Restoring XP Image To New Windows 7 System

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to do something very similar, but not quite exactly the same as here. I hope that there might be someone here that has some tips that would be useful to what I am trying to acheive.

I just got a new system running Windows 7. I bought the "professional" version of Windows 7, so that I would be able to run "XP only" programs. I have some old software from companies that went belly up and no longer provide support. I was told that the professional version would run these programs, but I guess I didn't do my research well enough. They are not compatible.

What I would like to do now is run a dual boot between Windows 7 and XP. The difference in my case is that rather than doing a clean install of windows XP on the new partition, I would like to restore an image that I have of my old computer's drive (running XP) to the new partition on the new system (running Windows 7). Restoring to a new hardware environment shouldn't be a problem in theory, since I am using Acronis True Image Home 2011 with the add on that facilitates this.

I am assuming that the process would be the same, up until the point that the directions here say to insert the CD to install windows XP.

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System Image On External Hard Drive Is Not Accessible While Restoring PC From Image

Sep 4, 2011

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit The windows system image backed up on my external hard drive (2TB WD USB3) is not showing while restoring the PC from an image.

The only option available is my hard drive partition on which i also had saved a system image. Though windows recommends External hard drive for backing up image when backing up the system.

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Restoring Windows, System Image Backup?

Jan 5, 2012

I recently got a SSD for my comp, before installing I did a backup of windows and included the system image option. I am now on a fresh install of windows but can only restore the files I had on my old windows and not the entirety of windows (programs, program settings.. ect). How can I use this image to put everything back exactly the way it was before?

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Won't Boot After Restoring From System Image

Jun 27, 2011

After restoring my pc from a system image, when windows resarts, it won't boot, & I'm taken to the "startup repair" option screen. After Startup Repair is performed I get the message "Startup Repair Cannot Repair This Computer Automatically" with the following problem details:

Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 52
Problem Signature 05: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 06: 1
Problem Signature 07: BadPatch
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

It says that the root cause found is "A patch is preventing the system from starting" Error code = 0x490.

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Restoring Windows Image On Other PC?

Jan 18, 2012

we have two different PC's[PC1 and PC2](hardware totally different) PC1 After preparing all my windows 7 (installing programs, configuring them, installing updates, activating programs and so on) I make my drive C: total image back up to external hard drive. PC2 I Boot up windows 7 recovery startup and choose restore from image and then I put in external hard drive with usb and make it restored on my other computer. Everything looks fine, it finishes with no errors and then system restarts. When windows are finishing to show "Windows starting" screen, computer restarts instantly.Then system autimatically suggests me to repair it, so ok then auto repairs are scaning and guess what it can't repair, because it finds some kind of problem with drivers, could be that they are incompatible with my new to make this work, how to fix issue that old PC's drivers are being loaded, maybe I am able to turn it off so default drivers are being loaded?The reason why I want to make this work cause I want to use it for multiple computers.

Simple summary:

PC1 Windows Image backed up to external HDD
PC2 Windows Image restored from external HDD
PC2 Windows can't start because of driver error

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Windows 7 Creating Image And Restoring To Different PCs?

Oct 1, 2012

I've been placed in charge of setting up new PCs at work.These are tablet PCs and the hardware in each is identical...I've now setup one PC to function EXACTLY how I want it.My question is, what's the best way to image the entire drive and then load it onto subsequent PCs (please nothing like PXE) the restore will be done from a USB thumb drive.

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Restoring Windows 7 Image To New SSD / HDD Setup

Jan 18, 2013

My main desktop PC having HDD only setup, then I bought a Intel 320 Series 80GB SSD and migrated my system over to it using Intel's software, then made the HDD a storage drive due to limited space on my SSD. Fast forward to now. My SSD is basically dead from a firmware bug that makes data irrecoverable without some special algorithm that professional data recovery centers have. Oddly enough, it came back to life, I rebooted, imaged whole system including both drives. I had been doing this, but most recent backup was a month prior, so I stood to lose quite a bit that I had done over that month stretch. The new image went great. I was saved and so excited. Apparently that was a one and done deal, as it never has worked since then.

