Restore Cannot Validate Zip File, 0x8100001A?

May 6, 2012

I am trying to restore several folders from a backup on an external hard drive. The backup file appears to be empty (0 bytes), but I am certain it is not. When I try to restore some of the folders I get the following error: > Restore encountered a problem while validating the zip file:\?Volume{0f497a5d......435}XXXXBackup Set 2011-12-12 175633Backup Files 2011-12-12 175633Backup files 239.zipThe following informati The backup file could not be found. Make sure the drive that the backup is saved on is attached or try to restore from a different backup. (0x8100001A)Strangely, I am not even interested in restoring from the backup in the error message, only from my most recent one (2012-05-04).I have not moved the location of the backup, so the additional/hidden files should still be on the external drive as far as I know

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Restore Error 0x8100001A

Jun 20, 2012

After a successful factory recovery, I tried to restore my backup got this error: Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

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Windows 7 Suddenly Not Authentic And Won't Validate

Sep 4, 2011

I have been running Windows 7 for 3 months with no problem. When installed it was validated but suddenly yesterday I began getting notifiations that "Windows 7 is not genuine".

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Re-validate Windows 7 After Replacing Motherboard?

Oct 23, 2011

I have just replaced my motherboard after the original was fried by a lightning strike. I'm thrilled that the computer now is working (I'm not a computer geek so replacing the motherboard successfully was a major triumph for me). However, now I am getting messages that I cannot use Windows update since my Windows 7 does not pass the validation test. I went to the Microsoft site and downloaded software to test the validity of my operating system and (hopefully) reregister it, but was unable to. I have the product key for the software but the Microsoft program doesn't even ask for me to reenter it. How do I re-validate my operating system without having to purchase or reinstall the software?

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How To Validate Security Code In Yahoo

Oct 25, 2011

how to validate security code in yahoo

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How To Validate Security Code In Yahoo

Nov 23, 2011

How to validate security code in yahoo

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How To Validate Security Code In Yahoo

Dec 14, 2011

yahoo wont let me access my email, their is a caps lock, dont know what my security code is or what my id is i thought it was my email address

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Activate & Validate Windows 7 Using Small Manufacturer's COA?

Nov 27, 2011

How do I activate & validate Windows 7 using small manufacturer's COA?The COA is 14 digits as opposed to Microsoft's 25 digit product key. When I try entering this code it is immediately rejected.

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New Dell Inspiron, Activates, Won't Validate To Download From MS

Dec 3, 2012

New Dell from Dell. I log into MS and activate Windows 7 sp1. I try to download the MSR Profile tool from Download WSRProfile from Official Microsoft Download Center I hit "continue", takes me to Genuine W Validation page at Genuine Windows Validation -Microsoft Download Center I hit "continue", "genuinecheck.exe" downloads, I run it. Window pops up, ~"Code not available. May be due to tech difficulties, or you may be running an unsupported OS. Close and try again. error code 0x80072f07." Search shows error code 0x80072f07 is windows mobile version 5 code message"Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later." Troubleshooting info. is "This error code is an Internet error that is typically temporary. Try to synchronize again later."

Search shows this error code is common with Dell machines trying to validate when downloading windows updates. This error code is related to security Active Sync used with Windows Mobile device security. But search shows many inquiries to Dell and MS about this code are from users NOT on mobile devices. The Inspiron is in my home on 4G LTE dedicated wireless connection from local broadband provider. Roommate's new HP Windows 7 sp1 laptop DOES validate, no problem, sitting right next to my machine on same 4G LTE connection.I have tried the validation procedure, both the "auto" method and alternate manual method on IE, FF, and Chrome, many times. Always -> same error.However, automatic windows updates download and install flawlessly on my Dell (validation not required) x 20 at least... BTW, I am not running an unsupported OS. This most recent version of MSR Profile tool that I am trying to download doesn't seem to be available from any other source than MS.Yes, I can upload MSR Profile tool from roommate's HP to thumb drive, and then download it from thumb drive to my Dell, but issue remains - and will come up again - downloading from MS when pre-validation is required, but fails, and download is blocked.

