried disk part and it shows that there are 2 hard drives there one ssd on a sata and the other on a usb with the image on there.
I can not for the life of me get it to put the image clone on the ssd drive.
am i doing something wrong can anyone help.
I have even tried to format the ssd and it still will not work

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Will Acronis True Image 10 Work With Windows 7

Dec 6, 2011

Is anyone using Acronis True Image v. 10 with Windows 7? I have used TI 10 for a long time with XP computers and found it satisfactory. However I read postings that suggets TI may not work with Windows 7.

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Image Restore From External Drive On USB 3.0 Does Not Work

Apr 20, 2011

I have just installed a 3TB external drive for backup purposes and was testing the image restore feature. If I use the external drive on the usb 3.0 port when entering F8/System Repair/Repair from image, the drive is not detected at all, when I plug it into the 2.0 port it is detected. Within windows itself the drive operates fine on the 3.0 hub. I am guessing its some kind of USB 3.0 driver issue within system repair but wondered if there is a work around. Not sure I want to sit and wait for a restore over 2.0 when it could be using 3.0!

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Acronis True Image 2009 Work With Windows 7 64bit?

Jan 3, 2012

I have been using Windows 7 backup and restore but never tested out the �restore� part and frankly don�t trust it. Another problem is that I don�t have enough room (so says the MS backup program) to backup a 640 GB system disk to a empty 640 GB disk! On top of that, I am not backing everything up and the system disk has some 105 GBs still available!

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Fn Key Doesn't Work Anymore

Dec 4, 2012

The other day i had a friend delete some programs from my Asus laptop on startup and running processes to make my computer boot up faster. I think we did something that makes the fn key not work anymore. how to restore this functionality?

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Bluetooth Doesn't Work?

Jul 7, 2009

I have bought a HP 6730b notebook (type: HP KU216ET), it has got built-in luetooth. I have installed 32bit Windows 7, but the bluetooth doesn't work. I cannot find any driver to make that working good.. HP Compaq 6730b Notebook PC*-* Download drivers and software - HP Business Support Center - here is a driver for XP, but when I install, it said that I have to turn on Bluetooth... I don't know what to do.I don't know what's the type of the built-in Bluetooth, maybe broadcom, I tried this driver: - Bluetooth Software Download

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Touchpad DOESN'T Work

Dec 21, 2009

I turned of my touch pad using 'FN+F9' and now my 'FN' key is spoilt. Is there away to turn it back on without the 'FN' key?

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Macdrive 7 Doesn't Work

Jan 7, 2009

Does anybody know of an alternative to macdrive in order to see a hfs+ formatted hard drive?

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Win 7 Backup Doesn't Work

Nov 13, 2009

i installed windows 7, and everything seemed to work fine.

installed a bunch of programs, they also all seem to work.

but then i decided to do some backups; i created the rescue cd using windows, and then cloned the hard drive also using windows 7.

but then i noticed the backup program, and decided to click on "set up backup"; nothing happens.

if i try the same from a disk drive/properties (ie click on backup there) nothing happens either.

any ideas? maybe something i installed broke this, but it seems like a pretty basic function to break like this.

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Touchpad Often Doesn't Work?

Jun 28, 2012

Recently, I did a clean install of Windows 7 Home Premium on my MSI GE600. At first, the touchpad behaved the way it should. But now, it is not even detected. I rebooted the laptop and it worked again. Most of the time it doesn�t work though.

I have installed the Elantech driver of the MSI site

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USB Stick Doesn't Work

Aug 8, 2012

Basically, I bought a new USB stick and plugged it in. My computer would search for windows updates, but it would never find the ones required, and the USB wouldn't install. When I unplug the USB and plug it back in again, the computer doesn't even recognize it, and nothing happens. Currently, my computer is not updated, so that's one thing I won't try. I've installed windows 7 updates numerous times in the past, and every time I did, my computer would have problems starting up (i.e. my desktop would be a black screen when it starts and I can't do anything, or the place where I enter my password to log in doesn't load at all).

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5.1 Surround Doesn't Work

Nov 27, 2011

So after installing win 7 ultimate x64, 5.1 surround stopped working and now i can only use my 2 front speakers + sub. In test all speakers don't work aswell.

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DirectX 11 Doesn't Seem To Work

Feb 24, 2012

I'm unable to play games requiring DirectX 11, even though I've downloaded it perhaps half a dozen times. Having stumped myself I decided I may as well ask here. The only feedback I've received from things not working is Civilization V says "Requires Service Pack 2 or greater" As far as I know DirectX doesn't update in the Service pack format, and that Windows 7 SP2 doesn't exist yet, and shouldn't be needed for a game of early 2010 as-is. I have an ASUS U56E, with the on-board i5 graphics(I thought it might be that, but my brother's i3 runs said DirectX fine, so maybe mine is damaged) and I, quite frankly, do not want to run it back into Best Buy and hope that it's covered by warranty.

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