I intend on ordering new (bigger) SSD to replace it, keeping setup the same, as new SSD will still be too small. Now from my understanding, I can restore my image to both drives and everything will be as it it never left? Is this correct? How about things like partition alignment or special SSD configuration that I had to do some of when I first configured it as so? Is that carried over since it would be in the image or am I good to go once restore is complete? Also, in meantime, I have another SSD in box, but it is smaller. Is it worthwhile to use that temporarily, then migrate system over to new SSD when I get it? Or should I just wait until I get new SSD and restore current image to that?

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Restoring Using An Image Doesn't Work

Dec 3, 2011

1) I have a PC running Win7 with 3 HDs(not partition, different HDs).

2) I used Win7 to create an image of the OS HD( C: ) and placed it in D.

3) I used the image once or twice so I know it's a god image, and it's not corrupted.

4) Lately I've been having performence/computer-gets-stuck-issues and I suspected the HD( C: ) because my RAM is fine, and finally windows alreted my that that HD is failing.(plus, I can hear "ticks" of the HD's nittle trying to read whenever the computer got frozen for a sec or two.

5) I replaced the HD that was C: with a new one, and installed Win7 again.

6) Tried to restore using the image and the recorery system said that it needs to format the drive that it's on(makes sense) and ordered me to perform the restore through the windows installation disk,

7)I did. but I get a similiar error that ordered me to restore with an image but using a windows installation disk(and I got to this error using the instllation disk) How can I make the image work?the only problem I can see is that the image was taken off a a different HD than the on I'm trying to restore the image to,but still that's not a good reason for it not to work.

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Restoring Using An Image Doesnt Work?

Dec 3, 2011

I have a PC running Windows 7 with 3 HDs(not partition, different HDs).2) I used Windows 7 to create an image of the OS HD(C and placed it in D.3) I used the image once or twice so I know it's a god image, and it's notcorrupted.4) Lately I've been having performence/computer-gets-stuck-issues and Iuspected the HD(C because my RAM is fine, and finally windows alreted my that that HDis failing.(plus, I can hear "ticks" of the HD's nittle trying to read whenever the computer got frozen for a sec or two.5) I replaced the HD that was C: with a new one, and installed Windows 7 again.6) Tried to restore using the image and the recorery system said that it needs to formatthe drive that it's on(makes sense) and ordered me to perform the restore throughthe windows installation disk,7)I did. but I get a similiar error that ordered me to restore with an image but using a windowsinstallation disk(and I got to this error using the instllation disk)How can I make the image work?the only problem I can see is that the image was taken off a a different HD

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Restoring Win7_64 Image (across Different BIOS)?

Jan 16, 2012

I had an HP 6310y Desktop (1 TB hdd) that died as well as the mobo. Luckily, I created a system image onlu 3 days prior to the crash. I have very important data on the hdd (business, wedding photos,etc). Im about to order a new PC but in the meantime, Im trying to restore the image in order to extrapolate that important data so I can burn to CD

1) I have a Samsung RV520 (640gb). I tried to restore my image over the samsung in order to do this. However, it prompted me "The system image restore failed. Windows cannot restore a system a system image to a computer that has different firmware.*The system image was created on a computer using BIOS and the computer is using EFI."

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0xc0000225 After Restoring Image With CloneZilla

Mar 2, 2012

After successfully restoring the Windows7 image from partition 2 (/dev/sda2) to partition 1 (/dev/sda1) using Clonezilla, Windows7 is no longer able to boot and displays the following error messages:

Quote: Windows Boot Manager

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.

[...] Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible To solve this particular issue, I rebooted with the Windows7 DVD and hit Repair... which didn't work. But even if it did, I can't do this every time I restore an image to test. Note that I used the same laptop to save and restore the partition, so it's not HAL-related.

Here's what the Repair screen says (poor man's screenshots): Attachment 201071 Does someone know what can be the cause for this error, and what can be done before saving and/or restoring an image with Clonezilla?

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Restoring From Recovery Image File

Oct 22, 2012

I just purchased an Asus X54C laptop that came with 7-64bt, the first thing I did was run the backup/restore and created a system image roughly 24gb in size on my logical partition of the HD.