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File Extension Restore

Oct 23, 2011

I was trying to open a .lnk file and when I when to open it I clicked open in PDF file format. All my icons on my desktop turned into PDF files and I couldn't even open Firefox or Yahoo communicator because it was in the wrong format. I tried to follow some help and download and merge the .reg fix. I have tried different things and restarted my PC many times. All the icons look like the .reg building blocks now and I can not restore the icons like before.

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Can't Restore Default Program For RAR File

Oct 20, 2011

I changed the default program used to open RAR files from 7Zip to Windows Explorer, and now I can't change it back, When I right-click on a RAR file and click Properties, the "Change..." option isn't there to the right of "Opens with:" And when I go to Start > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program, RAR files don't appear in the list.

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How To Restore Dell With Factory.wim File

Feb 12, 2011

I have a Dell 580 MT, Windows 7 Home x64. I want to restore factory image, but can't because original MBR was overwritten a while back.The factory. wim file is in the Dell/Image folder of Recovery partition, but there's no tools folder, so I can't use the "imagex /apply d:dellimagefactory.wim 1 c:" I also created a WAIK v. 2.0 disk with the KB3AIK_EN.iso image on it.

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Missing DLL File - Can't Get Image To Restore

Mar 16, 2012

I am Last night when I get home go to start computer and there is a error about missing dll file, then aas I click the error more missing file errors keep coming up, gets progressively worse until PC does not start windows. Ok, that's cool, I have backup and disk image on another drive in computer, no problem right, WRONG!!!

So pop in the windows 7 disk, go to restore disk image, error!!! Got a few errors while trying once I got one when I checked of not to include one of the disk, the one I keep getting is that there is not enough space on drive for restore. Now the disk the image is on is 150 GB, the disk trying to put it on is 500 GB, so why the problem???

So keep searching on my laptop and find a suggestion to do diskpart-clean. Go through every suggestion I found to use diskpart such as clean. Still not working. I install Windows 7 on the drive which works, install backup files and is there. But I want the image to restore. So in the new install I cant get it to do a image restore, so I try from Windows 7 CD again, Fail.

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Restore .cfg To Default File Association?

Feb 2, 2012

have a .cfg file on my pc and i opened it with notepad but now its stuck to always opening with notepad. how do i turn it back to the unknown program as its default?

windows 7 x64 tried the program called unassoc_1_4, but didn't help sadly

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Restore Overwritten Text File?

Jun 20, 2012

my 1 wordpad file in 150 pages but some prblm and my file is blank & i not sin n save the file.

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System Restore Failing To Extract A File?

Jul 4, 2012

A few months ago I went on a rampage (stupidly) trying to get rid of TuneUp Utilities. I'm not sure but I believe it was during some registry cleaning-up that I must have screwed something up.Ever since my System Restore hasn't worked right, I've not bee able to have a successful system restore since.Wasn't an issue until now when I very much want to restore. (I uninstalled Steam and I'm hoping a restore will reverse that so I don't have to download my game library again.)I tried to restore to a point created yesterday and got teh same error I've been getting:Quote:"System Restore failed to extract the file(C:$Extend$RmMetadata$Txf) from the restore point. An unspecified error occurred during system restore.(0x80070005)" I've been trying to research the problem but have heard everything from "It's Norton!" (I do not run Norton nor have I ever) to "Unplug all your USB devices" to "Your accout doesn't have proper permissions."Does anyone know what this actually is and if it's fixable without formatting the system?

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System Restore File Size Balloons To 2+ GB

Nov 3, 2009

Upgraded from XP a week ago and now playing with 7 for the first time. I pulled the trigger completely so no going back. So far, I really like it, but need to get more comfortable with it.

Problem is my system restore points are ballooning and squeezing out old restore points. Example: I had roughly 10 points after manually creating each one when I was doing my initial software installs. A day later, I looked and they were all gone except for 1 point which had ballooned to fit my entire allocation (2 or 3%) at the time. So this 1 point killed all my previous 9 points. And I can't understand how this happened.