I then installed the customer preview of Windows 8, which I was under the impression defaulted a dual-boot setup as long as you have Windows 7 and choose to keep all of your existing data, which I did.

Long story short, my Asus didn't come with the restore media, which I guess a lot of laptops don't come with. So, I was able to get a copy of Windows 7 so I can at least install over my Windows 8 so I can then start over with my backup that I created.

The version of Windows 7 is x86, but my backup is x64, I restarted into the restore screen and was shown that yes I have the image for the C drive, but I cannot restore for some reason.

Do I need to be on Windows 7 x64 to use my restore image?

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Restoring Factory Image In Dell Laptop

Jan 14, 2011

I have got Dell Studio 1558 Laptop. When I received my laptop, the full 480 GB was in a single drive and using device manager i splitted into 3 drives. Now, if I use Dell Restore to factory image option should it have some effect as the original c drive when shipped is currently less. Just want to know this as I will be using this feature.

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How To Restoring-factory-image-dell-laptop

Oct 22, 2012

i have my restore data on my laptop but i dont have data restore software so

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Dell Laptop Trouble Restoring To Factory Image

Jun 20, 2012

Ive owned a dell studio 1558 laptop for almost 2 years now and have recently been experiencing some overheating issues, among my many solutions "new thermal paste, cleaning the inside" and a virus scan using Avast, which discovered a four digit number of corrupted files followed by their deletion and subsequent problems due to now missing some .dll files making me unable to run anything or access the internet. Ive decided I should restore the laptop to its factory settings which I believe I have done before. The problem now is that once I reach the Advance boot menu using F8, I press enter on the "repair your computer" option which is followed by a bar saying windows is loading files, lasting one second, and then windows loads up and nothing changed.

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Error After System Restoring - Windows Couldn't Complete Installation

Dec 25, 2011

Recently I went to restore my netbook-Acer Aspire One Happy 2. Well I clicked save user data to C: drive, for me a first time user of a netbook...didn't know that if I clicked that and was using a different windows 7 edition from the OEM. That a different windows 7 edition data couldn't be saved. Now, whenever I boot up my netbook, windows will try to install on my computer but gives error:

Error message: Windows couldn't complete installation. To install windows, restart the installation.

System Specifications:
Pre-load: Windows 7 starter
Os using before system restore: Windows 7 Professional
CPU:Intel atom N570 @ 1.66ghz
Graphics card: Intel Gma 3150

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Restoring Windows 7 By The System Restore, It Say's It Was Disabled For Security Reason?

Nov 15, 2011

When i try restoring my win 7 (ultimate 32bit) by the system restore, it say's it was disabied for security reason. i re-enabled it, (with or without creating restore point), and after some days its disabled again.

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Restoring Old Files With System Restore?

Dec 16, 2011

I recently lost some files, so I did a system restore to a date that the files were intact to retrieve them. However, while the programs on the computer are now correctly set back to the system restore date, the files in question are still missing (at least partially). I'm curious is there exists a way to restore not the applications and system settings, but simply to restore old files, or if it's too late at this point. I suspect if I went to a professional they would be able to work some magic to restore the actual files, but it wouldn't be a standard procedure, and I don't have the funds right now to do so.

In more detail: I had XAMPP installed so I could do local testing before putting websites I was working on online. As such, the folder in which I kept all my local data for web development work was within XAMPP's 'htdocs' folder, which is where the local files needed to be stored so that apache and php could utilize them. However, since the install of XAMPP, i'd been having issues getting Apache to run - it worked occasionally, but would usually quit after a second of running each time I started it (that's a whole other issue though). In any case, because I couldn't figure out why Apache wasn't working in my XAMPP install, I decided, 'screw it, I'll give WampServer a try instead, and proceeded to uninstall XAMPP then restart the computer to get a clean slate before installing WAMP. Of course, I foolishly spaced the fact that all my local web development files were stored in the XAMPP files, and they were all deleted during the uninstall. So I proceeded to do a system restore to about 24 hours ago (the most recent system restore point). It seemed fine at first, until I tried to get my old web dev files back: I went to the htdocs folder in my now-restored XAMPP folder, but the old files were not intact! It seems that while XAMPP is back on my computer, all the files that were deleted during the initial uninstall were not restored. Specifically, and I can't for the life of me figure out why this would be, but the only parts that remained were the file structure (all the old folders where there, but not many of the files within them), Javascript files, and favicon image files. Everything else is still missing.

is there a way, within windows, to actually restore all those old files? Or due to the sequence in which the uninstall of XAMPP then the restore went, is it too late?