So I upped system restore to 7%/10GB to test what's going on, and now I'm consistently seeing 2GB sized restore points vs. a couple hundred megs which is what I expect.

The thing I can't abide is my restore points getting squeezed out for new ones. Maybe 1 or 2, but not all of them for a single massive one that's auto generated by the system.

EDIT: I've just confirmed that my system restore function is actually fluid...the restore points grow. I turned off restore, deleted all points, and rebooted. Then I manually created a single, new point as a baseline. It started out as 50 MB. And continues to grow, even as I check mail or open up my browser. Now that same single restore point is 94 MB.

So I can understand why I developed huge restore points, especially as I was playing around with 7, installing things, etc. The problem continues to be that a) the individual restore point files can grow to be huge (2+ GB), and b) the huge files push out old restore points.

I'm curious if this is by design or an actual flaw. I don't want my restore points to grow or be fluid. I want them to be a snapshot in time that I can revert back to in case I mess things up. Gold star to anyone that can turn the "fluidity" off.

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Default File Type Associations - Restore

Aug 4, 2009

Restore Default Windows 7 File Extension Type Associations.

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Restore Zip File Download Function To Open Zip Attachments?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm not computer savvy but I can follow directions pretty well. Recently, I've discovered I cannot open any Zip files from my computer. I get an Adobe Acrobat error message saying I cannot open file because it is either not supported or file is damaged. This message comes up every time I try to open a zip file, no matter the source. I suspect it may be a default association problem based on the research I have done but I don't know how to correct the issue. As I said, I don't know a lot about operating systems.

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Restore Default Permissions On Folder, And Subfolders And File?

Mar 14, 2011

i have a folder on my external drive with lots of subfolders and files inside ful of work i need to get at. but for some reason all of the permissions on that folder and its subfiles are denying me access. i can see the files and folders but i cannot open the files. i can go into every folder but again i just cannot to open any file.

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Recover Lost File After Hard Disk Restore/crash?

Mar 16, 2012

Had a power failure during a recovery of an Acronis backup on my C: drive. It seems it happened while Acronis just started loading the backup files? When I restarted the Samsung Laptop local drive C: did not appear in Explorer. Only drive D: and my DVD drive E: appeared (C an D are partitions on the same hard disk). The recovery software was on a hidden partition but when trying to use the Samsung Recovery facility it say Drive C: not found.After trying out suggestions found on the internet I only managed to screw everything up resulting in also loosing the D: drive containing my Acronis backup. The laptop did not start at all. I at last managed to get it going after installing Windows 7 again and I then sit with only C System Disk, D System reserved and E: DVD drive at that point.Foolishly I shrinked the system disk C and created a data disk. That disk is now Data Disk F. and not D as original.The Acronis backup containing all my files and data was on the original Data Disk D:I have used various free software to try and find that specific file. But they all search by drive and the missing file must be somewhere on the disk either as lost or wrong drive letter or something.

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User Sets File Association And Now System Restore Does Not Work

Aug 13, 2012

On a brand new laptop the user copied some word files over, and they opened on the new computer just fine. Then they copied some more .doc files and they could not open them, so (they claim) they choose word as the default file association (which is fine, except it should not have prompted for that in the first place). After that all the word document shortcuts they created on the desktop changed to a shortcut with IE's 'e' symbol - clicking them flashes up a screen that instantly goes away (ie I assume) and ie's download file dialog then opens. Further, an attempt to open ie acts the same way. Worse, running system restore does the same thing - flash, then ie files downloaded dialog - asking if I want to open one of the files listed (which are the .lnk files to the word documents on the desktop). So short of doing a full system restore, and also short of manually copying the registry files from the last restore point (which I'm not sure is even possible on a windows 7 drive) what can I do to resolve this mess?

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All File Associations Corrupted For Windows 7 Account - System Restore?

Jan 20, 2013

Windows 7 Pro 64 SP1. He has 2 accounts on his PC (administrator, and 'user'). Both have admin privileges. When he logged in this morning using his user account, the file associations for all applications appear to have been corrupted. In his user account, all programs launch with the IE download manager which gives me an option to run or save. When 'run' is selected from IR download manager, a window quickly flashes on the screen and closes. I am unable to run any application including windows explorer, regedit, cmd, etc, including system restore.

He has Symantec Endpoint which also launched in IE download manager. My friend does not recall installing anything recently. I tried booting in safe mode and logging into the user account and the behavior is exactly the same. When I log in using the admin account (in regular mode) everything seems to be fine. The system restore option is available as are all the file associations. A Symantec scan using the admin account shows nothing other than a single tracking cookie. The only thing I can think of doing is a system restore from the admin account but thought I'd post this to the group to see if there was something else I should try first.

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Corrup File On C Drive / Then Error Message Saying Need To Restore My Computer

Dec 2, 2011

My son turned on his computer and it stated that he has "corrupt files on the "c" drive and needs to check for consistency". When it checks, an error occurs it says bc of a "recently installed program" and "needs to restore" his computer. It then goes to a black screen with only the mouse visible. He re-started in safe mode and tried to restore and it goes to the original message that he has corrupt file son the "c " drive.

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Toshiba Satellite C650 Factory Restore File Download?

Mar 11, 2012

How can I make restorable file from recovery file

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Restore System Settings And Previous Versions Of File Option Grayed Out

Nov 30, 2012

Restore system settings and previous versions of file is greyed out on my system, I may have disabled a required service for this. As I'm about to try the X-Fi MB2 mod again as the last time I tried it my system was messed up that it wont even recognize my actual X-Fi card properly. So I'm thinking a system restore can work with this experiment.

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Windows 7 Backup And Restore Utility - Will Data Appear In Encoded File Format?

Jan 4, 2013

I want to backup my PC's data files to an external HD using Windows 7 backup & restore utility. If I use the recommended default option that also includes a back mirror of Windows 7 will the PC automatically backup only New data since the backup at the scheduled option chosen? Will the backed up files on the backup drive appear as windows file folders (My Pictures, My Documents etc.) or be in an encoded file format?

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System Restore Will Not Create A Restore Point Or Restore To A Previous Date & Time

Apr 10, 2012

System Restore will not create a restore point or restore to a previous date & time.The error message was: A restore point could not be created: An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Server (VSS).The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System Sevice and the VSS service are running & check for associated errors in the event logs (0x80042318).Volume Shadow Copy is started & running (done in system events).Event System Sevice and the VSS service are started and running. But no cigar, SR still broken.

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.VHD File Copied From Bad 1.5 TB Drive, Can Restore To 1TB Drive

Sep 20, 2012

I was lucky to grab a recent image backup from a failing 1.5 TB drive. Can I restore it to a smaller drive if the available space on the original drive was well below 1TB?This is the first time ive had to work with this particular image file. I have restored from backups before, just not this type of image.

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Administraor Access Denied Lost All Restore Points Message Says No Restore Point?

Apr 28, 2012

I wouldn't go so far to say, I'm totally computer illiterate, but not far from it.. If there's anyone out there, who's up for a challenge I'm running windows 7. I am the administrator. Someone I don't trust at all, used my PC a while back. After he (did whatever he did) I noticed I couldn't access several files. I get a "access denied" or you don't have permission to view this file, owner info etc.. I can see a lot of the files, but their either empty now or I can't view them. I have used restore many times in the past, but now I get a message " no restore points".. I don't know what he did, or if he did anything.. It could be one of my kids changed properties by mistake, before I wised up and created a basic user acct w/ limited access for them.. I almost forgot. When I go into file properties there is a red x by my user name (administrator) Not in every property, but several.. Sometimes there is a red x by other user names, as well, but mostly mine.

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Restore A User Account In Windows 7 And Restore Lost Files And Folders?

Oct 27, 2012

I have lost my user account and folders and files, music and pictures . I have tried system restore but no success.

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