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Restoring Computer Through System Imagine?

Sep 28, 2012

I've backed up my computer using macrium using system imagine how do I restore my computer bk to that cos I've saved it onto a external hd as I've got no DVDs or CDs and I tried doing it through macrium and it said it couldn't because its on a external hd so I copied it to the desktop and still no joy?

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Restoring System Images On My OCZ Vertex SSD

Mar 30, 2012

Earlier today I tried to restore a windows system image to my 120 Gb OCZ Vertex III SSD. The restore process started with no problems, but stopped after a few seconds and would go no further. So then, I decided to try another image I had created with Easeus Todo Backup and the same thing happened. The restore process started and then suddenly stopped. I thought about it for a while and decided to try to Clean All command in Diskpart to wipe the disk and start over. When the disk was successfully wiped I started the restore process once again and it worked like a charm. Since I was concerned about the system restore not working the first time, I decided to see if I could restore the image from Easesus Todo Backup, but once again, the restore started, but then stopped and when I tried the windows system image again, the same thing happened. The only way I seem to be able to get an image to restore on my SSD is to wipe it first. This has never been the case with my hard drives and I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this problem with SSD's, and if there was a solution for it.

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Restoring System Backup To New Hardware

Nov 5, 2012

Sandy did damage my computer, either the MB or the CPU (Intel i5-760) is fried. At this point, it is not known, if my drives bit the dust as well. There are backups on the external drive, both Windows and Macrium images.The system being built has different MB and Intel i5-3350P CPU. This is an "unplanned" system hardware update and no preparation had been made for the Windows 7 drive for the migration.

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Accessing Users After Restoring Old Backup To New System

Nov 30, 2012

My laptop was stolen recently. However, I was lucky to have a back up (old, really old) that I can use to recover at least some of my data.I now have a new laptop and I restored the backup on it. However, I created a user name different from the two that are on the backup. If I now create the two users, will they automatically be linked to the files that were restored? Alternatively, is there a way to link all files to the new username?

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Restoring System From Scratch - Process Stuck

Sep 27, 2011

System restore process is "stuck"
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64

I am using the proprietary restore software to (try) to reload the OS back to factory condition. I have tried several times to fix it, each time with no success. I have already written zeros to every sector of the HDD, so I'm trying to start from scratch. The restore disk/process takes place over three disks I had to create as soon as I got the laptop. The first disk went through fine, and now the second disk is in, with the percentage stuck up at 24%. It got there fairly quickly, but it's been stuck like this for at least an hour now. I'm tempted to wipe the disk again, but I'm hesitating because the HDD light is on and I can hear the DVD drive doing something, though I'm not sure what.

The loading bar/progress bar isn't budging, but the green background of it is changing color (like it does when something is going on.) It is sending me no error messages, and I'm just wondering if I should let it keep going or do it some other way. When I insert the first disk, there are two options to boot from, either the "VAIO care rescue," which is what I'm doing now (I selected the restore option in its menu) or you can choose "Windows 7 install" or something along those lines, I tried that but there didn't appear to be any option to actually install under there, since it didn't detect any "images" on any drives. Regardless, I need to get this thing up and running.

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System Image On System Restore Disk Not Reading After Crash?

Oct 2, 2012

Using preinstalled Win 7 Home Premium 64bit on an HP 6813w Pavilion. The original hard drive, a Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 1Tb crashed.1) System Recovery discs was made along with a System Recovery with System Image disc.2) A more current System Image was made on an external hard drive.The Hitachi was replaced with the same model. Checked bios to make sure it was installed correctly.Under System Recovery, Image Restore, Select a System Image Backup there is nothing in the table to choose from as far as a source (disc drive or external drive).A) System Recovery (3 discs) has the HP preinstall file folder on the 3rd disc but is not read by the System Recovery program.B) Under System Restore, Image Restore, Advanced, it asks for a network or driver to be installed. That opens up the directory of C: which is the external hard drive. Under WindowsImageBackup the computer name is identified followed by three entries:[CODE]It seems to me the Recovery and System Restore discs are not functional. Am not a technical person but I have taken this as far as I know how at this point.Printed out all the instructions from HP and Microsoft to follow step by step but the failed discs will not allow me to move forward.

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How To Make A System Image For A Dual Boot System

May 8, 2012

I want to make a recovery disc to reset my entire 4 partition dual boot hard drive back to its current state. the recovery would reset both xp and win 7 which i have dual booting. can i make one single image to do this without it screwing up my boot loaders etc? what should i use? 3rd party software?

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System Image Back Up Windows 7

Feb 6, 2013

Good Evening Windows 7 64 bit Internet Explorer 9 Today I done my firstsystem back up I used the image back up because it says it copies everything insystem including program and drivers. My C drive is 500 GB. I am backing up to aninternal hard drive. I had 170 GB to be copied but when it finished it onlyshows to be 43 GB. On the hard drive also when I put the backup DVD disk in therom and go to properties it shows ZERO on the disk. You can look at the backside of the disk and tell something has been copied to it can someone explainto me where I went wrong. I am using an internal 1 TB hard drive to back up to.If the 43GB back up is correct how you can verify that it has copied all 170GB. According to Windows help section you need a hard drive of at least thesize of your original C drive.

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Windows 7 System Image Restore?

Jan 14, 2011

Been awhile since I've been around here. I'm stuck with a new problem. My desktop's OS hard drive crashed/is crashing. After testing several pieces of hardware and reseating numerous items, I got lucky and was able to boot into safe mode, once. My event viewer is full of disk errors. Pages and pages of disk errors. *Side note: Sure would've been nice if Windows would have said something */End Side note* So I have a Windows System Image and Windows Backup on a secondary drive that appears healthy. But I'm just curious what I'm looking at when my new hard drive gets here.Has anyone ever used the Windows 7 Image Backup/Restore utility? Can you use the image on a different hard drive or just when repairing the original? Will my programs be saved or just data? Just curious questions. All of my Google searches are bringing up reviews about the utility from the Win 7 RC days so I'm not real sure what I'm getting myself into here.

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Windows 7 System Image Option?

Feb 9, 2011

After installing Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits, I used the option "system image" from Windows. It burned some folders and files on a DVD. Then I begun with try/error to install older software and hardware on Windows 7 or on XP mode to have an idea how this works. Now my windows is a mess. I would like to restore that image to my HD and install only the software/hardware that I learned, will work. Does it work like the Partition Images made with Symantec Ghost or Acronis True Image?

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Windows 7 System Image Restore?

May 15, 2012

i have recently taken a system image of my entire system,using Windows own.Ä° would like to hear from anybody here,who has done,the same,AND restored the image successfully

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How To Do System Image Recovery In Windows 7

Feb 22, 2013

I have a Dell XPS 17 laptop that has dual drives - c & d.The c drive crashed and was replaced by dell.We are now trying to do a system image recovery from the d drive.We are following How to do a System Image Recovery in Window7 from seven Selecting the System Image from the D Drive (STEP TWO, # 5 and 6), the computer prompts to create a repair disk.The only way to move forward is to create or not create the disk.In either case, it then has you restart the machine, takes you through the process again.. Step 5/6.Never gets to Step 7 to actually DO the System Recover.

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Windows System Image Backup

Apr 8, 2012

I am going to upgrade to Windows 8 Consumer Preview, so before doing so I backed up Windows 7 as a system image to my external hard drive. In doing so, I forgot that a system image includes all the files on the drive, which means it backed up about 700 GB worth of data. That's OK except I already had those files backed up individually, so now my external drive is basically out of space for future use. Instead, what I'd like to do, is do a system image of factory state without having to lose the files already on my drive. Is that possible? I could always go back to factory condition, and save the system image, but then I'd have to re-add all my programs and files after I get the Windows 8 upgrade completed. I'd rather not have to do that unless it's an emergency.

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